Why navigate is not working properly via buttons? - javascript

I'm having a small issue this didn't happen on previous updates of react-router-dom however I'm now using V6 and I don't understand why this is happening cause it really does not make sense to me.
So when I click on Home while being in another path
it should take me to the HOME path right and it does however when I click on it AGAIN right after that it takes me back to the previous path before HOME and that does not make any sense at all.
This is what I have:
const navigate = useNavigate("");
const goHome = () => {
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 0, display: { xs: 'none', md: 'flex' } }}>
<StyledIconButton size="small" edge="start" color="inherit" aria-label="menu" sx={{ mr: 2 }} onClick = {goHome}>
<Typography variant="h6" component="div" sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}> HOME </Typography>
Is a simple box wrapper from mui with an iconbutton, icon, typo and that's it. I'll be making a Sandbox.
Sandbox: Code-SandBox
Sandbox gave me the following:


ScrollView not working in react-native app, content disappears when attempting to add flex and flexGrow

for some reason a ScrollView in one of my components isn't working despite working in every other component I've implemented it in. Attempting to implement solutions to similar problems seems to just make the content I want displayed disappear.
I'm expecting to have a scrollable list of sample restaurant dishes. I created some dummy data to pass in for now but noticed it didn't scroll after reaching the end of the phone screen.
const testFoods = [
title: "test",
description: "Lorem Ipsum",
price: "$7.77",
image: "dummyLink",
// Same as above but 4 more times, didn't want to clog up the description
export default function MenuItems() {
return (
<ScrollView showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false}>
{testFoods.map((food, index) => (
<View key={index}>
<View style={styles.menuItemStyle}>
<FoodDetails food={food} />
<FoodImage food={food} />
const FoodDetails = (props) => (
<View style={{ width: 240, justifyContent: "space-evenly" }}>
<Text style={styles.titleStyle}>{props.food.title}</Text>
const FoodImage = (props) => (
source={{ uri: props.food.image }}
width: 100,
height: 100,
borderRadius: 8,
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
menuItemStyle: {
flexDirection: "row",
justifyContent: "space-between",
margin: 20,
titleStyle: {
fontSize: 19,
fontWeight: "600",
The result is like so
Result with code above
The Header component with the sample restaurant image is a separate component by the way.
I have more data that can't be seen as for whatever reason the screen refuses to scroll. I'm using my actual phone for the tests but the result is the same when I use an emulator, scrolling doesn't work. After looking online I thought I would try adding a parent View with flex: 1 and a flexGrow: 1 to contentContainerStyle inside the ScrollView like so.
export default function MenuItems() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
{testFoods.map((food, index) => (
<View key={index} style={styles.menuItemStyle}>
<FoodDetails food={food} />
<FoodImage food={food} />
But that only resulted in the content disappearing. Reloading the app didn't change anything either Result after trying above code
Attempting to use a FlatList had the same result. I've also read that having percentage based styling values on height for any of the children components can make the scrolling stop working but all my components don't utilize such. Oddly enough when I change the styling on the outer view to height: 400, I'm able to get the scrolling to work but this is very sloppy and will likely only work on phone screens similar to mine. I know the ScrollView component is working fine, as when I add "horizontal" to it the scrolling works just fine and I'm able to scroll to the last item in the dataset. Obviously all the content is horizontal now though. After adding horizontal too ScrollView, scrolling works fine horizontally
Any ideas? Could it be some part of my styling I'm not noticing? I'm unable to test this on IOS so I'm not sure if it's an Android specific problem, would be strange though as scrolling worked fine in my other components.
Here's also the Header component code just in case it could be anything in there, although It shouldn't be.
const testImage =
const testTitle = "Sample Restaurant";
const testDescription = "Thai · Comfort · $$ · 🎫 · 4 ⭐ (217+)";
export default function About() {
return (
<RestaurantImage image={testImage} />
<RestaurantTitle title={testTitle} />
<RestaurantDescription description={testDescription} />
const RestaurantImage = (props) => (
<Image source={{ uri: props.image }} style={{ width: "100%", height: 180 }} />
const RestaurantTitle = (props) => (
fontSize: 29,
fontWeight: "600",
marginTop: 10,
marginHorizontal: 15,
const RestaurantDescription = (props) => (
marginTop: 10,
marginHorizontal: 15,
fontWeight: "400",
fontSize: 15.5,
Wrap your card with TouchableOpacity.
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0} key={index} style={styles.menuItemStyle}>
<FoodDetails food={food} />
<FoodImage food={food} />
I hope this thing will work.

Appbar MenuItem onClick Works on Desktop but not on Mobile, Material UI Reactjs

In my reactjs app that uses Material UI, I have a Appbar with a dropdown menu in the upper righthand corner. The onClick for each MenuItem fires correctly on desktop, but does not fire on mobile. The issue occurs on all browsers. Does anyone know how to make the onClick event fire on mobile?
Here is my code:
const settings = ['Profile', 'FAQ', 'Logout']
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 0 }}>
<Tooltip title="Open settings">
<IconButton onClick={handleOpenUserMenu} }}>
<Avatar alt="profile pic" src={profPicDefault} />
vertical: 'top',
horizontal: 'right',
vertical: 'top',
horizontal: 'right',
{settings.map((setting, i) => (
<MenuItem key={i} onClick={handleNavClick}>
const handleNavClick = (event) => {
const pageName = event.currentTarget.innerText.toLowerCase()
For whatever reason, on mobile, pageName includes a new line at the end that I can't figure out how to get rid of.
This is how I ended up fixing it:
if (pageName.includes('login') {
Honestly, I'm not sure why the navigate statement works with pageName inside it, but if (pageName === 'login') doesn't work because pageName includes a new line...
If someone else has a less convoluted solution, I'd love to see it. For now, though, this works.

Raise Header's Z-Index Over Material UI Modal Backdrop

I'm building a mobile version of a web app using Material UI and having trouble matching designs. I'm using MUI App-Bar together with MUI Modal to create something similar to the mockups shown below.
The expected behavior is that the user selects the button in the top right of the header to open the modal, and has the option to use the top right button again to close the modal. The user should also be able to select My App logo in the header to navigate to the home page.
The actual behavior is that the header bar is covered by the modal's backdrop; I can add styling like marginTop: 150px to the backdrop to visually achieve the expected result, but the button and the logo are still not usable.
Is there a way to override the backdrop component so that the header will be usable?
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) => ({
card: {
position: "absolute",
top: "160px",
width: "90vw",
borderTopLeftRadius: "0px",
borderTopRightRadius: "0px",
backDrop: {
marginTop: "160px",
const Header = (props) => {
const classes = useStyles();
const [menuOpen, setMenuOpen] = React.useState(false);
const handleOpenUserMenu = () => {
const handleCloseUserMenu = () => {
return (
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
zIndex: -1,
<Container maxWidth="xl">
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
<Link to={"/home"}>
<Logo className={classes.logo} />
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 0 }}>
<IconButton onClick={handleOpenUserMenu}>
<MenuIcon />
BackdropProps={{ classes: { root: classes.backDrop } }}
<Card className={classes.card}>
<MenuItems menuOptions={menuOptions} />
As stated in MUIModal documentation the modal component is supposed to behave like that I would try to use menu component instead
Quoting documentation:
If you are creating a modal dialog, you probably want to use the Dialog component rather than directly using Modal. Modal is a lower-level construct that is leveraged by the following components:
Menu <--

How to make a button inside Material-UI tooltip's title

I was able to pass Material-UI's IconButton inside Material-UI's Tooltip title.
All the views are working properly, except I cannot press the button.
I want to add a Close button to make the tooltip close on clicking the close button, but I cannot do that. Is there a way to do this? If yes, please provide a solution to this.
MUI's Tooltip has pointer-events set to none by default, so you need to enable this. Add a class to your tooltip and then add this to the css:
pointer-events: auto;
I solved it by using Popper from Material-UI.
In case someone looking for this, here are some useful snippet for it.
import * as React from 'react';
import {Tooltip, Typography} from '#mui/material'
import CloseIcon from '#mui/icons-material/Close'
export const TooltipWithIcon = (title, message) => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
const handleClose = e => {
if (open) {
return null
<CloseIcon sx={{ float: 'right' }} onClick={e => handleClose(e)}></CloseIcon>
<Typography variant="h6" sx={{ fontWeight: 700 }}>
<Typography variant="body1" sx={{ fontSize: 14 }}>

React native: flatlists inside scrollview android performance

Since I heard this from RN docs 'Never put a flat list inside scroll view wrapper'.
But I have one huge page to make and it requires a scroll itself, and there are children flat lists as well.
Of course, this causes a horrible scroll lag user experience, so there is anyone experienced the same kind of problem as me? What was a solution to this?
This is my snippet.
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
ref={c => this.detailScrollView = c}
style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#f8faf9" }}
<FlatList1 goodsDetails />
<FlatList2 goodsPriceSelector />
<FlatList3 bestreviews />
<FlatList4 sellerGoods />
<FlatList5 sameCategoryGoods />
Today, thanks to #MaieonBrix I replaced my childeren flatlists to SectionLists, could feel a bit of improvement. In test android build it still janky, but I think I'm on the right track. I will keep this updated.
{descImgs && !!descImgs.length ?
ref={c => this.goodsDesc = c}
style={{ marginTop: 22, marginBottom: 22 }}
keyExtractor={item => item}
renderItem={function ({ img }) {
return (
<View style={{ alignSelf: "center" }}>
{img.includes("https://") ? (
style={{ height: width, width: width, }}
source={{ uri: img }}
) : <TextNoScailing>상세이미지가 없습니다.</TextNoScailing>}
Well thats true.Flatlist would not work fine under scrollview in android because both using same gestures in same direction.Possible solutions
1) You can define your custom gestures using pan responder library "which is a bit tough for a biggner"
2) Disable/Enable scroll using conditions.e-g: When you're touching a flatlist then disable scroll of scrollView Similarly when on scrollView then disable for Flatlist.
The above solution is for android only because for iOS it will work fine automatically.Similarly you've to provide horizontal margin for flatlist container .Becuse only then use can touch the scroll view container near the boundries.
Hope it clears

