How to set condition value in Reactjs - javascript

I try to set a condition
initialValue = {
this.props.noteviewReducer.isError &&
if (this.props.noteviewReducer.isError) true then show this.props.noteviewReducer.result.body
if not, then not show

Try something like this
{this.props.noteviewReducer.isError && (
<MyComponent initialValue={this.props.noteviewReducer.result.body} />


Conditional statements to show a different component React js

i want to create a function or a conditional statement you can say that can show different components based on "If the user have bought products" then show the products components otherwise show "just a simple text like browse or buy products."
<Bookscard />
so this is my component, inside the component the purchased products are being mapped. Can i get a conditional statement that can either show this component like ( if is greater than or equal to 1 then show the component otherwise show a text ) something like this
You can try this:
{ > 0 &&
<Bookscard />
{ > 0 ||
<NoResults />
Or you can keep consistency with && by:
{ > 0 &&
<Bookscard />
{ == 0 &&
<NoResults />
Adding up to #Antoine Baqain's answer, you could use ternary operator too, like this:
{ user?.courses?.length > 0 ? <Bookscard /> : <NoResults /> }

Warning on render : Received `true` for a non-boolean attribute `className`

GEtting the following error for the div.container and span.text:
Warning: Received true for a non-boolean attribute className.
If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: className="true" or className={value.toString()}.
return (
Array.isArray(contactDetails) &&, index) => {
return item.type === DIVIDER ? (
<div key={index}>
<Divider variant={"middle"} className={classes.divider} />
<div className={classes.dividerText}>{item.text}</div>
) : (
item.text && (
<div className={classes.container} key={index}>
<div className={classes.icon}>{item.icon}</div>
<span className={classes.text}>{item.text}</span>
One of your classes-props is a boolean. You cannot push a boolean (true/false) to className.
You could console.log(classes), then you will see, which prop causes the warning.
It means at least one of the className values is boolean instead of string. we can not say anything more with this piece of code.
I got the same error when i didn't give a value to className attribute like below, probably one of your variable is null or boolean etc.
<img className src={...} .../>

How do I make it mandatory to select at least two options using the React Multiselect component?

I created one form control using the React Multiselect component. In this control, I want the 'required' to be removed when at least two of the Multiselect fields are selected.Required does not appear when user selects even one. Required appears only when nothing is selected. How can I do that?
React JS
const changeSelected = (selectedList, selectedItem) => {
const values = selectedList.toString();
setInput({...input, value: values})
dispatch(saveAnswer('f3', formKey, values))
return (
<Multiselect className='btn-group'
style={{background: "red"}}
options={options} // Options to display in the dropdown
selectedValues={input.value ? input.value.split(',') : []} // Preselected value to persist in dropdown
onSelect={changeSelected} // Function will trigger on select event
onRemove={changeSelected} // Function will trigger on remove event
<Form.Check.Input required
checked={input.value != null && input.value.length > 1}
style={{display:'none' }}
<Form.Control.Feedback type="invalid" >Required</Form.Control.Feedback>
I guess this would solve your problem:
required = {input.value.length < 2 ? true : false}
checked={input.value != null && input.value.length > 1}
style={{display:'none' }}

How to add a <br> tag in reactjs between two strings?

I am using react. I want to add a line break <br> between strings
'No results' and 'Please try another search term.'.
I have tried 'No results.<br>Please try another search term.'
but it does not work, I need to add the <br> in the html.
Any ideas how to solve it?
render() {
let data =;
let isLoading = this.props.isLoading;
let isDataEmpty = Object.entries(data).length === 0;
let movieList = isLoading ? <Loader /> : isDataEmpty ? 'No results. Please try another search term.' :
Object.entries(data).map((movie, index) => <MovieTile key={index} {[1]} />);
return (
<div className='movieList'>{movieList}</div>
You should use JSX instead of string:
<div>No results.<br />Please try another search term.</div>
Because each jsx should have 1 wrapper I added a <div> wrapper for the string.
Here it is in your code:
render() {
let data =;
let isLoading = this.props.isLoading;
let isDataEmpty = Object.entries(data).length === 0;
let movieList = isLoading ? <Loader /> : isDataEmpty ? <div>No results.<br />Please try another search term.</div> :
Object.entries(data).map((movie, index) => <MovieTile key={index} {[1]} />);
return (
<div className='movieList'>{movieList}</div>
You can use CSS white-space to solve the problem.
React Component
render() {
message = `No results. \n Please try another search term.`;
return (
<div className='new-line'>{message}</div>
.new-line {
white-space: pre-line;
No results.
Please try another search term.
break text to line:
render() {
{'\n').map( (it, i) => <div key={'x'+i}>{it}</div> )}
Some HTML elements such as <img> and <input> use only one tag. Such tags that belong to a single-tag element aren't an opening tag nor a closing tag. Those are self-closing tags.
In JSX, one has to include the slash. So, remove <br> and try <br />
Here is how I got around this. Let message be the prop/variable that has the string containing line breaks to be displayed in HTML as follows:
message = 'No results.<br>Please try another search term.';
To make this work, we need to use \n instead of break tag <br> and set the following css on the wrapper element of this message as follows:
message = 'No results.\nPlease try another search term.';
<div className="msg-wrapper">
.msg-wrapper {
white-space: pre-wrap;
No results.
Please try another search term.
If you don't want put the string inside a <div> you could use <> to do it.
Like this:
var text = <>This is a text in the first line;<br />this is a text in a second line</>;
Just split text by /n, I do this in this way:
{text.split('\n').map((item, i) => <p key={i}>{item}</p>)}
Try with span
return (
<div className='movieList'><span>{movieList}</span></div>
If you are like in my situation and you don't want to add css, you can do that :
render () {
return (
<Typography component="p">
{(contact.lastname)?<div>Hello {contact.firstname} {contact.lastname}</div>:''}
using ` worked for me however i am not sure if it is the exact solution to the problem :
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
let element = (
<h1> Hello world</h1>
This is just a sentence <br></br>
But This line should not be in the same previous line. <br></br>
The above content proves its working. <br></br>
npm v6.14.6 | react : {React.version}
You can add a span tag and add block as a class.
Pomodoro Technique Timer <span className="block">with Bla</span>
The simplest thing which I did is by creating a component.
const EmptySpace = ({ spaceCount = 0 }) => {
return (
{Array.from({ length: spaceCount }, (item, index) => {
return <br key={index} />;
export default EmptySpace;
<EmptySpace spaceCount={1} />
In your case you could do something like this:
const msg = (
No results <EmptySpace spaceCount={2} />
Please try another search term.

Passing JSX to components vs dangerouslySetInnerHTML

I've been working through react examples, and I've been hacking away building some components. Now I feel i'm running into a fundamental "Brain Fart", regarding component structure and nesting.
What I'm after:
Input component with Optional Labels and help text.
What I have right now: ( which does work )
var MyInput = React.createClass( {
render: function() {
var helpText = null;
if( typeof this.props.helpText !== 'undefined' ){
helpText = <p className="help-block" > {this.props.helpText} </p>;
return (
<div className={ className }>
<MyLabel showLabel={ this.props.showLabel} htmlFor={ }>
{ this.props.title }
type={ this.props.type || 'text' }
name={ }
onChange={ this.changeValue }
value={ this.getValue() }
checked={ this.props.type === 'checkbox' && this.getValue() ? 'checked' : null }
placeholder={ this.props.title }
<span className='validation-error'>{ errorMessage }</span>
module.exports = MyInput;
var LoginForm = React.createClass({
// ... //
render: function() {
return (
<Form className=" col-sm-11 col-lg-10 block-center loginFrm" >
<div className="row">
<FrmInput value =""
helpText= { <span> Help text with link </span>}
required />
<FrmInput value =""
required />
<button type="submit"
className="btn btn-default input-sm "
Sign In
<div className="row">
<div className="pull-right" >
<FrmCheckbox name="rememberMe"
title="Remember Me"
module.exports = LoginForm;
Making the label optional was easy. I use a BOOL showLabel property on the <MyInput/> component and pass that into the MyLabel component. showLabel is assumed TRUE, so the label is shown unless you set showLabel to false as seen above ( then <MyLabel/> just returns NULL ).
I first tried a similar method with a <help/> component to add the optional help text after the input inside <MyInput/>. Everything worked until I added a link inside the help text. Researching I found dangerouslySetInnerHTML as a means to pass HTML content into a component. While testing I also found the code above appears to work also, though I'm not exactly sold on why and how "good" this approach is.
In short it appears I'm just passing JSX objects into my component for rendering. inside <Form> (from LoginForm.js ) on the <FrmInput/> component there is a property named helpText set as follows
helpText= { <span> Help text with link </span> }
inside the <MyInput/> component I'm testing/listening for the helpText property and setting it to a variable when found (Again wrapping with JSX)
var helpText = null;
if( typeof this.props.helpText !== 'undefined' ){
helpText = <p className="help-block" > {this.props.helpText} </p>;
Then in the Render Method I have { helpText }
All in all it looks like I'm just passing javascript objects ( via JSX ) on through untill the final render method. I have not seen the above used in tutorials or documentation, so I'm just looking for a professional opinion.
Is the above "good" practice or how could this better be handled.
There's nothing 'wrong' with your approach. A few suggestions that can help stream line a bit.
You can shorten this block to a simple inline ternary:
var helpText = null;
if( typeof this.props.helpText !== 'undefined' ){
helpText = <p className="help-block" > {this.props.helpText} </p>;
You can remove the above and in your render replace {helpText} with:
{ this.props.helpText ? this.props.helpText : null }
In form input remove the inline helpText html and move to a variable using parens for the JSX.
const helpTextContent = ( <span> Help text with link </span> );
Then inline: helpText = { helpTextContent }
Lastly if you're using ES6 you can use the following syntax to make using props less cumbersome:
let { helpText, someOtherProp, anotherProp } = this.props;
Then you can just refer to helpText or someOtherProp directly without the this.prop every time.
Hope that helps!

