I want my serach function when user stop typing, because when typing the search is being performed for each charecter. For that issue search is taking so much time. So I want when user stop typing then search function will start. My current search code:
function search(){
var searchKey = $('#search').val();
if(searchKey.length > 3){
$.post('{{ route('search.ajax') }}', { _token: AIZ.data.csrf, search:searchKey}, function(data){
if(data == '0'){
// $('.typed-search-box').addClass('d-none');
$('.typed-search-box .search-nothing').removeClass('d-none').html('Sorry, nothing found for <strong>"'+searchKey+'"</strong>');
$('.typed-search-box .search-nothing').addClass('d-none').html(null);
else {
Here's a debounced (and rewritten, with jQuery objects cached, async/await instead of a callback function, etc.) version of your search function.
Basically on keyUp you call searchDebounced(), which will then call the actual search() 500ms later, unless a new key is pressed, which resets the timeout and waits an additional 500ms :
const $search = $('#search'),
$searchContent = $('#search-content'),
$body = $("body"),
$typedSearchBox = $('.typed-search-box'),
$searchPreloader = $('.search-preloader'),
$searchNothing = $('.typed-search-box .search-nothing');
let debounceTimeout = null
function searchDebounced() {
const searchKey = $search.val().trim();
if (searchKey.length < 4) {
// These two lines do the debouncing work
debounceTimeout = setTimeout( search, 500 );
async function search() {
const data = await $.post('{{ route(' + search.ajax + ') }}', { // No idea what this route is, I'm assuming it makes sense somehow
_token: AIZ.data.csrf,
search: searchKey
if (data == '0') {
$searchNothing.removeClass('d-none').html('Sorry, nothing found for <strong>"' + searchKey + '"</strong>');
} else {
So I am trying to write javascript code for a ribbon button in Dynamics CRM 2016 that will grab a phone number from a list of Leads that can be seen in the Active Leads window.
However, when I try to run it, I get an error telling me
As I step into my code (I'm debugging), I see this error
Here is the code I am working with.
function updateSelected(SelectedControlSelectedItemIds, SelectedEntityTypeName) {
// this should iterate through the list
function (selected, index) {
//this should get the id and name of the selected lead
getPhoneNumber(selected, SelectedEntityTypeName);
//I should have the lead ID and Name here, but it is returning null
function getPhoneNumber(id, entityName) {
var query = "telephone1";
Sdk.WebApi.retrieveRecord(id, entityName, query, "",
function (result) {
var telephone1 = result.telephone1;
// I'm trying to capture the number and display it via alert.
function (error) {
Any help is appreciated.
What you have is an javascript error. In js you can only use forEach on an array. SelectedControlSelectedItemIds is an object not an array.
To loop though an object, you can do the following.
for (var key in SelectedControlSelectedItemIds){
getPhoneNumber(SelectedControlSelectedItemIds[key], SelectedEntityTypeName)
Okay, so I figured it out. I had help, so I refuse to take full credit.
First, I had to download the SDK.WEBAPI.
I then had to add the webAPI to my Javascript Actions in the Ribbon Tool Bench.
Then, I had to create a function to remove the brackets around the
Firstly, I had to use the API WITH the forEach method in order for it to work.
These are the revisions to my code.
function removeBraces(str) {
str = str.replace(/[{}]/g, "");
return str;
function updateSelected(SelectedControlSelectedItemIds, SelectedEntityTypeName) {
function (selected, index) {
getPhoneNumber(removeBraces(selected), SelectedEntityTypeName);
// alert(selected);
function getPhoneNumber(id, entityName) {
var query = "telephone1";
SDK.WEBAPI.retrieveRecord(id, entityName, query, "",
function (result) {
var telephone1 = result.telephone1;
formatted = telephone1.replace(/[- )(]/g,'');
dialready = "1" + formatted;
withcolon = dialready.replace(/(.{1})/g,"$1:")
number = telephone1;
if (Xrm.Page.context.getUserName() == "Jerry Ryback") {
url = "http://111.222.333.444/cgi-bin/api-send_key";
} else if(Xrm.Page.context.getUserName() == "Frank Jane") {
url = "http://222.333.444.555/cgi-bin/api-send_key";
else if( Xrm.Page.context.getUserName() == "Bob Gilfred"){
url = "http://333.444.555.666/cgi-bin/api-send_key";
else if( Xrm.Page.context.getUserName() == "Cheryl Bradley"){
url = "http://444.555.666.777/cgi-bin/api-send_key";
else if( Xrm.Page.context.getUserName() == "Bill Dunny"){
url = "http://555.666.777.888/cgi-bin/api-send_key";
if (url != "") {
var params = "passcode=admin&keys=" + withcolon + "SEND";
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.open("GET", url + "?" + params, true);
http.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
function (error) {
// alert(error);
To elaborate, once I successfully get the number, I remove the parenthesis, dashes and white-space. Then, I add a "1" to the beginning. Finally, I insert colons in between each number. Then, I create an HTTP command and send it to the office phone of whoever is using CRM at the time. The user eval and HTTP message is my code. I'm showing you all of this because it was a great learning experience, and this feature really adds to the functionality.
I hope some of you find this useful.
Thanks for the help.
I want to create this function:
If ID is 10 digits it should make ajax call to file number 1
If ID is 18 digits it should make ajax call to another file
Here is the code:
function get_invoice_info(expressid,expressno,div_id)
.innerHTML="<center>Please wait fetching tracking details for you...</center>";
var expressno = '{$order.invoice_no}';
var matches = expressno.match(/^\d{12}$/);
Ajax.call('plugins/track/tracking.php?CN='+ expressno,
} else {
Ajax.call('plugins/track/tracking.php?CN='+ expressno,
function(data) {
This code is working exactly as i wanted it to be
function get_invoice_info(expressid,expressno,div_id)
var waitMsg = "Please wait fetching tracking details for you...";
document.getElementById("retData").innerHTML= waitMsg;
var expressno = '{$order.invoice_no}';
if(expressno.length === 12) {
} else if(expressno.length === 18) {
} else {
//Not in range, so exit
Ajax.call('plugins/track/'+filePath+'.php?CN='+ expressno, 'showtest=showtest', function(data){document.getElementById("retData").innerHTML=data;}, 'GET', 'TEXT');
Am I missing something, seems like you can just check length (or does it need to only be numeric, in which case you can add another if statement to the beginning that checks for non numeric characters).
function get_invoice_info(expressid,expressno,div_id) {
var waitMsg = "Please wait fetching tracking details for you...";
var expressno = '{$order.invoice_no}';
var filePath = null;
document.getElementById("retData").innerHTML= waitMsg;
if(expressno.length === 10) {
} else if(expressno.length === 16) {
} else {
//Not in range, so exit
var onSuccess = function(data){
Ajax.call('plugins/track/'+filePath+'.php?CN='+ expressno,
I have a javascript function that has about 4 ajax requests in it. It typically takes less than a second to run. However, I'm working on the error handling now and was wondering. How long, in seconds, should I allow my javascript function to try to keep working until I manually cancel it and allow the user to try again?
Here's what the function in question looks like. (not everything is there, but it could potentially have (1000*5000*3)+(70)+(1000)+(6)+(2500) bytes being sent)
function saveChanges(bypassDeckSave){
// bypassDeckSave = undefined - does not bypass
showSavedNotification_check = 1;
if(userid != 0){
//values in database
var subjectID = $('.lib_folder_id').val(),
folderID = $('.lib_subject_id').val();
if(subjectID == 0 || folderID == 0){//if database values null, ask for some
console.log("db deck location not saved, asked for it");
//values to set to
var setFolderID = $('.libDeckLocationModifierDiv .folders li.on').val(),
setSubjectID = $('.libDeckLocationModifierDiv .subjects li.on').val();
if(isNaN(setFolderID) || isNaN(setSubjectID) ||
setFolderID == 0 || setSubjectID == 0)
showSavedNotification_check = 0;
var deck_id = $('.deck_id').val();
if(deck_id == 0){
// create a new deck
if(userid != 0){
//values in database
var subjectID = $('.lib_folder_id').val(),
folderID = $('.lib_subject_id').val();
if(subjectID == 0 || folderID == 0){//if database values null, ask for some
//values to set to
// removes empty rows
$('.editMain li').each(function(){
var one = $(this).find('.text1').val(),
two = $(this).find('.text2').val();
if(one == "" && two == ""){
//remove this row and remove value from updateSaveArray + add to delete array
var currentval = $(this).val();
var rowid = ".row_"+currentval;
updateSaveArray = jQuery.grep(updateSaveArray, function(value) {
return value != currentval;
updateDeleteArray[updateDeleteArray.length] = currentval;
if(bypassDeckSave == undefined){
// save deck info to db
var deckname = $('.editDeckNameInput').val(),
cardCount = $('.editMain li.mainLi:visible').length,
deckTermLanguage = $('.selector.one select').val(),
deckDefinitionLanguage = $('.selector.two select').val(),
deckThirdBoxLanguage = $('.selector.three select').val(),
deckDescription = $('.editMoreDeckOptionsDiv textarea').val();
if($('.editMoreDeckOptionsSelector .onlyme').hasClass("on")){
var viewPreferences = 1;
var viewPreferences = 0;
if($('.editUseThirdboxDiv').hasClass('on')){ var thirdbox = 1;
}else{ var thirdbox = 2; }
// console.log("deckInfoSave called");
type: "POST",
url: "/edit/deckInfoSave.php",
data: { pDeckid: deck_id, pDeckname: deckname, pCardCount: cardCount,
pDeckTermLanguage: deckTermLanguage, pDeckDefinitionLanguage: deckDefinitionLanguage,
pDeckThirdBoxLanguage: deckThirdBoxLanguage, pThirdbox: thirdbox,
pDeckDescription: deckDescription, pViewPreferences: viewPreferences
// console.log(data);
// decksaved = 1;
saveDeckInfoHasFinished = 1;
saveDeckInfoHasFinished = 1;
// prepares edited card array
// gets all needed values and stores in holdSaveCardArray
var holdSaveCardArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < updateSaveArray.length; ++i) {
var currentCard_id = updateSaveArray[i],
rowidClass = ".row_"+currentCard_id,
text1val = $(rowidClass+" .text1").val(),
text2val = $(rowidClass+" .text2").val(),
text3val = $(rowidClass+" .text3").val();
cardOrder = $(".editMain li.mainLi:visible").index($(rowidClass)) + 1;
holdSaveCardArray[holdSaveCardArray.length] = {
"card_id": currentCard_id,
"text1val": text1val,
"text2val": text2val,
"text3val": text3val,
"cardOrder": cardOrder
// console.log(print_r(holdSaveCardArray));
// delete cards start
// deletes any card with an id in updateDeleteArray
type: "POST",
url: "/edit/deleteCards.php",
data: { pDeck_id: deck_id, pDeleteArray: updateDeleteArray }
.done(function( msg ) {
// $('.temp').append(msg);
updateDeleteArray = [];
deleteCardsHasFinished = 1;
// save cards to database
// loops through each card that had changes made to it
type: "POST",
url: "/edit/saveCardsArray.php",
dataType: "JSON",
data: { pDeck_id: deck_id, pCardArray: holdSaveCardArray}
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var temp_id = data[i]["temp_id"], // new id
card_key = data[i]["card_key"], // old id
currentClassName = 'row_'+temp_id,
currentClass = '.row_'+temp_id,
nextClassName = 'row_'+card_key;
saveCardsHasFinished = 1;
updateSaveArray = [];
// update order start // uses li value
updateOrderArray = [];
var temp = $(this).val();
updateOrderArray[updateOrderArray.length] = temp;
type: "POST",
url: "/edit/orderCards.php",
data: { pUpdateOrderArray: updateOrderArray }
.done(function( msg ) {
updateOrder = 0;
updateOrdersHasFinished = 1;
closeLibDLM(); console.log("closeLibDLM1");
} //saveChanges function end
So you could totally set an arbitrary timeout, or even a timeout that should encompass everything finishing on time? But, what happens when it doesn't? What happens when it takes longer to finish?
At that point, you're going to be in quite a pickle. I did not thoroughly read your code, but I would highly advise trying to use a callback() or Promise to end your function. And, not set a timeout. - This is a cleaner solution in that things happen when you want them, and after some defined has happened. Time is a relative, and finicky attribute of our world (Einstein proved this =P) that would be best be used as your friend, and not your enemy.
The counter argument would be, well sometimes things just hang. And, that is totally valid. For that case, you could set a timeout for a long period of time. But, again, that is still a 'hacky' way to handle things. In this case, I would try to create some handling to detect errors, or timeouts. i.e you could periodically check the page for a status. You could check to see which events are in existence that you could hook into.
If you could share in what instances our program hangs, I could better suggest a solution. Otherwise this question may end up being opinionated based on coding styles.
Hope this helps in some regard :)
I've worked in the Aerospace Aviation Industry and have asked a similar question when working with Microcontrollers. It seems you are looking for an appropriate timeout value based on calculation, but this may not be necessary in your case. Often times timeout values are more or less arbitrary. If your function executes in an average of roughly 1 second, maybe your timeout value should be set to 3 seconds. You should come to a conclusion based on testing.
I'm using Angularjs with the dirPagination plugin to connect with an Web API. This seems to work fine. I added a search function, to do a server side search:
$scope.searchChanged = function () {
if ($scope.searchFor.length == 0) {
$scope.calculatedValue = 'e';
} else {
vm.getData(vm.pageno, vm.getSearch($scope.searchFor));
vm.getSearch = function (query) {
if (query == undefined) {
query = 'tech';
} else {
query = query;
return query;
See Plnkr for the full code
If I start searching (e.g. sales) the API returns results and the paging is correct, the get request is:
But if you want to go to another page number, the get request to the server is:
How can the view remember the query 'sales', so that the paging and results are correct?
You are making a common mistake here: You don't need to pass in variable from the view if you are already using a scope variable.
Changing to this would be much less error prone
// change this to var getSearch or function getSearch if you don't need it on the view anymore
vm.getSearch = function () {
var query = vm.searchFor;
// you should only use vm, change ng-model to data.searchFor
if (query == undefined) {
query = 'tech';
return query;
vm.getData = function () {
vm.users = [];
$http.get("/api/students/?category=" + vm.getSearch() + "&begin=" + vm.pageno + "&pageSize=" + vm.itemsPerPage).success(function (response) {
vm.users = response.data;
vm.total_count = response.total_count;
Your request id good, you need to optimize the sql query so you can get the right results. it should look something like this:
#begin INT = 0,
#pageSize INT = 10
FROM [TableName]
OFFSET (#pageSize * #begin )
I have a table called Subscription and another table called Client I need the gender of the Client who owns the subscription every time I make an update. Here's my update script:
function update(item, user, request) {
var subscriptionId = item.id;
var subscriptionActivitiesTable = tables.getTable("SubscriptionActivity");
var userTable = tables.getTable("User");
var activityTable = tables.getTable("Activity");
var userGender = userTable.where({id: item.UserId}).select('Gender').take(1).read();
activityTable.where({PlanId:item.PlanId, Difficulty: item.Difficulty}).read({
success: function(results){
var startDate = item.StartDate;
var testDate = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(),startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate());
testDate.setDate(testDate.getDate() + activity.Sequence + (activity.Week*7));
subscriptionActivitiesTable.insert({SubscriptionId: subscriptionId,
ActivityId: activity.id, ShowDate: new Date(testDate.getFullYear(),
testDate.getMonth(), testDate.getDate()), CreationDate: new Date()});
var idealWeight = 0;
if (userGender === "Male")
idealWeight = (21.7 * Math.pow(parseInt(item.Height)/100,2));
idealWeight = (23 * Math.pow(parseInt(item.Height)/100,2));
var metabolismoBasal = idealWeight * 0.95 * 24;
var ADE = 0.1 * metabolismoBasal;
var activityFactor;
if (item.Difficulty === "Easy")
activityFactor = 1.25;
else if(item.Difficulty === "Medium")
activityFactor = 1.5;
activityFactor = 1.75;
var caloricRequirement = ((metabolismoBasal + ADE)*activityFactor);
activityTable.where(function(item, caloricRequirement){
return this.PlanId === item.PlanId && this.Type != "Sport" &&
this.CaloricRequirementMin <= caloricRequirement &&
this.CaloricRequirementMax >= caloricRequirement;}, item, caloricRequirement).read({
success: function(results)
var startDate = item.StartDate;
for (var i=0;i<planWeeks;i++)
var testDate = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(),startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate());
testDate.setDate(testDate.getDate() + activity.Sequence + (i*7));
subscriptionActivitiesTable.insert({SubscriptionId: subscriptionId,
ActivityId: activity.id, ShowDate: new Date(testDate.getFullYear(),
testDate.getMonth(), testDate.getDate()), CreationDate: new Date()});
I tried the code above and clientGender is undefined. As you can see I want to use the gender to set the idealWeight.
The read() method expects a function to be passed in on the success parameter - it doesn't return the result of the query like you'd think.
Try something like this instead:
function update(item, user, request) {
var clientTable = tables.getTable("Client");
var clientGender = 'DEFAULT';
clientTable.where({id: item.ClientId}).select('Gender').take(1).read({
success: function(clients) {
if (clients.length == 0) {
console.error('Unable to find client for id ' + item.ClientId);
} else {
var client = client[0];
clientGender = client.Gender;
// since we're inside the success function, we can continue to
// use the clientGender as it will reflect the correct value
// as retrieved from the database
console.log('INSIDE: ' + clientGender);
// this is going to get called while the clientTable query above is
// still running and will most likely show a value of DEFAULT
console.log('OUTSIDE: ' + clientGender);
In this sample, the client table query is kicked off, with a callback function provided in the success parameter. When the query is finished, the callback function is called, and the resulting data is displayed to the log. Meanwhile - while the query is still running, that is - the next statement after the where/take/select/read fluent code is run, another console.log statment is executed to show the value of the clientGender field outside the read function. This code will run while the read statement is still waiting on the database. Your output should look something like this in the WAMS log:
* INSIDE: Male
* OUTSIDE: Default
Since the log shows the oldest entries at the bottom, you can see that the OUTSIDE log entry was written sometime before the INSIDE log.
If you're not used to async or functional programming, this might look weird, but as far as I've found, this is now node works. Functions nested in functions nested in functions can get kind of scary, but if you plan ahead, it probably won't be too bad :-)