Fastest way to clean path collisions in array of strings - javascript

This is a hard one to explain, but here goes. I need to clean an array of 'path' strings where if a path has sub properties it not include the top level property. but only the child properties
Should become:
I have a fairly verbose function kind of working so far, but looking to see if there is a more elegant/better solution than this:
function cleanCollisions(array) {
var output = [];
// return [ Set(array)];
var map = array.reduce(function(set, field) {
if (!Boolean(field)) {
return set;
var rootKey = field.split('.')[0];
if(!set[rootKey]) {
set[rootKey] =[];
var count = field.split('.').length -1;
if(count) {
return set;
}, {})
for(const key in map) {
value = map[key];
if(value.length) {
} else {
return output.flat();

I'd first iterate over the array to extract the top property of all strings that have sub properties, then filter out all those top properties.
const input = [
const topLevelProps = new Set();
for (const str of input) {
const match = str.match(/^(.*?)\./);
if (match) {
const output = input.filter(str => !topLevelProps.has(str));

A variation of the answer by CertainPerformance but using filter and map instead of regex:
const paths = [
const roots = paths.filter(p => p.includes('.')).map(p => p.split('.')[0]);
const cleansed = paths.filter(p => p.includes('.') || !roots.includes(p));


How to create multiple objects from array of entries in JavaScript?

I receive an array of entries from form using FormData(). It consists of information about the recipe. Like this:
const dataArr = [
['title', 'pizza'],
['image', 'url'],
['quantity-0', '1'],
['unit-0', 'kg'],
['description-0', 'Flour'],
['quantity-1', '2'],
['unit-1', 'tbsp'],
['description-1', 'Olive oil'],
... // more ingredients
which I need to reorganize in new object, like this:
const recipe = {
title: 'pizza',
image: 'url',
ingredients: [
{ quantity: '1', unit: 'kg', ingredient: 'Flour' },
{ quantity: '2', unit: 'tbsp', ingredient: 'Olive oil' },
So, for ingredients array I need to create multiple objects from received data. I came up with needed result, but it's not clean. I would appreciate your help coming up with universal function, when number of ingredients is unknown.
My solution: Form receives 6 ingredients max, therefore:
const ingredients = [];
// 1. Create an array with length of 6 (index helps to get ingredient-related data looping over the array)
const arrayOf6 = new Array(6).fill({});
arrayOf6.forEach((_, i) => {
// 2. In each iteration filter over all data to get an array for each ingredient
const ingArr = dataArr.filter(entry => {
return entry[0].startsWith(`unit-${i}`) ||
entry[0].startsWith(`quantity-${i}`) ||
// 3. Loop over each ingredient array and rename future properties
ingArr.forEach(entry => {
[key, value] = entry;
if(key.includes('ingredient')) entry[0] = 'description';
if(key.includes('quantity')) entry[0] = 'quantity';
if(key.includes('unit')) entry[0] = 'unit';
// 4. Transform array to object and push into ingredients array
const ingObj = Object.fromEntries(ingArr);
// To finalize new object
const dataObj = Object.fromEntries(dataArr);
const recipe = {
title: dataObj.title,
image: dataObj.image,
You'll have to parse the values of the input array to extract the index. To build the result object, you could use reduce:
const dataArr = [['title', 'pizza'],['image', 'url'],['quantity-0', '1'],['unit-0', 'kg'],['description-0', 'Flour'],['quantity-1', '2'],['unit-1', 'tbsp'], ['description-1', 'Olive oil']];
const recipe = dataArr.reduce((recipe, [name, value]) => {
const [, prop, index] = name.match(/^(\w+)-(\d+)$/) ?? [];
if (prop) {
(recipe.ingredients[index] ??= {})[prop] = value;
} else {
recipe[name] = value;
return recipe;
}, { ingredients: [] });
You don't need arrayOf6. You never use its elements for anything -- it seems like you're just using it as a replacement for a loop like for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++).
Just loop over dataArr and check whether the name has a number at the end. If it does, use that as an index into the ingredients array, otherwise use the name as the property of the ingredients object. Then you don't need to hard-code a limit to the number of ingredients.
const dataArr = [
['title', 'pizza'],
['image', 'url'],
['quantity-0', '1'],
['unit-0', 'kg'],
['description-0', 'Flour'],
['quantity-1', '2'],
['unit-1', 'tbsp'],
['description-1', 'Olive oil'],
// more ingredients
const recipe = {
ingredients: []
dataArr.forEach(([name, value]) => {
let match = name.match(/^(\w+)-(\d+)$/);
if (match) {
let type = match[1];
let index = match[2];
if (!recipe.ingredients[index]) {
recipe.ingredients[index] = {};
recipe.ingredients[index][type] = value;
} else {
recipe[name] = value;
Separating the key-parsing logic helps me think about the concerns more clearly:
const orderedKeyRegExp = /^(.+)-(\d+)$/;
function parseKey (key) {
const match = key.match(orderedKeyRegExp);
// Return -1 for the index if the key pattern isn't part of a numbered sequence
if (!match) return {index: -1, name: key};
return {
index: Number(match[2]),
name: match[1],
function transformRecipeEntries (entries) {
const result = {};
const ingredients = [];
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
const {index, name} = parseKey(key);
if (index >= 0) (ingredients[index] ??= {})[name] = value;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Assign an empty object to the element of the array at the index
// (if it doesn't already exist)
else result[name] = value;
if (ingredients.length > 0) result.ingredients = ingredients;
return result;
const entries = [
['title', 'pizza'],
['image', 'url'],
['quantity-0', '1'],
['unit-0', 'kg'],
['description-0', 'Flour'],
['quantity-1', '2'],
['unit-1', 'tbsp'],
['description-1', 'Olive oil'],
// ...more ingredients
const result = transformRecipeEntries(entries);

How to dynamically add data from an array with objects to a nested array?

I have this set of data that I get dynamically -
This is the data I dynamically get
and my question is how can I get the values from the key, pattern and label and put them in a nested object like this - how should the nested object look like.
My current code is
let mergeTagsObj = {};
const merg = function(arr){
const propertyDataMap = => x.key);
propertyDataMap.forEach(x => {
mergeTagsObj[x] = {}
// console.log(object);
displayArr has the data that I dynamically get, and I map each one to get the key so I can then give the object property a name. But after that I need to get the other 2 (pattern and label) and put it in the mergeTagsObj;
ex: mergeTagsObj = {
You can add the pattern and label in your forEach and any other logic that you might need to transform the data.
const data = [{key: 'firstName', pattern: "{{firstName}}", label: "First Name"},
{key: 'lastName', pattern: "{{lastName}}", label: "Last Name"},
{key: 'unsubscribeLink', pattern: "{{unsubscribeLink}}", label: "Unsubscribe Link"}
const transformDataToTagsObject = (dData) => {
const dynamicData = {};
dData.forEach((currentData, index) => {
const currentKey = currentData.key
const name = currentData.label
let value = currentData.pattern
if(currentData.key === 'unsubscribeLink'){
value = `<a href='${value}'>Unsubscribe</a>`
dynamicData[currentKey] = {
const tagsObject = {
tags: dynamicData
return tagsObject;
const finalResults = transformDataToTagsObject(data)
Not most elegant solution, but I think this should work. Don't need to create the array of keys first you can just iterate over the arr of objects.
const merg = function(arr){
arr.forEach(x => {
mergeTagsObj[x.key] = {};
mergeTagsObj[x.key]['name'] = x.label;
mergeTagsObj[x.key]['value'] = x.pattern
// console.log(object);
// Given
const data = [
{key: "firstName", pattern: "{{firstName}}", label: "First Name"},
{key: "unsubscribeLink", pattern: "{{unsubscribeLink}}", label: "Unsubscribe Link"}
const tagsObject = data.reduce((obj, item) => {
const key = item.key;
const name = item.label;
let value = item.pattern;
if (key === 'unsubscribeLink') value = 'Unsubscribe';
return {...obj, [key]: {name, value}};
}, {});

How to use the result of an iteration to re-iterate?

I need to create a new array from another with the condition:
for example from an array
mainArr: [
I need to make an array ['1','2','148','151'] which means the path from "parentId"'s to "id":152 - (argument for this function).
I think main logic can be like this:
const parentsArr = [];
mainArr.forEach((item) => {
if ( === id) {
and the result {item.parentId} should be used to iterate again. But I don't understand how to do it...
You could use a recursive function for this. First you can transform your array to a Map, where each id from each object points to its object. Doing this allows you to .get() the object with a given id efficiently. For each object, you can get the parentId, and if it is defined, rerun your traverse() object again searching for the parent id. When you can no longer find a parentid, then you're at the root, meaning you can return an empty array to signify no parentid object exist:
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"root"},{"id":2,"parentId":1,"name":"2"},{"id":148,"parentId":2,"name":"3"},{"id":151,"parentId":148,"name":"4"},{"id":152,"parentId":151,"name":"5"}];
const transform = arr => new Map( => [, o]));
const traverse = (map, id) => {
const startObj = map.get(+id);
if("parentId" in startObj)
return [...traverse(map, startObj.parentId), startObj.parentId];
return [];
console.log(traverse(transform(arr), "152"));
If you want to include "152" in the result, you can change your recursive function to use the id argument, and change the base-case to return [id] (note that the + in front of id is used to convert it to a number if it is a string):
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"root"},{"id":2,"parentId":1,"name":"2"},{"id":148,"parentId":2,"name":"3"},{"id":151,"parentId":148,"name":"4"},{"id":152,"parentId":151,"name":"5"}];
const transform = arr => new Map( => [, o]));
const traverse = (map, id) => {
const startObj = map.get(+id);
if("parentId" in startObj)
return [...traverse(map, startObj.parentId), +id];
return [+id];
console.log(traverse(transform(arr), "152"));
I would start by indexing the data by id using reduce
var byId = data.reduce( (acc,i) => {
acc[] = i
return acc;
And then just go through using a loop and pushing the id to a result array
var item = byId[input];
var result = []
while(item.parentId) {
item = byId[item.parentId];
Live example:
const input = 152;
const data = [ { "id":1, "name":"root" }, { "id":2, "parentId":1, "name":"2" }, { "id":148, "parentId":2, "name":"3" }, { "id":151, "parentId":148, "name":"4" }, { "id":152, "parentId":151, "name":"5" } ]
var byId = data.reduce( (acc,i) => {
acc[] = i
return acc;
var item = byId[input];
var result = []
while(item.parentId) {
item = byId[item.parentId];
Try changing this line
To this
Then try
This is what I ended up with. Basically a mix of Janek and Nicks answers. It's just 2 steps:
transform code to a map.
extract the ancester_id's with a little function
let data = [
data = data.reduce( (acc, value) => {
// could optionally filter out the id here
return acc.set(, value)
}, new Map());
function extract_ancestors( data, id ) {
let result = [];
while( data.get( id ).parentId ) {
id = data.get( id ).parentId;
return result;
// some visual tests
console.log( extract_ancestors( data, 152 ) );
console.log( extract_ancestors( data, 148 ) );
console.log( extract_ancestors( data, 1 ) );
PS: My OOP tendencies start to itch so much from this haha.

How to remove duplicate array of object property in javascript?

const words = [{value:"can_view",rolename:"group"},
I am trying to get value from array of objects. I want to get value this format
Accepted Value: {
And also I want to remove array of string based on rolename from output..forexample, "can_create",can_delete remove only from group property.
Here is my codesanbox :
You could do with Array#reduce
const words = [{value:"can_view",rolename:"group"},{value:"can_create",rolename:"group"},{value:"can_delete",rolename:"top"}];
const res = words.reduce((acc,{rolename,value})=>{
acc[rolename] = acc[rolename] || [];
return acc
Use a simple for loop to get this done. You need to group by rolename here.
const words = [
{ value: "can_view", rolename: "group" },
{ value: "can_create", rolename: "group" },
{ value: "can_delete", rolename: "top" },
{ value: "can_delete", rolename: "group" }
const result = {};
for (const { value, rolename } of words) {
if (!result[rolename]) result[rolename] = [];
function removeElement(obj, arr) {
for (var key of Object.keys(result)) {
if (key === obj) {
result[key] = result[key].filter(i => !arr.includes(i));
return result;
const modified = removeElement("group", ["can_delete"]);

Build a JSON object from absolute filepaths

I receive (in my angularjs application) from a server a list of directories like this:
And I would like to build a javascript variable which looks like this:
label: '.trash-user'},
{label: 'cats',
children: [{
label: 'css'},
{label: 'images',
children: [{
label: 'blog'},
{label: 'gallery'}
The paths are in random order.
Hope somebody has some really elegant solution, but any solution is appreciated!
Here is my naive approach, I have real trouble with recursion.
I could only make level 0 to work:
var generateTree = function(filetree){
console.log('--------- filetree -------');
var model = [];
var paths = [];
for(var i=0;i<filetree.length;i++) {
paths = filetree[i].split('/');
for(var j=0;j<paths.length;++j) {
var property = false;
for(var k=0;k<model.length;++k) {
if (model[k].hasOwnProperty('label') &&
model[k].label === paths[0]) {
property = true;
if (!property) {
model.push({label: paths[0]});
If you want an elegant solution, lets start with a more elegant output:
'.trash-user': {},
'cats': {
'css': {},
'images': {
'blog': {},
'gallery': {},
Objects are much better than arrays for storing unique keys and much faster too (order 1 instead of order n). To get the above output, do:
var obj = {};
src.forEach(p => p.split('/').reduce((o,name) => o[name] = o[name] || {}, obj));
or in pre-ES6 JavaScript:
var obj = {};
src.forEach(function(p) {
return p.split('/').reduce(function(o,name) {
return o[name] = o[name] || {};
}, obj);
Now you have a natural object tree which can easily be mapped to anything you want. For your desired output, do:
var convert = obj => Object.keys(obj).map(key => Object.keys(obj[key]).length?
{ label: key, children: convert(obj[key]) } : { label: key });
var arr = convert(obj);
or in pre-ES6 JavaScript:
function convert(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {
return Object.keys(obj[key]).length?
{ label: key, children: convert(obj[key])} : { label: key };
var arr = convert(obj);
I'll venture that generating the natural tree first and then converting to the array will scale better than any algorithm working on arrays directly, because of the faster look-up and the natural impedance match between objects and file trees.
JSFiddles: ES6 (e.g. Firefox), non-ES6.
Something like this should work:
function pathsToObject(paths) {
var result = [ ];
// Iterate through the original list, spliting up each path
// and passing it to our recursive processing function
paths.forEach(function(path) {
path = path.split('/');
buildFromSegments(result, path);
return result;
// Processes each path recursively, one segment at a time
function buildFromSegments(scope, pathSegments) {
// Remove the first segment from the path
var current = pathSegments.shift();
// See if that segment already exists in the current scope
var found = findInScope(scope, current);
// If we did not find a match, create the new object for
// this path segment
if (! found) {
scope.push(found = {
label: current
// If there are still path segments left, we need to create
// a children array (if we haven't already) and recurse further
if (pathSegments.length) {
found.children = found.children || [ ];
buildFromSegments(found.children, pathSegments);
// Attempts to find a ptah segment in the current scope
function findInScope(scope, find) {
for (var i = 0; i < scope.length; i++) {
if (scope[i].label === find) {
return scope[i];

