Build a JSON object from absolute filepaths - javascript

I receive (in my angularjs application) from a server a list of directories like this:
And I would like to build a javascript variable which looks like this:
label: '.trash-user'},
{label: 'cats',
children: [{
label: 'css'},
{label: 'images',
children: [{
label: 'blog'},
{label: 'gallery'}
The paths are in random order.
Hope somebody has some really elegant solution, but any solution is appreciated!
Here is my naive approach, I have real trouble with recursion.
I could only make level 0 to work:
var generateTree = function(filetree){
console.log('--------- filetree -------');
var model = [];
var paths = [];
for(var i=0;i<filetree.length;i++) {
paths = filetree[i].split('/');
for(var j=0;j<paths.length;++j) {
var property = false;
for(var k=0;k<model.length;++k) {
if (model[k].hasOwnProperty('label') &&
model[k].label === paths[0]) {
property = true;
if (!property) {
model.push({label: paths[0]});

If you want an elegant solution, lets start with a more elegant output:
'.trash-user': {},
'cats': {
'css': {},
'images': {
'blog': {},
'gallery': {},
Objects are much better than arrays for storing unique keys and much faster too (order 1 instead of order n). To get the above output, do:
var obj = {};
src.forEach(p => p.split('/').reduce((o,name) => o[name] = o[name] || {}, obj));
or in pre-ES6 JavaScript:
var obj = {};
src.forEach(function(p) {
return p.split('/').reduce(function(o,name) {
return o[name] = o[name] || {};
}, obj);
Now you have a natural object tree which can easily be mapped to anything you want. For your desired output, do:
var convert = obj => Object.keys(obj).map(key => Object.keys(obj[key]).length?
{ label: key, children: convert(obj[key]) } : { label: key });
var arr = convert(obj);
or in pre-ES6 JavaScript:
function convert(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {
return Object.keys(obj[key]).length?
{ label: key, children: convert(obj[key])} : { label: key };
var arr = convert(obj);
I'll venture that generating the natural tree first and then converting to the array will scale better than any algorithm working on arrays directly, because of the faster look-up and the natural impedance match between objects and file trees.
JSFiddles: ES6 (e.g. Firefox), non-ES6.

Something like this should work:
function pathsToObject(paths) {
var result = [ ];
// Iterate through the original list, spliting up each path
// and passing it to our recursive processing function
paths.forEach(function(path) {
path = path.split('/');
buildFromSegments(result, path);
return result;
// Processes each path recursively, one segment at a time
function buildFromSegments(scope, pathSegments) {
// Remove the first segment from the path
var current = pathSegments.shift();
// See if that segment already exists in the current scope
var found = findInScope(scope, current);
// If we did not find a match, create the new object for
// this path segment
if (! found) {
scope.push(found = {
label: current
// If there are still path segments left, we need to create
// a children array (if we haven't already) and recurse further
if (pathSegments.length) {
found.children = found.children || [ ];
buildFromSegments(found.children, pathSegments);
// Attempts to find a ptah segment in the current scope
function findInScope(scope, find) {
for (var i = 0; i < scope.length; i++) {
if (scope[i].label === find) {
return scope[i];


Fastest way to clean path collisions in array of strings

This is a hard one to explain, but here goes. I need to clean an array of 'path' strings where if a path has sub properties it not include the top level property. but only the child properties
Should become:
I have a fairly verbose function kind of working so far, but looking to see if there is a more elegant/better solution than this:
function cleanCollisions(array) {
var output = [];
// return [ Set(array)];
var map = array.reduce(function(set, field) {
if (!Boolean(field)) {
return set;
var rootKey = field.split('.')[0];
if(!set[rootKey]) {
set[rootKey] =[];
var count = field.split('.').length -1;
if(count) {
return set;
}, {})
for(const key in map) {
value = map[key];
if(value.length) {
} else {
return output.flat();
I'd first iterate over the array to extract the top property of all strings that have sub properties, then filter out all those top properties.
const input = [
const topLevelProps = new Set();
for (const str of input) {
const match = str.match(/^(.*?)\./);
if (match) {
const output = input.filter(str => !topLevelProps.has(str));
A variation of the answer by CertainPerformance but using filter and map instead of regex:
const paths = [
const roots = paths.filter(p => p.includes('.')).map(p => p.split('.')[0]);
const cleansed = paths.filter(p => p.includes('.') || !roots.includes(p));

Search whole javascript object with children

I currently have this object:
var obj = {
1: {
title: 'test',
children: {
2: {
title: 'test2',
children: {}
3: {
title: 'test3',
children: {}
The whole idea is I make a function to add an item to this object. As parameter I send the parent.
Now, I was wondering how I would get the right item object. For example if I send parent '2', it would get 2: from the children of 1:. The only way I can think of is a for loop, but I don't know if there's a more efficient way. The children can be extended even more, so a parent has children, those children have children endlessly. That's the whole idea at least.
I think with a few items a for loop is okay, but I think if I have over 50 items it's already slow, and it'll even be slower with more.
This solution use Object.keys() for getting all keys of the given object and an array iteration with short ciruit Array.prototype.some() looks for the key. If found the reference is returned, otherwise the item is checked for an object. If so the object reference is taken for a new search with getReference().
var obj = { 1: { title: 'test', children: { 2: { title: 'test2', children: {} }, 3: { title: 'test3', children: {} } } } };
function getReference(o, p) {
var r;
Object.keys(o).some(function (k) {
if (k === p) {
r = o[k];
return true;
if (typeof o[k] === 'object') {
r = getReference(o[k], p);
return !!r;
return r;
var x = getReference(obj, '2');
If you want adding to be fast, you can preserve indexes of your child nodes in object or map (ES6). It could look like this:
function Tree() { = {};
this.indexes = {0:};
Tree.prototype = {
addNode: function(parentIndex, index, node) {
// handle cases when parentIndex does not exist
// handle cases when index already exists
this.indexes[index] = node;
var parent = this.indexes[parentIndex];
parent.children = parent.children || {};
parent.children[index] = node;
var tree = new Tree();
tree.addNode(0, 1, { title: 'test' });
tree.addNode(1, 2, { title: 'test2' });
tree.addNode(1, 3, { title: 'test3' });

Reproducing MongoDB's map/emit functionality in javascript/node.js (without MongoDB)

I like the functionality that MongoDB provides for doing map/reduce tasks, specifically the emit() in the mapper function. How can I reproduce the map behavior shown below in javascript/node.js without MongoDB?
Example (from MongoDB Map-Reduce Docs):
[{ cust_id: "A123", amount: 500 }, { cust_id: "A123", amount: 250 }, { cust_id: "B212", amount: 200 }]
Mapped to -
[{ "A123": [500, 200] }, { "B212": 200 }]
A library that makes it as simple as Mongo's one line emit() would be nice but native functions would do the job as well.
Array.reduce does what you need.
here is documentation:
I also suggest you to use undescore.js (as in first comment) which has reduce & reduceRight.
If you just neeed to have the emit syntax, it's possible. Scan out the function body and pass in a new emit function.
function mapReduce(docs, m, r) {
var groups = {}
function emit(key, value) {
if (!groups[key]) { groups[key] = [] }
var fn = m.toString()
var body = fn.substring(fn.indexOf('{') + 1, fn.lastIndexOf('}'))
var map = new Function('emit', body)
docs.forEach(function (doc) {, emit)
var outs = []
Object.keys(groups).forEach(function (key) {
outs.push({ _id: key, value: r(key, groups[key]) })
return outs
Edit, forgot example:
var docs = // from above
Array.sum = function (values) {
return values.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b })
function () {
emit(this.cust_id, this.amount)
function (k, values) {
return Array.sum(values)
// [ { _id: 'A123', value: 750 }, { _id: 'B212', value: 200 } ]
I agree that there are lots of great lib ways to do this, and it's simple to do with Array methods. Here is a fiddle with my suggestion. It's pretty simple, and just uses the forEach Array method. I've done it in a single loop, but there are many other ways.
I haven't done the reduce at the end, as you didn't ask for that, but I hope this helps.
function emit (key, value, data) {
var res = {}; out = [];
data.forEach(function (item) {
var k = item[key];
var v = item[value];
if (k !== undefined && v !== undefined) {
if (res[k] !== undefined) {
} else {
var obj = {};
res[k] = out.length;
obj[k] = [v];
return out;
var data = [{name: 'Steve', amount: 50},{name: 'Steve', amount: 400}, {name: 'Jim', amount: 400}];
emit('name', 'amount', data)) // returns [{"Steve":[50,400]},{"Jim":[400]}]
emit('amount', 'name', data)) // returns [{"50":["Steve"]},{"400":["Steve","Jim"]}]
I've used an object to store the array index for each unique entry. There are lots of versions of this. Probably many better than mine, but thought I'd give you a vanilla JS version.

Efficiently rename/re-map javascript/json object keys within array of objects

I have some structured JSON data like so. Let's assume this is interchangeable, via JSON.parse():
"title": "pineapple",
"uid": "ab982d34c98f"
"title": "carrots",
"uid": "6f12e6ba45ec"
I need it to look like this, remapping title to name, and uid to id with the result:
"name": "pineapple",
"id": "ab982d34c98f"
"name": "carrots",
"id": "6f12e6ba45ec"
The most obvious way of doing it is like this:
str = '[{"title": "pineapple","uid": "ab982d34c98f"},{"title": "carrots", "uid": "6f12e6ba45ec"}]';
var arr = JSON.parse(str);
for (var i = 0; i<arr.length; i++) {
arr[i].name = arr[i].title;
arr[i].id = arr[i].uid;
delete arr[i].title;
delete arr[i].uid;
str = '[{"title": "pineapple","uid": "ab982d34c98f"},{"title": "carrots", "uid": "6f12e6ba45ec"}]';
var arr = JSON.parse(str);
for (var i = 0; i<arr.length; i++) {
arr[i].name = arr[i].title;
arr[i].id = arr[i].uid;
delete arr[i].title;
delete arr[i].uid;
$('body').append("<pre>"+JSON.stringify(arr, undefined, 4)+"</pre>");
<script src=""></script>
...or using something more complex (albeit not more efficient) like this.
This is all fine and dandy, but what if there were 200,000 objects in the array? This is a lot of processing overhead.
Is there a more efficient way to remap a key name? Possibly without looping through the entire array of objects? If your method is more efficient, please provide proof/references.
As I already mentioned in the comments, if you can make certain assumptions about the values of the objects, you could use a regular expression to replace the keys, for example:
str = str.replace(/"title":/g, '"name":');
It's not as "clean", but it might get the job done faster.
If you have to parse the JSON anyway, a more structured approach would be to pass a reviver function to JSON.parse and you might be able to avoid an additional pass over the array. This probably depends on how engine implement JSON.parse though (maybe they parse the whole string first and then make a second pass with the reviver function, in which case you wouldn't get any advantage).
var arr = JSON.parse(str, function(prop, value) {
switch(prop) {
case "title": = value;
case "uid": = value;
return value;
Benchmarks, using the Node.js script below to test 3 times:
1389822740739: Beginning regex rename test
1389822740761: Regex rename complete
// 22ms, 22ms, 21ms
1389822740762: Beginning parse and remap in for loop test
1389822740831: For loop remap complete
// 69ms, 68ms, 68ms
1389822740831: Beginning reviver function test
1389822740893: Reviver function complete
// 62ms, 61ms, 60ms
It appears as if the regex (in this case) is the most efficient, but be careful when trying to parse JSON with regular expressions.
Test script, loading 100,230 lines of the OP's sample JSON:
fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('test.json', 'utf8', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ": Beginning regex rename test");
var str = data.replace(/"title":/g, '"name":');
str = str.replace(/"uid":/g, '"id":');
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ": Regex rename complete");
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ": Beginning parse and remap in for loop test");
var arr = JSON.parse(data);
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i].name = arr[i].title;
arr[i].id = arr[i].uid;
delete arr[i].title;
delete arr[i].uid;
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ": For loop remap complete");
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ": Beginning reviver function test");
var arr = JSON.parse(data, function (prop, value) {
switch (prop) {
case "title": = value;
case "uid": = value;
return value;
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ": Reviver function complete");
Asked this question a long time ago, and since then, I've grown acustomed to using to get the job done, more for stability and cleanliness of code than performance. While it's certainly not the most performant, it looks great:
var repl = {
return {
name: obj.title,
id: obj.uid
If you need a more flexible (and ES6-compatible function), try:
let replaceKeyInObjectArray = (a, r) => =>
Object.keys(o).map((key) => ({ [r[key] || key] : o[key] })
).reduce((a, b) => Object.assign({}, a, b)))
const arr = [{ abc: 1, def: 40, xyz: 50 }, { abc: 1, def: 40, xyz: 50 }, { abc: 1, def: 40, xyz: 50 }]
const replaceMap = { "abc": "yyj" }
replaceKeyInObjectArray(arr, replaceMap)
"yyj": 1,
"def": 40,
"xyz": 50
"yyj": 1,
"def": 40,
"xyz": 50
"yyj": 1,
"def": 40,
"xyz": 50
Here's another take on the OP's suggestion to use map() for clarity (not performance).
var newItems = => ({
name: item.title,
id: item.uid
This uses ES6 arrow functions and the shortcut syntaxes that are possible when there's only one parm passed to the function and only one statement in the body of the function.
Depending on your history with lambda expressions in various languages, this form may or may not resonate with you.
Be careful when returning an object literal in the arrow function shortcut syntax like this. Don't forget the additional parens around the object literal!
If you want to make it a little more reusable. Maybe this is a decent approach.
function rekey(arr, lookup) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var obj = arr[i];
for (var fromKey in lookup) {
var toKey = lookup[fromKey];
var value = obj[fromKey];
if (value) {
obj[toKey] = value;
delete obj[fromKey];
return arr;
var arr = [{ apple: 'bar' }, { apple: 'foo' }];
var converted = rekey(arr, { apple: 'kung' });
Using ES6:
const renameFieldInArrayOfObjects = (arr, oldField, newField) => {
return => {
return Object.keys(s).reduce((prev, next) => {
if(next === oldField) {
prev[newField] = s[next]
} else {
prev[next] = s[next]
return prev
}, {})
Using ES7:
const renameFieldInArrayOfObjects = (arr, oldField, newField) => {
return => {
return Object.keys(s).reduce((prev, next) => {
return next === oldField
? {...prev, [newField]: s[next]}
: {...prev, [next]: s[next]}
}, {})
You can use an npm package named node-data-transform.
Your data :
const data = [
title: 'pineapple',
uid: 'ab982d34c98f',
title: 'carrots',
uid: '6f12e6ba45ec',
Your mapping :
const map = {
item: {
name: 'title',
id: 'uid',
And use the package :
const DataTransform = require("node-json-transform").DataTransform;
const dataTransform = DataTransform(data, map);
const result = dataTransform.transform();
Result :
name: 'pineapple',
id: 'ab982d34c98f'
name: 'carrots',
id: '6f12e6ba45ec'
Maybe it's not the best way for performance, but it's quite elegant.
var jsonObj = [/*sample array in question*/ ]
Based on different benchmarks discussed below, fastest solution is native for:
var arr = [];
for(var i = 0, len = jsonObj .length; i < len; i++) {
arr.push( {"name": jsonObj[i].title, "id" : jsonObj[i].uid});
I think alternatively without using a frameworks this will be option 2:
var arr = []
jsonObj.forEach(function(item) { arr.push({"name": item.title, "id" : item.uid }); });
There is always debate between using navite and non-navite functions. If I remember correctly lodash argued they were faster than underscore because the use non-native functions for key operations.
However different browsers will produce sometimes very different results. I always looked for the best average.
For benchmarks you can take a look at this:
function replaceElem(value, replace, str) {
while (str.indexOf(value) > -1) {
str = str.replace(value, replace);
return str;
call this from main
var value = "tittle";
var replace = "name";
replaceElem(value, replace, str);

How to traverse JSON object locating particular property and pushing its contents to array?

I am working with a JSON object which can have a property ids at any leaf. I want to traverse the object and find all of the instances of the ids property and store each id in a collection.
Mocked up JSON Object (the ids property could be at much deeper property locations).
"id": "b38a683d-3fb6-408f-9ef6-f4b853ed1193",
"foo": {
"ids": [
"id": "bd0bf3bd-d6b9-4706-bfcb-9c867e47b881"
"id": "d1cc529d-d5d2-4460-b2bb-acf24a7c5999"
"id": "b68d0c8c-548e-472f-9b01-f25d4b199a71"
"baz": "super"
"bar": {
"ids": [
"id": "bd0bf3bd-d6b9-4706-bfcb-9c867e47b881"
"id": "d1cc529d-d5d2-4460-b2bb-acf24a7c5999"
"id": "b68d0c8c-548e-472f-9b01-f25d4b199a71"
I am using the following code to traverse the above JSON.
var jsonFile = require('./file_test.json'); // the above in my local directory
function traverse(obj, ids) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (typeof obj[prop] == "object" && obj[prop]) {
if (prop == 'ids') {
for (var i = obj[prop].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
traverse(obj[prop], ids);
var ids = new Array();
traverse(jsonFile, ids);
console.log('ids', ids);
The above nets the following:
While my code works I am not convinced that I am doing this the most efficient or best way. Is there a better way to find all instances of the ids property? Perhaps without passing in an array but returning one? Or setting up for a callback with an ids array?
If the data was actually a JSON string, and not a JavaScript object, you could have something like:
// assuming `json` is the data string
var ids = [];
var data = JSON.parse(json, function(key, value) {
if (key === "id")
return value;
See reviver on JSON.parse method.
what you have is fine, but this is a little shorter and uses the .map function:
var jsonFile = require('./file_test.json'); // the above in my local directory
function traverse(obj) {
var ids = [];
for (var prop in obj) {
if (typeof obj[prop] == "object" && obj[prop]) {
if (prop == 'ids') {
ids = obj[prop].map(function(elem){
ids =ids.concat(traverse(obj[prop]));
return ids;
var ids =traverse(jsonFile);
console.log('ids', ids);
What you're basically trying to do is a tree search of this JSON object, am I right? So if we assume that ids is always a leaf then we do not need to traverse those nodes as we know they are at the leaf and will contain what we want.
Change the if {...} traverse to if {...} else {traverse}
If it is possible to change the data structure of ids to a list of strings instead of a list of objects then you will be able to save the iteration over the array and just merge it onto the ids array passed in, but it depends completely on the context and whether or not you can make this change!
Sorry I'm not of more help!
Assuming ES5 is available natively or via a shim:
function gimmeIds(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj||{})
.reduce(function(ids, key) {
if(key === 'ids') {
return ids.concat(obj[key].map(function(idObj) {
if(obj[key] && typeof obj[key] == 'object') {
return ids.concat(gimmeIds(obj[key]));
return ids;
}, []);
Using object-scan this becomes very simple. Note that you can easily specify what is targeted (in this case **.ids[*].id)
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const data = { id: 'b38a683d-3fb6-408f-9ef6-f4b853ed1193', foo: { ids: [{ id: 'bd0bf3bd-d6b9-4706-bfcb-9c867e47b881' }, { id: 'd1cc529d-d5d2-4460-b2bb-acf24a7c5999' }, { id: 'b68d0c8c-548e-472f-9b01-f25d4b199a71' }], baz: 'super' }, bar: { ids: [{ id: 'bd0bf3bd-d6b9-4706-bfcb-9c867e47b881' }, { id: 'd1cc529d-d5d2-4460-b2bb-acf24a7c5999' }, { id: 'b68d0c8c-548e-472f-9b01-f25d4b199a71' }] } };
const findIds = (input) => objectScan(['**.ids[*].id'], { rtn: 'value' })(input);
/* => [ 'b68d0c8c-548e-472f-9b01-f25d4b199a71',
'bd0bf3bd-d6b9-4706-bfcb-9c867e47b881' ]
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src=""></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan

