React not rendering if add edited object - javascript

The code below works fine and react re-render the child:
const [equip, setEquip] = useState({biAbt:[]});
const handleSet = (name, value) => {
setEquip({[name]: value});
But if i try set the state with an object there is no render:
const [equip, setEquip] = useState({biAbt:[]});
const handleSet = (name, value) => {
let obj = equip;
obj[name] = value;
What am I doing wrong? I need to add or update a property to the existing state object.

When you assign let obj = equip; obj has the same reference as the previous state, so react will not re-render, you can you it like this instead:
const handleSet = (name, value) => {
setEquip(equip => ({...equip, [name]: value}));
by spreading into a new object, a new reference will be created and react will re-render


useState polyfill, is this correct?

Trying to write a custom implementation of useState. Let's say only for a single value.
function useMyState(initVal){
const obj = {
value: initVal,
get stateValGet() {
return this.value
set stateValSet(val) {
this.value = val
const setVal = (val) => {
obj.stateValSet = val
return [obj.stateValGet, setVal]
Doesn't seem to work though, can anyone tell why?
Unable to crack this.
It returns this [, <function_setter>]
So if you try to run this setVal method, it does trigger the setter. But getter never gets called upon the updation.
useState's functionality can't really be polyfilled or substituted with your own custom implementation, because it not only stores state, but it also triggers a component re-render when the state setter is called. Triggering such a re-render is only possible with access to React internals, which the surface API available to us doesn't have access to.
useState can't be replaced with your own implementation unless that implementation also uses useState itself in order to get the component it's used in to re-render when the state setter is called.
You could create your own custom implementation outside of React, though, one which simulates a re-render by calling a function again when the state setter is called.
const render = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useMyState(0);
document.querySelector('.root').textContent = value;
const button = document.querySelector('.root')
button.addEventListener('click', () => setValue(value + 1));
button.textContent = 'increment';
const useMyState = (() => {
let mounted = false;
let currentState;
return (initialValue) => {
if (!mounted) {
mounted = true;
currentState = initialValue;
return [
(newState) => {
currentState = newState;
<div class="root"></div>
Every state manager that wants to interact with React has to find a way to connect to React lifecycle, in order to be able to trigger re-renders on state change. useState hook internally uses useReducer:
That's why I made this naive implementation of useState based on JavaScript Proxies and a useReducer dummy dispatch just to force a re-render when state changes.
It's naive, but that's what valtio is based on.
Consider that the power of proxies would make it possible to trigger re-renders by mutating state directly, that's what happens in valtio!
import { useReducer, useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
export const useMyState = (_state) => {
const [, rerender] = useReducer(() => ({}));
const forceUpdate = useCallback(() => rerender({}), []);
const { proxy, set } = useMemo(() => {
const target = {
state: _state,
// Place a trap on setter, to trigger a component rerender
const handler = {
set(target, prop, value) {
console.log('SETTING', target, prop, value);
target[prop] = value;
return true;
const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
const set = (d) => {
const value = typeof d === 'function' ? d(proxy.state) : d;
if (value !== proxy.state) proxy.state = value;
return { proxy, set };
}, []);
return [proxy.state, set];

How to pass copy of object in React useState Initial State

What I am trying to achieve is after fitlerRequest function called filterListValue should manipulate.
But what happening is on radioHandleChange it's start manipulating the filterListValue.
I think they have the same memory reference but how to make a copy of it?
export default function CustomFilter(props) {
const { filterListValue, setFilterListValue } = props;
const [radioValue, setRadioValue] = useState(filterListValue)
const radioHandleChange = (e, list) => {
setRadioValue(radioValue => {
let copy = [...radioValue]
copy[indexChange].value =
copy[indexChange].id =
return copy
const filterRequest = () => {
Just make copies using .... Although not mentioned, looks like props.filterListValue is an array. So create a copy when starting with useState hook.
Also, when setting radio value, make a copy of the item (since it is an object) so you are not mutating the state by mistake.
const { filterListValue, setFilterListValue } = props;
const [radioValue, setRadioValue] = useState([...props.filterListValue])
const radioHandleChange = (e, list) => {
setRadioValue(radioValue => {
let copy = [...radioValue]
let copyItem = {...copy[indexChange]};
copyItem[indexChange].value =
copyItem[indexChange].id =
return copyItem
You can destructure inside the function argument parenthesis. It is common practice:
export default function CustomFilter({filterListValue, setFilterListValue}) {

React useState hook affecting default variable used in state regardless spread operators, Object.assign and etc

I am experienced js/React developer but came across case that I can't solve and I don't have idea how to fix it.
I have one context provider with many different state, but one state looks like following:
const defaultParams = {
ordering: 'price_asc',
page: 1,
perPage: 15,
attrs: {},
const InnerPageContext = createContext()
export const InnerPageContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [params, setParams] = useState({ ...defaultParams })
const clearParams = () => {
return (
params: params,
setParam: setParam,
I have one button on page, which calls clearParams function and it should reset params to default value.
But it does not works
Even when i console.log(defaultParams) on every provider rerendering, it seems that defaultParams variable is also changing when state changes
I don't think it's normal because I have used {...defaultParams} and it should create new variable and then pass it to useState hook.
I have tried:
const [params, setParams] = useState(Object.assign({}, defaultParams))
const clearParams = () => {
setParams(Object.assign({}, defaultParams))
const [params, setParams] = useState(defaultParams)
const clearParams = () => {
const [params, setParams] = useState(defaultParams)
const clearParams = () => {
ordering: 'price_asc',
page: 1,
perPage: 15,
attrs: {},
None of above method works but 3-rd where I hard-coded same object as defaultParams.
The idea is to save dafult params somewhere and when user clears params restore to it.
Do you guys have some idea hot to make that?
This is how I update my params:
const setParam = (key, value, type = null) => {
setParams(old => {
if (type) {
old[type][key] = value
} else old[key] = value
console.log('Params', old)
return { ...old }
please show how you update the "params".
if there is something like this in the code "params.attrs.test = true" then defaultParams will be changed
if old[type] is not a simple type, it stores a reference to the same object in defaultParams. defaultParams.attrs === params.attrs. Since during initialization you destructuring an object but not its nested objects.
the problem is here: old[type][key] = value
const setParam = (key, value, type = null) => {
setParams(old => {
if (type) {
old[type] = {
key: value,
} else old[key] = value
return { ...old }

React does not re-render when state changes

I have a list of warehouses that I pull from an API call. I then render a list of components that render checkboxes for each warehouse. I keep the state of the checkbox in an object (using the useState hook). when I check/uncheck the checkbox, I update the object accordingly.
My task is to display a message above the checkbox when it is unchecked. I tried simply using the object, however, the component was not re-rendering when the object changed.
I found a solution to my problem by simply adding another useState hook (boolean value) that serves as a toggle. Since adding it, the component re-renders and my object's value is read and acted on appropriately.
My question is: why did I have to add the toggle to get React to re-render the component? Am I not updating my object in a manner that allows React to see the change in state? Can someone explain to me what is going on here?
I've created a sandbox to demonstrate the issue:
function App() {
const warehouses = [
warehouseId: "CHI"
warehouseId: "DAL"
warehouseId: "MIA"
const [warehouseStatus, setWarehouseStatus] = useState({});
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
if (warehouses.length > 0) {
const warehouseStates = warehouses.reduce((acc, item) => {
acc[item.warehouseId] = true;
return acc;
}, {});
}, [warehouses.length]);
const handleChange = obj => {
const newState = warehouseStatus;
const { name, value } = obj;
newState[name] = value;
return, idx) => {
return (
<div key={idx}>
{!warehouseStatus[wh.warehouseId] && <span>This is whack</span>}
Thanks in advance.
You are mutating state (don't mutate state)
const handleChange = obj => {
const newState = warehouseStatus;
const { name, value } = obj;
newState[name] = value;
should be:
const handleChange = ({name,value}) => {
See the problem?
const newState = warehouseStatus; <- this isn't "newState", it's a reference to the existing state
const { name, value } = obj;
newState[name] = value; <- and now you've gone and mutated the existing state
You then call setState with the same state reference (directly mutated). React says, "hey, that's the same reference to the state I previously had, I don't need to do anything".

How to correctly use a curried selector function with react-redux's useSelector hook?

I am using react-redux with hooks, and I need a selector that takes a parameter that is not a prop. The documentation states
The selector function does not receive an ownProps argument. However,
props can be used through closure (see the examples below) or by using
a curried selector.
However, they don't provide an example. What is the proper way to curry as described in the docs?
This is what I've done and it seems to work, but is this right? Are there implications from returning a function from the useSelector function (it seems like it would never re-render?)
// selectors
export const getTodoById = state => id => {
let t = state.todo.byId[id];
// add display name to todo object
return { ...t, display: getFancyDisplayName(t) };
const getFancyDisplayName = t => `${}: ${t.title}`;
// example component
const TodoComponent = () => {
// get id from react-router in URL
const id = && decodeURIComponent(;
const todo = useSelector(getTodoById)(id);
return <span>todo.display</span>;
When the return value of a selector is a new function, the component will always re-render on each store change.
useSelector() uses strict === reference equality checks by default, not shallow equality
You can verify this with a super simple selector:
const curriedSelector = state => () => 0;
let renders = 0;
const Component = () => {
// Returns a new function each time
// triggers a new render each time
const value = useSelector(curriedSelector)();
return `Value ${value} (render: ${++renders})`;
Even if the value is always 0, the component will re-render on each store action since useSelector is unaware that we're calling the function to get the real value.
But if we make sure that useSelector receives the final value instead of the function, then the component only gets rendered on real value change.
const curriedSelector = state => () => 0;
let renders = 0;
const Component = () => {
// Returns a computed value
// triggers a new render only if the value changed
const value = useSelector(state => curriedSelector(state)());
return `Value ${value} (render: ${++renders})`;
Conclusion is that it works, but it's super inefficient to return a new function (or any new non-primitives) from a selector used with useSelector each time it is called.
props can be used through closure (see the examples below) or by using a curried selector.
The documentation meant either:
closure useSelector(state => state.todos[])
curried useSelector(state => curriedSelector(state)(
connect is always available, and if you changed your selector a little, it could work with both.
export const getTodoById = (state, { id }) => /* */
const Component = props => {
const todo = useSelector(state => getTodoById(state, props));
// or
Note that since you're returning an Object from your selector, you might want to change the default equality check of useSelector to a shallow equality check.
import { shallowEqual } from 'react-redux'
export function useShallowEqualSelector(selector) {
return useSelector(selector, shallowEqual)
or just
const todo = useSelector(state => getTodoById(state, id), shallowEqual);
If you're performing costly computations in the selector or the data is deeply nested and performance becomes a problem, take a look at Olivier's answer which uses memoization.
Here is a solution, it uses memoïzation to not re-render the component on each store change :
First I create a function to make selectors, because the selector depends on the component property id, so I want to have a new selector per component instances.
The selector will prevent the component to re-render when the todo or the id prop hasn't changed.
Lastly I use useMemo because I don't want to have more than one selector per component instance.
You can see the last example of the documentation to have more information
// selectors
const makeGetTodoByIdSelector = () => createSelector(
state => state.todo.byId,
(_, id) => id,
(todoById, id) => ({
display: getFancyDisplayName(todoById[id])
const getFancyDisplayName = t => `${}: ${t.title}`;
// example component
const TodoComponent = () => {
// get id from react-router in URL
const id = && decodeURIComponent(;
const getTodoByIdSelector = useMemo(makeGetTodoByIdSelector, []);
const todo = useSelector(state => getTodoByIdSelector(state, id));
return <span>todo.display</span>;
Yes, it is how it's done, simplified example:
// Curried functions
const getStateById = state => id => state.todo.byId[id];
const getIdByState = id => state => state.todo.byId[id];
const SOME_ID = 42;
const TodoComponent = () => {
// id from API
const id = SOME_ID;
// Curried
const todoCurried = useSelector(getStateById)(id);
const todoCurried2 = useSelector(getIdByState(id));
// Closure
const todoClosure = useSelector(state => state.todo.byId[id]);
// Curried + Closure
const todoNormal = useSelector(state => getStateById(state)(id));
return (
Full example:
This is helper-hook useParamSelector for TypeScript, which implements the official approach of Redux Toolkit.
Hook implementation:
// Define types and create new hook
export type ParametrizedSelector<A, R> = (state: AppState, arg: A) => R;
export const proxyParam: <T>(_: AppState, param: T) => T = (_, param) => param;
export function useParamSelector<A, R>(
selectorCreator: () => ParametrizedSelector<A, R>,
argument: A,
equalityFn: (left: R, right: R) => boolean = shallowEqual
): R {
const memoizedSelector = useMemo(() => {
const parametrizedSelector = selectorCreator();
return (state: AppState) => parametrizedSelector(state, argument);
}, [typeof argument === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(argument) : argument]);
return useSelector(memoizedSelector, equalityFn);
Create parametrized selector:
export const selectUserById = (): ParametrizedSelector<string, User> =>
createSelector(proxyParam, selectAllUsers, (id, users) => users.find((it) => === id));
And use it:
const user = useParamSelector(selectUserById, 1001); // in components
const user = selectUserById()(getState(), 1001); // in thunks
You can also use it hook with selectors created with reselect's createSelector.

