Why there are some files that occasionally replicated themselves in vscode? - javascript

In vscode, when I'm working with NodeJS, there are some files that occasionally replicated themselves. Why? and how can I fix it?
I don't know how to solve..

Looking at the names of the files you can see that they differ by an additional number. This is an indication that you copied such a file in place (for example using copy + paste). Try it out. Select one, say main.hbs press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V. You will get a new file named main 3.hbs (because main 2.hbs already exists.
So, I assume you have done this by accident before, when you believed the code editor has the focus, but instead the file tree was active.


(Moodle) I keep getting raw data when exporting .xlsx file containing HighCharts Images

This issue has baffled me, mainly because it makes no sense. I have some custom PHP code that I wrote on top of my LMS system (Moodle) to display some of its collected data in a HighCharts Table. What makes no sense is that I can almost GUARANTEE the code isn't broken because I checked older working versions of it and the same problem occurs. I never ran an update on Moodle in a long time so no known changes could have affected this.
Here are some weird things I found while troubleshooting:
Only this report is giving this issue.
Whenever I move this ENTIRE code to another PHP with a different name the issue doesn't occur.
Some more important details:
Uses the online version of highcharts.js scripts
The scripts I'm using are:
Please let me know if you've seen this issue before and what step you took to fix it. Also, I can't share the website this issue is on because the content password locked within my Organization.
CLICK HERE FOR IMAGE: This is what happens when I click the export button. The URL changes to something long and then outputs this.

Jquery image bookmarklet not working in Django

Im working through Django By Example and in one chapter a Jquery bookmarklet is built within a Django app so that a user can easily save jpg images from a website into their user profile area within the Django app.
Im not an experienced JS or Jquery programmer but I did some JS some years back and can read the code however the tutorial does give exact instructions on what to do which I have followed and although I have managed to get the bookmarklet button to appear in my bookmarks bar in Chrome, nothing happens when I click it when browsing a webpage with jpg images.
This is my local Django dashboard where the bookmarklet button is added to the bookmarks bar and this part works fine
and this is what it should look like when clicked on, this is the part where nothing happens for me
these are the relevant js files
the only thing I can see that is different with these compared to the files that came with the book is the indentation is a bit off but for some reason the indentation does seem to have changed a bit when I uploaded to Git and they dont look like that locally. Is indentation important in JS?
I followed the same book with the same examples but didn't had any trouble. Make sure your dashboard.html file is referring to the correct javascript file. If nothing works try to add the bookmark manually, you can see how that's done over here http://www.howtogeek.com/189358/beginner-geek-how-to-use-bookmarklets-on-any-device/ it'll sure to work.
And answer to your last question, Indentation is not as important in JavaScript as it's in Python, as python doesn't use any curly braces "{}" or semi-colons ";". But you can write your entire javascript code in a single line and it'll work because your using curly braces everywhere to tell which line of code ends where.
I agree with all the above. In addition, the following:
Error I noticed in the book:
In bookmarklet-launcher.js the js function being called from bookmarklet.js is called myBookmarklet(), however there is no function called this way in bookmarklet.js. So, you may want to use the same name in both js files.
Practically speaking however, the bookmarklet will always work because, not finding a myBookmarklet function in memory, bookmarklet-launcher.js appends the bookmarklet.js script to the body element and, being bookmarklet.js a self-invoking function, its content executed (without the need it to being called). There are some additional interesting technicalities here (the key function in bookmarklet.js is not self invoking but it will anyway be always called because of the script checking whether jQuery is present...) but ok, this is more relevant for those busy with the mentioned book (Django 2 by example).
Check whether bookmarkled, once you click on it, is added to the
current webpage:
2.1. Open devtools (F12 on Chrome) and check e.g. in the html head element whether you find the newly added link element containing the css attribute and/or in the body element whether you find the script element containing the reference to the bookmarklet.js file.
2.2. Alternative: Add an alert message on top of the bookmarklet.js script so that it will be launched if it is correctly loaded. Example:
alert('bookmarkled loaded!');
var jquery_version =...
Make sure you're trying to use it on a HTTP site only. Since you're serving from same protocol. HTTPS site would always tell say: There is a problem loadingbyour jquery. That's how I solved mine.
dude.I have solved the problems I met like you.
The most important thing is that noticing the syntax error(without warnings),mainly caused by ignoring blank.
for example, in the line:
jQuery('#bookmarklet .images').append('<img src="'+image_url+'"/>');
between #bookmarklet and .images should lie a blank space,because of jquery syntax rules(meaning to search tag with id of bookmarklet and search tag with class equaling images within result previously).
Another two places worth notice are codes containing #bookmarklet .images a and #bookmarklet #close,requiring blank spaces between filter condition.
That's where I found I made mistaks mainly after studying syntax of jquery.
You'd better compare your codes with codes already loaded up to github by someone to make sure there are no more little errors(such as spelling).

Selenium + PhantomJS in Python 2.7, file upload

I've been struggling with this function for a few hours now and I can't get it to work in any way shape or form.
Assume my element location and image path are correct at all times. (Seriously, I've been going over this for the past 4 hours, it's not the element location and it's not the file path.)
What I started with was a sendkeys to the input element. This gave no error but caused the script to hang for ever; it wouldn't get past it and no images were being uploaded.
I literally tried every single possible variation of the sendkeys method listed on the first 4 pages of Google when looking for "Python PhanthomJS Selenium upload file sendkeys". Back to the drawing board.
Currently I am looking into executing a bit of JavaScript through Python to upload the file, though I have no idea how to go about this.
The page which I am trying to upload to has its form set to hidden and only shows a button which opens an upload dialog on normal browsers. I feel this is why sendkeys was not working.
Can anyone give me some input or suggestions as what to try next? Or how to execute some JavaScript from Python?
I learned how to execute JavaScript while using selenium in python and it saved my day.
To anyone coming here from google or whatever with the same problem, let me explain what I did:
The fact that my .send_keys() was hanging when sending keys to the input[file=input] element had me wondering before I made the topic but since the webdriver was still able to find the element I wasn't thinking too much of it and shrugged it off as something random. Later however I came with a suggestion that because it had a css type display: hidden !important the webdriver might have been able to find it, but not interact with it, and for some reason selenium just decided to hang itself instead of crashing / giving an error.
With that in mind I started browsing the docs and found the .execute_script() command, turns out we can use this to run a piece of JavaScript through the webdriver. Why I wanted this, is to see if the class styling had anything to do with it at all, how you ask? Well we can use the following line of code to change the class attribute of the input[type=file] element: document.querySelector("input").className="". This is not the most elegant solution since we are basically deleting the entire class responsible for the display: hidden !important styling. If the class were to hold more important data I'd suggest changing the class instead of renaming it to "" or deleting.
Moving on and trying it out, it showed the input button just like I hoped it would! After this I simply re-tried sending the keys and found no problems at all. There is no need for a click, submit or anything. driver.find_element_by_css_selector('input[type=file]').send_keys('path/to/file') However I did note that the way you structure the path seems to be pretty important. For example I am testing on windows and path/to/file did not upload or select any image for me, using path\\to\\file however, worked completely fine.
followed by:
Is what worked for me, and if you are in any alike situation your
variation on the script should upload the image as intended.

When working with an already made website, how do you know which file to edit to change something?

Let's say I'm building a website and using an already made Wordpress theme. Say it's a pretty complex theme and there's a lot of folders and files. If I wanted to change something specific, like text, or an image, or something that happens in Javascript/jQuery, and the change that I want is not an option in the themes control panel, what do I do? I know I have to go into the files but how do I know which file to go to? Lately, I've just download the theme to my desktop and use the windows search companion and type in the field that says "a word or phrase in the file." Sometimes it comes up and sometimes it doesn't. For CSS changes I usually use Firebug and click on the element, but many times I want to change the HTML/PHP/Javascript. I feel like I'm doing it the wrong way and there's an easier way that I'm missing.
As you mentioned WordPress theme so I will specifically try to answer this question for editing WordPress theme.
When it comes to WordPress, everything is very structured and well organized. If theme written following standard practices then each component has its specific file. If you are familiar with WordPress theme structure and want to change php code or say a static part then all you need to do is locate the component file say sidebar.php, home.php, single-{type}.php, header.php and many similar files. http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy
Now if you want to edit something that is shown in right/left side of page as sidebar then chances of finding it in sidebar.php are maximum. Similarly to change something on home page try looking for home.php, for posts it could be single-post.php.
Many a times what you are looking to change might need a tweak in widgets. In this case, process remains same as theme you just need to look in different folder.
Javascript: For editing javascript, beautify the code if it came minified. When you have code ready much of js debugging can be done using firebug/Developer Console in chrome. Best way is to put breakpoints at relevant position and then inspect code behavior. You will be able to locate code block that you need to tweak to achieve what you want.
CSS: Create a child theme and then use it override default theme properties.
You can probably use grep in PowerShell, Cygwin, etc.
grep -lir "a word or phrase in the file." *
edit: Emulating Grep in Powershell

Copy a code snippet in MS Word using JavaScript?

I've come across a Word document that includes sections of example code, all of which being preceded by hyperlinks called "Copy" with the following address format:
My question is, what in the world is this trying to do, and why isn't it working?
I'm assuming it should be copying the code snippets, but the result of Ctrl+Clicking the links is a security notice (clicked to allow) and then the IE View Downloads window shows up.
Between my not really knowing javascript and all the alphanumeric garbage confusing my efforts to understand the syntax, I can't make heads or tails of this...
This is the Javascript command that is included in some websites such as MSDN to allow you to copy code snippets from the website to the clipboard with one click.
When the original author copied the code to the word document he must of copied the link the links which include that Javascript command as well by a mistake. This type of link has no use in Microsoft Word and it can be removed.

