Common used functions abstraction (correct structure) - javascript

I do know that there is commands.js where functions can be added that we often use but isnt it gets way to messy if we just have bunch of functions in that js file?
Lets say i have a login form and create account form, for both of them i create page objects to have all the functions there and both of those have email input field and password input field, then i obviously do not want to have two functions in both classes :
class CreateAccPage {
private enterEmail = (email: string) => {
return this;
private enterPassword = (password: string) => {
return this;
class LoginPage {
private enterEmail = (email: string) => {
return this;
private enterPassword = (password: string) => {
return this;
So my concern is having lots of functions in a single commands class which isnt nice in my opinion so what could i do ? creating parent Form class and having those functions there then inherit them or there is a better way. Thank you

You can have custom commands splitted between several independent JavaScript files, without need of class inheritance. Just remember to import those JavaScript files in Cypress's supportFile.

Cypress docs clearly states that the common functions defined in cypress/support/commands.js file can be originated something else (very similar to express.js router)
Cypress.Commands.add(name, callbackFn) - cypress
app.get('/', callbackFn) - express.js
In both use cases, you can choose to use inline implementation (as you noted - it will get very messy pretty quickly) or define your functions elsewhere and then use them as delegates. To simplify it - instead of doing this:
Cypress.Commands.add('visit page', (path) => cy.visit(path)
Do this:
/-- Http helpers file: --/
class Http {
static visit(path) {
/-- commands.js file: --/
Cypress.Commands.add('visit page', Http.visit) // delegation to your function
This way you'll be able to use function from within classes (or without - whatever suits you) and maintain your code properly as a function of time


Undertanding JavaScript methods

I am pretty new to JavaScript, coming from a Java background. I was just playing around with the NodeJS ("type": "module") Express framework but got between two types of ways for writing the methods in JS.
Below are the examples (check comments inline).
Type 1:
const method1 = () => {
const method2 = () => {
// this is not exported, so it works as a private method and won't be accessible in other JS files
// likewise there can be many other methods here
export { method1 }; // export other methods as well
Then, I can use the method1 (cannot use method2 as it is not exported) in any other JS file like below:
import { method1 } from './main.js';
Type 2:
class Main {
method1() {
#method2() {
// this is a private method, so won't be accessible outside of this class
// likewise other methods here
const main = new Main();
export default main;
Then, I can use this class instance in any other JS file like below:
import main from './main.js';
I want to know what is the difference between these two, when to use which, and which is better.
Both approaches work fine, but Type 2 is somewhat weird because you're using a class only to keep something from being exported.
Classes are usually used to group together data (properties on the instance of the class) with methods that operate on that data. For a silly example:
class NumberMultiplier {
constructor(num) {
this.num = num;
multiply(mult) {
return this.num * mult;
const n = new NumberMultiplier(5);
Above, there is data (this.num), and there's also a method that operates on the data (multiply).
But in your case, you don't look to have instance data - you only want to group functions together, there's not really a reason to use a class. You can consider defining the functions individually - as you did in the first snippet - or you could use a plain object that gets exported, with only the properties you need:
const method2 = () => {
export default {
method1() {
If you do have persistent data and want to put it on the class instance, using a class and # private methods is a possibility (creating a single instance with new and then exporting that instance is an example of a singleton).
A potential issue to be aware of is that if you use export default with an object, there's no way to extract a single property of the export when importing in a single line. That is, if you only have a default export, you can't do something like
import { method1 } from './main.js'.default;
You could only do
import theObj from './main.js';
const { method1 } = theObj;
which some would consider to look a bit ugly. Having independent named exports can make it a bit easier for the consumers of a module to import only what they need into standalone identifiers, in a single line.
Classes in JS, unlike your familiarity in Java, are rarely used when not explicitly necessary. Nevertheless, there are situations where OOP in JS could be very useful.
Basically, the first method (Type 1) is what you're going to be using/seeing 99% of the time if you're doing just general JS programming such as front-end websites or apps.
If you're i.e. making a game however, you could use OOP to have better control over the different characters/object in your game.
In terms of back-end or on an infrastructural level, it really depends. You could perfectly use classes (Type 2) if you're following the MVC design pattern, but is again optional.
In the end, it comes down to your own design choice(s). You could go for FP (T1) or OOP (T2) whenever you like in JS, although there are some 'industry standards' for certain scenarios to decide when to use which.
It actually depends on what you are exporting. The type 1 is more appropriate if you export only one or a few objects. With type 1, you can export any primitive type variables or objects and can be used straightaway in the main.js.
However, if you want to export many objects and/or variables, then type 2 makes sense. With type 2, all exports are stored in an object, so you have to access them using this object.
Performance-wise both are same.

How to create and call selectors from a separate file in Cypress?

I am new to Cypress and struggling to get it work. I need to create a file with selectors (I suppose in 'support' folder) to use them in my project file.
Here is an example
describe('Test_spec_1', () => {
it.only('Visits the site & verifies elements', () => {
Basically, I need to have all selectors in a separate file, so I can call them and update their values easily.
I have experimented a bit with export/import, but it did not work. Could't find anywhere how to use it properly. It would be great if you can give me some hints how to do it. Thank you very much.
You can create a folder called page-objects inside your integration folder. Inside that you can create one js file for each screen like login.js. Now inside that you can write your locators like:
class login {
usernameInput() {
return cy.get('[type=text]')
passwordInput() {
return cy.get('[type=password]')
submitButton() {
return cy.get('[type=submit]')
export default login
Inside your tests you can use them as:
import login from '/page-objects/login.js'
const loginPage = new login();
describe('Test_spec_1', function() {
it('Visits the site & verifies elements', function() {
Please don't use page objects in Cypress, see this tutorial Stop using Page Objects
Page objects problems
Page objects are hard to maintain and take away time from actual application development. I have never seen PageObjects documented well enough to actually help one write tests.
Page objects introduce additional state into the tests, which is separate from the application’s internal state. This makes understanding the tests and failures harder.
Page objects try to fit multiple cases into a uniform interface, falling back to conditional logic - a huge anti-pattern in our opinion.
Page objects make tests slow because they force the tests to always go through the application user interface.
Number 3) killed it for me. You get to a point where you try to figure out more convoluted methods in the page object to cater for different scenarios.
The easiest way to store your selector text in one place is given in this question Where to store selectors in
// cypress/support/selectors.js
export default {
mySelector: '.my-selector',
mySelector2: '.my-selector-2'
// cypress/integration/one.spec.js
import selectors from '../support/selectors.js';
describe('test', () => {
it('test', () => {

How to pass a value from a service, to a component's method

I've got a service that I use to share data between 2 components. That part works flawlessly, but now I need to call a method of component A, when something triggers on the service (and pass a value to that component). How can I do this? I read on older questions that this is a wrong approach but since Im a noob I dont know what to search for a solution.
Do I need to use observables?
I think Joseph's idea is the way to go.
Here's how I'd implement it:
class FooService {
private _newEvents = new Subject();
newEvents$ = this._newEvents.asObservable();
addNewEvent (ev) {;
// Allow `A` class to communicate with `B` class
class A {
addEvent (ev) {
class B {
private subscription: Subscription;
ngOnInit () {
this.subscription = this.fooService.newEvents$
.subscribe(e => {})
ngOnDestroy () {
Note that if your B class subscribes to multiple observables, you should unsubscribe from them using, among other solutions, takeUntil.
Observables / Subjects are one way. You would have one Subject in the service, and would use .next(value) on it to exchange values. Each component which is interested in the value may subscribe to that subject.
Example: (taken from RxJS docs
//your Service
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
const subject = new Subject<number>();
//Component A (and others as well)
next: (num) => console.log(num)
//this should work as well with prettier syntax:
service.subject.subscribe(sum =>
//Component B //passing number 7 to Component A
Whenever you create a subscription, make sure to always unsubscribe! Else you might end up with stacks of subscriptions, which will all get triggered simultaneously in the very same component.
From personal experience, I found it more helpful to outsource any functions and variables that could be considered as global into a dedicated service, if possible. If you directly read the variables of a service from your components (and modify them if necessary), you'll have the same effect. That works as long as you keep a proper service structure. Some examples of dedicated services with global use are:
Translations (TranslationService)
Rights Management (PermissionService)

Write global functions to use in all components in angular

Note : Its not for global variable but for a global common function to perform a functionality on all components
I am working on an angular app where I have around 400 components in different modules, almost all components have one same kind of functionality as mentioned below
There is a sections on many pages which shows a "How to work section" which can be closed by users and will remain closed unless they open it again, I have done it with cookies which I set on click on close or open icon but this function is written in a component and this needs to be imported in other components
I want to create a functions somewhere which perform this functionality on click on icon and can be called without importing any component in others.
One way to do it ( as I thought ) could be create a JavaScript function in a file and load it in index file and then call this function on click on close and open icon
Not sure if this is the best way to do this. Hope someone will come up with a better solution.
1. create your global function service, i.e. '' under 'services' directory:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
providedIn: 'root'
export class FuncsService {
constructor() { }
return a++;
// add more... and so on
2. Import the function in your component:
// your path may different
import { FuncsService } from './../services/funcs/funcs.service';
private funcs: FuncsService
) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
let x = 1;
myResult = this.funcs.myGlobalAddFunction(x);
// Then you are expecting 2 for return value
3. Hope that works... :)
You can export a function that is a written in .ts file and then call it in all your components.
export function myFunction(){
// Do something
And then import the function myFunction() in other components. That works fine for me and can be useful in certain cases
This isn't the best solution (in my opinion). The best solution would be to either create a service, or an utils class.
But if you want to do this, I suggest you make a JS file, that you declare in your angular-cli.json file under the scripts property, containing your functions.
EDIT Now that you've came back to reason, here is a code sample to make utils classes.
export const IMG_UTILS = {
convertPngToJpg = (picture: any) => {
// Your logic here
export const VIEW_MANAGER = {
isAdblockActive = () => {
// test if an ad-blocker is active
You can make any utils class you want in a const, then put it into a file. Then, you can put this file in an utils folder, and request it with
import { VIEW_MANAGER } from 'src/app/utils/view-manager';
Otherwise, you can make a service, which is handled by Angular, with a console command such as
ng g s services/view-manager/view-manager
And it will behave the exact same way : you will import it in your components to use it.
Hope this helps !
The most recommended way is to use a service and inject it whenever needed, but there is a way to have a function available globally.
Although I don't think it's a really good idea, you can add the function in the index.html file, then whenever you want to use it, you have to use #ts-ignore to avoid an error from being thrown.
function globalFunc(){
anywhere else on the app
// #ts-ignore
List item
Just to chime in with possibly a duplicate answer albeit more fleshed out... I have a utilities class which I use.
For example:
export class Utilities {
// Simple promise wrapper for setTimeout. See
public static Wait = (ms: number) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
The class is referenced in a component via the import statement:
import { Utilities } from 'path/to/Utilities';
And then you can call your static methods thus:
.then(() => DoStuff())
.catch(() => console.log('Darn!'));
I would tend to use RxJs but I've written it this way to keep things a little cleaner.

Is there any advantage to using Classes with static functions versus Modules?

I would like some advice. I am using typescript to create dialog boxes. Once created they take care of themselves as they have their own submit buttons and do there own checking.
Is there any advantage or disadvantage to either of the following two ways of coding? So far the only thing I can see is that the module approach with export allows me to hide a function and make it private if I don't export it. When I use static and try to use the private modifier it shows a lock icon against it in intellisense but still lets me use it.
module Dialog {
export class Modal {
static createAccessModal(link: Link) {
static createAdminModal(link: Link) {
link.Modal.MaxHeight = 600;
link.Modal.Width = false;
static private createModal(link: Link) {
or doing:
module Dialog {
export module Modal {
export function createAccessModal(link: Link) {
export function createAdminModal(link: Link) {
link.Modal.MaxHeight = 600;
link.Modal.Width = false;
function createModal(link: Link) {
The module approach is preferred for what you are trying to achieve.
If using the class form, you're effectively defining a constructor function even though you will never new up object instances, and adding members directly on the constructor function that cannot be truly private (as you observed).
Using the module approach you are simply constructing an object, and members you don't export are contained within the closure that sets up the object - giving you true privacy on them.
A good way to see the effects of both is to paste your code for each into and analyze the generated code.

