How to take a part of a carrent url with cypress/javascript - javascript

how can i extract the id from this link ? .localhost/survey/20?vbpCategoryId
my code is:
cy.url().then(URL => {
const current_url = URL.split('/');
if it was between "/" it was easy but in this case it is between "/" and "?"

If your URL will always be formed similar to as you explained, we can use .split() and .pop() to easily get this ID.
.pop() takes the last item off of an array and returns it.
cy.url().then((url) => {
const splitUrl = url.split('/');
const ending = splitUrl.pop();
const id = ending.split('?')[0];
// code using id
I've been overly verbose in laying out each line, but you could theoretically combine it into one line as:
const id = url.split('/').pop().split('?')[0];
We could even simplify this a little bit, by using cy.location('pathname').
// assuming url is something like http://localhost:1234/survey/20?vbpCategoryId
cy.location('pathname').then((pathname) => {
* `pathname` yields us just the path, excluding the query parameters and baseUrl
* (in this case, `?vbpCategoryId` and `http://localhost:1234`),
* so we would have a string of `/survey/20`.
const id = pathname.split('/').pop();

Or you can use the .replace method with a regex to extract just the number from your url and then save it like this:
cy.url().then((URL) => {
const id = +URL.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') //Gets the id 20 and changes it to a number
cy.get('#urlId').then((id) => {
//access id here
In case you don't want the id to be converted into a number you can simply remove the + from URL.replace like this:
cy.url().then((URL) => {
const id = URL.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') //Gets the id 20
cy.get('#urlId').then((id) => {
//access id here


How to find similarities between a text string and an array?

I have a string array, which I want to compare with a text string, if it finds similarities I want to be able to mark in black the similarity found within the string
context.body: 'G-22-6-04136 - PatientName1'
newBody: ['G-22-6-04136 - PatientName1' , 'G-22-6-04137 - PatientName2']
When finding the similarity between the two the result would be something like this
newBody: [**'G-22-6-04136 - PatientName1'** , 'G-22-6-04137 - PatientName2']
How could I do it? Is this possible to do? In advance thank you very much for the help
const totalSize: number = this.getSizeFromAttachments(attachments);
const chunkSplit = Math.floor(isNaN(totalSize) ? 1 : totalSize / this.LIMIT_ATTACHMENTS) + 1;
const attachmentsChunk: any[][] = _.chunk(attachments, chunkSplit);
if ((totalSize > this.LIMIT_ATTACHMENTS) && attachmentsChunk?.length >= 1) {
const result = => this.getCantidad.find(y => element.content === y.content))
const aux = this.namePatient
const ans = []
result.forEach(ele => {
const expected_key = ele["correlative_soli"];
if (aux[expected_key]) {
const newItem = { ...ele };
newItem["name_Patient"] = aux[expected_key]
newItem["fileName"] = `${expected_key}${aux[expected_key] ? ' - ' + aux[expected_key] : null}\n`.replace(/\n/g, '<br />')
let newBody: any;
const resultFilter = => element.content);
const newArr = [];
ans.filter(element => {
if (resultFilter.includes(element.content)) {
fileNameC: element.fileName
newBody = `• ${ => element.fileNameC)}`;
const date = this.cleanDateSolic;
const amoung= attachmentsChunk?.length;
const getCurrent = `(${index}/${attachmentsChunk?.length})`
const header = `${this.cleanDateSolic} pront ${attachmentsChunk?.length} mail. This is the (${index}/${attachmentsChunk?.length})`;
console.log('body', context.body);
// context.body is the body I receive of frontend like a string
const newContext = {
newDate: date,
amoung: amoung,
getCurrent: getCurrent,
newBody: newBody,
return this.prepareEmail({
to: to,
subject: ` ${subject} (Correo ${index}/${attachmentsChunk?.length})`,
template: template,
context: newContext,
}, attachment);
I have a string array, which I want to compare with a text string, if it finds similarities I want to be able to mark in black the similarity found within the string
First of all the text will be in black by default, I think you are talking about to make that bold if matched. But again it depends - If you want to render that in HTML then instead of ** you can use <strong>.
Live Demo :
const textString = 'G-22-6-04136 - PatientName1';
let arr = ['G-22-6-04136 - PatientName1', 'G-22-6-04137 - PatientName2'];
const res = => str === textString ? `<strong>${str}<strong>` : str);
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = res[0];
<div id="result">
Based on your example, it looks like the string needs to be an exact match, is that correct?
Also, "mark it in bold" is going to depend on what you're using to render this, but if you just want to wrap the string in ** or <b> or whatever, you could do something like this: => str === context.body ? `**${str}**` : str);
You can just see if string exists in the array by doing
if arr.includes(desiredStr) //make text bold

Remove a URL search parameter when there is duplicate names?

I am trying to manipulate my URL using URLSearchParams. However URLSearchParams.delete() expects the name of the param. If I have params with the same name, (from what I've tested in chrome) It will delete all params with that name. Is there a way to delete by both name and value?
My query looks something like this:
So when I call .delete("color[]") it will remove both color[]= params, but what if I want to only remove a specific one?
The reason for the duplicate names is the backend (PHP) is leveraging this functionallity to auto parse the parameters into arrays...which requires the syntax above.
Big picture is- I'm trying to add/remove "filters" from this array-to-be. Also, some filter categories could have matching values so I don't want remove by value either. I am open to considering an entirely new approach...just trying to do it in the least hacky way.
-- Edit --
For any Laravel users, I recommend not using the index-less syntax. Just use color[0]=, color[1]= etc. I didn't realize laravel supports both syntaxes.
To remove a specific key/value pair, loop over the entries, filter out the unwanted one(s) and create a new URLSearchParams:
function deleteParamsEntry(params, key, value) {
const newEntries = Array.from(params.entries()).filter(
([k, v]) => !(k === key && v === value)
return new URLSearchParams(newEntries);
const query = "?color[]=Black&color[]=Green&material[]=Steel";
const params = new URLSearchParams(query);
const newParams = deleteParamsEntry(params, "color[]", "Green");
Try this approach:
const deleteURLParamsByNameAndValue = (urlString, paramName, paramValue) => {
const url = new URL(urlString)
const params = url.searchParams
const newParamArray = []
for (var kvPair of params.entries()) {
const k = kvPair[0]
const v = kvPair[1]
if (k!==paramName || v!==paramValue) {
const newSearch = new URLSearchParams(newParamArray)
return decodeURI(`${url.origin}${url.pathname}?${newSearch}`)
const urlString = '[]=Black&color[]=Green&material[]=Steel'
// returns '[]=Green&material[]=Steel'

Javascript node.js regex url matching

So pretty much I have an inputted URL and I am trying to see if it starts with any of the following URLs:
So how it should work is if I were to input "" it would return that it matched "".
If I were to input "" it would return "".
So far I have
but it's not taking me down the right path and I am extremely lost. Thank you!
Since you need to get the specific prefix that matched, checking with startsWith would probably be simpler than using a regular expression:
const prefixes = [
function getPrefix(url) {
const urlLower = url.toLowerCase();
return prefixes.find((prefix) => urlLower.startsWith(prefix));
getPrefix(""); // ""
getPrefix(""); // ""
You should not use regex for that purpose you are using. Since you have all the list of urls you have to match against. You just have to check with the url you receive.
const list = ["",
function getMeMatchedURL(url) {
const matchedURL = list.filter(item => {
return url.substring(0, item.length) === item;
From this you will get the url it matches, if it return empty array then it didn't match any of the list.

I want to generate unique ID

I want to generate unique ID in JavaScript. I have tried uuid npm package, it's good but it's not what I want.
For example what I get as a result from generating unique ID from uuid package is
Is there any way to make specific format as I want.
For example I want my ID to look like this
In this example format is two uppercase letters and 4 numbers.
That's it, I'm looking for answer and thank you all in advance.
If you're just looking to generate a random sequence according to that pattern, you can do so relatively easily. To ensure it's unique, you'll want to run this function and then match it against a table of previously generated IDs to ensure it has not already been used.
In my example below, I created two functions, getRandomLetters() and getRandomDigits() which return a string of numbers and letters the length of the argument passed to the function (default is length of 1 for each).
Then, I created a function called generateUniqueID() which generates a new ID according to the format you specified. It checks to see if the ID already exists within a table of exiting IDs. If so, it enters a while loop which loops until a new unique ID is created and then returns its value.
const existingIDs = ['AA1111','XY1234'];
const getRandomLetters = (length = 1) => Array(length).fill().map(e => String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + 65)).join('');
const getRandomDigits = (length = 1) => Array(length).fill().map(e => Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)).join('');
const generateUniqueID = () => {
let id = getRandomLetters(2) + getRandomDigits(4);
while (existingIDs.includes(id)) id = getRandomLetters(2) + getRandomDigits(4);
return id;
const newID = generateUniqueID();
Not sure why you want this pattern but you could do like this:
const { floor, random } = Math;
function generateUpperCaseLetter() {
return randomCharacterFromArray('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ');
function generateNumber() {
return randomCharacterFromArray('1234567890');
function randomCharacterFromArray(array) {
return array[floor(random() * array.length)];
const identifiers = [];
function generateIdentifier() {
const identifier = [
...Array.from({ length: 2 }, generateUpperCaseLetter),
...Array.from({ length: 4 }, generateNumber)
// This will get slower as the identifiers array grows, and will eventually lead to an infinite loop
return identifiers.includes(identifier) ? generateIdentifier() : identifiers.push(identifier), identifier;
const identifier = generateIdentifier();
They way of what you are suggesting be pretty sure you are going to get duplicates and collitions, I strongly suggest go with uuid.
Also probably you can find this useful:
Or if you want to continue with your idea this could be helpful: Generate random string/characters in JavaScript

How can I map a concatenated value for this state, without it being passed as a string?

I'm new to Javascript.
I'm building this drumpad and I want to be able to switch between different soundpacks.
The sounds are imported from a separate file and the state is written like this:
import * as Sample from '../audiofiles/soundfiles'
const drumpadData = [
// other stuff
soundfile: Sample.sound1a
If I want to load a different soundpack, I have to change the state so the last letter (a,b,c) gets changed, so instead of Sample.sound1a, it would have to be Sample.sound1b. this is the function i wrote (on App.js):
changeSamples(id) {
let choice = document.getElementById("select-samplepack").value
this.setState(prevState => {
const updatedData = => {
let newSoundfile = "Sample.sound" + + choice
item.soundfile = newSoundfile
return item
return {
data: updatedData
It works, as in the value gets changed, but instead of react interpreting that and finding the correct import, the value of soundfile just stays as a string like "Sample.soundb1", so I get a load of media resource errors. heres the website, you can check the console to see the error, you have to load a different soundpack to reproduce the error. and here are the files:
I've thought of some ways of cheesing it, but I want the code to stay as clean as I can make it be.
Well that's because it is in fact a string. When you do:
"Sample.Sound" + + choice you are doing type coersion. In JavaScript, that means you are converting the value of all data-types so that they share a common one. In this case your output resolves into a string. This will not be effective in finding the right sound in your dictionary.
Instead, what you need is bracket notation: Object[property]
Within the brackets we can define logic to identify the designated key belonging to the Object.
For example: Sample["sound" + + choice] would evaluate to Sample["sound1b"] which is the same as Sample.sound1b
changeSamples(id) {
let choice = document.getElementById("select-samplepack").value
this.setState(prevState => {
const updatedData = => {
item.soundfile = Sample["sound" + + choice]
return item
return {
data: updatedData
I can think of two approaches here.
import Sample in App.jsx. and update sound file.
import * as Sample from '../audiofiles/soundfiles'
changeSamples(id) {
let choice = document.getElementById("select-samplepack").value
this.setState(prevState => {
const updatedData = => {
let newSoundfile = Sample[`sound${}${choice}`]
item.soundfile = newSoundfile
return item
return {
data: updatedData
You should save mapping of files in other object and update mapping and use mapping in drumpadData soundfile key.
Your problem comes from this line :
let newSoundfile = "Sample.sound" + + choice
Here you are concatening your values and choice with a string, so the result is a string and Sample is not interpreted as your imported object.
What you need is to wright something like
const sampleItem = "sound" + + choice
let newSoundfile = Sample[sampleItem]
When you access an object property with the notation myObject[something], what's inside the bracket get interpreted. So in my example sample (which is a string because I concatenated a string "sound" with the variables) will be replaced with its string value (ex: "sound1a"), and newSoundFile will have as value the result of Sample["sound1a"].
I hope it make sens.

