Why does V-select value changes on second click instead of first? - javascript

I have a V-select like below, and when I load the page it gets filled with data from my Vuex-store. I then have a computed property to get the currently selected company. My problem is that the value from the currently selected company only updates after I click on it Twice. Have I done something wrong in the implementation?
So when a user changes value in the V-select I want to update the list of users being shown, but this only works if the user clicks twice on the v-select selection.
<v-container fluid fill-height>
<v-layout child-flex>
import { FETCH_COMPANY_LIST, FETCH_USER_LIST } from '../store/actions.type'
import UserTable from './UserTable.vue'
export default {
name: 'Users',
data: () => ({
selectedCompany: 0
components: {
methods: {
onChangeCompany () {
this.$store.dispatch(FETCH_USER_LIST, this.currentCompany)
mounted: function () {
computed: {
listOfCompanys () {
return this.$store.state.users.companyList
currentCompany () {
return this.selectedCompany

Don't do both v-model and v-on:change. You're sending this.currentCompany, which I think is supposed to be selectedCompany. If the idea is to send the value when it changes, put a watch on the value, not on the widget. The widget feeds the value, the value feeds the store.


VueJs Dialog Reusable Component with buttons different action

I am trying to build a reusable component that called v-dialog.
The idea is that I when the the dialog pop up there will be consist of 2 buttons which is called submit and cancel.
For the submit button of dialog component will be linked with different actions based on user clicks which button.
For example button A will call function name A and button B will call function name B and so on when user clicks on submit button of the dialog.
Let's say this is a component file I called DialogReusable.vue
style="word-break: break-word"
<v-spacer />
color="green darken-1"
#click="dialog = false"
Cancel Button
And this is the parent file that I called MainParent.vue
For this file it has like 3 buttons which link to different function.
When user clicks on each button the Dialog should appears and when user clicks on the submit button of the dialog then it will call the respective function name that I set #click on each button.
Function A
Function B
Function C
That is the concept of passing the functions through props attribute in Vue.
Let's me show you the first example of passing the function from parent into child component.
Getting a value from the parent
If you want a child component to access a parent's method, it seems obvious to just pass the method straight down as a prop.
<!-- Parent -->
<ChildComponent :method="parentMethod" />
// Parent
export default {
methods: {
parentMethod() {
// ...
And you child component would be like:
// Child
export default {
props: {
method: { type: Function },
mounted() {
// Use the parent function directly here
Getting a value from the child
Other case you might want to get a value from child into parent component, for example the function in parent component has a param name.
<!-- Parent -->
<ChildComponent :method="parentMethod" />
// Parent
export default {
methods: {
parentMethod(valueFromChild) {
// Do something with the value
console.log('From the child:', valueFromChild);
Where in the child component you pass the value in when calling it:
// Child
export default {
props: {
method: { type: Function },
mounted() {
// Pass a value to the parent through the function
this.method("some param name");
Regarding you question, I think you can achieve by the following:
Let's say you have 3 submit buttons and each button has different action.
First let's create the reusable pop up dialog that acts like a child component.
#input="$emit('input', $event)"
style="word-break: break-word"
Title Dialog
<v-spacer />
color="green darken-1"
export default {
name: 'Dialog',
props: {
dialog: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
buttonActionName: {
type: String,
required: true
method: {
type: Function,
required: true
methods: {
close() {
onReportBtnSubmit() {
if (this.buttonActionName.length > 0) {
} else {
<style scoped>
I assumed that you understand the concept of passing the functions through props attribute in Vue.
// This dialog will pass function `firstBtnSubmit` without param name
#close-dialog="firstBtnDialog= false;"
// This dialog will pass function `secondBtnSubmit` with param name
#close-dialog="secondBtnDialog = false;"
// you can create a third button below by yourself.
export default {
data() {
return {
firstBtnDialog: false,
secondBtnDialog: false,
thirdBtnDialog: false,
methods: {
firstBtnSubmit() {
// Do your stuff
secondBtnSubmit(param) {
// do your staff with param
thirdBtnSubmit () {
// do your stuff
// To trigger dialog to pop up
showDialogFirstBtn() {
this.firstBtnDialog = true;
showDialogSecBtn() {
this.secondBtnDialog= true;
showDialogThirdBtn() {
this.thirdBtnDialog= true;
I do NOT own all contents that I wrote here.
All contents I got from different site
Concept to pass function as props
How to use reusable component in Vue: Stackoverflow

VUE change value only after clicking submit

I have a code like this. In this code, a user wants to change the current name. The current name is also displayed at top of the page.
// template
<div>{{ currentUser.name }}</div>
data() {
currentUser: null
methods: {
getUser(id) {
//my GET method here
updateUser() {
//my PUT method here
The data is from an API. The current v-text-field is filled with the current name. Right now, if I change the value in the text field, the div value also changes. How to make it change only when the user has already clicked (let's say) a submit button and the process succeed?
This may work fine
<div>{{ currentUser.name }}</div>
<v-text-field required class="mb-3" ref="textField"></v-text-field>
<button #click="updateUsername">update user's name</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
currentUser: {
name: '',
methods: {
updateUsername() {
this.currentUser.name = this.$refs.textField.internalValue
You could also use a debounce, store it in another state but having to use a $refs is okay here.
Also, I'm not a Vuetify user, hence I'm not sure what all of those value are about but you have some nice choice overall.
Adding on to Kissu's answer, if you wish to change the value on blur (when you click away), you have to do the following.
Since Vuetify does not provide a lazy prop to only allow value update on change event, you have to do it yourself. Use the :value prop and bind it to a computed property and provide a getter setter to the computed property.
This will only trigger the change on blur, when you click away from the input, or press enter or press tab.
<div>{{ currentUserName }}</div>
methods: {
onNameChange(event) {
this.currentUserName = event.target.value;
computed: {
currentUserName: {
get() {
return this.currentUser.name
set(newName) {
this.currentUser.name = newName;
<div>{{ currentUser.name }}</div>
#input="nameChanged" //here maybe #change="xxx"
<v-btn #click="updateUser">submit</v-btn>
data() {
currentUser: null
methods: {
nameChanged(e) {
console.log(`e`,e) //The value is based on the printed value
this.tempName = e
updateUser() {
this.currentUser.name = this.tempName

move dialog to a compontent in Vuetify

here's my code:
<v-btn #click="showDialog = true" >
<v-btn #click="showDialog = false">save</v-btn>
I know that this is fairly simple code, but I would like to extract whole v-dialog to a component. I don't know how to manage showDialog. Should I use prop? I now I shouldn't modify prop from inside of the component. What's the other way?
You can use a function as a prop for changing value of the showDialog in the another component . ( To avoid getting error avoid mutating a prop directly )
<v-dialog v-model="showDialog" max-width="600">
<v-btn #click="hideDialog">save</v-btn>
export default {
props: {
showDialog : Boolean ,
hideDialog: Function,
<example :hideDialog="hideMethod" :showDialog="showDialog"></example>
export default {
data() {
return {
showDialog : false
methods: {
hideMethod() {
this.showDialog = false;
I've never been a fan of driving the visibility of a dialog with a reactive v-model value. Normally, dialogs need to do some amount of setup and state related things before displaying and before hiding.
So, what I do is I move showDialog to be a hidden internal value to the component itself, I put a ref= on the component, I implement an open() method on the component and call that when I want to show it.
This pattern feels more natural when a dialog is performing more complicated tasks than just showing static information.
So in your case:
<script id="myDialog" type="text/x-template">
<v-btn #click="save">save</v-btn>
<v-btn #click="openMyDialog">
<myDialog ref="myDialog">
On myDialog:
data: function () {
return {
[ other attributes ]
showDialog: false
methods: {
[ other methods ]
open: function (initializationData) {
[ initialization code ]
this.showDialog = true;
save: function (event) {
[ save code ]
this.showDialog = false;
On the parent component:
methods: {
[ other methods ]
openMyDialog: function (event) {
this.$refs.myDialog.open([ initialization data ]);

VueJS - use v-model with computed property?

I try to use a v-select input that uses the data I receive from my Vuex store. I have to use a computed property, since my data gets passed from an API.
My template looks like this.
<v-card v-if="isMounted">
label="Select Item"
import {mapState} from "vuex"
export default {
data: function () {
return {
isMounted: false,
value: []
computed: {
chartData() {
return {
items: this.clusterValues.data,
selected: this.clusterValues.data,
I binded this computed property to v-model. However it does not update accordingly. I guess it does not work out with a computed property. (Vue.js - Input, v-model and computed property)
v-model="value". This works, but I it does not allow me to start with every item selected.
Starting like this does not work out: value: this.$store.state.clusterValues
How can I solve this problem?

passing a callback function via props to child component is undefined in child vue

I have a Vue component that passes a callback function to another child component via props. However, it is the only piece that is undefined in the child.
I have created a repo for this so the files can be looked at. In the file brDialog.vue, I am passing button to the function click(), which should have access to the buttons callback that was passed within props from App.vue, however it is undefined within brDialog while the other two things passed with it are present(label and data).
I'll post the brDialog file, and will post the others if needed, but figured it would be easier to link a repo than post all the different files. I'm a bit new to Vue, so possibly something I'm missing in the documentation.
If you run the repo and click the Form Test button in the header, this is where the issue is.
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex xs12>
<v-card-title> {{ title }} </v-card-title>
<slot name="content"></slot>
v-for="button in buttons"
{{ button.label }}
{{ closeButtonLabel }}
import { props } from './props.js'
export default {
name: 'brForm',
components: {
brTextField: () => import('#/controls/brTextField/brTextField.vue'),
brTextArea: () => import('#/controls/brTextArea/brTextArea.vue'),
brSelectList: () => import('#/controls/brSelectList/brSelectList.vue')
props: props,
data () {
return {
methods: {
async click (button) {
const response = await button.callback(button.data)
if (response.close) {
closeDialog () {
computed: {
Maybe this is something I'm missing with an $emit in Vue or something, but it seems it should be working. Can someone point out why the callback is undefined after being passed to brDialog?
callback is undefined because you define your data property (App.vue from your repo) with an arrow function and loose the Vue context on this:
data: () => {
return {
testingForm: {
dialog: {
props: {
buttonCallback: this.testingFormSave, //<-- here
buttons: [
label: 'Save',
data: {},
callback: this.testingFormSave //<-- and here
To fix your issue, change data: () => {...} to data () {...}

