How to deploy Next JS App with Mongoose(MongoDB) connection on Vercel? - javascript

I am facing issue while deploying my next js app on vercel with mongodb connection. I have added env variable also on vercel site where we deploy next js app. Is there something going wrong in the below file ?
module.exports = {
env: {
MONGODB_URI: "mongodb://localhost/tasksdb",
I have add env variable as well into my next js project
MONGODB_URI = "mongodb://localhost/tasksdb"
I establish this mongodb connection from this doc It's provide us to connect with mongodb straightaway .
And this my mongodb connection establish code
import { connect, connection } from "mongoose";
const conn = {
isConnected: false,
export async function dbConnect() {
if (conn.isConected) return;
const db = await connect(process.env.MONGODB_URI);
conn.isConnected = db.connections[0].readyState;
// console.log(conn.isConnected);
// console.log(db.connection.db.databaseName)
connection.on("connected", () => {
console.log("Mongodb connected to db");
connection.on("error", (err) => {
console.error("Mongodb connected to", err.message);
Is there something wrong by creating the database this way because in local everything working fine ?

I don't think vercel's servers can comunicate with your localhost. You can try hosting your database in the mongodb cloud

The code seems to be fine, but you can not connect to Vercel using localhost. You can use Serverless Atlas version of MongoDB which is free you can host your database there and then connect using the link they will provide.
See :


Nextjs api route internal error in production

All apis are working just fine when serving locally but when i try to deploy the app in vercel/ heroku, the apis give me internal error code 500.
So i tried to make a "test api " called hello, it worked just fine until i tried to open connection with db ( query was working locally but in production it gave me internal error)
Here is my code
const mysql= require("mysql2/promise")
export default async function hello(req, res) {
const db= await mysql.createConnection({
const [results] = await db.execute("select * from ##",[])
Update: On heroku, the api is taking 10 seconds to respond back

Deploy whatsapp-web bot on heroku

I'm creating a whatsapp bot using the node library whatsapp-web.js After I'm done with the script it looks something like (I just put a overview of the orignal script) -
const {Client, LocalAuth, MessageMedia } = require('whatsapp-web.js');
const qrcode = require('qrcode-terminal');
const client = new Client({
puppeteer: {
args: ['--no-sandbox', "--disable-setuid-sandbox"]
authStrategy: new LocalAuth()
client.on('qr', (qr) => {
console.log('qr received: ', qr);
qrcode.generate(qr, {small:true});
client.on('ready', () => {
client.on('message', async msg => {
let type = msg.type;
let chat = await msg.getChat();
if(chat.isGroup) {
//do something
}else {
if(msg.body === "ping") {
Everything is fine with the script and it works good on linux or ubuntu (I already added puppeteer build pack on that Heroku app). As I need to run that script continuously I decided to put that on a worker process.
worker: node index.js
But now the problem comes in role, how can I authenticate here? I decided to remove that line from index.js
And insted I thought I will print all the logs on heroku-cli
heroku logs -a wweb-bot
#my app named as wweb-bot
and from there access the key generated as qr. After that I'll turn it into a qrcode and scan it. When I did all setup and try it I was getting a continuously generating logs of qr keys. It's nonstop, and keep generating keys after every 15-20 sec. What's the problem here? Is it because Heroku has a read only environment or anything else is missing? Please help me how can i do it
remove or comment this code
// authStrategy: new LocalAuth()
it will not work on heroku
but as the code is on server, you don't need to scan again and again, you need to scan only you restart your server
but if you are facing puppeteer error then add these buildpacks in heroku /your project/settings/ scrol down to adduildpack
add these two buildpacks
then redeploy your app
Edit: now whatsapp-web.js added new functionality of doing this called RemoteAuthStatergy just go throughout it.

SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string

Ive read documentation from several pages on SO of this issue, but i havent been able to fix my issue with this particular error.
throw new Error('SASL: SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string')
Error: SASL: SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string
at Object.continueSession (C:\Users\CNFis\Desktop\WulfDevelopments\ThePantry\node_modules\pg\lib\sasl.js:24:11)
at Client._handleAuthSASLContinue (C:\Users\CNFis\Desktop\WulfDevelopments\ThePantry\node_modules\pg\lib\client.js:257:10)
at Connection.emit (events.js:400:28)
at C:\Users\CNFis\Desktop\WulfDevelopments\ThePantry\node_modules\pg\lib\connection.js:114:12
at Parser.parse (C:\Users\CNFis\Desktop\WulfDevelopments\ThePantry\node_modules\pg-protocol\dist\parser.js:40:17)
at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\Users\CNFis\Desktop\WulfDevelopments\ThePantry\node_modules\pg-protocol\dist\index.js:11:42)
at Socket.emit (events.js:400:28)
at addChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:290:12)
at readableAddChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:265:9)
at Socket.Readable.push (internal/streams/readable.js:204:10)
its as if in my connectDB() function its not recognizing the password to the database. I am trying to run a seeder.js script to seed the database with useful information for testing purposes, and if i run npm run server which is a script that just starts a nodemon server, itll connect to the DB just fine. but when i try to run my script to seed data, i am returning this error.
import { Sequelize } from "sequelize";
import colors from "colors";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
const user = "postgres";
const host = "localhost";
const database = "thePantry";
const port = "5432";
const connectDB = async () => {
const sequelize = new Sequelize(database, user, process.env.DBPASS, {
dialect: "postgres",
logging: false,
try {
await sequelize.authenticate();
console.log("Connection has been established successfully.";
} catch (error) {
console.error("Unable to connect to the database:", error);
export default connectDB;
above is my connectDB() file, and again, it works when i run the server normally. but i receive this error only when trying to seed the database. Ill post my seeder script below:
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import colors from "colors";
import users from "./data/users.js";
import User from "./models/userModel.js";
import connectDB from "./config/db.js";
const importData = async () => {
try {
await User.drop();
await User.sync();
await User.bulkCreate(users);
console.log("Data Imported".green.inverse);
} catch (e) {
const destroyData = async () => {
try {
await User.bulkDestroy();
console.log("Data Destroyed".red.inverse);
} catch (e) {
if (process.argv[2] === "-d") {
} else {
Add your .env file in your project, I think your .env file is missing in your project folder.
add like this:
So, i may have figured this out by playing around in another project with sequelize, as it turns out, the initial connection to the database in my server.js file, honestly means nothing. Unlike Mongoose where the connection is available across the whole app. its not the same for Sequelize this connection that it creates is only apparent in certain places, for example i was trying the same process in my other project as i am here, except i was trying to read data from my DB using the model that i built with sequelize and i was receiving the same type error, i went into where i defined the model and made a sequelize connection there, and i was then able to read from the database using that object model.
Long story short, to fix the error in this app i have to place a connection to the database in the seeder.js file or i have to place a connection in the User model (this is ideal since ill be using the model in various places) to be able to seed information or read information from the database.
today i have same problem like this, so if you use database with type relational. you must define password from database.
const user = "postgres";
const host = "localhost";
const database = "thePantry";
const password = "yourdatabasepassword"; if null > const password = "";
const port = "5432";
but, if you use database with type non-relational, as long as the attributes are the same, you can immediately run the program as you defined it
I also faced this issue and another solution different from the accepted solution here solved my issue, so I wanted to explain that to this lovely community, too.
Firstly, when I faced the issue, ran my project in debug mode and reached the code below.
let sequelize;
if (config.use_env_variable) {
sequelize = new Sequelize(process.env[config.use_env_variable], config);
} else {
sequelize = new Sequelize(config.database, config.username, config.password, config);
The problem here is actually obvious when I saw first, there is a problem in .env file as mentioned in the solutions above. In my process.env is defined as like as following line: DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password#IP_adress:port/db_name and my config.js file is in the following format:
module.exports = {
"development": {
"dialect": "postgres",
}, ...
So as a solution, I come with the following fix for the parameters that are inside Sequelize(...). My solution below is totally worked for me and I hope it also works for you too.
let sequelize;
if (config.use_env_variable) {
sequelize = new Sequelize(process.env[config.use_env_variable], config);
} else {
sequelize = new Sequelize(config.url, config);
Finally, the point you need to be careful about what you have written to the config file. That's the most important in this case.
Farewell y'all.
Here is my case. I have postgresql connection url in my enviroment like:
But my config getting like:
POSTGRES_DB_PORT=5432 of configs
Now it has resolved.
I faced this issue because I was trying to execute nodemon from a parent folder. Once I changed my pwd, the error was resolved.
For your seeder script, i'm doing something similar but not using Sequilize, just the node-postgres package in an ExpressJS app.
To give context (so you know if this applies to your situation)
I run a separate script for testing, which uses database credentials to test batched emailing. So, I need to access my database (eventually will migrate it to an AWS lambda function).
I need to access my database and run sequential actions, since I'm not spinning up my server, all that 'under the hood' processes that would normally start your connection pool is probably not running. My guess ( I know it's an old post but this may help others).
Try passing your hardcoded password credentials. first on your seeder.js file. (i'm sure you've tried this already).
Try creating a new Pool within your seeder script and pass it your credentials (try hard coding it first to see if it works).
Pool in postgres takes a client config with the following properties (i use this to get mine to work).
const pool = new Pool({
user: '****',
database: '****',
password: '****',
port: 5432,
host: '****',
max: 5,
idleTimeoutMillis: 30000,
connectionTimeoutMillis: 5000,
I imagine sequilize will have a similar configuration, so try playing around with that.
Then I just connect to the pool and do everything I'd normally do.
Hope this helps with a bit of the troubleshooting. I had the EXACT same error message earlier. Ultimately I had to restructure my code to 'boot up' the Client/Connection Pool for the database. It sounds like you're not properly 'booting up' your connection so try doing it manually within your seeder script (don't pass process.env.DB_PASSWORD at first).
I saw this error when running a npx sequelize-cli db:... command
and my postgres server wasn't running or able to accept connections.
To fix it, I had to be running: postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres in the background.

adding files to heroku app with a database addon in node.js

I'm hosting my discord bot on heroku and i installed this database for adding files, because for what i understood heroku has a temporarly file system, and also things like fs don't work anymore. This is the addon i installed:
Here is an example of the code i used for appending to txts/json files:
// Json example
if (command === 'jsonExample') {
config.example = args[0]
var stringifiedConfig = JSON.stringify(config, null, 4);
fs.writeFileSync("./config.json", stringifiedConfig)
// Txt example
if (command === 'txtExample') {
fs.appendFileSync('folder/example.txt', data + "\r\n", (err) => {
if (err) throw (err)
console.log('File edited')
The thing is i don't know how i could adapt it to work with the database, i'm very new to heroku and i didn't really find anything for discord bots, i hope you can help.
PostgresSQL is a cloud SQL database. You use HTTP requests to talk to the API to upload/download files/data from the database.
PostgresSQL has a Node.js package, pg, which you use to interact with the database.
Using this database, your provided code might look like this:
const { Client } = require("pg"),
client = new Client({
// make sure you set your environment variables in the heroku dashboard
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false }
async function commandCode(command, config, args, data) {
if (command === "jsonExample") {
config.example = args[0];
const stringifiedConfig = JSON.stringify(config);
await client.query(/* some SQL query here */);
} else if (command === "txtExample") {
await client.query(/* some SQL query here */);
console.log("File edited.");
You will need to know how to use SQL to use this database, which may or may not be what you are looking for.

Testing Postgre Database on Heroku

I am currently building an API with Swagger on Heroku and i would like to try if the endpoints are creating the correct entries in the Postgre Database. However, once i try to connect to Heroku's Postgre in my testing envoirment the connection is rejected. I think this is because in the continous integration envoirnment heroku creates a sandbox and does not accept connections to the real dbs.
I tried to create a backup database as suggested here:
but i couldn't find the information to access!
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you.
Here is my code test:
'use strict';
var should = require('should');
var request = require('supertest');
var assert = require('assert');
var server = require('../../../app');
var pg = require('pg');
var knex = require('knex')({
client: 'postgresql',
connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL
describe('controllers', function () {
describe('testing cenas', function () {
it('test1', function (done) {
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.body, 'Hello,Hugo Pereira!');
it gives an error:
Unhandled rejection Error: Unable to acquire a connection
at Client_PG.acquireConnection (/app/node_modules/knex/lib/client.js:332:40)
at Runner.ensureConnection (/app/node_modules/knex/lib/runner.js:233:24)
at (/app/node_modules/knex/lib/runner.js:47:42)
at Builder.Target.then (/app/node_modules/knex/lib/interface.js:39:43)
at testPg (/app/api/controllers/hello_world.js:27:44)
at swaggerRouter (/app/node_modules/swagger-tools/middleware/swagger-router.js:407:20)
at swagger_router (/app/node_modules/swagger-node-runner/fittings/swagger_router.js:31:5)
at Runner.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/bagpipes/lib/bagpipes.js:171:7)
at bound (domain.js:301:14)
at Runner.runBound (domain.js:314:12)
at Runner.pipeline (/app/node_modules/pipeworks/pipeworks.js:72:17)
at Runner.flow (/app/node_modules/pipeworks/pipeworks.js:223:19)
at Pipeworks.flow (/app/node_modules/pipeworks/pipeworks.js:135:17)
at Pipeworks.siphon (/app/node_modules/pipeworks/pipeworks.js:186:19)
at Runner.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/bagpipes/lib/bagpipes.js:98:22)
at bound (domain.js:301:14)
0 passing (2s)
The heroku pg:psql command should connect to your database. You can also pass it parameters to connect to alternative/backup databases.
If you are using a heroku postgres url then one thing you need for external access is the query string ?ssl=true appended to the url
"DATABASE_URL" : "postgres://"
I manage to solve this problem using the heroku in-dyno database ( Once i got the database I go to a endpoint in my dev env that i made myself that gives me a dump file of the schemas of my real db. In the test env i import this file and voila i have all the schemas and tables i need for my test envoirment.

