Warning on render : Received `true` for a non-boolean attribute `className` - javascript

GEtting the following error for the div.container and span.text:
Warning: Received true for a non-boolean attribute className.
If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: className="true" or className={value.toString()}.
return (
Array.isArray(contactDetails) &&
contactDetails.map((item, index) => {
return item.type === DIVIDER ? (
<div key={index}>
<Divider variant={"middle"} className={classes.divider} />
<div className={classes.dividerText}>{item.text}</div>
) : (
item.text && (
<div className={classes.container} key={index}>
<div className={classes.icon}>{item.icon}</div>
<span className={classes.text}>{item.text}</span>

One of your classes-props is a boolean. You cannot push a boolean (true/false) to className.
You could console.log(classes), then you will see, which prop causes the warning.

It means at least one of the className values is boolean instead of string. we can not say anything more with this piece of code.

I got the same error when i didn't give a value to className attribute like below, probably one of your variable is null or boolean etc.
<img className src={...} .../>


div's background is different than it's content (same values passed)

Ok, so I have a very strange problem (I'm using next.js).
I'm mapping shuffled array.
const otherPoepleData = shuffle(allPeople).filter(item => item.full_slug !== data.full_slug).slice(0, 3)
{otherPoepleData.map((item, index) =>
<SpeakerNew data={item} key={item.id} index={index} />
To sum up the problem I've put inside SpeakerNew component following code:
<div style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${image.filename})` }}>
And here are the results:
<div style="background-image:
The content of the div is 100% correct, however the backgroundImage url is incorrect. Taken from completely other person from array I'm mapping. What coulde be the problem here?

How to set condition value in Reactjs

I try to set a condition
initialValue = {
this.props.noteviewReducer.isError &&
if (this.props.noteviewReducer.isError) true then show this.props.noteviewReducer.result.body
if not, then not show
Try something like this
{this.props.noteviewReducer.isError && (
<MyComponent initialValue={this.props.noteviewReducer.result.body} />

How to separate items from array?

I'm making weather app for 7 days and I need to create abillity for users to open some of days to see more information about weather of current day. So, it means that every item choosen by user has to contain unique id (i don't know could I use in this situation index instead of id) to show information only about some of day. So before this I had some code:
const DailyWeatherData = ({dailyData, isLoading}) => {
const getWeatherStatistic = (value0,value1) => {
if(dailyData && Array.isArray(dailyData.daily)){
return (
<div className="col-lg-3 box-daily-weather">
<NavLink to={'/WeatherDayStat'}>
<div className="temp-day">{Math.ceil(dailyData.daily[value0].temp.day)}°C</div>
<div className="feels-like">Feels like: {Math.ceil(dailyData.daily[value0].feels_like.day)}°C</div>
<div className="daily-weather-condition">Conditions: {dailyData.daily[value0].weather.map(e => e.main)}</div>
}else {
return isLoading === true ? <Preloader /> : null
const setDay = (param) => {
return checkCod ? null : setCurrentDate(new Date(),param)
return (
<div className="daily-weather-container">
{checkCod ? null : <div className="daily-title">Daily Weather</div>}
<div className='row scrolling-wrapper justify-content-center'>
export default DailyWeatherData
In function getWeatherStatistic you can see 2 arguments, value0 - doesn't matter here, value1 - using to show only 1st-6 object, because array which i have got from ajax request contains more days(10) but I need to show only 6 of them. And most importantly, each of them is separate. Logically I'd use map, but It shows all items, so I can use slice but it also shows 6 items in 1 column.
The next problem, this array has not contain parameter like ID, that's why I can't add to NavLink id. If there were ID, I would make something like that dailyData.daily.map(p => <NavLink to={'/WeatherDayStat' + p.id}>)
Also, just in case, add the state code (daily - array which I need):
So I have 2 questions:
How to show only 6 days from array?
How to add unique ID to every Item from array?
Making something like this:
//making new array with data I need
let sliceDailyData = dailyData.daily ? dailyData.daily.slice(1,7) : null
//using map with new array
{sliceDailyData ? sliceDailyData.map((i) => <div key={i.dt} className="col-lg-3 box-daily-weather">
{getCurrentDate(new Date())}
<NavLink to={'/WeatherDayStat'}>
<div className="temp-day">{Math.ceil(i.temp.day)}°C</div>
<div className="feels-like">Feels like: {Math.ceil(i.feels_like.day)} °C</div>
<div className="daily-weather-condition">Conditions: {i.weather.map(i => i.main)} </div>
): null}
Speaking about ID, I have created variable which generte id and push it to array.
You can store your dailyData.daily array in an object and then retrieve it with key, you can use something simple but SEO friendly like obj['day'+(dailyData.daily.indexOf(d)+1)]

React - Split on string not having any effect

I am trying to split a given text at each \n in order to put them on individual lines.
The problem is, in React, I am using the following code:
const details = property.details !== undefined
? property.details.split("\n").map((item, i) => {
return <p key={i}>{item}</p>;
: "";
but there is no splitting made whatsoever. The returned array is simply the whole string. I tried the same string in the console of the browser and it works there.
Also, the typeof property.details is string.
What am I missing?
My render function for this component is:
render() {
const property = this.state.property;
const details =
property.details !== undefined
? property.details.split(/\r?\n/).map((item, i) => {
return <p key={i}>{item}</p>;
: "";
return (
{this.state.isLoading ? (
<div className="sweet-loading" style={{ marginTop: "120px" }}>
) : (
<div className="container p-4" style={{ marginTop: "4rem" }}>
<div className="row align-items-center">
<div className="row display-inline p-3">
<h5 className="fontw-300">{property.zone}</h5>
<h1 className="mt-5 price-font-presentation">
{property.sale_type} -{" "}
<strong>{property.price.toLocaleString()} EUR</strong>
{property.images.map(image => (
<img key={image.id} src={image.image} />
<div className="row p-3">
<h3 className="border-bottom">Detalii</h3>
Maybe I should mention that the information is taken with a django_rest api. Maybe there is a problem with returning \n in a string from there.
It might happen because client OS uses different symbols for new lines. Try this, it's multi-platform:
const details = property.details !== undefined
? property.details.split(/\r?\n/)
: [];
typeof property.details is string because it's string. calling split on property.details returns array, but string remains to be string.
From your updated code sample I can see that you are basically rendering details, which results in array transforming to string back again but without line seperators.
Maybe you have to map it to paragraphs for example:
<h3 className="border-bottom">Detalii</h3>
{details.map(detail => <p>{detail}</p>)}
Also, try white-space: pre; css property as alternative
Have you tried this version:
const details = property.details !== undefined
? property.details.split('\r\n').map((item, i) =>
<p key={i}>{item}</p>;
: '';
(It's the extra \r)

How to control an null value within the map function in ReactJS

it turns out that I'm having a small problem that I find very strange that is not solved with the OR operator (||).
In the following code, you can see that I am sending a
return (
{listShow.map(i => (
<Link to={`/noticias/detalle/${i.categoria.id/${i.id}`} key={i.id}>
src={process.env.REACT_APP_IMG_BASE + i.imagen_intro}
However, at some point, "i.categoria.id" becomes null and this generates an error that says:
"TypeError: Can not read property 'id' of null"
Then, I tried this:
return (
{listShow.map(i => (
<Link to={`/noticias/detalle/${i.categoria.id/${i.id} || 'WithoutCat'`} key={i.id}>
src={process.env.REACT_APP_IMG_BASE + i.imagen_intro}
I would like to know how to solve this, since it seems strange to me that I take the value when I am putting the operator ||
Thank you!
Categoria is null and you are trying to access a property of it, check before if it is null, try this instead:
<Link to={i.categoria && i.categoria.id ? `/noticias/detalle/${i.categoria.id}/${i.id}` : 'WithoutCat'} key={i.id}>
Hope it helps! :)

