Selenium + PhantomJS in Python 2.7, file upload - javascript

I've been struggling with this function for a few hours now and I can't get it to work in any way shape or form.
Assume my element location and image path are correct at all times. (Seriously, I've been going over this for the past 4 hours, it's not the element location and it's not the file path.)
What I started with was a sendkeys to the input element. This gave no error but caused the script to hang for ever; it wouldn't get past it and no images were being uploaded.
I literally tried every single possible variation of the sendkeys method listed on the first 4 pages of Google when looking for "Python PhanthomJS Selenium upload file sendkeys". Back to the drawing board.
Currently I am looking into executing a bit of JavaScript through Python to upload the file, though I have no idea how to go about this.
The page which I am trying to upload to has its form set to hidden and only shows a button which opens an upload dialog on normal browsers. I feel this is why sendkeys was not working.
Can anyone give me some input or suggestions as what to try next? Or how to execute some JavaScript from Python?
I learned how to execute JavaScript while using selenium in python and it saved my day.
To anyone coming here from google or whatever with the same problem, let me explain what I did:
The fact that my .send_keys() was hanging when sending keys to the input[file=input] element had me wondering before I made the topic but since the webdriver was still able to find the element I wasn't thinking too much of it and shrugged it off as something random. Later however I came with a suggestion that because it had a css type display: hidden !important the webdriver might have been able to find it, but not interact with it, and for some reason selenium just decided to hang itself instead of crashing / giving an error.
With that in mind I started browsing the docs and found the .execute_script() command, turns out we can use this to run a piece of JavaScript through the webdriver. Why I wanted this, is to see if the class styling had anything to do with it at all, how you ask? Well we can use the following line of code to change the class attribute of the input[type=file] element: document.querySelector("input").className="". This is not the most elegant solution since we are basically deleting the entire class responsible for the display: hidden !important styling. If the class were to hold more important data I'd suggest changing the class instead of renaming it to "" or deleting.
Moving on and trying it out, it showed the input button just like I hoped it would! After this I simply re-tried sending the keys and found no problems at all. There is no need for a click, submit or anything. driver.find_element_by_css_selector('input[type=file]').send_keys('path/to/file') However I did note that the way you structure the path seems to be pretty important. For example I am testing on windows and path/to/file did not upload or select any image for me, using path\\to\\file however, worked completely fine.
followed by:
Is what worked for me, and if you are in any alike situation your
variation on the script should upload the image as intended.


Run snippet of jquery code on a specific webpage from a local module

I have a short snippet of jquery code that I use to pick and submit a specific choice in a drop-down menu on a website.
For now, I've pasted the code into the console, but I would like to set up some form of simple local module with a button, that when clicked runs the jquery code on the specific website.
I don't know much coding aside from a bit VBA, so I'm unsure what's the best way to go about this. Intuitively, I imagine that it shouldn't be that difficult of a task, but I can't quite wrap my head around how I set it up and if it's even possible to click a button in a local module that then performs an action on a webpage.
Really hoping some of you might be able to give me some guidance. Any help is appreciated!
Best regards
Ideally, I would like to do this in VBA, but i'm unsure if it's possible to run jquery scripts from VBA. I'm using Chrome Browser by the way.

Jquery image bookmarklet not working in Django

Im working through Django By Example and in one chapter a Jquery bookmarklet is built within a Django app so that a user can easily save jpg images from a website into their user profile area within the Django app.
Im not an experienced JS or Jquery programmer but I did some JS some years back and can read the code however the tutorial does give exact instructions on what to do which I have followed and although I have managed to get the bookmarklet button to appear in my bookmarks bar in Chrome, nothing happens when I click it when browsing a webpage with jpg images.
This is my local Django dashboard where the bookmarklet button is added to the bookmarks bar and this part works fine
and this is what it should look like when clicked on, this is the part where nothing happens for me
these are the relevant js files
the only thing I can see that is different with these compared to the files that came with the book is the indentation is a bit off but for some reason the indentation does seem to have changed a bit when I uploaded to Git and they dont look like that locally. Is indentation important in JS?
I followed the same book with the same examples but didn't had any trouble. Make sure your dashboard.html file is referring to the correct javascript file. If nothing works try to add the bookmark manually, you can see how that's done over here it'll sure to work.
And answer to your last question, Indentation is not as important in JavaScript as it's in Python, as python doesn't use any curly braces "{}" or semi-colons ";". But you can write your entire javascript code in a single line and it'll work because your using curly braces everywhere to tell which line of code ends where.
I agree with all the above. In addition, the following:
Error I noticed in the book:
In bookmarklet-launcher.js the js function being called from bookmarklet.js is called myBookmarklet(), however there is no function called this way in bookmarklet.js. So, you may want to use the same name in both js files.
Practically speaking however, the bookmarklet will always work because, not finding a myBookmarklet function in memory, bookmarklet-launcher.js appends the bookmarklet.js script to the body element and, being bookmarklet.js a self-invoking function, its content executed (without the need it to being called). There are some additional interesting technicalities here (the key function in bookmarklet.js is not self invoking but it will anyway be always called because of the script checking whether jQuery is present...) but ok, this is more relevant for those busy with the mentioned book (Django 2 by example).
Check whether bookmarkled, once you click on it, is added to the
current webpage:
2.1. Open devtools (F12 on Chrome) and check e.g. in the html head element whether you find the newly added link element containing the css attribute and/or in the body element whether you find the script element containing the reference to the bookmarklet.js file.
2.2. Alternative: Add an alert message on top of the bookmarklet.js script so that it will be launched if it is correctly loaded. Example:
alert('bookmarkled loaded!');
var jquery_version =...
Make sure you're trying to use it on a HTTP site only. Since you're serving from same protocol. HTTPS site would always tell say: There is a problem loadingbyour jquery. That's how I solved mine.
dude.I have solved the problems I met like you.
The most important thing is that noticing the syntax error(without warnings),mainly caused by ignoring blank.
for example, in the line:
jQuery('#bookmarklet .images').append('<img src="'+image_url+'"/>');
between #bookmarklet and .images should lie a blank space,because of jquery syntax rules(meaning to search tag with id of bookmarklet and search tag with class equaling images within result previously).
Another two places worth notice are codes containing #bookmarklet .images a and #bookmarklet #close,requiring blank spaces between filter condition.
That's where I found I made mistaks mainly after studying syntax of jquery.
You'd better compare your codes with codes already loaded up to github by someone to make sure there are no more little errors(such as spelling).

OpenWebkitSharp for .NET -- any trick for getting Javascript to work with it in this scenario?

I am using the OpenWebkitSharp browser in a VB.NET project. What I am trying to do is use WebkitBrowser1.Navigate to display some HTML in the browser "on the fly". This works great for basic HTML, but Javascript does not appear to work at all in this scenario. For example, I have...
WebKitBrowser1.DocumentText = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script>alert('This is an alert'); </script></head><body><p>This is some text</p></body></html>"
The body text appears just fine, but there is never a Javascript alert. I made sure that Javascript is enabled in the Webkit browser, so that's not the issue.
If I use the Navigate method to display a local page that contains Javascript (ie WebkitBrowser1.Navigate("path/to/local/file"), then the Javascript works perfectly. But it doesn't work at all when setting the HTML using WebKitBrowser1.DocumentText.
For this particular project, I need to generate the HTML code and display it "on the fly", so I can't use WebKitBrowser1.Navigate. I have to use WebkitBrowser1.DocumentText instead (or something similar).
Any ideas?
Or might there be a better way to accomplish this?
I ran into a similar situation recently, and while I'm still looking for that solution that allows what you're describing, here's what I decided to do as a workaround:
-Save HTML to temporary file
-Load temp file into WebKit control on form.
I'm considering making my own modifications to OpenWebKitSharp however, to see if I can make this happen. Basically, it seems like HTML loaded through DocumentText follows a different render path than loaded through Navigate.

how to know that what Javascript (line & file) is being used on a Web Page

Is it possible to find out (in Chrome/FireFox) that which Javascript file (and hopefully line number) is being used on a web page by a specific element?
The question is a bit unclear, but I can show you how to watch a particular element for JavaScript interaction in Chrome:
Then, after you do that, watch as we click the checkbox:
Some reference for Chrome:
Most other browser work in a similar fashion. There are also other ways to find out how JavaScript code is interacting with your page, but you'll need to give me a more specific scenario to answer that.

Google Chrome Extension

I have a few questions that need answering. I am trying to create a Google Chrome extension and I need every page to be monitored for a keyboard action. I have added a content script that runs on the page load and when you click the keyboard shortcut an alert is shown.
What I want to do is instead of an alert have something like fancybox, thickbox, etc... however all of those are jquery plugins which adds a dependency to my js file. I tried launching the plugin before my js file but it still does not work.
I run the content script from the manifest.json file with
"content_scripts": [
"matches":["http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
"js":["jquery.simplemodal.1.4.1.min.js", "shortcuts.js"]
I cannot execute an HTML page where the js is located I have to use a js file.
so what I want to know is if either there is a way to include the plugin without physically adding it to my file or if there is a way to call the js file which then just executes an HTML file or if there is another way of creating a popup screen like fancybox that is already included in js.
Another question I have is if there was a way to embed HTML into an alert box (this is a backup if I cannot figure out the above question)
and finally does anyone know of an execution command for x-webkit-speech? I want the command to start recording and somehow some people have used some commands (none of which answer my question) so someone somewhere knows a little more about this function then me. I would really appreciate help with this I am really close to finishing my program and these are my last holdups with these questions answered I will be able to release my extension. Please help where you can I have researched and researched everywhere all different ways of trying these things and none have worked.
You were correct (JHurrah) including the jquery actually solved the problem I really appreciate that. simple yet successful I just assumed the jquery provided was enough but I guess everyone knows what happens when you assume especially when programming.
NewTang I have already looked at that website however I will relook at it and see if I missed anything thanks for the help
yeah see I don't have that I have link edit and flag I looked all over and did not see an add comment button at all... :[
since simplemodal is a plugin it depends on jquery, try including jquery in your manifest before the other scripts.
"js":["jquery-1.5.2.min.js", "jquery.simplemodal.1.4.1.min.js", "shortcuts.js"]
I"m a little confused by your question, but I'll give it my best shot.
1) I think you're trying to ask: Can I use a content_script to inject HTML. The answer is yes, but only through Javascript. So, you could have something like:
//using jquery
$("body").append("Hi, I'm on the bottom of the page");
Your javascript would have to create or load the HTML that would get inserted into the page.
2) No, no HTML in an alert box. You're on the right track with using lightbox, thickbox, etc.
3) There's not many resources on x-webkit-speech, but maybe this can help you get going:

