How can I access/mutate Vue component properties from vanilla JS - javascript

I have a Vue 2 project made with Vue CLI, and I plan to distribute it as a library, ideally with the dependencies and Vue syntax stuff abstracted away by some kind of wrapper script. I would like to allow this kind of interaction:
// mount the component on a plain JS webpage
const myComponent = new MyComponent('#my-component');
// handle events from the component in vanilla JS
myComponent.on('load', someHandler);
// (A.) call a component method and get a return value
const processedData = myComponent.process(123);
// (B.) access/mutate reactive component data properties
myComponent.setMessage('Hello world!');
I have tried changing the "build target" to build a Libary or a Web Component as mentioned in the Vue documentation. I can mount the library component just fine, and handle events, but it doesn't mention how I might interact with the component data from outside the Vue VM (see comments A and B).
How can I access Vue component methods and data properties from outside the Vue VM, in vanilla JS?

To access the Vue component properties (and methods) outside of the VM, you can mount it with a "template ref" like this:
const vm = new Vue({
components: {
template: `
and then you can call its methods like this:
You'll get the returned values and it will access/mutate reactive properties inside the VM as expected.
To use the class syntax described in the original question, we can create a simple class to wrap the vue component:
// import the component built by Vue CLI with the "library" build target
// (puts `MyComponent` in the global namespace)
import './MyComponent.umd.min.js';
import Vue from '';
export default class {
constructor(mountElement) {
// mount vue VM with a template ref to access its properties
const thisClass = this;
this.vm = new Vue({
components: {
template: `
this.component = this.vm.$refs.myComponent;
// define methods that could call this.component's functions
someFunction() {
// do stuff
return this.component.someFunction()
It seems to work pretty well. A possible improvement would be to build the component library with a different tool, since Vue CLI v3 (with Vue v2 projects) can't output ESM module files, so the best we can do is a UMD modle that gets defined globally.


Set a class to prototype in NuxtJS Vue

How to set a class to prototype correctly in Vue NuxtJS?
I create plugin
plugins: [
{ src: "~/plugins/global.js" },
import Vue from "vue";
import CustomStore from "devextreme/data/custom_store";
//try set in prototype
have error
A class must be instantiated using the 'new'
I understand that this is not correct, but I can not find anywhere how to initialize it
Vue.use(new CustomStore());
no error but how call?
I want to use something like this in my component
this.dataSource = this.$CustomStore({ ///... settings...// })
I assume that CustomStore is a function, so you can try using Nuxt.js inject() method. This method will make your functions or values available across your app.
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
// Inject $CustomStore() in Vue, context and store.
inject('CustomStore', CustomStore)
then you can use it across your app components.
your component
mounted() {

Add global variable in Vue.js 3

Anybody know how to do add a global variable in Vue 3 ?
in Vue 2 we use this in the main.js file:
Vue.prototype.$myGlobalVariable = globalVariable
The most direct replacement is app.config.globalProperties. See:
Vue.prototype.$myGlobalVariable = globalVariable
const app = createApp(RootComponent)
app.config.globalProperties.$myGlobalVariable = globalVariable
This is scoped to a particular application rather than being global as it was with Vue.prototype. This is by design, all 'global' configuration options are now scoped to an application.
The relevant RFC is here:
Properties added to globalProperties will be available via the component instance for all components within the application. So if you're using the Options API you'll be able to access them using this.$myGlobalVariable, just like you could with Vue.prototype. They'll also be available in the template without the this., e.g. {{ $myGlobalVariable }}.
If you're using the Composition API then you'll still be able to use these properties within the template, but you won't have access to the component instance within setup, so these properties won't be accessible there.
While hacks involving getCurrentInstance() can be used to access globalProperties within setup, those hacks involve using undocumented APIs and are not the recommended approach.
Instead, application-level provide/inject (also discussed in that RFC) can be used as an alternative to Vue.prototype:
const app = createApp(RootComponent)
app.provide('myGlobalVariable', globalVariable)
In the descendant component this can then be accessed using inject. e.g. With <script setup>:
<script setup>
import { inject } from 'vue'
const myGlobalVariable = inject('myGlobalVariable')
Or with an explicit setup function:
import { inject } from 'vue'
export default {
setup() {
const myGlobalVariable = inject('myGlobalVariable')
// Expose it to the template, if required
return {
Or with the Options API:
export default {
inject: ['myGlobalVariable']
The idea here is that the component can explicitly declare the property rather than inheriting it by magic. That avoids problems like name collisions, so there's no need to use a $ prefix. It can also help to make it clearer where exactly a property is coming from.
It is common for the inject function to be wrapped in a composable. For example, the useRoute composable exposed by Vue Router is just a wrapper around inject.
In addition to globalProperties and provide/inject, there are various other techniques that might be used to solve the same problems as Vue.prototype. For example, ES modules, stores, or even global mixins. These aren't necessarily direct answers to the specific question posted here, but I've gone into more detail describing the various approaches at:
Which approach you prefer will depend on your circumstances.
How to add a global variable using Vue 3 and vue-cli (or Vite)
Note: You can drop the dollar sign from your $globalVariable and just use globalVariable, just like in the documentation.
Initially your main.js file looks something like this (adding router for common use case):
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { App } from './App.vue'
import { router } from './router'
To use add the global variable using Vue 3 and the vue-cli or Vite:
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { App } from './App.vue'
import { router } from './router'
// 1. Assign app to a variable
let app = createApp(App)
// 2. Assign the global variable before mounting
app.config.globalProperties.globalVar = 'globalVar'
// 3. Use router and mount app
Then to access the variables in components like this:
export default {
data() {
return {
myVar: this.globalVar
like in the template like this:
<h1>{{ globalVar }}</h1>
And that's it. Happy coding!
About Global Variables and Composition API
According to the very bottom of samayo's answer on this post, global variables are only available on the Options API.
Quoting the bottom of his answer:
Note: This is only for the Options API. Evan You (Vue creator) says: "config.globalProperties are meant as an escape hatch for replicating the behavior of Vue.prototype. In setup functions, simply import what you need or explicitly use provide/inject to expose properties to app.
I recommend to use provide/inject approach as follows :
in main.js :
import {createApp} from 'vue'
let app=createApp({
in some child or grand-child component do :
export default{
//then access this.globalVariable as property in you component
for composition api and script setup :
import { inject } from 'vue'
let globalVar=inject('globalVariable')
If possible you should use imports or provide/inject. Another way to define global variables/functions and use them would be using globalProperties (although this seems to be considered more of an anti-pattern). But if a library you use uses globalProperties then you can use it like this. This also works with global functions.
const app = Vue.createApp({})
app.config.globalProperties.$http = () => {} // global function
app.config.globalProperties.$globalVariable = 'Jimmy' // global variable
1. Using options API
mounted() {
2. Using setup method
<script setup>
import { getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
const app = getCurrentInstance()
const progressBar = app.appContext.config.globalProperties.$globalVariable
For those of you who are confused about how to access globalProperties in the setup() method, you can use getCurrentInstance() as in the following documentation.
In my case I had to create a global var and get the data from a script.
Used provide and inject:
In main.js:
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
const app = createApp(App);
In index.html:
<script name="nameSCRIPT">nameSCRIPT="HELLO"</script>
In child component:

Vue props is undefined when print component dynamically

My problem is on the dynamically creation of the TAG "galeriaimages".
Vue works fine but the props are always undefined
thanks for all.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Gi from './components/galeriaimages.vue'
import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify';
Vue.config.productionTip = false
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
new Vue({vuetify, render: h => h(Gi) }).$mount('galeriaimages');
<galeriaimages p1="awesome" /> <!-- I create it dinamically-->
Vue component
export default {
props: ['p1'] ,
data: function() {
return {
created: function() {
alert(this.p1); //this is always undefined
Thanks to #skirtle for give me the answer :-)
I added this line in my vue.config.js
runtimeCompiler: true
...and all works fine
The bit where you write h(Gi) is creating a galeriaimages component but not passing any props to it.
To pass the prop you would need to write:
new Vue({
render: h => h(Gi, {props: {p1: 'awesome'}})
However, I suspect that isn't what you're really trying to do.
You currently seem to be mounting directly to the <galeriaimages> element, which is a bit odd but if you remove the render function it should work. You can also use el instead of $mount:
new Vue({
components: {galeriaimages: Gi},
el: 'galeriaimages'
I would add that the reason most examples use a render function for the root Vue instance is that it avoids the need to include the template compiler in the Vue build. This only works if all your other Vue components are pre-built .vue files. If you have any templates at runtime, including those in your HTML, then you'll need to include the template compiler anyway. In that scenario there's no benefit to using a render function on the root instance.
You need to provide the component matching the tag <galeriaimages>. Your custom render function is overriding the template parsing, so it is not parsing the <galeriaimages> as a component tag.
new Vue({vuetify, components: {galeriaimages: Gi} }).$mount('galeriaimages');
Also your components are not creating any elements. They are not able to mount.

Call a Vue method from outside the Vue app (Vue Webpack CLI)

I need to call a method from outside my app. I am using the Vue CLI. My method is in a component and looks something like this:
export default {
name: 'home',
methods: {
theMethodINeedToCall() {
// does stuff
I have been searching for a way to access theMethodINeedToCall(). It's not hard to get there when you're not using the Vue CLI, but with the CLI, I can't seem to find my way there.
If the method has nothing to do with the component it's better you host the method outside of the component
At last component is just an object ,just import the component where yo want and call the method;
import MyComponent from './path/'

How can I access angular-redux store from child module?

In my angular app I use angular-redux for application state management. In my main module I defined my redux store. Like this:
export class MainModule {
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<MainAppState>,
private devTools: DevToolsExtension) {
let enhancers = [];
if (environment.production === false && devTools.isEnabled()) {
enhancers = [...enhancers, devTools.enhancer()];
{} as MainAppState,
I created new child module, which contains some components. These components should access to application state. In one of these components I access via #select to store, but this doesn't work. Here is how I access to store:
export function getLanguage(state: LanguageState) { return state.userLanguage; }
And this code I have in my ChildComponent class:
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
#select(getLanguage) savedUserLanguage$: Observable<LanguageState>;
// more code
How can I access to application state store from child modules? What should I import in child module? Will It be better to create own module only for redux store handling? Maybe I forgot something?
I use Angular v4 and #angular-redux/store v6.
I'd recommend creating a separate module that just contains your store, e.g. StoreModule. You can then import your StoreModule into all your child modules and access your store from there.
This is the way they go in the official example app:
Child Module:
Component in child module:
I was thinking about refactoring some ugly old JavaScript code that uses prototypal inheritance into an Angular 7+ project. I was asking myself pretty much the same question. Inspired by my udemy Angular course, I tried an experiment with a ngrx store and lazy loaded modules.
(Keep in mind that ngrx is SIMILAR to #angular-redux, but it's NOT the same thing. See for details.)
Here it is.
I create the store in the main module with StoreModule.forRoot and in each lazy loaded module, I create a reference to the store with StoreModule.forFeature.
(See for details.)
When I dispatch actions on the store with the lazy loaded components, those actions (and corresponding reducers) seem to change the value to which the main app component subscribes.
Also, when I dispatch actions on the store with the main app component, those actions (and corresponding reducers) seem to change the value to which the lazy loaded components subscribe.
Also, it's hard to explain what I did in a simple 200-500 character block so I had to use a github project.

