HTML5 Canvas - Certain images are blurry when drawn with context.drawImage() [duplicate] - javascript

I use html5 canvas elements to resize images im my browser. It turns out that the quality is very low. I found this: Disable Interpolation when Scaling a <canvas> but it does not help to increase the quality.
Below is my css and js code as well as the image scalled with Photoshop and scaled in the canvas API.
What do I have to do to get optimal quality when scaling an image in the browser?
Note: I want to scale down a large image to a small one, modify color in a canvas and send the result from the canvas to the server.
canvas, img {
image-rendering: optimizeQuality;
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;
image-rendering: optimize-contrast;
-ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
var $img = $('<img>');
var $originalCanvas = $('<canvas>');
$img.load(function() {
var originalContext = $originalCanvas[0].getContext('2d');
originalContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
originalContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
originalContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
originalContext.drawImage(this, 0, 0, 379, 500);
The image resized with photoshop:
The image resized on canvas:
I tried to make downscaling in more than one steps as proposed in:
Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas and
Html5 canvas drawImage: how to apply antialiasing
This is the function I have used:
function resizeCanvasImage(img, canvas, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
var imgWidth = img.width,
imgHeight = img.height;
var ratio = 1, ratio1 = 1, ratio2 = 1;
ratio1 = maxWidth / imgWidth;
ratio2 = maxHeight / imgHeight;
// Use the smallest ratio that the image best fit into the maxWidth x maxHeight box.
if (ratio1 < ratio2) {
ratio = ratio1;
else {
ratio = ratio2;
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasCopy = document.createElement("canvas");
var copyContext = canvasCopy.getContext("2d");
var canvasCopy2 = document.createElement("canvas");
var copyContext2 = canvasCopy2.getContext("2d");
canvasCopy.width = imgWidth;
canvasCopy.height = imgHeight;
copyContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// init
canvasCopy2.width = imgWidth;
canvasCopy2.height = imgHeight;
copyContext2.drawImage(canvasCopy, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height, 0, 0, canvasCopy2.width, canvasCopy2.height);
var rounds = 2;
var roundRatio = ratio * rounds;
for (var i = 1; i <= rounds; i++) {
console.log("Step: "+i);
// tmp
canvasCopy.width = imgWidth * roundRatio / i;
canvasCopy.height = imgHeight * roundRatio / i;
copyContext.drawImage(canvasCopy2, 0, 0, canvasCopy2.width, canvasCopy2.height, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height);
// copy back
canvasCopy2.width = imgWidth * roundRatio / i;
canvasCopy2.height = imgHeight * roundRatio / i;
copyContext2.drawImage(canvasCopy, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height, 0, 0, canvasCopy2.width, canvasCopy2.height);
} // end for
// copy back to canvas
canvas.width = imgWidth * roundRatio / rounds;
canvas.height = imgHeight * roundRatio / rounds;
canvasContext.drawImage(canvasCopy2, 0, 0, canvasCopy2.width, canvasCopy2.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
Here is the result if I use a 2 step down sizing:
Here is the result if I use a 3 step down sizing:
Here is the result if I use a 4 step down sizing:
Here is the result if I use a 20 step down sizing:
Note: It turns out that from 1 step to 2 steps there is a large improvement in image quality but the more steps you add to the process the more fuzzy the image becomes.
Is there a way to solve the problem that the image gets more fuzzy the more steps you add?
Edit 2013-10-04: I tried the algorithm of GameAlchemist. Here is the result compared to Photoshop.
PhotoShop Image:
GameAlchemist's Algorithm:

Since your problem is to downscale your image, there is no point in talking about interpolation -which is about creating pixel-. The issue here is downsampling.
To downsample an image, we need to turn each square of p * p pixels in the original image into a single pixel in the destination image.
For performances reasons Browsers do a very simple downsampling : to build the smaller image, they will just pick ONE pixel in the source and use its value for the destination. which 'forgets' some details and adds noise.
Yet there's an exception to that : since the 2X image downsampling is very simple to compute (average 4 pixels to make one) and is used for retina/HiDPI pixels, this case is handled properly -the Browser does make use of 4 pixels to make one-.
BUT... if you use several time a 2X downsampling, you'll face the issue that the successive rounding errors will add too much noise.
What's worse, you won't always resize by a power of two, and resizing to the nearest power + a last resizing is very noisy.
What you seek is a pixel-perfect downsampling, that is : a re-sampling of the image that will take all input pixels into account -whatever the scale-.
To do that we must compute, for each input pixel, its contribution to one, two, or four destination pixels depending wether the scaled projection of the input pixels is right inside a destination pixels, overlaps an X border, an Y border, or both.
( A scheme would be nice here, but i don't have one. )
Here's an example of canvas scale vs my pixel perfect scale on a 1/3 scale of a zombat.
Notice that the picture might get scaled in your Browser, and is .jpegized by S.O..
Yet we see that there's much less noise especially in the grass behind the wombat, and the branches on its right. The noise in the fur makes it more contrasted, but it looks like he's got white hairs -unlike source picture-.
Right image is less catchy but definitively nicer.
Here's the code to do the pixel perfect downscaling :
fiddle result :
fiddle itself :
// scales the image by (float) scale < 1
// returns a canvas containing the scaled image.
function downScaleImage(img, scale) {
var imgCV = document.createElement('canvas');
imgCV.width = img.width;
imgCV.height = img.height;
var imgCtx = imgCV.getContext('2d');
imgCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
return downScaleCanvas(imgCV, scale);
// scales the canvas by (float) scale < 1
// returns a new canvas containing the scaled image.
function downScaleCanvas(cv, scale) {
if (!(scale < 1) || !(scale > 0)) throw ('scale must be a positive number <1 ');
var sqScale = scale * scale; // square scale = area of source pixel within target
var sw = cv.width; // source image width
var sh = cv.height; // source image height
var tw = Math.floor(sw * scale); // target image width
var th = Math.floor(sh * scale); // target image height
var sx = 0, sy = 0, sIndex = 0; // source x,y, index within source array
var tx = 0, ty = 0, yIndex = 0, tIndex = 0; // target x,y, x,y index within target array
var tX = 0, tY = 0; // rounded tx, ty
var w = 0, nw = 0, wx = 0, nwx = 0, wy = 0, nwy = 0; // weight / next weight x / y
// weight is weight of current source point within target.
// next weight is weight of current source point within next target's point.
var crossX = false; // does scaled px cross its current px right border ?
var crossY = false; // does scaled px cross its current px bottom border ?
var sBuffer = cv.getContext('2d').
getImageData(0, 0, sw, sh).data; // source buffer 8 bit rgba
var tBuffer = new Float32Array(3 * tw * th); // target buffer Float32 rgb
var sR = 0, sG = 0, sB = 0; // source's current point r,g,b
/* untested !
var sA = 0; //source alpha */
for (sy = 0; sy < sh; sy++) {
ty = sy * scale; // y src position within target
tY = 0 | ty; // rounded : target pixel's y
yIndex = 3 * tY * tw; // line index within target array
crossY = (tY != (0 | ty + scale));
if (crossY) { // if pixel is crossing botton target pixel
wy = (tY + 1 - ty); // weight of point within target pixel
nwy = (ty + scale - tY - 1); // ... within y+1 target pixel
for (sx = 0; sx < sw; sx++, sIndex += 4) {
tx = sx * scale; // x src position within target
tX = 0 |  tx; // rounded : target pixel's x
tIndex = yIndex + tX * 3; // target pixel index within target array
crossX = (tX != (0 | tx + scale));
if (crossX) { // if pixel is crossing target pixel's right
wx = (tX + 1 - tx); // weight of point within target pixel
nwx = (tx + scale - tX - 1); // ... within x+1 target pixel
sR = sBuffer[sIndex ]; // retrieving r,g,b for curr src px.
sG = sBuffer[sIndex + 1];
sB = sBuffer[sIndex + 2];
/* !! untested : handling alpha !!
sA = sBuffer[sIndex + 3];
if (!sA) continue;
if (sA != 0xFF) {
sR = (sR * sA) >> 8; // or use /256 instead ??
sG = (sG * sA) >> 8;
sB = (sB * sA) >> 8;
if (!crossX && !crossY) { // pixel does not cross
// just add components weighted by squared scale.
tBuffer[tIndex ] += sR * sqScale;
tBuffer[tIndex + 1] += sG * sqScale;
tBuffer[tIndex + 2] += sB * sqScale;
} else if (crossX && !crossY) { // cross on X only
w = wx * scale;
// add weighted component for current px
tBuffer[tIndex ] += sR * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 1] += sG * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 2] += sB * w;
// add weighted component for next (tX+1) px
nw = nwx * scale
tBuffer[tIndex + 3] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 4] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 5] += sB * nw;
} else if (crossY && !crossX) { // cross on Y only
w = wy * scale;
// add weighted component for current px
tBuffer[tIndex ] += sR * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 1] += sG * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 2] += sB * w;
// add weighted component for next (tY+1) px
nw = nwy * scale
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw ] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 1] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 2] += sB * nw;
} else { // crosses both x and y : four target points involved
// add weighted component for current px
w = wx * wy;
tBuffer[tIndex ] += sR * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 1] += sG * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 2] += sB * w;
// for tX + 1; tY px
nw = nwx * wy;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 4] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 5] += sB * nw;
// for tX ; tY + 1 px
nw = wx * nwy;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw ] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 1] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 2] += sB * nw;
// for tX + 1 ; tY +1 px
nw = nwx * nwy;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 3] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 4] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 5] += sB * nw;
} // end for sx
} // end for sy
// create result canvas
var resCV = document.createElement('canvas');
resCV.width = tw;
resCV.height = th;
var resCtx = resCV.getContext('2d');
var imgRes = resCtx.getImageData(0, 0, tw, th);
var tByteBuffer =;
// convert float32 array into a UInt8Clamped Array
var pxIndex = 0; //
for (sIndex = 0, tIndex = 0; pxIndex < tw * th; sIndex += 3, tIndex += 4, pxIndex++) {
tByteBuffer[tIndex] = Math.ceil(tBuffer[sIndex]);
tByteBuffer[tIndex + 1] = Math.ceil(tBuffer[sIndex + 1]);
tByteBuffer[tIndex + 2] = Math.ceil(tBuffer[sIndex + 2]);
tByteBuffer[tIndex + 3] = 255;
// writing result to canvas.
resCtx.putImageData(imgRes, 0, 0);
return resCV;
It is quite memory greedy, since a float buffer is required to store the intermediate values of the destination image (-> if we count the result canvas, we use 6 times the source image's memory in this algorithm).
It is also quite expensive, since each source pixel is used whatever the destination size, and we have to pay for the getImageData / putImageDate, quite slow also.
But there's no way to be faster than process each source value in this case, and situation is not that bad : For my 740 * 556 image of a wombat, processing takes between 30 and 40 ms.

Fast canvas resample with good quality:
Update: version 2.0 (faster, web workers + transferable objects) -
* Hermite resize - fast image resize/resample using Hermite filter. 1 cpu version!
* #param {HtmlElement} canvas
* #param {int} width
* #param {int} height
* #param {boolean} resize_canvas if true, canvas will be resized. Optional.
function resample_single(canvas, width, height, resize_canvas) {
var width_source = canvas.width;
var height_source = canvas.height;
width = Math.round(width);
height = Math.round(height);
var ratio_w = width_source / width;
var ratio_h = height_source / height;
var ratio_w_half = Math.ceil(ratio_w / 2);
var ratio_h_half = Math.ceil(ratio_h / 2);
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var img = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width_source, height_source);
var img2 = ctx.createImageData(width, height);
var data =;
var data2 =;
for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
var x2 = (i + j * width) * 4;
var weight = 0;
var weights = 0;
var weights_alpha = 0;
var gx_r = 0;
var gx_g = 0;
var gx_b = 0;
var gx_a = 0;
var center_y = (j + 0.5) * ratio_h;
var yy_start = Math.floor(j * ratio_h);
var yy_stop = Math.ceil((j + 1) * ratio_h);
for (var yy = yy_start; yy < yy_stop; yy++) {
var dy = Math.abs(center_y - (yy + 0.5)) / ratio_h_half;
var center_x = (i + 0.5) * ratio_w;
var w0 = dy * dy; //pre-calc part of w
var xx_start = Math.floor(i * ratio_w);
var xx_stop = Math.ceil((i + 1) * ratio_w);
for (var xx = xx_start; xx < xx_stop; xx++) {
var dx = Math.abs(center_x - (xx + 0.5)) / ratio_w_half;
var w = Math.sqrt(w0 + dx * dx);
if (w >= 1) {
//pixel too far
//hermite filter
weight = 2 * w * w * w - 3 * w * w + 1;
var pos_x = 4 * (xx + yy * width_source);
gx_a += weight * data[pos_x + 3];
weights_alpha += weight;
if (data[pos_x + 3] < 255)
weight = weight * data[pos_x + 3] / 250;
gx_r += weight * data[pos_x];
gx_g += weight * data[pos_x + 1];
gx_b += weight * data[pos_x + 2];
weights += weight;
data2[x2] = gx_r / weights;
data2[x2 + 1] = gx_g / weights;
data2[x2 + 2] = gx_b / weights;
data2[x2 + 3] = gx_a / weights_alpha;
//clear and resize canvas
if (resize_canvas === true) {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
} else {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width_source, height_source);
ctx.putImageData(img2, 0, 0);

Suggestion 1 - extend the process pipe-line
You can use step-down as I describe in the links you refer to but you appear to use them in a wrong way.
Step down is not needed to scale images to ratios above 1:2 (typically, but not limited to). It is where you need to do a drastic down-scaling you need to split it up in two (and rarely, more) steps depending on content of the image (in particular where high-frequencies such as thin lines occur).
Every time you down-sample an image you will loose details and information. You cannot expect the resulting image to be as clear as the original.
If you are then scaling down the images in many steps you will loose a lot of information in total and the result will be poor as you already noticed.
Try with just one extra step, or at tops two.
In case of Photoshop notice that it applies a convolution after the image has been re-sampled, such as sharpen. It's not just bi-cubic interpolation that takes place so in order to fully emulate Photoshop we need to also add the steps Photoshop is doing (with the default setup).
For this example I will use my original answer that you refer to in your post, but I have added a sharpen convolution to it to improve quality as a post process (see demo at bottom).
Here is code for adding sharpen filter (it's based on a generic convolution filter - I put the weight matrix for sharpen inside it as well as a mix factor to adjust the pronunciation of the effect):
sharpen(context, width, height, mixFactor);
The mixFactor is a value between [0.0, 1.0] and allow you do downplay the sharpen effect - rule-of-thumb: the less size the less of the effect is needed.
Function (based on this snippet):
function sharpen(ctx, w, h, mix) {
var weights = [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0],
katet = Math.round(Math.sqrt(weights.length)),
half = (katet * 0.5) |0,
dstData = ctx.createImageData(w, h),
dstBuff =,
srcBuff = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h).data,
y = h;
while(y--) {
x = w;
while(x--) {
var sy = y,
sx = x,
dstOff = (y * w + x) * 4,
r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
for (var cy = 0; cy < katet; cy++) {
for (var cx = 0; cx < katet; cx++) {
var scy = sy + cy - half;
var scx = sx + cx - half;
if (scy >= 0 && scy < h && scx >= 0 && scx < w) {
var srcOff = (scy * w + scx) * 4;
var wt = weights[cy * katet + cx];
r += srcBuff[srcOff] * wt;
g += srcBuff[srcOff + 1] * wt;
b += srcBuff[srcOff + 2] * wt;
a += srcBuff[srcOff + 3] * wt;
dstBuff[dstOff] = r * mix + srcBuff[dstOff] * (1 - mix);
dstBuff[dstOff + 1] = g * mix + srcBuff[dstOff + 1] * (1 - mix);
dstBuff[dstOff + 2] = b * mix + srcBuff[dstOff + 2] * (1 - mix)
dstBuff[dstOff + 3] = srcBuff[dstOff + 3];
ctx.putImageData(dstData, 0, 0);
The result of using this combination will be:
Depending on how much of the sharpening you want to add to the blend you can get result from default "blurry" to very sharp:
Suggestion 2 - low level algorithm implementation
If you want to get the best result quality-wise you'll need to go low-level and consider to implement for example this brand new algorithm to do this.
See Interpolation-Dependent Image Downsampling (2011) from IEEE.
Here is a link to the paper in full (PDF).
There are no implementations of this algorithm in JavaScript AFAIK of at this time so you're in for a hand-full if you want to throw yourself at this task.
The essence is (excerpts from the paper):
An interpolation oriented adaptive down-sampling algorithm is proposed
for low bit-rate image coding in this paper. Given an image, the
proposed algorithm is able to obtain a low resolution image, from
which a high quality image with the same resolution as the input
image can be interpolated. Different from the traditional
down-sampling algorithms, which are independent from the
interpolation process, the proposed down-sampling algorithm hinges the
down-sampling to the interpolation process. Consequently, the
proposed down-sampling algorithm is able to maintain the original
information of the input image to the largest extent. The down-sampled
image is then fed into JPEG. A total variation (TV) based post
processing is then applied to the decompressed low resolution image.
Ultimately, the processed image is interpolated to maintain the
original resolution of the input image. Experimental results verify
that utilizing the downsampled image by the proposed algorithm, an
interpolated image with much higher quality can be achieved. Besides,
the proposed algorithm is able to achieve superior performance than
JPEG for low bit rate image coding.
(see provided link for all details, formulas etc.)

If you wish to use canvas only, the best result will be with multiple downsteps. But that's not good enougth yet. For better quality you need pure js implementation. We just released pica - high speed downscaler with variable quality/speed. In short, it resizes 1280*1024px in ~0.1s, and 5000*3000px image in 1s, with highest quality (lanczos filter with 3 lobes). Pica has demo, where you can play with your images, quality levels, and even try it on mobile devices.
Pica does not have unsharp mask yet, but that will be added very soon. That's much more easy than implement high speed convolution filter for resize.

Why use the canvas to resize images? Modern browsers all use bicubic interpolation — the same process used by Photoshop (if you're doing it right) — and they do it faster than the canvas process. Just specify the image size you want (use only one dimension, height or width, to resize proportionally).
This is supported by most browsers, including later versions of IE. Earlier versions may require browser-specific CSS.
A simple function (using jQuery) to resize an image would be like this:
function resizeImage(img, percentage) {
var coeff = percentage/100,
width = $(img).width(),
height = $(img).height();
return {"width": width*coeff, "height": height*coeff}
Then just use the returned value to resize the image in one or both dimensions.
Obviously there are different refinements you could make, but this gets the job done.
Paste the following code into the console of this page and watch what happens to the gravatars:
function resizeImage(img, percentage) {
var coeff = percentage/100,
width = $(img).width(),
height = $(img).height();
return {"width": width*coeff, "height": height*coeff}
$('.user-gravatar32 img').each(function(){
var newDimensions = resizeImage( this, 150); = newDimensions.width + "px"; = newDimensions.height + "px";

Not the right answer for people who really need to resize the image itself, but just to shrink the file size.
I had a problem with "directly from the camera" pictures, that my customers often uploaded in "uncompressed" JPEG.
Not so well known is, that the canvas supports (in most browsers 2017) to change the quality of JPEG
data=canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', .85) # [1..0] default 0.92
With this trick I could reduce 4k x 3k pics with >10Mb to 1 or 2Mb, sure it depends on your needs.
look here

I found a solution that doesn't need to access directly the pixel data and loop through it to perform the downsampling. Depending on the size of the image this can be very resource intensive, and it would be better to use the browser's internal algorithms.
The drawImage() function is using a linear-interpolation, nearest-neighbor resampling method. That works well when you are not resizing down more than half the original size.
If you loop to only resize max one half at a time, the results would be quite good, and much faster than accessing pixel data.
This function downsample to half at a time until reaching the desired size:
function resize_image( src, dst, type, quality ) {
var tmp = new Image(),
canvas, context, cW, cH;
type = type || 'image/jpeg';
quality = quality || 0.92;
cW = src.naturalWidth;
cH = src.naturalHeight;
tmp.src = src.src;
tmp.onload = function() {
canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
cW /= 2;
cH /= 2;
if ( cW < src.width ) cW = src.width;
if ( cH < src.height ) cH = src.height;
canvas.width = cW;
canvas.height = cH;
context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.drawImage( tmp, 0, 0, cW, cH );
dst.src = canvas.toDataURL( type, quality );
if ( cW <= src.width || cH <= src.height )
tmp.src = dst.src;
// The images sent as parameters can be in the DOM or be image objects
resize_image( $( '#original' )[0], $( '#smaller' )[0] );

This is the improved Hermite resize filter that utilises 1 worker so that the window doesn't freeze.
const blitz = Blitz.create()
/* Promise */
source: DOM Image/DOM Canvas/jQuery/DataURL/File,
width: 400,
height: 600
}).then(output => {
// handle output
})catch(error => {
// handle error
/* Await */
let resized = await blitz({...})
/* Old school callback */
const blitz = Blitz.create('callback')
blitz({...}, function(output) {
// run your callback.

Here is a reusable Angular service for high quality image / canvas resizing:
The service supports lanczos convolution and step-wise downscaling. The convolution approach is higher quality at the cost of being slower, whereas the step-wise downscaling approach produces reasonably antialiased results and is significantly faster.
Example usage:
angular.module('demo').controller('ExampleCtrl', function (imageService) {
// NOTE: it's bad practice to access the DOM inside a controller,
// but this is just to show the example usage.
// resize by lanczos-sinc filter
imageService.resize($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
.then(function (resizedImage) {
// do something with resized image
// resize by stepping down image size in increments of 2x
imageService.resizeStep($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
.then(function (resizedImage) {
// do something with resized image

Maybe man you can try this, which is I always use in my project.In this way you can not only get high quality image ,but any other element on your canvas.
* #parame canvas => canvas object
* #parame rate => the pixel quality
function setCanvasSize(canvas, rate) {
const scaleRate = rate;
canvas.width = window.innerWidth * scaleRate;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight * scaleRate; = window.innerWidth + 'px'; = window.innerHeight + 'px';
canvas.getContext('2d').scale(scaleRate, scaleRate);

instead of .85, if we add 1.0. You will get exact answer.
data=canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0);
You can get clear and bright image. Please check

I really try to avoid running through image data, especially on larger images. Thus I came up with a rather simple way to decently reduce image size without any restrictions or limitations using a few extra steps.
This routine goes down to the lowest possible half step before the desired target size. Then it scales it up to twice the target size and then half again. Sounds funny at first, but the results are astoundingly good and go there swiftly.
function resizeCanvas(canvas, newWidth, newHeight) {
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let buffer = document.createElement('canvas');
buffer.width = ctx.canvas.width;
buffer.height = ctx.canvas.height;
let ctxBuf = buffer.getContext('2d');
let scaleX = newWidth / ctx.canvas.width;
let scaleY = newHeight / ctx.canvas.height;
let scaler = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
//see if target scale is less than half...
if (scaler < 0.5) {
//while loop in case target scale is less than quarter...
while (scaler < 0.5) {
ctxBuf.canvas.width = ctxBuf.canvas.width * 0.5;
ctxBuf.canvas.height = ctxBuf.canvas.height * 0.5;
ctxBuf.scale(0.5, 0.5);
ctxBuf.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
ctxBuf.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.canvas.width = ctxBuf.canvas.width;
ctx.canvas.height = ctxBuf.canvas.height;
ctx.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0);
scaleX = newWidth / ctxBuf.canvas.width;
scaleY = newHeight / ctxBuf.canvas.height;
scaler = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
//only if the scaler is now larger than half, double target scale trick...
if (scaler > 0.5) {
scaleX *= 2.0;
scaleY *= 2.0;
ctxBuf.canvas.width = ctxBuf.canvas.width * scaleX;
ctxBuf.canvas.height = ctxBuf.canvas.height * scaleY;
ctxBuf.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
ctxBuf.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
ctxBuf.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
scaleX = 0.5;
scaleY = 0.5;
} else
ctxBuf.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
//wrapping things up...
ctx.canvas.width = newWidth;
ctx.canvas.height = newHeight;
ctx.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
ctx.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0);
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

context.scale(xScale, yScale)
<canvas id="c"></canvas>
<img id="i" />
var i = document.getElementById('i');
i.onload = function(){
var width = this.naturalWidth,
height = this.naturalHeight,
canvas = document.getElementById('c'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = Math.floor(width / 2);
canvas.height = Math.floor(height / 2);
ctx.scale(0.5, 0.5);
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
// restore original 1x1 scale
ctx.scale(2, 2);
i.src = '';

DEMO: Resizing images with JS and HTML Canvas Demo fiddler.
You may find 3 different methods to do this resize, that will help you understand how the code is working and why.
Full code of both demo, and TypeScript method that you may want to use in your code, can be found in the GitHub project.
This is the final code:
export class ImageTools {
base64ResizedImage: string = null;
constructor() {
ResizeImage(base64image: string, width: number = 1080, height: number = 1080) {
let img = new Image();
img.src = base64image;
img.onload = () => {
// Check if the image require resize at all
if(img.height <= height && img.width <= width) {
this.base64ResizedImage = base64image;
// TODO: Call method to do something with the resize image
else {
// Make sure the width and height preserve the original aspect ratio and adjust if needed
if(img.height > img.width) {
width = Math.floor(height * (img.width / img.height));
else {
height = Math.floor(width * (img.height / img.width));
let resizingCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
let resizingCanvasContext = resizingCanvas.getContext("2d");
// Start with original image size
resizingCanvas.width = img.width;
resizingCanvas.height = img.height;
// Draw the original image on the (temp) resizing canvas
resizingCanvasContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0, resizingCanvas.width, resizingCanvas.height);
let curImageDimensions = {
width: Math.floor(img.width),
height: Math.floor(img.height)
let halfImageDimensions = {
width: null,
height: null
// Quickly reduce the size by 50% each time in few iterations until the size is less then
// 2x time the target size - the motivation for it, is to reduce the aliasing that would have been
// created with direct reduction of very big image to small image
while (curImageDimensions.width * 0.5 > width) {
// Reduce the resizing canvas by half and refresh the image
halfImageDimensions.width = Math.floor(curImageDimensions.width * 0.5);
halfImageDimensions.height = Math.floor(curImageDimensions.height * 0.5);
resizingCanvasContext.drawImage(resizingCanvas, 0, 0, curImageDimensions.width, curImageDimensions.height,
0, 0, halfImageDimensions.width, halfImageDimensions.height);
curImageDimensions.width = halfImageDimensions.width;
curImageDimensions.height = halfImageDimensions.height;
// Now do final resize for the resizingCanvas to meet the dimension requirments
// directly to the output canvas, that will output the final image
let outputCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
let outputCanvasContext = outputCanvas.getContext("2d");
outputCanvas.width = width;
outputCanvas.height = height;
outputCanvasContext.drawImage(resizingCanvas, 0, 0, curImageDimensions.width, curImageDimensions.height,
0, 0, width, height);
// output the canvas pixels as an image. params: format, quality
this.base64ResizedImage = outputCanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.85);
// TODO: Call method to do something with the resize image


About 120 000 particles on canvas?

I have about 120 000 particles (each particle 1px size) that I need to find the best and most important: fastest way to draw to my canvas.
How would you do that?
Right now I'm basically getting my pixels into an Array, and then I loop over these particles, do some x and y calculations and draw them out using fillRect. But the framerate is like 8-9 fps right now.
Any ideas? Please example.
Thank you
function init(){
window.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);
let mouseX, mouseY, ratio = 2;
const canvas = document.getElementById("textCanvas");
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = window.innerWidth * ratio;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight * ratio; = window.innerWidth + "px"; = window.innerHeight + "px";
context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
context.fillStyle = `rgba(255,255,255,1)`;
context.setTransform(ratio, 0, 0, ratio, 0, 0);
const width = canvas.width;
const height = canvas.height;
context.font = "normal normal normal 232px EB Garamond";
context.fillText("howdy", 0, 160);
var pixels = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;
var data32 = new Uint32Array(pixels.buffer);
const particles = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < data32.length; i++) {
if (data32[i] & 0xffff0000) {
x: (i % width),
y: ((i / width)|0),
ox: (i % width),
oy: ((i / width)|0),
xVelocity: 0,
yVelocity: 0,
a: pixels[i*4 + 3] / 255
/*const particles = Array.from({length: 120000}, () => [
Math.round(Math.random() * (width - 1)),
Math.round(Math.random() * (height - 1))
function onMouseMove(e){
mouseX = parseInt((e.clientX-canvas.offsetLeft) * ratio);
mouseY = parseInt((e.clientY-canvas.offsetTop) * ratio);
function frame(timestamp) {
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
const data =;
for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
const particle = particles[i];
const index = 4 * Math.round((particle.x + particle.y * width));
data[index + 0] = 0;
data[index + 1] = 0;
data[index + 2] = 0;
data[index + 3] = 255;
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
const p = particles[i];
var homeDX = p.ox - p.x;
var homeDY = p.oy - p.y;
var cursorForce = 0;
var cursorAngle = 0;
if(mouseX && mouseX > 0){
var cursorDX = p.ox - mouseX;
var cursorDY = p.oy - mouseY;
var cursorDistanceSquared = (cursorDX * cursorDX + cursorDY * cursorDY);
cursorForce = Math.min(10/cursorDistanceSquared,10);
cursorAngle = -Math.atan2(cursorDY, cursorDX);
cursorForce = 0;
cursorAngle = 0;
p.xVelocity += 0.2 * homeDX + cursorForce * Math.cos(cursorAngle);
p.yVelocity += 0.2 * homeDY + cursorForce * Math.sin(cursorAngle);
p.xVelocity *= 0.55;
p.yVelocity *= 0.55;
p.x += p.xVelocity;
p.y += p.yVelocity;
Moving 7.2Million particles a second
Not using webGL and shaders and you want 120K particles per frame at
60fps you need a throughput of 7.2million points per second. You need a fast machine.
Web workers multi-core CPUs
Quick solutions. On multi core machines web workers give linear performance increase for each hardware core. Eg On a 8 Core i7 you can run 7 workers sharing data via sharedArrayBuffers (shame that its all turned of ATM due to CPU security risk see MDN sharedArrayBuffer) and get slightly lower than 7 times performance improvement. Note benifits are only from actual hardware cores, JS threads tend to run flat out, Running two workers in one core results in an overall decreased throughput.
Even with shared buffers turned of it is still a viable solution if you are in control of what hardware you run on.
Make a movie.
LOL but no it is an option, and there is no upper limit to particle count. Though not as interactive as I think you may want. If you are selling something via the FX you are after a wow, not a how?
Easy to say hard to do. You need to go over the code with a fine tooth comb. Remember that removing a single line if running at full speed is 7.2million lines removed per second.
I have gone over the code one more time. I can not test it so it may or may not work. But its to give you ideas. You could even consider using integer only math. JS can do fixed point math. The integer size is 32bits way more than you need for even a 4K display.
Second optimization pass.
// call this just once outside the animation loop.
const imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.width * this.ratio, this.height * this.ratio);
// create a 32bit buffer
const data32 = new Uint32Array(;
const pixel = 0xFF000000; // pixel to fill
const width = imageData.width;
// inside render loop
data32.fill(0); // clear the pixel buffer
// this line may be a problem I have no idea what it does. I would
// hope its only passing a reference and not creating a copy
var particles = this.particleTexts[0].getParticles();
var cDX,cDY,mx,my,p,cDistSqr,cForce,i;
mx = this.mouseX | 0; // may not need the floor bitwize or 0
my = this.mouseY | 0; // if mouse coords already integers
if(mX > 0){ // do mouse test outside the loop. Need loop duplication
// But at 60fps thats 7.2million less if statements
for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
var p = particles[i];
p.xVelocity += 0.2 * (p.ox - p.x);
p.yVelocity += 0.2 * (p.oy - p.y);
p.xVelocity *= 0.55;
p.yVelocity *= 0.55;
data32[((p.x += p.xVelocity) | 0) + ((p.y += p.yVelocity) | 0) * width] = pixel;
for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
var p = particles[i];
cDX = p.x - mx;
cDY = p.y - my;
cDist = Math.sqrt(cDistSqr = cDX*cDX + cDY*cDY + 1);
cForce = 1000 / (cDistSqr * cDist)
p.xVelocity += cForce * cDx + 0.2 * (p.ox - p.x);
p.yVelocity += cForce * cDY + 0.2 * (p.oy - p.y);
p.xVelocity *= 0.55;
p.yVelocity *= 0.55;
data32[((p.x += p.xVelocity) | 0) + ((p.y += p.yVelocity) | 0) * width] = pixel;
// put pixel onto the display.
this.context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
Above is about as much as I can cut it down. (Cant test it so may or may not suit your need) It may give you a few more frames a second.
Another solution may suit you and that is to trick the eye. This increases frame rate but not points processed and requires that the points be randomly distributed or artifacts will be very noticeable.
Each frame you only process half the particles. Each time you process a particle you calculate the pixel index, set that pixel and then add the pixel velocity to the pixel index and particle position.
The effect is that each frame only half the particles are moved under force and the other half coast for a frame..
This may double the frame rate. If your particles are very organised and you get clumping flickering type artifacts, you can randomize the distribution of particles by applying a random shuffle to the particle array on creation. Again this need good random distribution.
The next snippet is just as an example. Each particle needs to hold the pixelIndex into the pixel data32 array. Note that the very first frame needs to be a full frame to setup all indexes etc.
const interleave = 2; // example only setup for 2 frames
// but can be extended to 3 or 4
// create frameCount outside loop
frameCount += 1;
// do half of all particals
for (let i = frameCount % frameCount ; i < particles.length; i += interleave ) {
var p = particles[i];
cDX = p.x - mx;
cDY = p.y - my;
cDist = Math.sqrt(cDistSqr = cDX*cDX + cDY*cDY + 1);
cForce = 1000 / (cDistSqr * cDist)
p.xVelocity += cForce * cDx + 0.2 * (p.ox - p.x);
p.yVelocity += cForce * cDY + 0.2 * (p.oy - p.y);
p.xVelocity *= 0.55;
p.yVelocity *= 0.55;
// add pixel index to particle's property
p.pixelIndex = ((p.x += p.xVelocity) | 0) + ((p.y += p.yVelocity) | 0) * width;
// write this frames pixel
data32[p.pixelIndex] = pixel;
// speculate the pixel index position in the next frame. This need to be as simple as possible.
p.pixelIndex += (p.xVelocity | 0) + (p.yVelocity | 0) * width;
p.x += p.xVelocity; // as the next frame this particle is coasting
p.y += p.yVelocity; // set its position now
// do every other particle. Just gets the pixel index and sets it
// this needs to remain as simple as possible.
for (let i = (frameCount + 1) % frameCount ; i < particles.length; i += interleave)
data32[particles[i].pixelIndex] = pixel;
Less particles
Seams obvious, but is often over looked as a viable solution. Less particles does not mean less visual elements/pixels.
If you reduce the particle count by 8 and at setup create a large buffer of offset indexes. These buffers hold animated pixel movements that closely match the behavior of pixels.
This can be very effective and give the illusion that each pixels is in fact independent. But the work is in the pre processing and setting up the offset animations.
// for each particle after updating position
// get index of pixel
p.pixelIndex = (p.x | 0 + p.y | 0) * width;
// add pixel
data32[p.pixelIndex] = pixel;
// now you get 8 more pixels for the price of one particle
var ind = p.offsetArrayIndex;
// offsetArray is an array of pixel offsets both negative and positive
data32[p.pixelIndex + offsetArray[ind++]] = pixel;
data32[p.pixelIndex + offsetArray[ind++]] = pixel;
data32[p.pixelIndex + offsetArray[ind++]] = pixel;
data32[p.pixelIndex + offsetArray[ind++]] = pixel;
data32[p.pixelIndex + offsetArray[ind++]] = pixel;
data32[p.pixelIndex + offsetArray[ind++]] = pixel;
data32[p.pixelIndex + offsetArray[ind++]] = pixel;
data32[p.pixelIndex + offsetArray[ind++]] = pixel;
// offset array arranged as sets of 8, each set of 8 is a frame in
// looping pre calculated offset animation
// offset array length is 65536 or any bit mask able size.
p.offsetArrayIndex = ind & 0xFFFF ; // ind now points at first pixel of next
// set of eight pixels
This and an assortment of other similar tricks can give you the 7.2million pixels per second you want.
Last note.
Remember every device these days has a dedicated GPU. Your best bet is to use it, this type of thing is what they are good at.
Computing those particles within a shader on a webgl context will provide the most performant solution. See e. g. for an example.
If you prefer to continue using a 2d context, you could speed up rendering particles by doing so off-screen:
Get the image data array by calling context.getImageData()
Draw pixels by manipulating the data array
Put the data array back with context.putImageData()
A simplified example:
const output = document.getElementById("output");
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
const width = canvas.width;
const height = canvas.height;
const particles = Array.from({length: 120000}, () => [
Math.round(Math.random() * (width - 1)),
Math.round(Math.random() * (height - 1))
let previous = 0;
function frame(timestamp) {
// Print frames per second:
const delta = timestamp - previous;
previous = timestamp;
output.textContent = `${(1000 / delta).toFixed(1)} fps`;
// Draw particles:
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
const data =;
for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
const particle = particles[i];
const index = 4 * (particle[0] + particle[1] * width);
data[index + 0] = 0;
data[index + 1] = 0;
data[index + 2] = 0;
data[index + 3] = 255;
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
// Move particles randomly:
for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
const particle = particles[i];
particle[0] = Math.max(0, Math.min(width - 1, Math.round(particle[0] + Math.random() * 2 - 1)));
particle[1] = Math.max(0, Math.min(height - 1, Math.round(particle[1] + Math.random() * 2 - 1)));
<canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
<output id="output"></output>
Instead of drawing individual pixels, you might also want to consider drawing and moving a few textures with a lot of particles on each of them. This might come close to a full particle effect at better performance.

Calculating particle size and distance between them in Javascript

I'm trying to display an image with particles. It works, but the amount of particles is dependant on a variable (numberOfParticles) that can range between 0 and 3000. On any value, the image should be rendered in the best way possible with the given amount of particles. There is a nested for loop that goes through the image data (height and width) and creates particles like this.
for (var y = 0; y < data.height; y+=averageDistance) {
for (var x = 0; x < data.width; x+=averageDistance) {
if (particles.length < numberOfParticles){
var particle = {
x0: x,
y0: y,
color: "rgb("[(y * 4 * data.width)+ (x * 4)]+","[(y * 4 * data.width)+ (x * 4) +1]+","[(y * 4 * data.width)+ (x * 4) +2]+")"
Later in the code, the particles get rendered with a given size.
My question is, how do I calculate the size the particles should have and the distance that should be between them?
I've tried calculating the 'average distance', counting the amount of pixels that are not covered by particles and dividing that through the amount of particles, but I can't get it to work correctly. There's always leftover space (so the bottom part doesn't get filled) or leftover particles (so there are only 40 particles shown, instead of 50) on some value of the variable numberOfParticles.
A solution to the mathematical part can be found in this answer.
To find number of points for x (nx) we can use that formula:
Then number of points for y (ny):
ny = n / nx
In JavaScript code:
nx = Math.sqrt((w / h) * n + Math.pow(w - h, 2) / (4 * Math.pow(h, 2))) - (w - h) / (2 * h);
ny = n / nx;
Using the numbers nx and ny we can then calculate the deltas for x and y:
dx = w / nx;
dy = h / ny;
var ctx = c.getContext("2d"), n, w, h, nx, ny, dx, dy, x, y;
// define values
n = 1600;
w = c.width - 1; // make inclusive
h = c.height - 1;
// plug values into formula
nx = Math.sqrt((w / h) * n + Math.pow(w - h, 2) / (4 * Math.pow(h, 2))) - (w - h) / (2 * h);
ny = n / nx;
// calculate deltas
dx = w / nx;
dy = h / ny;
// render proof-of-concept
for(y = 0; y < h; y += dy) {
for(x = 0; x < w; x += dx) {
ctx.fillStyle = "hsl(" + (360*Math.random()) + ",50%,50%";
ctx.fillRect(x, y, dx-1, dy-1);
o.innerHTML = "Points to place: " + n + "<br>" +
"<strong>n<sub>x</sub></strong>: " + nx.toFixed(2) + "<br>" +
"<strong>n<sub>y</sub></strong>: " + ny.toFixed(2) + "<br>" +
"ΔX: " + dy.toFixed(2) + "<br>" +
"ΔY: " + dy.toFixed(2) + "<br>" +
"Total (nx × ny): " + (nx * ny).toFixed(0);
<canvas id=c width=600 height=400></canvas>
<br><output id=o></output>
Best fit maintaining aspect.
These types of packing problems come up a lot in CG.
To fill a square box with smaller square boxes you just need to find the square root of the count you want.
var c = 100; // number of boxes
var w = 10; // box width
var h = 10; // box height
var sW = 1000; // screen width
var sH = 1000; // screen height
The fit is sqrt(c) = sqrt(100) = 10. That's 10 across, divide the screen width by the count sW/10 = 100 to get the width of the box so that 100 will fit the screen.
This works for counts that are squares of integers, if no square root we can factorise to find a better solution. But even then there is not always a solution that fits.
Prime numbers will never fit
Any count that is a prime number will not have a solution, it is impossible to fit a prime number into x rows of y columns. This is because the resulting count is x * y and that means its not a prime.
In the end you will need to compromise. Either you control the count to only allow counts with a solution (not a prime) or you accept that there will be some error and allow the solution to go outside the bounds.
This solution will fit but will allow the count to change and the area outside the screen to be at a minimum while still maintaining the box aspect ratio.
The width count is the sqrt((c / sA) * bA) where sA is the screen aspect and bA is the box aspect.
var c = 100; // number of boxes
var w = 10; // box width
var h = 10; // box height
var sW = 1000; // screen width
var sH = 1000; // screen height
var sA = sH / sW; // screen aspect
var bA = h / w; // box aspect
var wCount = Math.sqrt((c / sA) * bA); // get nearest fit for width
wCount = Math.round(wCount); // round to an integers. This forces the width to fit
Now you have the wCount it is just a matter of dividing the screen width by that value to get the box render width and multiply the box render width by the box aspect to get the box render height.
var rW = w / wCount; // the size of the box to render
var rH = rW * bA; // the height is the width time aspect
Sometimes you will get a perfect solution but most times you will not. The actual count will be above of below the requested count due to the rounding. But the fit will be the best for both the required box and screen aspects.
Updates every 3 seconds with a random box size, random screen size (overlaid with green box to show top and bottom excess) Text shows the column and row counts, the requested count and the actual count.
var canvas,ctx;
function createCanvas(){
canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = 1000;
function resize(){
if(canvas === undefined){
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var w = 10;
var h = 20;
var c = 100;
var sW = canvas.width*0.7;
var sH = canvas.height*0.5;
var sA = sH /sW;
var bA = h / w;
function getParticleWidth(particleImageX,particleImageY,w,h,particleCount){
var a = particleImageY / particleImageX; // get particle aspect
var c = particleCount; // same with this
var b = h/w
return Math.sqrt((c/b)*a)
function drawTheParticles(){
var x,y;
pCount = Math.round(Math.sqrt((c/sA)*bA));
var pWidth = sW / pCount;
var pHeight = pWidth * bA;
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); // clear last result
var cc = 0;
var sx = (canvas.width-sW)/2;
var sy = (canvas.height-sH)/2;
var hc = ((Math.ceil(sH / pHeight)*pHeight)-sH)/2;
var wc =0;
for(y = 0; y < sH; y += pHeight){
for(x = 0; x < sW-(pWidth/2); x += pWidth){
ctx.fillRect(x + 1+sx-wc, y + 1+sy-hc, pWidth - 2, pHeight - 2);
ctx.strokeRect(x + 1+sx-wc, y + 1+sy-hc, pWidth - 2, pHeight - 2);
cc ++;
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(50,200,70,0.25)";
ctx.fillRect(sx, sy, sW, sH);
ctx.strokeRect(sx, sy, sW, sH);
// show the details
ctx.font = "20px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
var str = ""+pCount+" by "+Math.ceil(sH / pHeight)+" need " + c + " got "+cc;
var width = ctx.measureText(str).width;
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
// clear an area for text
// with a shadow and not the stupid built in shadow
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)";
ctx.fillRect((canvas.width / 2) - (width + 8) / 2+6, (canvas.height / 2) - 14+6, width + 8, 28 );
ctx.fillStyle = "#CCC";
ctx.fillRect((canvas.width / 2) - (width + 8) / 2, (canvas.height / 2) - 14, width + 8, 28 );
ctx.fillRect((canvas.width / 2) - (width + 8) / 2, (canvas.height / 2) - 14, width + 8, 28 );
// now draw the text with a bit of an outline
ctx.fillStyle = "blue"
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.strokeText(str, canvas.width/2, canvas.height / 2);
ctx.fillText(str, canvas.width/2, canvas.height / 2);
// And set up to do it all again in 3 seconds
// get random particle image size
w = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 10);
h = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 10);
// get random particle count
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 500 + 10);
// get random screen width height
sW = canvas.height*(Math.random()*0.4 + 0.6);
sH = canvas.height*(Math.random()*0.6 + 0.4);
// recaculate aspects
sA = sH /sW;
bA = h / w;
// redo it in 3 seconds

HTML5 Canvas Resize (Downscale) Image High Quality?

I use html5 canvas elements to resize images im my browser. It turns out that the quality is very low. I found this: Disable Interpolation when Scaling a <canvas> but it does not help to increase the quality.
Below is my css and js code as well as the image scalled with Photoshop and scaled in the canvas API.
What do I have to do to get optimal quality when scaling an image in the browser?
Note: I want to scale down a large image to a small one, modify color in a canvas and send the result from the canvas to the server.
canvas, img {
image-rendering: optimizeQuality;
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;
image-rendering: optimize-contrast;
-ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
var $img = $('<img>');
var $originalCanvas = $('<canvas>');
$img.load(function() {
var originalContext = $originalCanvas[0].getContext('2d');
originalContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
originalContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
originalContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
originalContext.drawImage(this, 0, 0, 379, 500);
The image resized with photoshop:
The image resized on canvas:
I tried to make downscaling in more than one steps as proposed in:
Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas and
Html5 canvas drawImage: how to apply antialiasing
This is the function I have used:
function resizeCanvasImage(img, canvas, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
var imgWidth = img.width,
imgHeight = img.height;
var ratio = 1, ratio1 = 1, ratio2 = 1;
ratio1 = maxWidth / imgWidth;
ratio2 = maxHeight / imgHeight;
// Use the smallest ratio that the image best fit into the maxWidth x maxHeight box.
if (ratio1 < ratio2) {
ratio = ratio1;
else {
ratio = ratio2;
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasCopy = document.createElement("canvas");
var copyContext = canvasCopy.getContext("2d");
var canvasCopy2 = document.createElement("canvas");
var copyContext2 = canvasCopy2.getContext("2d");
canvasCopy.width = imgWidth;
canvasCopy.height = imgHeight;
copyContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// init
canvasCopy2.width = imgWidth;
canvasCopy2.height = imgHeight;
copyContext2.drawImage(canvasCopy, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height, 0, 0, canvasCopy2.width, canvasCopy2.height);
var rounds = 2;
var roundRatio = ratio * rounds;
for (var i = 1; i <= rounds; i++) {
console.log("Step: "+i);
// tmp
canvasCopy.width = imgWidth * roundRatio / i;
canvasCopy.height = imgHeight * roundRatio / i;
copyContext.drawImage(canvasCopy2, 0, 0, canvasCopy2.width, canvasCopy2.height, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height);
// copy back
canvasCopy2.width = imgWidth * roundRatio / i;
canvasCopy2.height = imgHeight * roundRatio / i;
copyContext2.drawImage(canvasCopy, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height, 0, 0, canvasCopy2.width, canvasCopy2.height);
} // end for
// copy back to canvas
canvas.width = imgWidth * roundRatio / rounds;
canvas.height = imgHeight * roundRatio / rounds;
canvasContext.drawImage(canvasCopy2, 0, 0, canvasCopy2.width, canvasCopy2.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
Here is the result if I use a 2 step down sizing:
Here is the result if I use a 3 step down sizing:
Here is the result if I use a 4 step down sizing:
Here is the result if I use a 20 step down sizing:
Note: It turns out that from 1 step to 2 steps there is a large improvement in image quality but the more steps you add to the process the more fuzzy the image becomes.
Is there a way to solve the problem that the image gets more fuzzy the more steps you add?
Edit 2013-10-04: I tried the algorithm of GameAlchemist. Here is the result compared to Photoshop.
PhotoShop Image:
GameAlchemist's Algorithm:
Since your problem is to downscale your image, there is no point in talking about interpolation -which is about creating pixel-. The issue here is downsampling.
To downsample an image, we need to turn each square of p * p pixels in the original image into a single pixel in the destination image.
For performances reasons Browsers do a very simple downsampling : to build the smaller image, they will just pick ONE pixel in the source and use its value for the destination. which 'forgets' some details and adds noise.
Yet there's an exception to that : since the 2X image downsampling is very simple to compute (average 4 pixels to make one) and is used for retina/HiDPI pixels, this case is handled properly -the Browser does make use of 4 pixels to make one-.
BUT... if you use several time a 2X downsampling, you'll face the issue that the successive rounding errors will add too much noise.
What's worse, you won't always resize by a power of two, and resizing to the nearest power + a last resizing is very noisy.
What you seek is a pixel-perfect downsampling, that is : a re-sampling of the image that will take all input pixels into account -whatever the scale-.
To do that we must compute, for each input pixel, its contribution to one, two, or four destination pixels depending wether the scaled projection of the input pixels is right inside a destination pixels, overlaps an X border, an Y border, or both.
( A scheme would be nice here, but i don't have one. )
Here's an example of canvas scale vs my pixel perfect scale on a 1/3 scale of a zombat.
Notice that the picture might get scaled in your Browser, and is .jpegized by S.O..
Yet we see that there's much less noise especially in the grass behind the wombat, and the branches on its right. The noise in the fur makes it more contrasted, but it looks like he's got white hairs -unlike source picture-.
Right image is less catchy but definitively nicer.
Here's the code to do the pixel perfect downscaling :
fiddle result :
fiddle itself :
// scales the image by (float) scale < 1
// returns a canvas containing the scaled image.
function downScaleImage(img, scale) {
var imgCV = document.createElement('canvas');
imgCV.width = img.width;
imgCV.height = img.height;
var imgCtx = imgCV.getContext('2d');
imgCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
return downScaleCanvas(imgCV, scale);
// scales the canvas by (float) scale < 1
// returns a new canvas containing the scaled image.
function downScaleCanvas(cv, scale) {
if (!(scale < 1) || !(scale > 0)) throw ('scale must be a positive number <1 ');
var sqScale = scale * scale; // square scale = area of source pixel within target
var sw = cv.width; // source image width
var sh = cv.height; // source image height
var tw = Math.floor(sw * scale); // target image width
var th = Math.floor(sh * scale); // target image height
var sx = 0, sy = 0, sIndex = 0; // source x,y, index within source array
var tx = 0, ty = 0, yIndex = 0, tIndex = 0; // target x,y, x,y index within target array
var tX = 0, tY = 0; // rounded tx, ty
var w = 0, nw = 0, wx = 0, nwx = 0, wy = 0, nwy = 0; // weight / next weight x / y
// weight is weight of current source point within target.
// next weight is weight of current source point within next target's point.
var crossX = false; // does scaled px cross its current px right border ?
var crossY = false; // does scaled px cross its current px bottom border ?
var sBuffer = cv.getContext('2d').
getImageData(0, 0, sw, sh).data; // source buffer 8 bit rgba
var tBuffer = new Float32Array(3 * tw * th); // target buffer Float32 rgb
var sR = 0, sG = 0, sB = 0; // source's current point r,g,b
/* untested !
var sA = 0; //source alpha */
for (sy = 0; sy < sh; sy++) {
ty = sy * scale; // y src position within target
tY = 0 | ty; // rounded : target pixel's y
yIndex = 3 * tY * tw; // line index within target array
crossY = (tY != (0 | ty + scale));
if (crossY) { // if pixel is crossing botton target pixel
wy = (tY + 1 - ty); // weight of point within target pixel
nwy = (ty + scale - tY - 1); // ... within y+1 target pixel
for (sx = 0; sx < sw; sx++, sIndex += 4) {
tx = sx * scale; // x src position within target
tX = 0 |  tx; // rounded : target pixel's x
tIndex = yIndex + tX * 3; // target pixel index within target array
crossX = (tX != (0 | tx + scale));
if (crossX) { // if pixel is crossing target pixel's right
wx = (tX + 1 - tx); // weight of point within target pixel
nwx = (tx + scale - tX - 1); // ... within x+1 target pixel
sR = sBuffer[sIndex ]; // retrieving r,g,b for curr src px.
sG = sBuffer[sIndex + 1];
sB = sBuffer[sIndex + 2];
/* !! untested : handling alpha !!
sA = sBuffer[sIndex + 3];
if (!sA) continue;
if (sA != 0xFF) {
sR = (sR * sA) >> 8; // or use /256 instead ??
sG = (sG * sA) >> 8;
sB = (sB * sA) >> 8;
if (!crossX && !crossY) { // pixel does not cross
// just add components weighted by squared scale.
tBuffer[tIndex ] += sR * sqScale;
tBuffer[tIndex + 1] += sG * sqScale;
tBuffer[tIndex + 2] += sB * sqScale;
} else if (crossX && !crossY) { // cross on X only
w = wx * scale;
// add weighted component for current px
tBuffer[tIndex ] += sR * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 1] += sG * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 2] += sB * w;
// add weighted component for next (tX+1) px
nw = nwx * scale
tBuffer[tIndex + 3] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 4] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 5] += sB * nw;
} else if (crossY && !crossX) { // cross on Y only
w = wy * scale;
// add weighted component for current px
tBuffer[tIndex ] += sR * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 1] += sG * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 2] += sB * w;
// add weighted component for next (tY+1) px
nw = nwy * scale
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw ] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 1] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 2] += sB * nw;
} else { // crosses both x and y : four target points involved
// add weighted component for current px
w = wx * wy;
tBuffer[tIndex ] += sR * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 1] += sG * w;
tBuffer[tIndex + 2] += sB * w;
// for tX + 1; tY px
nw = nwx * wy;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 4] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 5] += sB * nw;
// for tX ; tY + 1 px
nw = wx * nwy;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw ] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 1] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 2] += sB * nw;
// for tX + 1 ; tY +1 px
nw = nwx * nwy;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 3] += sR * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 4] += sG * nw;
tBuffer[tIndex + 3 * tw + 5] += sB * nw;
} // end for sx
} // end for sy
// create result canvas
var resCV = document.createElement('canvas');
resCV.width = tw;
resCV.height = th;
var resCtx = resCV.getContext('2d');
var imgRes = resCtx.getImageData(0, 0, tw, th);
var tByteBuffer =;
// convert float32 array into a UInt8Clamped Array
var pxIndex = 0; //
for (sIndex = 0, tIndex = 0; pxIndex < tw * th; sIndex += 3, tIndex += 4, pxIndex++) {
tByteBuffer[tIndex] = Math.ceil(tBuffer[sIndex]);
tByteBuffer[tIndex + 1] = Math.ceil(tBuffer[sIndex + 1]);
tByteBuffer[tIndex + 2] = Math.ceil(tBuffer[sIndex + 2]);
tByteBuffer[tIndex + 3] = 255;
// writing result to canvas.
resCtx.putImageData(imgRes, 0, 0);
return resCV;
It is quite memory greedy, since a float buffer is required to store the intermediate values of the destination image (-> if we count the result canvas, we use 6 times the source image's memory in this algorithm).
It is also quite expensive, since each source pixel is used whatever the destination size, and we have to pay for the getImageData / putImageDate, quite slow also.
But there's no way to be faster than process each source value in this case, and situation is not that bad : For my 740 * 556 image of a wombat, processing takes between 30 and 40 ms.
Fast canvas resample with good quality:
Update: version 2.0 (faster, web workers + transferable objects) -
* Hermite resize - fast image resize/resample using Hermite filter. 1 cpu version!
* #param {HtmlElement} canvas
* #param {int} width
* #param {int} height
* #param {boolean} resize_canvas if true, canvas will be resized. Optional.
function resample_single(canvas, width, height, resize_canvas) {
var width_source = canvas.width;
var height_source = canvas.height;
width = Math.round(width);
height = Math.round(height);
var ratio_w = width_source / width;
var ratio_h = height_source / height;
var ratio_w_half = Math.ceil(ratio_w / 2);
var ratio_h_half = Math.ceil(ratio_h / 2);
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var img = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width_source, height_source);
var img2 = ctx.createImageData(width, height);
var data =;
var data2 =;
for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
var x2 = (i + j * width) * 4;
var weight = 0;
var weights = 0;
var weights_alpha = 0;
var gx_r = 0;
var gx_g = 0;
var gx_b = 0;
var gx_a = 0;
var center_y = (j + 0.5) * ratio_h;
var yy_start = Math.floor(j * ratio_h);
var yy_stop = Math.ceil((j + 1) * ratio_h);
for (var yy = yy_start; yy < yy_stop; yy++) {
var dy = Math.abs(center_y - (yy + 0.5)) / ratio_h_half;
var center_x = (i + 0.5) * ratio_w;
var w0 = dy * dy; //pre-calc part of w
var xx_start = Math.floor(i * ratio_w);
var xx_stop = Math.ceil((i + 1) * ratio_w);
for (var xx = xx_start; xx < xx_stop; xx++) {
var dx = Math.abs(center_x - (xx + 0.5)) / ratio_w_half;
var w = Math.sqrt(w0 + dx * dx);
if (w >= 1) {
//pixel too far
//hermite filter
weight = 2 * w * w * w - 3 * w * w + 1;
var pos_x = 4 * (xx + yy * width_source);
gx_a += weight * data[pos_x + 3];
weights_alpha += weight;
if (data[pos_x + 3] < 255)
weight = weight * data[pos_x + 3] / 250;
gx_r += weight * data[pos_x];
gx_g += weight * data[pos_x + 1];
gx_b += weight * data[pos_x + 2];
weights += weight;
data2[x2] = gx_r / weights;
data2[x2 + 1] = gx_g / weights;
data2[x2 + 2] = gx_b / weights;
data2[x2 + 3] = gx_a / weights_alpha;
//clear and resize canvas
if (resize_canvas === true) {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
} else {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width_source, height_source);
ctx.putImageData(img2, 0, 0);
Suggestion 1 - extend the process pipe-line
You can use step-down as I describe in the links you refer to but you appear to use them in a wrong way.
Step down is not needed to scale images to ratios above 1:2 (typically, but not limited to). It is where you need to do a drastic down-scaling you need to split it up in two (and rarely, more) steps depending on content of the image (in particular where high-frequencies such as thin lines occur).
Every time you down-sample an image you will loose details and information. You cannot expect the resulting image to be as clear as the original.
If you are then scaling down the images in many steps you will loose a lot of information in total and the result will be poor as you already noticed.
Try with just one extra step, or at tops two.
In case of Photoshop notice that it applies a convolution after the image has been re-sampled, such as sharpen. It's not just bi-cubic interpolation that takes place so in order to fully emulate Photoshop we need to also add the steps Photoshop is doing (with the default setup).
For this example I will use my original answer that you refer to in your post, but I have added a sharpen convolution to it to improve quality as a post process (see demo at bottom).
Here is code for adding sharpen filter (it's based on a generic convolution filter - I put the weight matrix for sharpen inside it as well as a mix factor to adjust the pronunciation of the effect):
sharpen(context, width, height, mixFactor);
The mixFactor is a value between [0.0, 1.0] and allow you do downplay the sharpen effect - rule-of-thumb: the less size the less of the effect is needed.
Function (based on this snippet):
function sharpen(ctx, w, h, mix) {
var weights = [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0],
katet = Math.round(Math.sqrt(weights.length)),
half = (katet * 0.5) |0,
dstData = ctx.createImageData(w, h),
dstBuff =,
srcBuff = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h).data,
y = h;
while(y--) {
x = w;
while(x--) {
var sy = y,
sx = x,
dstOff = (y * w + x) * 4,
r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
for (var cy = 0; cy < katet; cy++) {
for (var cx = 0; cx < katet; cx++) {
var scy = sy + cy - half;
var scx = sx + cx - half;
if (scy >= 0 && scy < h && scx >= 0 && scx < w) {
var srcOff = (scy * w + scx) * 4;
var wt = weights[cy * katet + cx];
r += srcBuff[srcOff] * wt;
g += srcBuff[srcOff + 1] * wt;
b += srcBuff[srcOff + 2] * wt;
a += srcBuff[srcOff + 3] * wt;
dstBuff[dstOff] = r * mix + srcBuff[dstOff] * (1 - mix);
dstBuff[dstOff + 1] = g * mix + srcBuff[dstOff + 1] * (1 - mix);
dstBuff[dstOff + 2] = b * mix + srcBuff[dstOff + 2] * (1 - mix)
dstBuff[dstOff + 3] = srcBuff[dstOff + 3];
ctx.putImageData(dstData, 0, 0);
The result of using this combination will be:
Depending on how much of the sharpening you want to add to the blend you can get result from default "blurry" to very sharp:
Suggestion 2 - low level algorithm implementation
If you want to get the best result quality-wise you'll need to go low-level and consider to implement for example this brand new algorithm to do this.
See Interpolation-Dependent Image Downsampling (2011) from IEEE.
Here is a link to the paper in full (PDF).
There are no implementations of this algorithm in JavaScript AFAIK of at this time so you're in for a hand-full if you want to throw yourself at this task.
The essence is (excerpts from the paper):
An interpolation oriented adaptive down-sampling algorithm is proposed
for low bit-rate image coding in this paper. Given an image, the
proposed algorithm is able to obtain a low resolution image, from
which a high quality image with the same resolution as the input
image can be interpolated. Different from the traditional
down-sampling algorithms, which are independent from the
interpolation process, the proposed down-sampling algorithm hinges the
down-sampling to the interpolation process. Consequently, the
proposed down-sampling algorithm is able to maintain the original
information of the input image to the largest extent. The down-sampled
image is then fed into JPEG. A total variation (TV) based post
processing is then applied to the decompressed low resolution image.
Ultimately, the processed image is interpolated to maintain the
original resolution of the input image. Experimental results verify
that utilizing the downsampled image by the proposed algorithm, an
interpolated image with much higher quality can be achieved. Besides,
the proposed algorithm is able to achieve superior performance than
JPEG for low bit rate image coding.
(see provided link for all details, formulas etc.)
If you wish to use canvas only, the best result will be with multiple downsteps. But that's not good enougth yet. For better quality you need pure js implementation. We just released pica - high speed downscaler with variable quality/speed. In short, it resizes 1280*1024px in ~0.1s, and 5000*3000px image in 1s, with highest quality (lanczos filter with 3 lobes). Pica has demo, where you can play with your images, quality levels, and even try it on mobile devices.
Pica does not have unsharp mask yet, but that will be added very soon. That's much more easy than implement high speed convolution filter for resize.
Why use the canvas to resize images? Modern browsers all use bicubic interpolation — the same process used by Photoshop (if you're doing it right) — and they do it faster than the canvas process. Just specify the image size you want (use only one dimension, height or width, to resize proportionally).
This is supported by most browsers, including later versions of IE. Earlier versions may require browser-specific CSS.
A simple function (using jQuery) to resize an image would be like this:
function resizeImage(img, percentage) {
var coeff = percentage/100,
width = $(img).width(),
height = $(img).height();
return {"width": width*coeff, "height": height*coeff}
Then just use the returned value to resize the image in one or both dimensions.
Obviously there are different refinements you could make, but this gets the job done.
Paste the following code into the console of this page and watch what happens to the gravatars:
function resizeImage(img, percentage) {
var coeff = percentage/100,
width = $(img).width(),
height = $(img).height();
return {"width": width*coeff, "height": height*coeff}
$('.user-gravatar32 img').each(function(){
var newDimensions = resizeImage( this, 150); = newDimensions.width + "px"; = newDimensions.height + "px";
Not the right answer for people who really need to resize the image itself, but just to shrink the file size.
I had a problem with "directly from the camera" pictures, that my customers often uploaded in "uncompressed" JPEG.
Not so well known is, that the canvas supports (in most browsers 2017) to change the quality of JPEG
data=canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', .85) # [1..0] default 0.92
With this trick I could reduce 4k x 3k pics with >10Mb to 1 or 2Mb, sure it depends on your needs.
look here
I found a solution that doesn't need to access directly the pixel data and loop through it to perform the downsampling. Depending on the size of the image this can be very resource intensive, and it would be better to use the browser's internal algorithms.
The drawImage() function is using a linear-interpolation, nearest-neighbor resampling method. That works well when you are not resizing down more than half the original size.
If you loop to only resize max one half at a time, the results would be quite good, and much faster than accessing pixel data.
This function downsample to half at a time until reaching the desired size:
function resize_image( src, dst, type, quality ) {
var tmp = new Image(),
canvas, context, cW, cH;
type = type || 'image/jpeg';
quality = quality || 0.92;
cW = src.naturalWidth;
cH = src.naturalHeight;
tmp.src = src.src;
tmp.onload = function() {
canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
cW /= 2;
cH /= 2;
if ( cW < src.width ) cW = src.width;
if ( cH < src.height ) cH = src.height;
canvas.width = cW;
canvas.height = cH;
context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.drawImage( tmp, 0, 0, cW, cH );
dst.src = canvas.toDataURL( type, quality );
if ( cW <= src.width || cH <= src.height )
tmp.src = dst.src;
// The images sent as parameters can be in the DOM or be image objects
resize_image( $( '#original' )[0], $( '#smaller' )[0] );
This is the improved Hermite resize filter that utilises 1 worker so that the window doesn't freeze.
const blitz = Blitz.create()
/* Promise */
source: DOM Image/DOM Canvas/jQuery/DataURL/File,
width: 400,
height: 600
}).then(output => {
// handle output
})catch(error => {
// handle error
/* Await */
let resized = await blitz({...})
/* Old school callback */
const blitz = Blitz.create('callback')
blitz({...}, function(output) {
// run your callback.
Here is a reusable Angular service for high quality image / canvas resizing:
The service supports lanczos convolution and step-wise downscaling. The convolution approach is higher quality at the cost of being slower, whereas the step-wise downscaling approach produces reasonably antialiased results and is significantly faster.
Example usage:
angular.module('demo').controller('ExampleCtrl', function (imageService) {
// NOTE: it's bad practice to access the DOM inside a controller,
// but this is just to show the example usage.
// resize by lanczos-sinc filter
imageService.resize($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
.then(function (resizedImage) {
// do something with resized image
// resize by stepping down image size in increments of 2x
imageService.resizeStep($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
.then(function (resizedImage) {
// do something with resized image
Maybe man you can try this, which is I always use in my project.In this way you can not only get high quality image ,but any other element on your canvas.
* #parame canvas => canvas object
* #parame rate => the pixel quality
function setCanvasSize(canvas, rate) {
const scaleRate = rate;
canvas.width = window.innerWidth * scaleRate;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight * scaleRate; = window.innerWidth + 'px'; = window.innerHeight + 'px';
canvas.getContext('2d').scale(scaleRate, scaleRate);
instead of .85, if we add 1.0. You will get exact answer.
data=canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0);
You can get clear and bright image. Please check
I really try to avoid running through image data, especially on larger images. Thus I came up with a rather simple way to decently reduce image size without any restrictions or limitations using a few extra steps.
This routine goes down to the lowest possible half step before the desired target size. Then it scales it up to twice the target size and then half again. Sounds funny at first, but the results are astoundingly good and go there swiftly.
function resizeCanvas(canvas, newWidth, newHeight) {
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let buffer = document.createElement('canvas');
buffer.width = ctx.canvas.width;
buffer.height = ctx.canvas.height;
let ctxBuf = buffer.getContext('2d');
let scaleX = newWidth / ctx.canvas.width;
let scaleY = newHeight / ctx.canvas.height;
let scaler = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
//see if target scale is less than half...
if (scaler < 0.5) {
//while loop in case target scale is less than quarter...
while (scaler < 0.5) {
ctxBuf.canvas.width = ctxBuf.canvas.width * 0.5;
ctxBuf.canvas.height = ctxBuf.canvas.height * 0.5;
ctxBuf.scale(0.5, 0.5);
ctxBuf.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
ctxBuf.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.canvas.width = ctxBuf.canvas.width;
ctx.canvas.height = ctxBuf.canvas.height;
ctx.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0);
scaleX = newWidth / ctxBuf.canvas.width;
scaleY = newHeight / ctxBuf.canvas.height;
scaler = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
//only if the scaler is now larger than half, double target scale trick...
if (scaler > 0.5) {
scaleX *= 2.0;
scaleY *= 2.0;
ctxBuf.canvas.width = ctxBuf.canvas.width * scaleX;
ctxBuf.canvas.height = ctxBuf.canvas.height * scaleY;
ctxBuf.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
ctxBuf.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
ctxBuf.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
scaleX = 0.5;
scaleY = 0.5;
} else
ctxBuf.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
//wrapping things up...
ctx.canvas.width = newWidth;
ctx.canvas.height = newHeight;
ctx.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
ctx.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0);
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
context.scale(xScale, yScale)
<canvas id="c"></canvas>
<img id="i" />
var i = document.getElementById('i');
i.onload = function(){
var width = this.naturalWidth,
height = this.naturalHeight,
canvas = document.getElementById('c'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = Math.floor(width / 2);
canvas.height = Math.floor(height / 2);
ctx.scale(0.5, 0.5);
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
// restore original 1x1 scale
ctx.scale(2, 2);
i.src = '';
DEMO: Resizing images with JS and HTML Canvas Demo fiddler.
You may find 3 different methods to do this resize, that will help you understand how the code is working and why.
Full code of both demo, and TypeScript method that you may want to use in your code, can be found in the GitHub project.
This is the final code:
export class ImageTools {
base64ResizedImage: string = null;
constructor() {
ResizeImage(base64image: string, width: number = 1080, height: number = 1080) {
let img = new Image();
img.src = base64image;
img.onload = () => {
// Check if the image require resize at all
if(img.height <= height && img.width <= width) {
this.base64ResizedImage = base64image;
// TODO: Call method to do something with the resize image
else {
// Make sure the width and height preserve the original aspect ratio and adjust if needed
if(img.height > img.width) {
width = Math.floor(height * (img.width / img.height));
else {
height = Math.floor(width * (img.height / img.width));
let resizingCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
let resizingCanvasContext = resizingCanvas.getContext("2d");
// Start with original image size
resizingCanvas.width = img.width;
resizingCanvas.height = img.height;
// Draw the original image on the (temp) resizing canvas
resizingCanvasContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0, resizingCanvas.width, resizingCanvas.height);
let curImageDimensions = {
width: Math.floor(img.width),
height: Math.floor(img.height)
let halfImageDimensions = {
width: null,
height: null
// Quickly reduce the size by 50% each time in few iterations until the size is less then
// 2x time the target size - the motivation for it, is to reduce the aliasing that would have been
// created with direct reduction of very big image to small image
while (curImageDimensions.width * 0.5 > width) {
// Reduce the resizing canvas by half and refresh the image
halfImageDimensions.width = Math.floor(curImageDimensions.width * 0.5);
halfImageDimensions.height = Math.floor(curImageDimensions.height * 0.5);
resizingCanvasContext.drawImage(resizingCanvas, 0, 0, curImageDimensions.width, curImageDimensions.height,
0, 0, halfImageDimensions.width, halfImageDimensions.height);
curImageDimensions.width = halfImageDimensions.width;
curImageDimensions.height = halfImageDimensions.height;
// Now do final resize for the resizingCanvas to meet the dimension requirments
// directly to the output canvas, that will output the final image
let outputCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
let outputCanvasContext = outputCanvas.getContext("2d");
outputCanvas.width = width;
outputCanvas.height = height;
outputCanvasContext.drawImage(resizingCanvas, 0, 0, curImageDimensions.width, curImageDimensions.height,
0, 0, width, height);
// output the canvas pixels as an image. params: format, quality
this.base64ResizedImage = outputCanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.85);
// TODO: Call method to do something with the resize image

html rotate entire canvas by 90 degrees

I have an image drawn to an html cavas. I would like to be able to rotate the image by 90 degrees but I can't seem to find an example on how to rotate the entire canvas image, only an object on the canvas.
Does anyone have example code to rotate an entire canvas by 90 degrees?
I accepted an anwser below but wanted to provide additional example code :
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="578" height="200"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.rotate(90 * (Math.PI / 180));
context.rect(188 - canvas.width/2, 50 - canvas.height/2, 200, 100);
context.fillStyle = 'yellow';
context.lineWidth = 7;
context.strokeStyle = 'black';
You would have to apply this rotation before you draw your canvas. You can't rotate anything that is already drawn.
To rotate a canvas, the content.rotate() expects a value in radians. So first, lets make it simple by converting degrees to radians using:
function getRadianAngle(degreeValue) {
return degreeValue * Math.PI / 180;
You may want to translate the canvas first before rotating so that it's origin is set correctly.
Once we know what value we want, we simply rotate the canvas before we draw anything!
Please note, in your example, the rectangle you have drawn, is also being offset in the first two parameters of context.rect(X,Y,W,H)`.
I find it's easier to set widths as variables, then do simple math to re position the box automatically, notice now it sits perfectly in the center, and rotates nicely!
Say your canvas element has id "foo". In JavaScript you could do something like this:
var canvas = document.getElementById('foo'),
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Rotates the canvas 90 degrees
context.rotate(90 * (Math.PI / 180));
Could you use CSS to rotate the <canvas> element with transform: rotate(90deg);?
You can easily rotate the image ninety degrees by manipulating the pixel data. If your canvas isn't square, you will have to make some choices about what the 'correct' answer will be.
Use the getImageData function to retrieve the pixels, manipulate them in the usual manner, and use putImageData to display the result.
This version doesn't require center point for 90 degree turn:
(Not as easy becase it's a 1d array with 4 values per pixel, initialDimensions means horizontal or 0, 180 rotation state vs 90, 270)
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d', {willReadFrequently: true});
const img = document.createElement('img');
const file = inp.files[0]; // file from user input
img.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);
img.initialDimensions = true;
img.addEventListener('load', function () {
canvas.width = this.width;
canvas.height = this.height;
canvas.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
rotateClockwiseBy90(canvas, context, img);
function rotateClockwiseBy90(canvas, context, img) {
if (img.initialDimensions == undefined) {
img.initialDimensions = true;
var width, height;
if (img.initialDimensions) {
width = img.naturalWidth;
height = img.naturalHeight;
img.initialDimensions = false;
else {
width = img.naturalHeight;
height = img.naturalWidth;
img.initialDimensions = true;
const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
const rotatedImageData = context.createImageData(height, width);
//[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex, alphaIndex]
const width4 = width * 4;
const height4 = height * 4;
for (let y = 0; y < height4; y += 4) {
for (let x = 0; x < width4; x += 4) {[x * height + (height4 - y -1) - 3] =[y * width + x];[x * height + (height4 - y -1) - 2] =[y * width + x + 1];[x * height + (height4 - y -1) - 1] =[y * width + x + 2];[x * height + (height4 - y -1)] =[y * width + x + 3];
const cw = canvas.width;
canvas.width = canvas.height;
canvas.height = cw;
context.putImageData(rotatedImageData, 0, 0);
If someone is trying to understand the logic:[x * height ...
should really be:[x / 4 * height * 4 ...
because for the rotated array x represents row number and height represents row length, but the result is same.
Version for counterclockwise rotation:
for (let y = 0; y < height4; y += 4) {
for (let x = 0; x < width4; x += 4) {[(height4 * (width - x/4) - height4 + y)] =[y * width + x];[(height4 * (width - x/4) - height4 + y) + 1] =[y * width + x + 1];[(height4 * (width - x/4) - height4 + y) + 2] =[y * width + x + 2];[(height4 * (width - x/4) - height4 + y) + 3] =[y * width + x + 3];

Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas

I'm trying to create a thumbnail image on the client side using javascript and a canvas element, but when I shrink the image down, it looks terrible. It looks as if it was downsized in photoshop with the resampling set to 'Nearest Neighbor' instead of Bicubic. I know its possible to get this to look right, because this site can do it just fine using a canvas as well. I've tried using the same code they do as shown in the "[Source]" link, but it still looks terrible. Is there something I'm missing, some setting that needs to be set or something?
I'm trying to resize a jpg. I have tried resizing the same jpg on the linked site and in photoshop, and it looks fine when downsized.
Here is the relevant code:
reader.onloadend = function(e)
var img = new Image();
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasCopy = document.createElement("canvas");
var copyContext = canvasCopy.getContext("2d");
img.onload = function()
var ratio = 1;
if(img.width > maxWidth)
ratio = maxWidth / img.width;
else if(img.height > maxHeight)
ratio = maxHeight / img.height;
canvasCopy.width = img.width;
canvasCopy.height = img.height;
copyContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
canvas.width = img.width * ratio;
canvas.height = img.height * ratio;
ctx.drawImage(canvasCopy, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
img.src = reader.result;
Seems I was mistaken, the linked website wasn't doing any better of a job of downsizing the image. I tried the other methods suggested and none of them look any better. This is what the different methods resulted in:
Image with image-rendering: optimizeQuality set and scaled with width/height:
Image with image-rendering: optimizeQuality set and scaled with -moz-transform:
Canvas resize on pixastic:
I guess this means firefox isn't using bicubic sampling like its supposed to. I'll just have to wait until they actually add it.
Original Image
So what do you do if all the browsers (actually, Chrome 5 gave me quite good one) won't give you good enough resampling quality? You implement them yourself then! Oh come on, we're entering the new age of Web 3.0, HTML5 compliant browsers, super optimized JIT javascript compilers, multi-core(†) machines, with tons of memory, what are you afraid of? Hey, there's the word java in javascript, so that should guarantee the performance, right? Behold, the thumbnail generating code:
// returns a function that calculates lanczos weight
function lanczosCreate(lobes) {
return function(x) {
if (x > lobes)
return 0;
x *= Math.PI;
if (Math.abs(x) < 1e-16)
return 1;
var xx = x / lobes;
return Math.sin(x) * Math.sin(xx) / x / xx;
// elem: canvas element, img: image element, sx: scaled width, lobes: kernel radius
function thumbnailer(elem, img, sx, lobes) {
this.canvas = elem;
elem.width = img.width;
elem.height = img.height; = "none";
this.ctx = elem.getContext("2d");
this.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
this.img = img;
this.src = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
this.dest = {
width : sx,
height : Math.round(img.height * sx / img.width),
}; = new Array(this.dest.width * this.dest.height * 3);
this.lanczos = lanczosCreate(lobes);
this.ratio = img.width / sx;
this.rcp_ratio = 2 / this.ratio;
this.range2 = Math.ceil(this.ratio * lobes / 2);
this.cacheLanc = {}; = {};
this.icenter = {};
setTimeout(this.process1, 0, this, 0);
thumbnailer.prototype.process1 = function(self, u) { = (u + 0.5) * self.ratio;
self.icenter.x = Math.floor(;
for (var v = 0; v < self.dest.height; v++) { = (v + 0.5) * self.ratio;
self.icenter.y = Math.floor(;
var a, r, g, b;
a = r = g = b = 0;
for (var i = self.icenter.x - self.range2; i <= self.icenter.x + self.range2; i++) {
if (i < 0 || i >= self.src.width)
var f_x = Math.floor(1000 * Math.abs(i -;
if (!self.cacheLanc[f_x])
self.cacheLanc[f_x] = {};
for (var j = self.icenter.y - self.range2; j <= self.icenter.y + self.range2; j++) {
if (j < 0 || j >= self.src.height)
var f_y = Math.floor(1000 * Math.abs(j -;
if (self.cacheLanc[f_x][f_y] == undefined)
self.cacheLanc[f_x][f_y] = self.lanczos(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(f_x * self.rcp_ratio, 2)
+ Math.pow(f_y * self.rcp_ratio, 2)) / 1000);
weight = self.cacheLanc[f_x][f_y];
if (weight > 0) {
var idx = (j * self.src.width + i) * 4;
a += weight;
r += weight *[idx];
g += weight *[idx + 1];
b += weight *[idx + 2];
var idx = (v * self.dest.width + u) * 3;[idx] = r / a;[idx + 1] = g / a;[idx + 2] = b / a;
if (++u < self.dest.width)
setTimeout(self.process1, 0, self, u);
setTimeout(self.process2, 0, self);
thumbnailer.prototype.process2 = function(self) {
self.canvas.width = self.dest.width;
self.canvas.height = self.dest.height;
self.ctx.drawImage(self.img, 0, 0, self.dest.width, self.dest.height);
self.src = self.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, self.dest.width, self.dest.height);
var idx, idx2;
for (var i = 0; i < self.dest.width; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < self.dest.height; j++) {
idx = (j * self.dest.width + i) * 3;
idx2 = (j * self.dest.width + i) * 4;[idx2] =[idx];[idx2 + 1] =[idx + 1];[idx2 + 2] =[idx + 2];
self.ctx.putImageData(self.src, 0, 0); = "block";
...with which you can produce results like these!
so anyway, here is a 'fixed' version of your example:
img.onload = function() {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
new thumbnailer(canvas, img, 188, 3); //this produces lanczos3
// but feel free to raise it up to 8. Your client will appreciate
// that the program makes full use of his machine.
Now it's time to pit your best browsers out there and see which one will least likely increase your client's blood pressure!
Umm, where's my sarcasm tag?
(since many parts of the code is based on Anrieff Gallery Generator is it also covered under GPL2? I don't know)
† actually due to limitation of javascript, multi-core is not supported.
Fast image resize/resample algorithm using Hermite filter with JavaScript. Support transparency, gives good quality. Preview:
Update: version 2.0 added on GitHub (faster, web workers + transferable objects). Finally i got it working!
* Hermite resize - fast image resize/resample using Hermite filter. 1 cpu version!
* #param {HtmlElement} canvas
* #param {int} width
* #param {int} height
* #param {boolean} resize_canvas if true, canvas will be resized. Optional.
function resample_single(canvas, width, height, resize_canvas) {
var width_source = canvas.width;
var height_source = canvas.height;
width = Math.round(width);
height = Math.round(height);
var ratio_w = width_source / width;
var ratio_h = height_source / height;
var ratio_w_half = Math.ceil(ratio_w / 2);
var ratio_h_half = Math.ceil(ratio_h / 2);
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var img = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width_source, height_source);
var img2 = ctx.createImageData(width, height);
var data =;
var data2 =;
for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
var x2 = (i + j * width) * 4;
var weight = 0;
var weights = 0;
var weights_alpha = 0;
var gx_r = 0;
var gx_g = 0;
var gx_b = 0;
var gx_a = 0;
var center_y = (j + 0.5) * ratio_h;
var yy_start = Math.floor(j * ratio_h);
var yy_stop = Math.ceil((j + 1) * ratio_h);
for (var yy = yy_start; yy < yy_stop; yy++) {
var dy = Math.abs(center_y - (yy + 0.5)) / ratio_h_half;
var center_x = (i + 0.5) * ratio_w;
var w0 = dy * dy; //pre-calc part of w
var xx_start = Math.floor(i * ratio_w);
var xx_stop = Math.ceil((i + 1) * ratio_w);
for (var xx = xx_start; xx < xx_stop; xx++) {
var dx = Math.abs(center_x - (xx + 0.5)) / ratio_w_half;
var w = Math.sqrt(w0 + dx * dx);
if (w >= 1) {
//pixel too far
//hermite filter
weight = 2 * w * w * w - 3 * w * w + 1;
var pos_x = 4 * (xx + yy * width_source);
gx_a += weight * data[pos_x + 3];
weights_alpha += weight;
if (data[pos_x + 3] < 255)
weight = weight * data[pos_x + 3] / 250;
gx_r += weight * data[pos_x];
gx_g += weight * data[pos_x + 1];
gx_b += weight * data[pos_x + 2];
weights += weight;
data2[x2] = gx_r / weights;
data2[x2 + 1] = gx_g / weights;
data2[x2 + 2] = gx_b / weights;
data2[x2 + 3] = gx_a / weights_alpha;
//clear and resize canvas
if (resize_canvas === true) {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
} else {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width_source, height_source);
ctx.putImageData(img2, 0, 0);
Try pica - that's a highly optimized resizer with selectable algorythms. See demo.
For example, original image from first post is resized in 120ms with Lanczos filter and 3px window or 60ms with Box filter and 0.5px window. For huge 17mb image 5000x3000px resize takes ~1s on desktop and 3s on mobile.
All resize principles were described very well in this thread, and pica does not add rocket science. But it's optimized very well for modern JIT-s, and is ready to use out of box (via npm or bower). Also, it use webworkers when available to avoid interface freezes.
I also plan to add unsharp mask support soon, because it's very useful after downscale.
I know this is an old thread but it might be useful for some people such as myself that months after are hitting this issue for the first time.
Here is some code that resizes the image every time you reload the image. I am aware this is not optimal at all, but I provide it as a proof of concept.
Also, sorry for using jQuery for simple selectors but I just feel too comfortable with the syntax.
$(document).on('ready', createImage);
$(window).on('resize', createImage);
var createImage = function(){
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
canvas.width = window.innerWidth || $(window).width();
canvas.height = window.innerHeight || $(window).height();
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
img = new Image();
img.addEventListener('load', function () {
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, w, h);
img.src = '';
html, body{
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: #000;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 0;
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Canvas Resize</title>
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
My createImage function is called once when the document is loaded and after that it is called every time the window receives a resize event.
I tested it in Chrome 6 and Firefox 3.6, both on the Mac. This "technique" eats processor as it if was ice cream in the summer, but it does the trick.
I've put up some algorithms to do image interpolation on html canvas pixel arrays that might be useful here:
These can be copy/pasted and can be used inside of web workers to resize images (or any other operation that requires interpolation - I'm using them to defish images at the moment).
I haven't added the lanczos stuff above, so feel free to add that as a comparison if you'd like.
This is a javascript function adapted from #Telanor's code. When passing a image base64 as first argument to the function, it returns the base64 of the resized image. maxWidth and maxHeight are optional.
function thumbnail(base64, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
// Max size for thumbnail
if(typeof(maxWidth) === 'undefined') var maxWidth = 500;
if(typeof(maxHeight) === 'undefined') var maxHeight = 500;
// Create and initialize two canvas
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasCopy = document.createElement("canvas");
var copyContext = canvasCopy.getContext("2d");
// Create original image
var img = new Image();
img.src = base64;
// Determine new ratio based on max size
var ratio = 1;
if(img.width > maxWidth)
ratio = maxWidth / img.width;
else if(img.height > maxHeight)
ratio = maxHeight / img.height;
// Draw original image in second canvas
canvasCopy.width = img.width;
canvasCopy.height = img.height;
copyContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Copy and resize second canvas to first canvas
canvas.width = img.width * ratio;
canvas.height = img.height * ratio;
ctx.drawImage(canvasCopy, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
return canvas.toDataURL();
I'd highly suggest you check out this link and make sure it is set to true.
Controlling image scaling behavior
Introduced in Gecko 1.9.2 (Firefox 3.6
/ Thunderbird 3.1 / Fennec 1.0)
Gecko 1.9.2 introduced the
mozImageSmoothingEnabled property to
the canvas element; if this Boolean
value is false, images won't be
smoothed when scaled. This property is
true by default. view plainprint?
cx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
If you're simply trying to resize an image, I'd recommend setting width and height of the image with CSS. Here's a quick example:
.small-image {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
Note that the height and width can also be set using JavaScript. Here's quick code sample:
var img = document.getElement("my-image"); = 100 + "px"; // Make sure you add the "px" to the end, = 100 + "px"; // otherwise you'll confuse IE
Also, to ensure that the resized image looks good, add the following css rules to image selector:
-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic: introduce in IE7
image-rendering: optimizeQuality: introduced in FireFox 3.6
As far as I can tell, all browsers except IE using an bicubic algorithm to resize images by default, so your resized images should look good in Firefox and Chrome.
If setting the css width and height doesn't work, you may want to play with a css transform:
-moz-transform: scale(sx[, sy])
-webkit-transform:scale(sx[, sy])
If for whatever reason you need to use a canvas, please note that there are two ways an image can be resize: by resizing the canvas with css or by drawing the image at a smaller size.
See this question for more details.
i got this image by right clicking the canvas element in firefox and saving as.
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function () {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), ctx;
canvas.width = 188;
canvas.height = 150;
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
img.src = 'original.jpg';
so anyway, here is a 'fixed' version of your example:
var img = new Image();
// added cause it wasnt defined
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasCopy = document.createElement("canvas");
// adding it to the body
var copyContext = canvasCopy.getContext("2d");
img.onload = function()
var ratio = 1;
// defining cause it wasnt
var maxWidth = 188,
maxHeight = 150;
if(img.width > maxWidth)
ratio = maxWidth / img.width;
else if(img.height > maxHeight)
ratio = maxHeight / img.height;
canvasCopy.width = img.width;
canvasCopy.height = img.height;
copyContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
canvas.width = img.width * ratio;
canvas.height = img.height * ratio;
// the line to change
// ctx.drawImage(canvasCopy, 0, 0, canvasCopy.width, canvasCopy.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// the method signature you are using is for slicing
ctx.drawImage(canvasCopy, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// changed for example
img.src = 'original.jpg';
For resizing to image with width less that original, i use:
function resize2(i) {
var cc = document.createElement("canvas");
cc.width = i.width / 2;
cc.height = i.height / 2;
var ctx = cc.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(i, 0, 0, cc.width, cc.height);
return cc;
var cc = img;
while (cc.width > 64 * 2) {
cc = resize2(cc);
// .. than drawImage(cc, .... )
and it works =).
I have a feeling the module I wrote will produce similar results to photoshop, as it preserves color data by averaging them, not applying an algorithm. It's kind of slow, but to me it is the best, because it preserves all the color data.
It doesn't take the nearest neighbor and drop other pixels, or sample a group and take a random average. It takes the exact proportion each source pixel should output into the destination pixel. The average pixel color in the source will be the average pixel color in the destination, which these other formulas, I think they will not be.
an example of how to use is at the bottom of
UPDATE OCT 2018: These days my example is more academic than anything else. Webgl is pretty much 100%, so you'd be better off resizing with that to produce similar results, but faster. PICA.js does this, I believe. –
The problem with some of this solutions is that they access directly the pixel data and loop through it to perform the downsampling. Depending on the size of the image this can be very resource intensive, and it would be better to use the browser's internal algorithms.
The drawImage() function is using a linear-interpolation, nearest-neighbor resampling method. That works well when you are not resizing down more than half the original size.
If you loop to only resize max one half at a time, the results would be quite good, and much faster than accessing pixel data.
This function downsample to half at a time until reaching the desired size:
function resize_image( src, dst, type, quality ) {
var tmp = new Image(),
canvas, context, cW, cH;
type = type || 'image/jpeg';
quality = quality || 0.92;
cW = src.naturalWidth;
cH = src.naturalHeight;
tmp.src = src.src;
tmp.onload = function() {
canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
cW /= 2;
cH /= 2;
if ( cW < src.width ) cW = src.width;
if ( cH < src.height ) cH = src.height;
canvas.width = cW;
canvas.height = cH;
context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.drawImage( tmp, 0, 0, cW, cH );
dst.src = canvas.toDataURL( type, quality );
if ( cW <= src.width || cH <= src.height )
tmp.src = dst.src;
// The images sent as parameters can be in the DOM or be image objects
resize_image( $( '#original' )[0], $( '#smaller' )[0] );
Credits to this post
So something interesting that I found a while ago while working with canvas that might be helpful:
To resize the canvas control on its own, you need to use the height="" and width="" attributes (or canvas.width/canvas.height elements). If you use CSS to resize the canvas, it will actually stretch (i.e.: resize) the content of the canvas to fit the full canvas (rather than simply increasing or decreasing the area of the canvas.
It'd be worth a shot to try drawing the image into a canvas control with the height and width attributes set to the size of the image and then using CSS to resize the canvas to the size you're looking for. Perhaps this would use a different resizing algorithm.
It should also be noted that canvas has different effects in different browsers (and even different versions of different browsers). The algorithms and techniques used in the browsers is likely to change over time (especially with Firefox 4 and Chrome 6 coming out so soon, which will place heavy emphasis on canvas rendering performance).
In addition, you may want to give SVG a shot, too, as it likely uses a different algorithm as well.
Best of luck!
Fast and simple Javascript image resizer:
const blitz = Blitz.create()
/* Promise */
source: DOM Image/DOM Canvas/jQuery/DataURL/File,
width: 400,
height: 600
}).then(output => {
// handle output
})catch(error => {
// handle error
/* Await */
let resized = await blizt({...})
/* Old school callback */
const blitz = Blitz.create('callback')
blitz({...}, function(output) {
// run your callback.
This is really after many rounds of research, reading and trying.
The resizer algorithm uses #ViliusL's Hermite script (Hermite resizer is really the fastest and gives reasonably good output). Extended with features you need.
Forks 1 worker to do the resizing so that it doesn't freeze your browser when resizing, unlike all other JS resizers out there.
I converted #syockit's answer as well as the step-down approach into a reusable Angular service for anyone who's interested:
I included both solutions because they both have their own pros / cons. The lanczos convolution approach is higher quality at the cost of being slower, whereas the step-wise downscaling approach produces reasonably antialiased results and is significantly faster.
Example usage:
angular.module('demo').controller('ExampleCtrl', function (imageService) {
// NOTE: it's bad practice to access the DOM inside a controller,
// but this is just to show the example usage.
// resize by lanczos-sinc filter
imageService.resize($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
.then(function (resizedImage) {
// do something with resized image
// resize by stepping down image size in increments of 2x
imageService.resizeStep($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
.then(function (resizedImage) {
// do something with resized image
Thanks #syockit for an awesome answer. however, I had to reformat a little as follows to make it work. Perhaps due to DOM scanning issues:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('img').on("load", clickA);
function clickA() {
var img = this;
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
new thumbnailer(canvas, img, 50, 3);
function thumbnailer(elem, img, sx, lobes) {
this.canvas = elem;
elem.width = img.width;
elem.height = img.height; = "none";
this.ctx = elem.getContext("2d");
this.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
this.img = img;
this.src = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
this.dest = {
width: sx,
height: Math.round(img.height * sx / img.width)
}; = new Array(this.dest.width * this.dest.height * 3);
this.lanczos = lanczosCreate(lobes);
this.ratio = img.width / sx;
this.rcp_ratio = 2 / this.ratio;
this.range2 = Math.ceil(this.ratio * lobes / 2);
this.cacheLanc = {}; = {};
this.icenter = {};
setTimeout(process1, 0, this, 0);
//returns a function that calculates lanczos weight
function lanczosCreate(lobes) {
return function (x) {
if (x > lobes)
return 0;
x *= Math.PI;
if (Math.abs(x) < 1e-16)
return 1
var xx = x / lobes;
return Math.sin(x) * Math.sin(xx) / x / xx;
process1 = function (self, u) { = (u + 0.5) * self.ratio;
self.icenter.x = Math.floor(;
for (var v = 0; v < self.dest.height; v++) { = (v + 0.5) * self.ratio;
self.icenter.y = Math.floor(;
var a, r, g, b;
a = r = g = b = 0;
for (var i = self.icenter.x - self.range2; i <= self.icenter.x + self.range2; i++) {
if (i < 0 || i >= self.src.width)
var f_x = Math.floor(1000 * Math.abs(i -;
if (!self.cacheLanc[f_x])
self.cacheLanc[f_x] = {};
for (var j = self.icenter.y - self.range2; j <= self.icenter.y + self.range2; j++) {
if (j < 0 || j >= self.src.height)
var f_y = Math.floor(1000 * Math.abs(j -;
if (self.cacheLanc[f_x][f_y] == undefined)
self.cacheLanc[f_x][f_y] = self.lanczos(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(f_x * self.rcp_ratio, 2) + Math.pow(f_y * self.rcp_ratio, 2)) / 1000);
weight = self.cacheLanc[f_x][f_y];
if (weight > 0) {
var idx = (j * self.src.width + i) * 4;
a += weight;
r += weight *[idx];
g += weight *[idx + 1];
b += weight *[idx + 2];
var idx = (v * self.dest.width + u) * 3;[idx] = r / a;[idx + 1] = g / a;[idx + 2] = b / a;
if (++u < self.dest.width)
setTimeout(process1, 0, self, u);
setTimeout(process2, 0, self);
process2 = function (self) {
self.canvas.width = self.dest.width;
self.canvas.height = self.dest.height;
self.ctx.drawImage(self.img, 0, 0);
self.src = self.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, self.dest.width, self.dest.height);
var idx, idx2;
for (var i = 0; i < self.dest.width; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < self.dest.height; j++) {
idx = (j * self.dest.width + i) * 3;
idx2 = (j * self.dest.width + i) * 4;[idx2] =[idx];[idx2 + 1] =[idx + 1];[idx2 + 2] =[idx + 2];
self.ctx.putImageData(self.src, 0, 0); = "block";
I wanted some well defined functions out of answers here so ended up with these which am hoping would be useful for others also,
function getImageFromLink(link) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function () { resolve(image); };
image.src = link;
function resizeImageToBlob(image, width, height, mime) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);
return canvas.toBlob(resolve, mime);
getImageFromLink(location.href).then(function (image) {
// calculate these based on the original size
var width = image.width / 4;
var height = image.height / 4;
return resizeImageToBlob(image, width, height, 'image/jpeg');
}).then(function (blob) {
// Do something with the result Blob object
document.querySelector('img').src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
Just for the sake of testing this run it on a image opened in a tab.
I just ran a page of side by sides comparisons and unless something has changed recently, I could see no better downsizing (scaling) using canvas vs. simple css. I tested in FF6 Mac OSX 10.7. Still slightly soft vs. the original.
I did however stumble upon something that did make a huge difference and that was using image filters in browsers that support canvas. You can actually manipulate images much like you can in Photoshop with blur, sharpen, saturation, ripple, grayscale, etc.
I then found an awesome jQuery plug-in which makes application of these filters a snap:
I simply apply the sharpen filter right after resizing the image which should give you the desired effect. I didn't even have to use a canvas element.
Looking for another great simple solution?
var img=document.createElement('img');
$(img).css("background", backgroundColor);
This solution will use the resize algorith of browser! :)

