Create array of non hidden td rows - javascript

So I have a table where the users can filter out specific rows, by checking a checkbox. If a checkbox is selected then, some rows will get the hidden state.
I want to create a array with all the rows that isn't hidden, but I can't seem to get the state of the <td>.
The tables id is ftp_table and the rows I need the data from has the class name download. I tried to so something like this, to get the visibility value, but without any luck. The function is triggered after a hide row function has run.
function download_log() {
var rows = document.getElementsByClassName("download");
var log = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
// Check if item is hidden or not (create a if and push into array)
// append new value to the array IF NOT HIDDEN
The output I get when i hide something is everything is visible?:
Here is a example of the table, where all info rows has been hidden:
<table class="ftp_table" id="ftp_table">
<tr class="grey">
<tr class="info" hidden>
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:15.946 INFO [conftest:101] -------------- Global Fixture Setup Started --------------</td>
<tr class="debug">
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:16.009 DEBUG [Geni:37] Initializing</td>
<tr class="info" hidden>
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:16.059 INFO [Wrapper:21] Downloading</td>
<tr class="info grey" hidden>
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:16.061 INFO [Handler:55] AV+</td>
<tr class="debug grey">
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:16.063 DEBUG [Session:84] GET'</td>

You could use the following selector :
document.querySelectorAll("#ftp_table tr:not([hidden])");
It will select the elements in tr that are not hidden in your table.
var visibleTds = document.querySelectorAll("#ftp_table tr:not([hidden])");
var arr = [];
for(let i = 0; i < visibleTds.length; i++){
<table class="ftp_table" id="ftp_table">
<tr class="grey">
<tr class="info" hidden>
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:15.946 INFO [conftest:101] -------------- Global Fixture Setup Started --------------</td>
<tr class="debug">
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:16.009 DEBUG [Geni:37] Initializing</td>
<tr class="info" hidden>
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:16.059 INFO [Wrapper:21] Downloading</td>
<tr class="info grey" hidden>
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:16.061 INFO [Handler:55] AV+</td>
<tr class="debug grey">
<td class="download">2021-10-06 12:38:16.063 DEBUG [Session:84] GET'</td>

Why don't you use classList instead of style props ?
Like :


Get column value onClick in nested HTML Table [Javascript]

I have a nested HTML table which expands on click. When I click inner row, I would like to get column value. Right now, I am getting the column value on click of outer row.
For instance in the below image, when I click coding/testing, I would like to pass an alert as "Place". Right now, I get alert as "place" when I click city.
var table: any = document.getElementById("table");
var rows = table.rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
rows[i].onclick = (function (e) {
var j = 0;
var td =;
while( (td = td.previousElementSibling) != null )
I'm not sure why you have this code in your trigger function. But, if you need to get the column name when a data cell is clicked, you can use the following approach.
Inject into your trigger function call a current event object and your header row element template variable:
<table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-responsive-xl" id="table">
<tr #header>
<ng-container *ngFor="let data of data1">
<ng-container *ngIf="data.expanded">
<tr *ngFor="let data of findDetails(data)" (click)="trigger($event, header)">
So, #header name is assigned to the first tr element and then it's passed along with $event to the trigger function.
In your trigger function, consume these two parameters. $event will be a regular MouseEvent object and header will be a regular tr element. After this, you can find the clicked column header by the clicked cell index in your row. gsnedders in the StackOverflow thread provided a solution for how to find the element index inside its parent. Your trigger function may look like:
trigger($event, header) {
const index = this.getChildNumber($;
This StackBlitz project illustrates this approach.
You don't need any DOM manipulation, you can simplify your solution as below:
// .......
export class AppComponent {
trigger(columnName: string) {
// .......
<table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-responsive-xl" id="table">
<td> Name </td>
<td> Place </td>
<td> Phone </td>
<ng-container *ngFor="let data of data1">
<tr (click)="data.expanded = !data.expanded">
<td (click)="trigger('Name outer')"> {{ data.expanded ? '–' : '+'}} {{}} </td>
<td (click)="trigger('Place outer')"> {{}} </td>
<td (click)="trigger('Phone outer')"> {{}} </td>
<td (click)="trigger('Hobbies Outer')"> {{data.hobbies}} </td>
<td (click)="trigger('Profession outer')"> {{data.profession}} </td>
<ng-container *ngIf="data.expanded">
<tr *ngFor="let data of findDetails(data)">
<td style="padding-left: 12px" (click)="trigger('Name inner')"> {{}} </td>
<td (click)="trigger('Hobbies inner')"> {{data.datades.hobbies}} </td>
<td (click)="trigger('Profession inner')"> {{data.datades.profession}} </td>

Javascript Checkbox From a Table Returning Undefined

When I run the following code the alert comes back as 'undefined' when I would like is to return True or False depending on if the checkbox is check at the time that the user triggers the JavaScript to run.
The user is triggering it with a button. Currently when the user presses the button the script returns a 'undefined' for each row of the table.
Eventually I would like to create a JavaScript array that I will pass back to the server with an Ajax call but this is of little use if I can cannot determine the state of the check boxes for every row of the table.
Also, I'm using Jinja2 templating which explains the curly brackets but this should be of little consequence because the table is being created without issue when the HTML renders.
var table = document.getElementById("filterTable");
for (var i=1; i<table.rows.length; i++){
var isChecked = (table.rows[i].cells[2].checked);
My table looks like this:
<table class="table table-condensed table hover" id = "filterTable">
{% for dep in dependencies %}
<tr class="row">
<input type="checkbox" value="isSelected"/>
{% endfor %}
The checkbox is the first child of td not the td itself (cells[2] returns third td) so checked property of td element would be always undefined.
You can get the checkbox from children property.
var isChecked = table.rows[i].cells[2].children[0].checked;
var table = document.getElementById("filterTable");
for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
var isChecked = (table.rows[i].cells[2].children[0].checked);
<table id="filterTable">
<tr class="row">
<input type="checkbox" value="isSelected" />
In case there are other elements as the child then you can get it using querySelector() method with attribute equals selector.
var isChecked = table.rows[i].cells[2].querySelector('[type="checkbox"]').checked;
var table = document.getElementById("filterTable");
for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
var isChecked = (table.rows[i].cells[2].querySelector('[type="checkbox"]').checked);
<table id="filterTable">
<tr class="row">
<input type="checkbox" value="isSelected" />
table.rows[i].cells[2] only find the td that contains the checkbox.
You need to query for the checkbox before you check the property.
var td = table.rows[i].cells[2];
var checkbox = td..querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');
var isChecked = checkbox.checked;

Show rows in table with cells name attribute containing string from input (JQuery)

I would like to have keyup function that would show only rows matching the input text by cell that spans on multiple rows.
Consider following table:
<table border='1'>
<td rowspan='2'>Key1</td>
<td name='Key1'> dummy1 </td>
<td name='Key1'> dummy2 </td>
<td rowspan='2'>Key2</td>
<td name='Key2'> dummy3 </td>
<td name='Key2'> dummy4 </td>
Here each row has second td tag with name that matches its "parent" column text. So when I type 'Key1' at the input field I would like it to show only dummy1 and dummy2. Is it possible in jquery?
I understand that you want to display the rows that has a matching name. If this is wrong, please elaborate more, then I can update it.
Here is a demo:
$("td").filter(function() {
return $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) != -1; }).parent().show().next().show();
Here's my take on your issue, assuming you always want the first column to show.
<input type="text" id="myInput" />
<table border='1'>
<td rowspan='2'>Key1</td>
<td name='Key1' class="data"> dummy1 </td>
<td name='Key1' class="data"> dummy2 </td>
<td rowspan='2'>Key2</td>
<td name='Key2' class="data"> dummy3 </td>
<td name='Key2' class="data"> dummy4 </td>
var theData = $('');
var input = $('#myInput').on('keyup', function(){
var value = input.val();
var matches = theData.filter('[name="'+value+'"]');;
Firstly, I would recommend using <ul> to wrap each key in as tables should be used for data structure (Forgive me if that is what it is being used for).
Secondly, just attach an on keyup event to the search box and then find matches based on the id. See example below:
JS Fiddle Demo
It is also worth mentioning that it could be useful attaching a timeout to the keyup event if you end up having large amounts of rows so that only one filter is fired for fast typers!

Selecting content with JQuery

Any ideas why this doesn't work?
I'm trying to get it so that everytime there is an element with the class "insert_name", the name is printed from the table.
Could you also help me make the selection more advanced (for instance only using the data from the first tr in the "client-profile" class?
<body onload="printMsg()">
<div id="api_data" style="display:none;">
<div class="client-profile">
<div class="head icon-5">Customer Details</div>
<table id="client-information">
<td class="left">Name:</td>
<td class="color">Matthew Tester
<tr class="dark">
<td class="left">E-mail:</td>
<td class="color">asdfg</td>
<td class="left">Registration:</td>
<td class="color">2013-11-21</td>
<tr class="dark">
<td class="left">Status:</td>
<td class="color"><span class="active">Active</span>
<td class="left">Last Login Time:</td>
<td class="color" title="2014-05-28 11:43:46">1 hour ago</td>
<tr class="dark">
<td class="left">Last Login From:</td>
<td class="color"></td>
<td class="left">Location:</td>
<td class="color">United Kingdom</td>
<div class="insert_name"></div>
(function printMsg() {
var node = document.getElementsByClassName('insert_name');
node.innerHTML = $('[class*="color"]').eq(0).text();
jsFiddle Demo
The issue is with your node selection. When you select by class name it returns an array of elements. Since you are only looking for the div with that class name, access the first index to reference it.
var node = document.getElementsByClassName('insert_name')[0];
To make this iterate all of the nodes you could take this approach
var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('insert_name');
var text = $('[class*="color"]').eq(0).text();
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
nodes[i].innerHTML = text;
Alternatively, since jQuery is already included, you could remove the body's onload event and just use this
jsFiddle Demo
To ensure this only acts on the client-profile class the selector would be
$('.insert_name').html($('.client-profile [class*="color"]').eq(0).text());
If you are just trying to insert the name rather than all of the content, this should do the trick:
$(function() {
Here is the fiddle:
Hope that helps!
I added a little more jQuery:
$(function() {
Hope that helps!

how to merge 2 rows together WITH 2 rows in html table?

I am not so good in English, to express myself, so I show it with examples to you!
Here is my HTML table with code:
<table border="1">
<tr id="tr1_1">
<td rowspan="2">1</td>
<td>tr1.1 td2</td>
<td>tr1.1 td3</td>
<td rowspan="2">
<tr id="tr1_2">
<td>tr1.2 td2</td>
<td>td1.2 td3</td>
<tr id="tr2_1">
<td rowspan="2">2</td>
<td>tr2.1 td2</td>
<td>tr2.1 td3</td>
<td rowspan="2">
<tr id="tr2_2">
<td>tr2.2 td2</td>
<td>td2.2 td3</td>
(You can see the result here)
For example, if I click on the second two rows' "up" link, the result should be this:
<table border="1">
<tr id="tr2_1">
<td rowspan="2">2</td>
<td>tr2.1 td2</td>
<td>tr2.1 td3</td>
<td rowspan="2">
<tr id="tr2_2">
<td>tr2.2 td2</td>
<td>td2.2 td3</td>
<tr id="tr1_1">
<td rowspan="2">1</td>
<td>tr1.1 td2</td>
<td>tr1.1 td3</td>
<td rowspan="2">
<tr id="tr1_2">
<td>tr1.2 td2</td>
<td>td1.2 td3</td>
(You can see the final result here)
So how could I do this? I know the prev() and before() methods in javascript, but it merge only 1 row with 1 row, but I want to merge 2 rows WITH 2 rows!
I hope, someone can help me! Thank you!
Try this jQuery code :
$('.up').click(function() {
tr = $('tr[id^="'+$(this).closest('tr').attr('id').slice(0, 3)+'"]')
return false;
$('.down').click(function() {
tr = $('tr[id^="'+$(this).closest('tr').attr('id').slice(0, 3)+'"]')
return false;
And have a look to your fiddle edited :
Just some explanations :
closest('tr') method find the nearest parent which has a tr tag
slice(0, 3) get the first 3 characters of a string
=> variable tr selects all elements which has the same 3 first id characters
insertBefore and insertAfter methods allows to move selected elements
Could be done like that too:
$(function () {
$('.up, .down').on('click', function () {
var $tr = $(this).closest('tr'),
$flag = $('<tr/>').insertBefore($tr),
$rows = $tr.add($'tr')).detach()
methods = $(this).is('.up') ? ['insertBefore', 'prevAll'] : ['insertAfter', 'nextAll'];
if ($flag[methods[1]]('tr').eq(1).length) {
} else $flag.replaceWith($rows);

