Dynamically add css theme when the App.vue has been mounted? - javascript

I'm trying to add a CSS theme file globally inside the root component App.vue in a Vue3 project. I have to process it as a component props (I can't change this behavior since the css file can change dynamically and I need to handle this change every time it is mounted again), so the link will be available once the whole app is mounted.
I've been trying to achieve this inside App.vue appending to the header a <link> tag but I'm getting the MIME type ('text/plain') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled. error even if I specified the text/css type:
export default defineComponent({
name: "Application",
props: {
themeUrl: {
type: String,
required: false,
data() {
return {};
created() {
if (this.themeUrl) {
let file = document.createElement("link");
file.rel = "stylesheet";
file.type = "text/css";
file.href = this.themeUrl;
Is there a way to achieve this? I think I can get this theme url even before the app mounting phase but I don't know if and how to tell Vue to use it globally anyway.

If you have a direct link to the css file then this should be sufficient, make sure to remove the tag when unmounted if you need to swap the theme.
It looks that your file.type = "text/css"; is the cause of the issue.
mounted () {
const file = document.createElement('link')
file.rel = 'stylesheet'
file.href = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/eirikbakke/1059266/raw/d81dba46c76169c2b253de0baed790677883c221/gistfile1.css'
You could also fetch the file content and load it into an existing tag:
Fetch the theme file in a lifecycle hook (mounted())
Read its content
Apply the style with the corresponding querySelector
With this tag in the head :
<style id="customStyle"></style>
And a similar behavior in your component :
export default defineComponent({
name: "Application",
props: {
themeUrl: {
type: String,
required: false,
data() {
return {};
mounted() {
if (this.themeUrl) {
.then(response => {
response.text().then(content => {
document.getElementById('customStyle').innerHTML = content


vueHtml2Pdf renders blank page (Nuxt)

I am using vueHtml2Pdf to generate my page to pdf, but when I wrap my content inside VueHtml2pdf tag nothing renders on my page, but it downloads when I click the download button. (Nuxt)
methods: {
downloadPDF() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<ArticleActions #download="downloadPDF()" />
<section slot="pdf-content">
<!-- content -->
v-interpolation="{ newWindow: true }"
<!-- /content -->
I have a working solution for Nuxtv3 (with server-side rendering). After trying a bunch of different vue-specific packages, including vue-html2pdf, I realized that most of them have been written for Vue2.
Instead, I chose to use html2pdf directly.
Upon directly importing html2pdf in the component where I need to add the functionality for converting html to pdf, Nuxt throws the following error: ReferenceError: self is not defined. This essentially happens because the line where the library is being imported runs on the server side as well and when it is imported, it tries to access a variable that isn't defined on the server side.
My solution was to create a custom plugin that runs only on the client side. It is very simple to do this in Nuxtv3 by just ending the filename with .client.ts as opposed to just .ts. Here is what plugins/html2pdf.client.ts looks like:
import html2pdf from 'html2pdf.js'
export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
// had to make a plugin because directly importing html2pdf.js in the component
// where I need to use it was causing an error as the import would run on the server
// side and html2pdf.js is a client-side-only library. This plugin runs on the
// client side only (due to the .client extension) so it works fine.
return {
provide: {
html2pdf: (element, options) => {
return html2pdf(element, options)
Now, I can safely use it in my component as:
const { $html2pdf } = useNuxtApp()
function downloadPDF() {
if (document) {
const element = document.getElementById('html2pdf')
// clone the element: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60557116/html2pdf-wont-print-hidden-div-after-unhiding-it/60558415#60558415
const clonedElement = element.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement
// need to append to the document, otherwise the downloading doesn't start
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/html2pdf.js/v/0.9.0#options
$html2pdf(clonedElement, {
filename: 'filename.pdf',
image: { type: 'png' },
enableLinks: true
Basic usage of html2pdf: https://www.npmjs.com/package/html2pdf.js/v/0.9.0#usage
Configuration for html2pdf: https://www.npmjs.com/package/html2pdf.js/v/0.9.0#options
If someone looking for how to use html2pdf in nuxt 2.
install html2pdf.js using npm or yarn
create html-to-pdf.js file in nuxt plugin directory with below code
import html2pdf from 'html2pdf.js'
export default (context, inject) => {
inject('html2pdf', html2pdf)
Then add plugin to nuxt.config.js
plugins: [
{ src: '#/plugins/html-to-pdf', mode: 'client' },
How to use , example in your component menthod
methods: {
export() {
this.$html2pdf(this.$refs.document, {
margin: 1,
filename: 'file-name.pdf',
image: { type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.98 },
html2canvas: {
scale: 1,
dpi: 192,
letterRendering: true,
ignoreElements: true,
jsPDF: { unit: 'pt', format: 'a2', orientation: 'portrait' },

SvelteKit: how do I do slug-based dynamic routing?

I am a newbie on Svelte and in coding in general. I'd prefer to learn SvelteKit (Svelte#Next) rather than sapper since that seems to be where Svelte is heading.
For my personal project, I need to support dynamic routing based on url slugs. How do I do that in SvelteKit? For example, if I have /blog directory and need to pull content based on its "id", how would I do that?
The part that I am having difficulty with is accessing the URL slug parameter.
Thanks in advance.
you can create a file with the [brackets] : touch src/routes/blog/[slug].svelte
And paste the following code
import { page } from '$app/stores';
Then navigate to your app http://localhost:3000/blog/123
You should see your result
In order to create content for the http://localhost:3000/blog page, you can modify src/routes/blog/index.svelte
As of SvelteKit 1.0 the path should be a directory in brackets, e.g. for /blog/<slug> you will add the following:
|_ +page.js
|_ +page.svelte
Then in src/routes/blog/[slug]/+page.js you can add something like
export const load = ({ params }) => {
return {
slug: params.slug
which will return it as a data property to +page.svelte, so you can write something like:
export let data;
Reference: https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/routing
Caveat - the info in my reply probably may not be valid as SvelteKit matures, but from experiments I have done thus far, this works:
Parameter based routing is similar to the sveltejs/sapper-template. You should learn how Sapper does it first. Lets say I have a route blog with a single param slug (/blog/page-1 & /blog/page-2)
Create a route component in routes/blog named [slug].svelte
Copy the content from the sveltejs/sapper-template example.
Rename the preload function to load with a single parameter such as ctx
Alter the return object to append your slug property to props
export async function load(ctx) {
let slug = ctx.page.params.slug
return { props: { slug }}
If your blog has multiple params for the slug (/blog/2021/01/29/this-is-a-slug), you can remove [slug].svelte and create a file name [...data].svelte and change your load method to:
export async function load(ctx) {
let [year, month, day, slug] = ctx.page.params.data;
return { props: { data: { year, month, day, slug }}}
Don't forget to define your data property as an object. Here's a typescript example:
<script lang="ts">
export let data: { slug: string, year: number, month: number, day: number };
From there use the values as {data.slug}, etc
Happy hacking
I also had some issues with the Typescript import so here is a complete Typescript example.
|_ +page.ts
|_ +page.svelte
import type { PageLoad } from './$types';
export const load: PageLoad = ({ params }) => {
return {
name: params.coin_name
export interface CoinPage{
name: string
+page.svelte and the use of the data:
<script lang="ts">
import type { CoinPage } from "./+page";
export let data:CoinPage;

nuxt.js get default head in vue.js component

I am trying to get the head object that is configured by nuxt.config.js in a vue layout. In order to show the same title in an app bar as the page title.
I know that you can alter the page title with the head function in a vue component. But is it also possible to retrieve this information somehow?
export default {
data () {
return {
title: head.titleTemplate // possible?
head () {
// here it is possible to change it but how about getting it?
Another approach could be to get some data out of an page in the nuxt.config.js. But I think this is not how the hierarchy is structured.
Thanks for you help I am just starting to use javascript to code a website :)
(If I understand you correctly) You can use the changed callback to keep track of the latest meta info used (and thus the title).
head() {
return {
changed: (info) => {
this.title = info.title;
console.log(info, info.title);
data() {
return {
title: '',
In nuxt.config.js before export I have setted variable with a string of the title.
Then added it to the head section and create a new env section:
const title = `Site title`
export default {
head: {
env: {
This how I'm getting the title in any Vue component:
export default {
computed: {
title () {
return process.env.title
This helps you to keep your original title in process.env.title, even if you will want to change head.title dynamically.
Did anyone found a better solution maybe? :)

How to import extrenal library on mounted hook in Nuxt Js?

I use conversation form package in my nuxt js project. I found custom component from github where used this package.
Component code:
<form id="my-form-element" cf-form></form>
import * as cf from 'conversational-form'
export default {
mounted: function() {
methods: {
setupForm: function() {
const formFields = [
tag: 'input',
type: 'text',
name: 'firstname',
'cf-questions': 'What is your firstname?'
tag: 'input',
type: 'text',
name: 'lastname',
'cf-questions': 'What is your lastname?'
this.cf = cf.startTheConversation({
options: {
submitCallback: this.submitCallback
tags: formFields
submitCallback: function() {
const formDataSerialized = this.cf.getFormData(true)
console.log('Formdata, obj:', formDataSerialized)
'You are done. Check the dev console for form data output.'
Now when I use this component get error message:
window is not defined
As solution of this error recomended this answer from stackowerflow
And after seen this answer I've change component code.
1.Removedimport * as cf from 'conversational-form'
2.Replaced mounted() hook content to:
var cf = require('conversational-form')
After changes error fixed but package not work correctly. When call this library inside methods as this.cf nuxt js can't found cf var. How I can fix this problem?
Also you can see live demo of this package in vue js here
This is a rare situation that you may need to use the <client-only> tag. If you're using a version older than 2.9.0, then it is <no-ssr>. Docs found here.
<form id="my-form-element" cf-form></form>
import * as cf from 'conversational-form'
export default { ... }
This instructs Nuxt to only render the component client side, where window is defined.

Vuejs - require component on demand

I'm trying to load components on demand, according with the page.
Because there is some components in database.
The user can access the page, like:
Then, I want to load the component from database according with the parameter.
post01, post02, post03
module.exports = {
components: {
'testblock': function (resolve) {
/* this is just por test purpose to load the component using parameters */
let name = 'teste';
let path = ['./static/', name, '.html'].join('');
require(['./database/post01.html'], resolve);
computed: {},
data: function () {
return {
post: 'post01'
methods: {},
mounted: function () {
But, I always getting something like
ERROR in ..../~/babel-loader
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ./database/post01.html
I Just wan't to load/require from a file that is not in project directory, like in database or another path (using nginx alias).
Is there a way to load components in this way?

