How to pass copy of object in React useState Initial State - javascript

What I am trying to achieve is after fitlerRequest function called filterListValue should manipulate.
But what happening is on radioHandleChange it's start manipulating the filterListValue.
I think they have the same memory reference but how to make a copy of it?
export default function CustomFilter(props) {
const { filterListValue, setFilterListValue } = props;
const [radioValue, setRadioValue] = useState(filterListValue)
const radioHandleChange = (e, list) => {
setRadioValue(radioValue => {
let copy = [...radioValue]
copy[indexChange].value =
copy[indexChange].id =
return copy
const filterRequest = () => {

Just make copies using .... Although not mentioned, looks like props.filterListValue is an array. So create a copy when starting with useState hook.
Also, when setting radio value, make a copy of the item (since it is an object) so you are not mutating the state by mistake.
const { filterListValue, setFilterListValue } = props;
const [radioValue, setRadioValue] = useState([...props.filterListValue])
const radioHandleChange = (e, list) => {
setRadioValue(radioValue => {
let copy = [...radioValue]
let copyItem = {...copy[indexChange]};
copyItem[indexChange].value =
copyItem[indexChange].id =
return copyItem
You can destructure inside the function argument parenthesis. It is common practice:
export default function CustomFilter({filterListValue, setFilterListValue}) {


Only one item is added in state when adding multiple with multiple setState calls

For learning purposes, I'm creating an e-shop, but I got stuck with localStorage, useEffect, and React context. Basically, I have a product catalog with a button for every item there that should add a product to the cart.
It also creates an object in localStorage with that item's id and amount, which you select when adding the product to the cart.
My context file:
import * as React from 'react';
const CartContext = React.createContext();
export const CartProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [cartProducts, setCartProducts] = React.useState([]);
const handleAddtoCart = React.useCallback((product) => {
setCartProducts([...cartProducts, product]);
localStorage.setItem('cartProductsObj', JSON.stringify([...cartProducts, product]));
}, [cartProducts]);
const cartContextValue = React.useMemo(() => ({
addToCart: handleAddtoCart, // addToCart is added to the button which adds the product to the cart
}), [cartProducts, handleAddtoCart]);
return (
<CartContext.Provider value={cartContextValue}>{children}</CartContext.Provider>
export default CartContext;
When multiple products are added, then they're correctly displayed in localStorage. I tried to log the cartProducts in the console after adding multiple, but then only the most recent one is logged, even though there are multiple in localStorage.
My component where I'm facing the issue:
const CartProduct = () => {
const { cartProducts: cartProductsData } = React.useContext(CartContext);
const [cartProducts, setCartProducts] = React.useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const productsObj = localStorage.getItem('cartProductsObj');
const retrievedProducts = JSON.parse(productsObj);
if (productsObj) {
Object.values(retrievedProducts).forEach(async (x) => {
const fetchedProduct = await ProductService.fetchProductById(;
setCartProducts([...cartProducts, fetchedProduct]);
}, []);
console.log('cartProducts', cartProducts);
return (
{JSON.stringify(cartProductsData, null, 4)}
export default CartProduct;
My service file with fetchProductById function:
const domain = 'http://localhost:8000';
const databaseCollection = 'api/products';
const relationsParams = 'joinBy=categoryId&joinBy=typeId';
const fetchProductById = async (id) => {
const response = await fetch(`${domain}/${databaseCollection}/${id}?${relationsParams}`);
const product = await response.json();
return product;
const ProductService = {
export default ProductService;
As of now I just want to see all the products that I added to the cart in the console, but I can only see the most recent one. Can anyone see my mistake? Or maybe there's something that I missed?
This looks bad:
Object.values(retrievedProducts).forEach(async (x) => {
const fetchedProduct = await ProductService.fetchProductById(;
setCartProducts([...cartProducts, fetchedProduct]);
You run a loop, but cartProducts has the same value in every iteration
Either do this:
Object.values(retrievedProducts).forEach(async (x) => {
const fetchedProduct = await ProductService.fetchProductById(;
setCartProducts(cartProducts => [...cartProducts, fetchedProduct]);
Or this:
const values = Promise.all(Object.values(retrievedProducts).map(x => ProductService.fetchProductById(;
The last is better because it makes less state updates
Print the cartProducts inside useEffect to see if you see all the data
useEffect(() => {
console.log('cartProducts', cartProducts);
}, [cartProducts]);
if this line its returning corrects values
const productsObj = localStorage.getItem('cartProductsObj');
then the wrong will be in the if conditional: replace with
(async () => {
const productsObj = localStorage.getItem('cartProductsObj');
const retrievedProducts = JSON.parse(productsObj);
if (productsObj) {
Object.values(retrievedProducts).forEach(async (x) => {
const fetched = await ProductService.fetchProductById(;
setCartProducts(cartProducts => [...fetched, fetchedProduct]);
When you call a state setter multiple times in a loop for example like in your case, React uses what's called Automatic Batching, and hence only the last call of a given state setter called multiple times apply.
In your useEffect in CartProduct component, call setCartProducts giving it a function updater, like so:
setCartProducts(prevCartProducts => [...prevCartProducts, fetchedProduct]);
The function updater gets always the recent state even though React has not re-rendered. React documentation says:
If the new state is computed using the previous state, you can pass a function to setState. The function will receive the previous value, and return an updated value.

React function uses old state used when creating instance of subcomponent

I have a ToDo component and an Item component in my react app. I noticed that when I trigger my onDelete function from my Item component, it only has the tdList state variable in the state it was in when I created the item component. Why does this happen and how can I fix this issue.
function ToDo() {
const [tdList, setTD] = useState([]);
const [item, setItem] = useState("");
const onDelete = (id) => {
// console.log(id);
for(let i=0; i<tdList.length; i++){
if (tdList[i] == id){
// setTD(tdList.splice(i, 1))
// setTD(tdList.splice())
const onHandleSubmit = (event) => {
setTD([...tdList, (<Item id={itemsAdded} item={item} delete={onDelete} />)]);
// console.log(tdList);
...more code...
Don't put React components into state. It breaks the natural order of how they're supposed to work and can make the control flow that's been written very difficult to understand. Instead, into state, put only the values needed to create React components from later - and when returning from the component, create the components from that state.
For your code, you could do something like:
const [lastIdUsed, setLastIdUsed] = useState(-1); // use this instead of reassigning a non-React itemsAdded variable
const [tdData, setTdData] = useState([]);
const onDelete = (id) => {
// use `.filter`, not `.splice` in React - don't mutate state
setTdData(tdData.filter(tdItem => !== id));
const onHandleSubmit = (event) => {
setTdData([...tdData, { id: lastIdUsed + 1, item }]);
setLastIdUsed(lastIdUsed + 1);
const tds =
tdItem => <Item id={} item={tdItem.item} delete={onDelete} />
And then with the tds, return them or interpolate them into the JSX at the end.
Only create components right before you're going to return them.

React not rendering if add edited object

The code below works fine and react re-render the child:
const [equip, setEquip] = useState({biAbt:[]});
const handleSet = (name, value) => {
setEquip({[name]: value});
But if i try set the state with an object there is no render:
const [equip, setEquip] = useState({biAbt:[]});
const handleSet = (name, value) => {
let obj = equip;
obj[name] = value;
What am I doing wrong? I need to add or update a property to the existing state object.
When you assign let obj = equip; obj has the same reference as the previous state, so react will not re-render, you can you it like this instead:
const handleSet = (name, value) => {
setEquip(equip => ({...equip, [name]: value}));
by spreading into a new object, a new reference will be created and react will re-render

React useState hook affecting default variable used in state regardless spread operators, Object.assign and etc

I am experienced js/React developer but came across case that I can't solve and I don't have idea how to fix it.
I have one context provider with many different state, but one state looks like following:
const defaultParams = {
ordering: 'price_asc',
page: 1,
perPage: 15,
attrs: {},
const InnerPageContext = createContext()
export const InnerPageContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [params, setParams] = useState({ ...defaultParams })
const clearParams = () => {
return (
params: params,
setParam: setParam,
I have one button on page, which calls clearParams function and it should reset params to default value.
But it does not works
Even when i console.log(defaultParams) on every provider rerendering, it seems that defaultParams variable is also changing when state changes
I don't think it's normal because I have used {...defaultParams} and it should create new variable and then pass it to useState hook.
I have tried:
const [params, setParams] = useState(Object.assign({}, defaultParams))
const clearParams = () => {
setParams(Object.assign({}, defaultParams))
const [params, setParams] = useState(defaultParams)
const clearParams = () => {
const [params, setParams] = useState(defaultParams)
const clearParams = () => {
ordering: 'price_asc',
page: 1,
perPage: 15,
attrs: {},
None of above method works but 3-rd where I hard-coded same object as defaultParams.
The idea is to save dafult params somewhere and when user clears params restore to it.
Do you guys have some idea hot to make that?
This is how I update my params:
const setParam = (key, value, type = null) => {
setParams(old => {
if (type) {
old[type][key] = value
} else old[key] = value
console.log('Params', old)
return { ...old }
please show how you update the "params".
if there is something like this in the code "params.attrs.test = true" then defaultParams will be changed
if old[type] is not a simple type, it stores a reference to the same object in defaultParams. defaultParams.attrs === params.attrs. Since during initialization you destructuring an object but not its nested objects.
the problem is here: old[type][key] = value
const setParam = (key, value, type = null) => {
setParams(old => {
if (type) {
old[type] = {
key: value,
} else old[key] = value
return { ...old }

React does not re-render when state changes

I have a list of warehouses that I pull from an API call. I then render a list of components that render checkboxes for each warehouse. I keep the state of the checkbox in an object (using the useState hook). when I check/uncheck the checkbox, I update the object accordingly.
My task is to display a message above the checkbox when it is unchecked. I tried simply using the object, however, the component was not re-rendering when the object changed.
I found a solution to my problem by simply adding another useState hook (boolean value) that serves as a toggle. Since adding it, the component re-renders and my object's value is read and acted on appropriately.
My question is: why did I have to add the toggle to get React to re-render the component? Am I not updating my object in a manner that allows React to see the change in state? Can someone explain to me what is going on here?
I've created a sandbox to demonstrate the issue:
function App() {
const warehouses = [
warehouseId: "CHI"
warehouseId: "DAL"
warehouseId: "MIA"
const [warehouseStatus, setWarehouseStatus] = useState({});
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
if (warehouses.length > 0) {
const warehouseStates = warehouses.reduce((acc, item) => {
acc[item.warehouseId] = true;
return acc;
}, {});
}, [warehouses.length]);
const handleChange = obj => {
const newState = warehouseStatus;
const { name, value } = obj;
newState[name] = value;
return, idx) => {
return (
<div key={idx}>
{!warehouseStatus[wh.warehouseId] && <span>This is whack</span>}
Thanks in advance.
You are mutating state (don't mutate state)
const handleChange = obj => {
const newState = warehouseStatus;
const { name, value } = obj;
newState[name] = value;
should be:
const handleChange = ({name,value}) => {
See the problem?
const newState = warehouseStatus; <- this isn't "newState", it's a reference to the existing state
const { name, value } = obj;
newState[name] = value; <- and now you've gone and mutated the existing state
You then call setState with the same state reference (directly mutated). React says, "hey, that's the same reference to the state I previously had, I don't need to do anything".

