VUE change value only after clicking submit - javascript

I have a code like this. In this code, a user wants to change the current name. The current name is also displayed at top of the page.
// template
<div>{{ }}</div>
data() {
currentUser: null
methods: {
getUser(id) {
//my GET method here
updateUser() {
//my PUT method here
The data is from an API. The current v-text-field is filled with the current name. Right now, if I change the value in the text field, the div value also changes. How to make it change only when the user has already clicked (let's say) a submit button and the process succeed?

This may work fine
<div>{{ }}</div>
<v-text-field required class="mb-3" ref="textField"></v-text-field>
<button #click="updateUsername">update user's name</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
currentUser: {
name: '',
methods: {
updateUsername() { = this.$refs.textField.internalValue
You could also use a debounce, store it in another state but having to use a $refs is okay here.
Also, I'm not a Vuetify user, hence I'm not sure what all of those value are about but you have some nice choice overall.

Adding on to Kissu's answer, if you wish to change the value on blur (when you click away), you have to do the following.
Since Vuetify does not provide a lazy prop to only allow value update on change event, you have to do it yourself. Use the :value prop and bind it to a computed property and provide a getter setter to the computed property.
This will only trigger the change on blur, when you click away from the input, or press enter or press tab.
<div>{{ currentUserName }}</div>
methods: {
onNameChange(event) {
this.currentUserName =;
computed: {
currentUserName: {
get() {
set(newName) { = newName;

<div>{{ }}</div>
#input="nameChanged" //here maybe #change="xxx"
<v-btn #click="updateUser">submit</v-btn>
data() {
currentUser: null
methods: {
nameChanged(e) {
console.log(`e`,e) //The value is based on the printed value
this.tempName = e
updateUser() { = this.tempName


How to pass old value to setter if nothing is changed in computed property vuejs?

I'm learning to use Vuejs so don't mind me!
I have set getter and setter inside computed property and use it inside form with v-model. My problem is, if I change something inside the v-text-field then I can make patch request but if I don't change anything and leave it the value I got from the state then I can't make the patch request as it said the field may not be null.
How can I leave default value (value I get from state) to the v-text-field and be able to make patch request if i don't want to change anything inside the field.
my vue component.vue
<div id="update-post">
<v-dialog v-model="updatePostModal" max-width="600">
<v-card class="px-5 py-5">
<v-form ref="form" v-on:submit.prevent="update">
v-model="title" <---
<v-btn color="green darken-1 white--text" #click="update">
import { getAPI } from "../axios-base";
export default {
name: "UpdatePostModal",
data() {
return {
updateTitle: null,
computed: {
title: {
get() {
var title = this.$store.state.APIData.postTitle;
return title;
set(value) {
this.updateTitle = value;
methods: {
update: function() {
var id = this.$store.state.APIData.postID;
title: this.updateTitle,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${this.$store.state.accessToken}`,
It seems like you have a few mistakes. First one, in here:
title: this.updateTitle,
You are using the variable defined in data in your request. You should instead use the computed property so, it should be:
title: this.title,
Next, the way you are using the state is also not right. If you are reading the computed property from the state you should always set it via the state as well. Otherwise, you'd end up with some unexpected behavior as your app grows. In order to do that you can do something like this:
get() {
// read from the state
set(value) {
// create an action to update the post title in the state
If you still don't want to do this, as a workaround you can address your problem like this (keeping in mind to fix the first issue mentioned above):
computed: {
title: {
get() {
return this.updateTitle || this.$store.state.APIData.postTitle;
set(value) {
this.updateTitle = value;

VueJS - use v-model with computed property?

I try to use a v-select input that uses the data I receive from my Vuex store. I have to use a computed property, since my data gets passed from an API.
My template looks like this.
<v-card v-if="isMounted">
label="Select Item"
import {mapState} from "vuex"
export default {
data: function () {
return {
isMounted: false,
value: []
computed: {
chartData() {
return {
I binded this computed property to v-model. However it does not update accordingly. I guess it does not work out with a computed property. (Vue.js - Input, v-model and computed property)
v-model="value". This works, but I it does not allow me to start with every item selected.
Starting like this does not work out: value: this.$store.state.clusterValues
How can I solve this problem?

Validate value prop before method on #input event runs? VeeValidate/Vue

Code Sandbox with exact example
In the example above, when I enter a wrong value in the input field, the Validation state returns Valid == true, but it should return false.
I understand that this happens because the #input event method (resize) will run first and then it will assign the value to :value. In other words, vee-validate checks the existing value before the event is fired.
Not sure how to fix it so that the input value is first validated and then the method is run!
How to replicate problem:
Open the console
Change the value of the width field to 5
You will successfully get an error message under the field but the Valid flag in the console is set to true, even though the field is not valid after the method is done.
I am not sure how to fix this. I have been trying for hours..
<v-col v-for="(value, key) in fixture.dimensions" :key="key">
v-slot="{ errors, valid }"
#input="resize(key, valid)"
import { ValidationProvider } from "vee-validate";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
data: () => ({
fixture: {
dimensions: {
width: 1000,
height: 1500
limits: {
width: {
min: 300,
max: 1500
height: {
min: 300,
max: 1500
mounted() {
methods: {
resize(key, valid) {
console.log("valid?", valid);
this.fixture.dimensions[key] =;
// this.fixture.iconObject.resize()
If you are not using v-model to manage the input, you should explicitly call validate yourself, like this:
v-slot="{ errors, valid, validate }"
#input="resize(key, $event, validate)"
resize(key, value, validate) {
validate(value).then(result => {
//either way update value
this.fixture.dimensions[key] = value;
In the callback from validate, you get a result object that includes whether the result is valid, and also which rules failed (in result.failedRules) and any error messages in an array (in result.errors). See it working here:

Vue.js using a computed property to show or hide part of a component

I'm trying to show / hide part of a component based on the value in a drop down list. Before moving this part of my form, using a computed property worked just fine. However... I am using two way binding in my component and it seems that the computed value of the property I am using is updating too late. Here is the component js
Vue.component('system', {
template: '#system',
props: ['name', 'count'],
computed: {
issummit: function() {
return === '5a37fda9f13db4987411afd8';
// audiovideo: function() {
// return this.system === || this.system === || this.system ===;
// }
data () {
return {
systemcount: this.count,
systemoptions: [
{ text: 'Select One', value: null },
{ text: 'Summit', value:'5a37fda9f13db4987411afd8'},
{ text: 'Essentia', value:'5a37fda1de9e84bb9c44a909'},
{ text: 'Alterna', value:'5a8caadc86dc269de9887b0f'},
{ text: 'Easy III PSG', value:'5a37fe27b1e43d5ca589aee3'},
{ text: 'Easy III EEG', value:'5a37fd9a08a387d4efcf9ddb'},
{ text: 'IOMAX', value:'5a8cab59a1353f170f6e92a4'},
{ text: 'Cascade Pro', value:'5a8cab696f6a77f774e8de7f'}
watch: {
name (name) {
this.systemname = name;
count (count) {
this.systemcount = count;
methods: {
updateName: function() {
this.$emit('update:name', this.systemname);
updateCount: function() {
this.$emit('update:count', this.systemcount);
Here is the component template
<script type="text/x-template" id="system">
<b-form-group class="col-sm" label="Count">
<b-form-input type="number" #change="updateCount" required v-model="systemcount" class="col-sm"></b-form-input>
<b-form-group class="col-sm" label="System">
<b-form-select #change="updateName" :options="systemoptions" required v-model="systemname"></b-form-select>
<!-- Summit Options -->
<template v-if="issummit">
<b-form-group class="col-sm" label="Channels">
<b-form-input type="number" required v-model="summitchannels"></b-form-input>
<b-form-group label="Accessories">
<b-form-checkbox-group v-model="summitaccessories" :options="summitoptions">
<script src="scripts/system.js"></script>
And here is the template in use
<system v-for="system in systems"
The computed value does update... however the problem is that it seems to update after it is used to determine the rendering. If I select "Summit" in my drop down, I would expect the hidden part of my component to show, that its not until I select something else that it is then shown... the second time I make a selection the computed value from the previous attempt is used.
Per some suggestions I edited the select to use a regular DOM object and this fixed the issue. However, this only became an issue when I moved this over to a template... everything worked peachy before... any ideas?
<div role="group" class="col-sm b-form-group form-group">
<label class="col-form-label pt-0">System</label>
<select #change="updateName" class="form-control custom-select" required v-model="systemname">
<option v-for="o in systemoptions" :value="o.value">{{o.text}}</option>
I have a minimal reproduction in
It works as intended. The change is all b-* tags are changed to dom.
So the most possible cause is that b-form-select has some issue.
You should use getters and setters for computed property data binded.
Something like this:
computed: {
issummit: {
// getter
get: function () {
return === '5a37fda9f13db4987411afd8';
// setter
set: function (newValue) {
this.systemname = newValue;
I solved a similar problem with changing the
This let me use the "real" direct change event (and not the too late one) which solved my problem.

Why does V-select value changes on second click instead of first?

I have a V-select like below, and when I load the page it gets filled with data from my Vuex-store. I then have a computed property to get the currently selected company. My problem is that the value from the currently selected company only updates after I click on it Twice. Have I done something wrong in the implementation?
So when a user changes value in the V-select I want to update the list of users being shown, but this only works if the user clicks twice on the v-select selection.
<v-container fluid fill-height>
<v-layout child-flex>
import { FETCH_COMPANY_LIST, FETCH_USER_LIST } from '../store/actions.type'
import UserTable from './UserTable.vue'
export default {
name: 'Users',
data: () => ({
selectedCompany: 0
components: {
methods: {
onChangeCompany () {
this.$store.dispatch(FETCH_USER_LIST, this.currentCompany)
mounted: function () {
computed: {
listOfCompanys () {
return this.$store.state.users.companyList
currentCompany () {
return this.selectedCompany
Don't do both v-model and v-on:change. You're sending this.currentCompany, which I think is supposed to be selectedCompany. If the idea is to send the value when it changes, put a watch on the value, not on the widget. The widget feeds the value, the value feeds the store.

