How can I access angular-redux store from child module? - javascript

In my angular app I use angular-redux for application state management. In my main module I defined my redux store. Like this:
export class MainModule {
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<MainAppState>,
private devTools: DevToolsExtension) {
let enhancers = [];
if (environment.production === false && devTools.isEnabled()) {
enhancers = [...enhancers, devTools.enhancer()];
{} as MainAppState,
I created new child module, which contains some components. These components should access to application state. In one of these components I access via #select to store, but this doesn't work. Here is how I access to store:
export function getLanguage(state: LanguageState) { return state.userLanguage; }
And this code I have in my ChildComponent class:
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
#select(getLanguage) savedUserLanguage$: Observable<LanguageState>;
// more code
How can I access to application state store from child modules? What should I import in child module? Will It be better to create own module only for redux store handling? Maybe I forgot something?
I use Angular v4 and #angular-redux/store v6.

I'd recommend creating a separate module that just contains your store, e.g. StoreModule. You can then import your StoreModule into all your child modules and access your store from there.
This is the way they go in the official example app:
Child Module:
Component in child module:

I was thinking about refactoring some ugly old JavaScript code that uses prototypal inheritance into an Angular 7+ project. I was asking myself pretty much the same question. Inspired by my udemy Angular course, I tried an experiment with a ngrx store and lazy loaded modules.
(Keep in mind that ngrx is SIMILAR to #angular-redux, but it's NOT the same thing. See for details.)
Here it is.
I create the store in the main module with StoreModule.forRoot and in each lazy loaded module, I create a reference to the store with StoreModule.forFeature.
(See for details.)
When I dispatch actions on the store with the lazy loaded components, those actions (and corresponding reducers) seem to change the value to which the main app component subscribes.
Also, when I dispatch actions on the store with the main app component, those actions (and corresponding reducers) seem to change the value to which the lazy loaded components subscribe.
Also, it's hard to explain what I did in a simple 200-500 character block so I had to use a github project.


Why components defined by "customElements.define()" are not globally usable?

I am working on a Svelte project, but it contains some web components.
The issue I am facing is that some web components defined by the customElements.define() Typescript function are not usable unless I import them specifically in the user component.
For example, a web component is defined in the following way:
// File name is oneWebComponent.js
export class OneWebComponent extends HTMLElement {
customElements.define('one-web-component', OneWebComponent);
Then, there is another JS file, which contains a "factory" function that creates different types of Web Components:
export const createElement = (tagName) => {
return document.createElement(tagName);
If I call it like createElement('one-web-component'), the resulting component is not really the one defined in OneWebComponent. I know that because the functions defined there are not callable (error: XXX is not a function).
But if I import oneWebComponent.js in the factory file like below, it works correctly:
// This line is newly added:
import './oneWebComponent.js';
export const createElement = (tagName) => {
return document.createElement(tagName);
That means, if I have multiple types of web components, and the factory function is called in multiple places, I will have to import each type of web component in each place, which is tedious.
I wonder if there is a way to just make the components defined by customElements.define() globally usable?
That means, no imports needed, just passing the tag name into document.createElement() and it will create the web component correctly.
Am I missing any configs?
Thanks in advance!
As #Bergi pointed out, the customElements.define() function is not executed if the file is not imported anywhere.
So I only needed to import all of the web components in the top level of the app, a file like app.svelte or main.js for example, then the function will run, and the tags are defined and usable across the app.

How can I access/mutate Vue component properties from vanilla JS

I have a Vue 2 project made with Vue CLI, and I plan to distribute it as a library, ideally with the dependencies and Vue syntax stuff abstracted away by some kind of wrapper script. I would like to allow this kind of interaction:
// mount the component on a plain JS webpage
const myComponent = new MyComponent('#my-component');
// handle events from the component in vanilla JS
myComponent.on('load', someHandler);
// (A.) call a component method and get a return value
const processedData = myComponent.process(123);
// (B.) access/mutate reactive component data properties
myComponent.setMessage('Hello world!');
I have tried changing the "build target" to build a Libary or a Web Component as mentioned in the Vue documentation. I can mount the library component just fine, and handle events, but it doesn't mention how I might interact with the component data from outside the Vue VM (see comments A and B).
How can I access Vue component methods and data properties from outside the Vue VM, in vanilla JS?
To access the Vue component properties (and methods) outside of the VM, you can mount it with a "template ref" like this:
const vm = new Vue({
components: {
template: `
and then you can call its methods like this:
You'll get the returned values and it will access/mutate reactive properties inside the VM as expected.
To use the class syntax described in the original question, we can create a simple class to wrap the vue component:
// import the component built by Vue CLI with the "library" build target
// (puts `MyComponent` in the global namespace)
import './MyComponent.umd.min.js';
import Vue from '';
export default class {
constructor(mountElement) {
// mount vue VM with a template ref to access its properties
const thisClass = this;
this.vm = new Vue({
components: {
template: `
this.component = this.vm.$refs.myComponent;
// define methods that could call this.component's functions
someFunction() {
// do stuff
return this.component.someFunction()
It seems to work pretty well. A possible improvement would be to build the component library with a different tool, since Vue CLI v3 (with Vue v2 projects) can't output ESM module files, so the best we can do is a UMD modle that gets defined globally.

Vue - make helper for root component and all child component

Please is there a way to create a helper function on a root component in vue and also make the function accessible in all child components?
You can create helper functions and use it as a plugin. In case of you are using nuxt.js, you can create helpers.js in plugins and register it in nuxt.config.js file.
import Vue from 'vue'
import helpers from './helpers'
const plugin = {
install () {
Vue.prototype.$helpers = helpers
In helpers.js, you can define all helper functions.
export default {
cloneObj(val) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val));
Then you can use it in any child components like this:
You need to store it in a separate file because it's frustrating to pass it as a prop from one component to another and that's the main idea of why state management like Vuex is a better solution because it provides a centralized state manage which you can access from any component

how to access DOM elements in angular 4 service?

I am able to access DOM elements components like below
declare var jQuery: any;
declare var $: any;
//component stuff
I am trying to implement the same inside the service class, but dom elements and template is not accessible in the service class.
p.s: this is not duplicate of how to access them in components.
You can access DOM from an Angular service using the plain javascript document object, with some little additions to your service:
// We import not only "Injectable", but "Inject" too, from #angular/core
import { Injectable, Inject } from '#angular/core';
// We import DOCUMENT from #angular/common. Be careful, because the old import from '#angular/platform-browser' is deprecated.
import { DOCUMENT } from '#angular/common';
// Our standard service class in the usual way
export class LoadingSpinnerService {
// In the constructor we inject a dependency to DOCUMENT, of type HTMLDocument
constructor(#Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: HTMLDocument) {
// We create a new div in the DOM, child of the body tag, <div id="LoadingSpinner"></div>
var NewDomElement = this.document.createElement("div");
NewDomElement.setAttribute("id", "LoadingSpinner");
As you will probably know, you crete the service from the command line with something like:
ng g s loading-spinner
Don't forget to edit the app.module.ts to add the "import" to the service, and the item to the "providers" array in its "#NgModule" decorator:
import { LoadingSpinnerService } from './WHATEVER-DIRECTORY-YOU-CREATE-THE-SERVICE/loading-spinner.service';
providers: [LoadingSpinnerService,
About the topic of using angular services only for data, i don't agree. As you can read in the official architecture guide for services:
Service is a broad category encompassing any value, function, or feature that an app needs.
A component can delegate certain tasks to services, such as fetching data from the server, validating user input, or logging directly to the console.
The provided example just in this documentation is for a log data service.
Hope this helps someone.
You can't in services. You can do it javascript way like document.getElementById.
In components and directives You can use ViewChild from #angular/core
<div class="my_class" #myElement></div>
import { ElementRef, ViewChild } from '#angular/core';
#ViewChild('myElement') myElement:ElementRef;
console.log(this.myElement.nativeElement.offsetHeight); // inside any function.
I guess you cannot directly access with CSS selectors by Angular way. Alternatively, you can just use plain old JavaScript
Note: You can only do this in components and directives not inside services
Why Services
Components shouldn't fetch or save data directly and they certainly shouldn't knowingly present fake data. They should focus on presenting data and delegate data access to a service.
In Simpler terms:
component, directive for presenting, manipulating and interacting with DOM
services are for data handling between your component and backend

Call a Vue method from outside the Vue app (Vue Webpack CLI)

I need to call a method from outside my app. I am using the Vue CLI. My method is in a component and looks something like this:
export default {
name: 'home',
methods: {
theMethodINeedToCall() {
// does stuff
I have been searching for a way to access theMethodINeedToCall(). It's not hard to get there when you're not using the Vue CLI, but with the CLI, I can't seem to find my way there.
If the method has nothing to do with the component it's better you host the method outside of the component
At last component is just an object ,just import the component where yo want and call the method;
import MyComponent from './path/'

