Best way to handle recursion with async functions and promises? - javascript

The following is pseudocode to illustrate my problem. The parent function must ultimately return a promise when all of the tasks are done (I've omitted the others for clarity). The parent function calls child functions and some of the child functions have to perform their tasks recursively and so, for clarity, I've separated them into worker functions. If there is a cleaner way I would love to learn it.
How best to handle the recursion in this example?
// This function must ultimately return a Promise.
async function parentFunction(uId) {
try {
await childFunction(uId);
return Promise.resolve(uId);
} catch (error) {
async function childFunction(uId) {
try {
const done = await workerFunction(uId);
if (done) {
return Promise.resolve(true);
} else {
// There are more files to delete; best way to handle recursion?
} catch (error) {
async function workerFunction(uId) {
try {
// Query the database, limit to 100 files.
const query = await db.queryFiles().limit(100);
if (query.size == 0) {
// Nothing to delete, we're done!
return Promise.resolve(true);
// Perform an atomic (all-or-none) batch delete that can only take 100 files at most.
await db.batchDelete(query);
// Batch delete successfull!
if (query.size < 100) {
// The query was less than 100 files so there can be no more files to delete.
return Promise.resolve(true);
} else {
// There may possibly be more files to delete.
// Return a promise or handle recursion here?
return Promise.resolve(false);
} catch (error) {

just do recursion it's fine!
async function deleteFiles() {
const query = await db.queryFiles().limit(100)
if (query.size > 0) {
await db.batchDelete(query)
if (query.size === 100) {
return deleteFiles()
return true;


How to call an API twice if there is an error occurred?

I have an internal API that I would like to post data. Depends on some cases, I am seeing errors. So what I would like to do is to call it again if there is an error occurred.
What I did was to create a counter to pass it to the function and call the function recursively as below. This gives me the error as below:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
Here is how I call the function:
private RETRY_API = 1;
try {
await this.callAPI(request, this.RETRY_API);
} catch (error) {
console.log('error', error);
This program never comes to the catch block above.
And here is my actual function that I call the API:
private async callAPI(request, retry) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
someService.postApiRequest('api/url', request, async(err: any, httpCode: number, data) => {
if (this.RETRY_API == 2) {
return reject(err);
} else if (err) {
this.callAPI(request, retry);
} else if ( httpCode !== 200 ) {
this.RETRY_API = 2;
// some stuff
} else {
this.RETRY_API = 2;
// some stuff
return resolve(data);
Not sure what I am missing. If there is a better way to call the API twice if an error occurred, that would be great if you let me know.
Let's organize a little differently. First, a promise-wrapper for the api...
private async callAPI(request) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
someService.postApiRequest('api/url', request,(err: any, httpCode: number, data) => {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(data);
A utility function to use setTimeout with a promise...
async function delay(t) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));
Now, a function that calls and retries with delay...
private async callAPIWithRetry(request, retryCount=2, retryDelay=2000) {
try {
return await callAPI(request);
} catch (error) {
if (retryCount <= 0) throw err;
await delay(retryDelay);
return callAPIWithRetry(request, retryCount-1, retryDelay);
If you can't force a failure on the api to test the error path some other way, you can at least try this...
private async callAPIWithRetry(request, retryCount=2, retryDelay=2000) {
try {
// I hate to do this, but the only way I can test the error path is to change the code here to throw an error
// return await callAPI(request);
await delay(500);
throw("mock error");
} catch (error) {
if (retryCount <= 0) throw err;
await delay(retryDelay);
return callAPIWithRetry(request, retryCount-1, retryDelay);
It looks like you need to add return await to the beginning of the line this.callAPI(request, retry); in callAPI function.
Similarly there are some condition blocks that doesn't resolve or reject the promise. While it might work okay, it's considered bad practice. You want to either resolve or reject a promise.
I've accomplished calling an API a second time when I received an error by using axios' interceptors functions.
Here is a code snippet you can review:
// function called on a successful response 2xx
function (response) {
return response;
// function called on an error response ( not 2xx )
async function (error) {
const request = error.config as AxiosRequestConfig;
// request is original API call
// change something about the call and try again
// request.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer DIFFERENT_TOKEN`;
// return axios(request)
// or Call a different API
// const new_data = await axios.get(...).then(...)
// return new_data
// all else fails return the original error
return Promise.reject(error)
Try replacing
if (this.RETRY_API == 2)
if (this.RETRY_API > 1)

Handling async promises inside if statements

I am dealing with the following scenario in javascript. tt resembles a function from a package that return reject promise if something didn't happen. I want to Booleanize the await tt() in the test() function if that reject promise is triggered. the current setup results in catching the error and the else() block is not executed. is there a way to overcome that?
async function tt(){
return Promise.reject('failed');
async function test(){
if (somecondition && await tt()) //assume somecondition is true
I want to avoid using .then(res ... ).catch(err ...)
You can tt in your own function that catches the error:
async function wrapped_tt() {
try {
await tt();
return true; // or return await tt(); depending on what tt returns
} catch {
return false;
if (somecondition && await wrapped_tt()) {
Of course you may want to check the error thrown by tt and only decide to return false for some of those errors.
So you don't care about the resolved value or the rejection error? Sure:
async function tt() {
return Promise.reject("failed");
function promiseAsBoolean(p) {
return p.then((s) => true, (e) => false);
async function test() {
if (somecondition && (await promiseAsBoolean(tt()))) {
} else {

How to properly implement mongodb async/await inside a promise?

I've read that having an async inside a Promise is anti-pattern for async/await. The code below works, but I am curious how else to achieve the same result without having async in Promise.
If I remove it, the linter would tell how I can't use await in my mongodb query. If I remove the await in the mongodb query, then it wouldn't wait for the result.
export const getEmployees = (companyId) => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const employees = await Employees.find(
{ companyId },
// other logic here...
async functions automatically return Promises already, which resolve with whatever expression is eventually returned. Simply make getEmployees an async function:
export const getEmployees = async (companyId) => {
const employees = await Employees.find(
{ companyId },
// other logic here...
return { employees };
(but make sure to catch in the consumer of getEmployees just in case there's an error)
As #CertainPerformance answered, that is perfect way to retrieve data from mongoDB using async/await, I would like to add some more information about how to handle errors in this case for correctness of the system, and better error handle to return better status to the client about his request.
I'd say it , you usually want to catch all exceptions from async/await call.
try {
const employees = await Employees.find({
// You can add more logic here before return the data.
return {
} catch (error) {
Now let's check the ways we can handle our errors that might occur.
Handle error inside error scope.
Assign a default value to the variable in the catch block.
Inspect error instance and act accordingly.
This is the most common way to handle errors in those cases and most elegant way in my opinion.
Handle error inside error scope:
export const getEmployees = async (companyId) => {
try {
const employees = await Employees.find({
// You can add more logic here before return the data.
return {
} catch (error) {
Assign a default value to the variable in the catch block:
export const getEmployees = async (companyId) => {
let employees;
try {
employees = await Employees.find({
// You can add more logic here before return the data.
employees = employees;
} catch (error) {
if (employees) { // We received the data successfully.
// Business logic goes here.
return employees;
Inspect error instance and act accordingly:
export const getEmployees = async (companyId) => {
try {
const employees = await Employees.find({
// You can add more logic here before return the data.
return {
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ConnectionError) {
} else {
throw error;
Some more explanations about async await and more useful methods that you can find in those answers.
How run async / await in parallel in Javascript

ES6 generator functions in angular

recently I started using generators in my angular project. Here's how I do it so far:
function loadPosts(skip) {
return $rootScope.spawn(function *() {
try {
let promise = yield User.findAll();
$timeout(function () {
// handle the user list
} catch (err) {
// handle err
From what I've read the next part won't be necessary in es7, but currently I have the spawn function in the run block of my app.
$rootScope.spawn = function (generatorFunc) {
function continuer(verb, arg) {
var result;
try {
result = generator[verb](arg);
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
if (result.done) {
return result.value;
} else {
return Promise.resolve(result.value).then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
var generator = generatorFunc();
var onFulfilled = continuer.bind(continuer, "next");
var onRejected = continuer.bind(continuer, "throw");
return onFulfilled();
Everything works find the way I do it at the moment, the only thing I really don't like is that I have to call $timeout() after each promise. If I don't my $scope variables initialized inside the timeout won't be initialized. It seems to me that angular digest system needs to be triggered manually.
Why is that and is there a way to make this cleaner?
I would assume it is because your spawn method uses native Promises, not the angular implementation. Try to use $q instead:
function continuer(verb, arg) {
var result;
try {
result = generator[verb](arg);
} catch (err) {
return $q.reject(err);
if (result.done) {
return result.value;
} else {
return $q.resolve(result.value).then(onFulfilled, onRejected);

How can you retry after an exception in Javascript when using promises?

I'm using the Bluebird promise library. I have a chain of promisified functions like the following:
.then(function(data)) {
return [data, handleMessageAsync(request)];
.spread(function(data, response) {
return [response, deleteMessageAsync(request)];
.spread(function(response, data) {
return sendResponseAsync(response);
.then(function(data) {
return waitForMessage(data);
.catch (function(err) {
// handle error here
Occasionally sendMessage will fail because, let's say, the server to respond to isn't available. I want the code to keep on trying to respond forever until it succeeds. You can't simply wrap the sendMessage in a catch because it doesn't actually throw an exception, I suppose, it calls the "error" function which, in this promisified code is the "catch" at the bottom. So there must be some way to "retry" send message in the "catch" section. The problem is that even if I retry in a loop in the "catch" I still have no way to jump up to the promise chain and execute the remaining promisified functions. How do I deal with this?
My retry for a HTTP post ended up looking like this:
function retry(func) {
return func()
.spread(function(httpResponse) {
if (httpResponse.statusCode != 200) {
Log.error("HTTP post returned error status: "+httpResponse.statusCode);
return retry(func);
.catch(function(err) {
Log.err("Unable to send response via HTTP");
return retry(func);
Here's a sample retry function (not yet tested):
function retry(maxRetries, fn) {
return fn().catch(function(err) {
if (maxRetries <= 0) {
throw err;
return retry(maxRetries - 1, fn);
The idea is that you can wrap a function that returns a promise with something that will catch and retry on error until running out of retries. So if you're going to retry sendResponseAsync:
.then(function(data)) {
return [data, handleMessageAsync(request)];
.spread(function(data, response) {
return [response, deleteMessageAsync(request)];
.spread(function(response, data) {
return retry(3, function () { return sendResponseAsync(response); });
.then(function(data) {
return waitForMessage(data);
.catch (function(err) {
// handle error here
Since the retry promise won't actually throw until all retries have been exhausted, your call chain can continue.
Of course, you could always loop forever if you preferred:
function retryForever(fn) {
return fn().catch(function(err) {
return retryForever(fn);
Here is a small helper that acts like then but retries the function.
Promise.prototype.retry = function retry(onFulfilled, onRejected, n){
n = n || 3; // default to 3 retries
return this.then(function(result) {
return Promise.try(function(){
return onFulfilled(result); // guard against synchronous errors too
if(n <= 0) throw err;
return this.retry(onFulfilled, onRejected, n - 1);
}.bind(this)); // keep `this` value
}.bind(this), onRejected);
Which would let you write your code prettier like:
.then(function(data)) {
return [data, handleMessageAsync(request)];
.spread(function(data, response) {
return [response, deleteMessageAsync(request)];
.retry(function(response, data) {
return sendResponseAsync(response); // will retry this 3 times
.then(function(data) {
return waitForMessage(data);
.catch (function(err) {
// I don't like catch alls :/ Consider using `.error` instead.
I just released, which retries a promise until it either times out or a maximum number of attempts are hit. It allows you to write:
function(response, data) {
return sendResponseAsync(response);

