How to enabling Tool tips or my react library? - javascript

My Project: A React JS library (Not Typescript) created with create-react-library.
The library works as expected.
My Question: How do I get the tooltips/hints in the editor where my packages is used?
Currently: If I import one of my components e.g
<Notice color='red' text='Warning'/>
When I hover over over Notice the tooltip shows
(alias) function Notice(_ref: any): any
import Notice
What I am looking for is a tooltip to show info along the lines of Notice (color, text)...
A few ideas I had was some kinda JS docs? or possibly I need typescript and it isn't possible with JS (but this doesn't seem right)?
While I'm usually an expert googler, I don't know enough about the issue and all I can seem to arrive at are 'JS tooltip turorials'. Any direction at all is appreciated. :)


Converting custom Leafet cluster from Vanilla Js code into React Js code

I'm trying to convert this code from Vanilla Js into React Js code. The code is about creating a custom UI for Leaflet clustering using a Pie Chart.
Here is the target.
I have copied and pasted the code from the blog but the cluster didn't show as seen in the image below.
Steps to Reproduce
Open and run the playground.
Make sure you open the Custom Cluster page by adding /4 to the URL for example in the playground as seen in the image below.
I'm not familiar enough with Vanilla Js but I'm familiar enough with React Js.
So what's wrong with my converted code (in the playground) and what's the correct one?
Actually, I have already created a custom Leaflet clustering in React Js using leaflet, react-leaflet, and react-leaflet-markercluster libraries here but still had a problem.

React horizontal Scrolling Menu?

I am building a nextjs application. In my project I am not using TypeScript. I am using Javascript. I need a horizontal scroll on mouse wheel and also on touch. I haven't find any react packages. But I find one react package - react-horizontal-scrolling-menu. I see all demo. It perfect for my project. But I am facing one problem. Al of it's example create in TypeScript. But I am not using typeScript. If I copy the code, Then I get many error?
In this situation, What I have to do. I am not understanding?
Please can anyone help me. I am facing this issue over 10 days. Please do not dislike or close my questions.
Converted to JavaScript. You only needed to remove types and change tsx, ts to jsx, js.
You just need to get rid of every type definition of typescript. Every type in TypeScript is written after the variable name behind ":". So, in the codesandbox example, remove things like ": number" or ": void" at the end of functions.
Edit: im on mobile now, so i can't send you the Javascript code. The things you should look for are on line 17, 20 and 57. Hope the helps you.
I am using also the component for my project which not typescript. As someone suggested I just removed the type definitons in the Arrow function.

Is there any fast way I can use to import React.js Material Icons in just Single line?

I was working on my first react.js project as beginner & I got annoyed by the fact that I have import material UI icons one-by-one & that made my code look really really long & I had to keep on visiting browser, COPY the Icon link again & again. So I was wondering if there's a way I can use to just group together all the Icons that I need from Material UI & just import one line of code containing all the Icons I need?.
import { AccessAlarm, ThreeDRotation } from '#material-ui/icons';
So you just make a list of the ones you want. This is from the documentation option #2.

Using Two Different Versions of Modernizr on One Website

I am trying to use a bootstrap theme (Worthy) as the base for a website. The theme works very well, however I am having problems adding this scrolling timeline feature to it.
Here's what I know:
I can get the demo of the timeline working
I can get the template working
I can get the timeline implemented in the template w/ the .css working
I CANNOT get the animations of the timeline working in the template
I have traced the issue to one of the timeline's required files, namely a customized version of modernizr. (The template uses the standard version of modernizr). When I remove the the reference to the custom modernizr, the site generally works, but the timeline animations do not. When I add the reference to the custom modernizr back in, all of the site's content disappears.
Does anybody have any suggestions of how I can go about diagnosing and debugging the problem? I know that I have not posted any code, as I'm not sure what is and is not relevant. If somebody can please point me in the right direction, then I can follow up with more targeted questions.
UPDATE: I have also tried removing the template's version of modernizr and only using the one from the timeline, but that also results in all of the site's content disappearing.
Thanks a lot!
Modernizr has an build tool that you can customize to be exactly what you need it to be. What you would want to do is get a list of all of the detects that you need, then build a new custom one that contains everything.

Tumblr control buttons (reblog,dashboard etc.) missing for theme

I have pasted my theme code before tweaking here, it's a redux edit.
So recently I've decided to tweak my theme. My theme code after tweaking contains lots of options like bigger sidebar, smaller and the like.
But recently I've just begun to noice that my Tumblr control buttons aka 'customize' for me and 'follow,dashboard,like,reblog' at the upper corners have dissapeared. I googled it up and apparently this happens a lot when editing a redux theme. Somebody has posted a solution here but it doesn't work for me at all.
So I went to see the theme code that i pasted (up there, the pastebin link) and saw that it didn't have any #tumblrcontrol or anything.
And I'm trying to create and publish a theme so the advice won't work as what do i put for the URL to make it available not only for me, but for other people who use this theme too?

