URLSearchParams with multiple values - javascript

I have multiples URLSearchParams created from object mainly because it's lighter to write and to read but for some of them, I need multiple values for a "variable" like this : foo=bar&foo=baz.
For now I do it with .append but it's heavy to read having multiple lines pretty identical.
Is there a way to do it from the constructor, with an object ?
let params;
// Currently used (and working) code
params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append("foo", "bar");
params.append("foo", "baz");
console.log(params.toString()); //Wanted result but heavy to read with more values
// Wanted code (but not the wanted result for now)
params = new URLSearchParams({
"foo": ["bar", "baz"]
params = new URLSearchParams({
"foo": "bar",
"foo": "baz"

The URLSearchParams can takes an init value as argument for its constructor containing the following:
One of:
A string, which will be parsed from application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. A leading '?' character
is ignored.
A literal sequence of name-value string pairs, or any object — such as a FormData object — with an iterator that produces a sequence of
string pairs. Note that File entries will be serialized as [object File] rather than as their filename (as they would in an
application/x-www-form-urlencoded form).
A record of string keys and string values.
In your case the second one seems to work the best and can be done like this:
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams([['foo', 'bar'],['foo', 'baz'],['foo', 'qux']])
If you want to deal with objects, you can create your own structure and use a function to create the wanted data
For example :
const params = [
{name: "foo", values: ["bar", "baz", "qux"]},
{name: "bar", values: ["foo", "foo2", "foo3"]},
const initParams = (params) => params.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const arr = curr.values.map(x => [curr.name, x])
return acc.concat(arr)
}, [])
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(initParams(params))

I would introduce a function to build the thing you need (URLSearchParams) from the structure you want (an object containing strings or arrays of strings), pushing the "heavy" details down below an interface you own. A simple implementation would just use .append as appropriate:
// For TypeScript (e.g. Angular) users:
// function createSearchParams(params: { [key: string]: string | string[] }): URLSearchParams {
function createSearchParams(params) {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, values]) => {
if (Array.isArray(values)) {
values.forEach((value) => {
searchParams.append(key, value);
} else {
searchParams.append(key, values);
return searchParams;
foo: ["bar", "baz"],
hello: "world",
This provides an abstraction, so if you decide you'd rather use the init approach under the hood, you can do so, e.g.:
function createSearchParams(params) {
return new URLSearchParams(Object.entries(params).flatMap(([key, values]) => Array.isArray(values) ? values.map((value) => [key, value]) : [[key, values]]));
foo: ["bar", "baz"],
hello: "world",
All of your tests will continue to pass, you don't have to change the consuming code. This is much neater than defining a function to convert the structure you want to the thing URLSearchParams needs, as shown in RenaudC5's answer.

console.log('' + new URLSearchParams(['bar', 'baz', 'qux'].map(v=>['foo', v])))


Can i spread an Array of parameter names into a function declaration

I have an object which returns,
This object is subject to change as it is gathered from an embedded device.
im trying to convert this into an object with callable functions i.e.
let myObj = {
getSpeed: function(distance, time){
/* do something (this is irrelevant) */
getTime: function(speed, distance){
/* do something (again not relevant) */
is there any way to map an array of strings to function parameters when mapping over an array?
According to your comments it appears you want to create functions from this definition which send commands with a function-call-like string which is evaled on the other side, and you don't actually care about the paramater names but rather about the correct number of parameters.
I would therefore recommend something like this:
const myObj = Object.fromEntries(data.map(({ name, params }) => [
(...args) => {
if (args.length !== params.length) {
throw new TypeError(`${name} expected ${params.length} arguments, got ${args.length}`)
this.UART.write(`${name}(${args.map(arg => JSON.stringify(arg)).join(',')})`)
This will work with all the datatypes that JSON supports, and will as a side effect also pass undefined as argument correctly.
Here is a runnable example with console.log instead of this.UART.write:
const data = [
name: "getSpeed",
params: ["distance", "time"]
name: "getTime",
params: ["speed", "distance"]
const myObj = Object.fromEntries(data.map(({ name, params }) => [
(...args) => {
if (args.length !== params.length) {
throw new TypeError(`${name} expected ${params.length} arguments, got ${args.length}`)
console.log(`${name}(${args.map(arg => JSON.stringify(arg)).join(',')})`)
myObj.getSpeed(123, 456) // prints `getSpeed(123,456)`
myObj.getTime(123, 456) // prints `getTime(123,456)`
myObj.getTime("hello", true) // prints `getTime("hello",true)`
myObj.getTime(1) // throws `getTime expected 2 arguments, got 1`
However, as you said yourself, the whole eval business is not ideal anyway. I would recommend - if possible - to reconsider the protocol to use something more secure and robust like gRPC or, one layer below, protocol buffers. Given that you are using JavaScript on both ends, JSON-RPC could also be a nice solution.

How to create a Javascript object from an array of known keys, but with the values initialized to null?

I have a JS object from which I will extract an array of keys (using Object.keys()) and then I want to use those same keys to create a different object, but this time with its values initialized to null.
In Python, I would do something like:
list_of_keys = ["key_1", "key_2"]
# The * unpacks the list, could be thought as a JS spread operator
new_dict = dict.fromkeys(*list_of_keys)
And I would retrieve a new dictionary with all its values initialized to None as a default.
I don't seem to find a similar property or method in Javascript, however.
EDIT: If using ESLint, #CerebralFart answer (the for... of...) might trigger a complaint from the linter. It can be addressed here.
There's no need to make this more complicated than a simple for loop:
const object = { key_1: 'value_1', key_2: 'value_2', key_3: 'value_3' };
const newObject = {};
for (const key in object) {
newObject[key] = null
Or, if you only have the keys
const keys = ['key_1', 'key_2', 'key_3'];
const newObject = {};
for (const key of keys) {
newObject[key] = null
ETA: You could also use Object.fromEntries with some mapping. Depending on what you want to do with the object, this may be marginally faster.
const object = { key_1: 'value_1', key_2: 'value_2', key_3: 'value_3' };
const newObject = Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(object).map(key => [key, null]));
You can use reduce method to do it:
const object = { key_1: 'value_1', key_2: 'value_2', key_3: 'value_3' };
const new_object = Object.keys(object).reduce((accumulator, currentValue)=> {
accumulator[currentValue] = null;
return accumulator;
}, {});

Can the props in a destructuring assignment be transformed in place?

This works…
const { prop1:val1, prop2:val2 ) = req.query
val1 = val1.toLowerCase()
Though, I'm more inclined to do something like
const { prop1.toLowerCase():val1, prop2:val2 } = req.query
const { prop1:val1.toLowerCase(), prop2:val2 } = req.query
neither of which work. Is there a syntax similar to this or must manipulations be done outside of the destructing assignment?
No, this is not possible. A destructuring assignment does only assign, it does not do arbitrary transformations on the value. (Setters are an exception, but they would only complicate this).
I would recommend to write
const { prop1, prop2:val2 ) = req.query;
const val1 = prop1.toLowerCase();
or, in one statement:
const { prop1, prop2:val2 ) = req.query, val1 = prop1.toLowerCase();
The trouble with the temporary variable solutions is that they introduce different versions of the same data into the scope, which can lead to bugs.
This solution creates a utility function that receives the object to be destructured as well as a second object that is a mapping of property names to transformation functions. It's a little more verbose, but does the trick.
// Utility functions to perform specified transformations on an object
function transformProps(obj, trans) {
return Object.assign({}, obj, ...Object.entries(trans).map(([prop, fn]) =>
prop in obj ? {[prop]: fn(obj[prop])} : null
const { prop1:val1, prop2:val2 } = transformProps(
{prop1: "FOO", prop2: "BAR"},
{prop1: v => v.toLowerCase()} // Transformations to be made
console.log(val1, val2);

Parsing structured data in a functional way (e.g. without mutating)

Imagine you have the following data in a file:
It's easy to write a "parser" which loops through the file line-by-line, remembering the current Group (in a variable) and then writing all the Things to an object, neatly grouped by their respective group:
// Very naive implementation for illustrative purposes only
let groups = {}
let currentGroup = null
.forEach(entry => {
const matches = entry.match(/^(Group\d+)$/)
if (matches) {
currentGroup = matches[1]
groups[currentGroup] = []
} else {
which gives me:
Group1: [
'Thing1', 'Thing2'
Group2: [
'Thing1', 'Thing2', 'Thing3'
What's the best way to achieve this without mutating groups and currentGroup, in a purely functional way? Do I need to take a harder look at Array.reduce, because I've seen some (IMHO rather mind-boggling) use-cases to transform an Array into an Object, or is that not going to help here?
Yes, you'd want to use reduce here:
.reduce(({groups, currentGroup}, entry) => {
const matches = entry.match(/^(Group\d+)$/)
if (matches) {
groups[matches[1]] = []
return {currentGroup: matches[1], groups};
} else {
groups[currentGroup] = groups[currentGroup].concat([entry.trim()]);
return {currentGroup, groups};
}, {groups: {}, currentGroup: null})
However, there is no reasonable way in JS to create a map object without mutation. As long as you keep your property assignments local, there's nothing wrong with that.

Data loss in Node.js child process

I'm trying to send data (as an object) to a child process in Node.js, however, all of my regular expressions get lost in transfer.
var arguments = {
something: {
name: 'test',
age: 28,
active; true
otherThing: 'some string',
regex: /test/i,
regex2: new RegExp('test')
var child = cp.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'child.js'));
child.on('message', function (data) {
In the child.js file I have this at the top:
process.on('message', function () {
console.log(arguments); // This is where the data has changed
When the log is output from the child process the arguments object instead looks like this:
something: {
name: 'test',
age: 28,
active: true
otherThing: 'some string',
regex: {},
regex2: {}
So far unable to find anything elsewhere about why this may be happening, any ideas?
Because they are completely separate JavaScript processes, you can't send objects. When you pass an object, it gets serialized to JSON and parsed by the child. (See the docs.)
JSON does not support serializing regex objects. (Try putting JSON.stringify(/abc/) through your console -- you get back "{}".)
To include regexes in a JSON object, you can use the json-fn module. It supports serializing functions, dates, and regexes. (It was actually thanks to an issue i raised that they added regex support. :))
You could then do something like:
var JSONfn = require('json-fn');
var arguments = {
something: {
name: 'test',
age: 28,
active; true
otherThing: 'some string',
regex: /test/i,
regex2: new RegExp('test')
var child = cp.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'child.js'));
var JSONfn = require('json-fn');
process.on('message', function (data) {
console.log(JSONfn.parse(data))); // This is where the data has changed
You can store the regex as a string like
myRegex.string = "/test/";
myRegex.modif = "i";
Send it to child and then use it like
new RegExp(myRegex.string, myRegex.modif);
I tried json-fn but Date objects stringified are not reverted back to Date. This module JSON4Process stringifies the objects' properties of type Date, RegExp, Function, Set and Map while maintaining the object as a javascript object. You don't need to stringify the whole object if you're using fork, you can directly send it.
const { fork } = require('child_process');
const JSON4Process = require('json4process');
let obj = {
date: new Date(),
regex: new RegExp(/regex/g),
func: () => console.log('func')
obj = JSON4Process.stringifyProps(obj);
const child = fork('child.js');
And then parse the properties back in the other file:
process.on('message', data => {
let obj = JSON4Process.parseProps(data);
In case you need to use spawn or exec you can just use the default JSON.stringify over the modified object with json4process:
let newObj = JSON.stringify(JSON4Process.stringifyProps(obj));
let originalObj = JSON4Process.parseProps(JSON.parse(newObj));

