How can i check pathname is exist in react? [duplicate] - javascript

How to check if generic react-router path matches current location pathname?
react-router path: /Movies/:id
location.pathname: /Movies/56fa7446bae6eb301e5937f3
I want to use route paths with menu buttons, to set class="active".
To clarify, paths in my app look like:
and not like:
How do I check if the former route is active?
Is it doable without <Link> component?
/Movies/56fa7/watch is arbitrary after /Movies, and <Link> obviously can't be pointed to an arbitrary location. So let's ignore <Link> for a moment:
Is there a standalone function or property in react-router that checks if /Movies/:id/watch is active?

According to the docs, you could use matchPath function which takes two arguments:
pathname you want to match (String).
options (Object) or path (String) to match against.
If matched it will return an object of this shape:
path, // the path used to match
url, // the matched portion of the URL
isExact, // whether or not we matched exactly
Otherwise you'll get null.
To make use of it in your components you could simply do:
import { matchPath } from 'react-router';
// ...
render () {
const isMovieWatchPathActive = !!matchPath(
// ...
Hope it'll help someone.

As of React Router v4 (March 2017):
I'm a bit late to the party, but hopefully this will help anyone with the same question. When a component is rendered through a Route, certain props are passed to it. These props can be used to determine which route is active.
In a component rendered by a Route, you can use this.props.match.url to get the actual URL requested by the browser, and you can use this.props.match.path to get the path pattern for the current route.
Check working example here:
Docs related to this are available here:

use this
import { matchPath } from "react-router";
const match = matchPath("/users/123", {
path: "/users/:id",
exact: true,
strict: false

Check out the Link's property: activeStyle or activeClassName. They are supposed to automatically set the link to active when route matches. See the example:


Keep param consistent on location change ReactJs

I am using react router v4 to change location in ReactJs.
<Link to="/profile" />
The above code works fine.
Now I want to keep a param consistent in URL http://localhost:3000?source=test by using the same code as above.
One approach is that I find all the occurrences in the code and add condition that if params source=test exist then append it to the the URL as well but this approach doesn't look fine to me as I have add condition on every redirect, Link and history.push
Second approach that I find is that use of listener on location update given by react router
In my Main Route file
class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.unlisten = this.props.history.listen((location, action) => {
if (/source=ep/.test( { = _startsWith(, "?") ? + "&source=test" : "?source=test"
With this approach I can easily append the params in search query of react router but the param doesn't show up in URL.
the URL looks like this http://localhost:3000/profile and When I get search params from react-router console.log( it shows the param source=test and it's exactly what I want but In this case if user refreshes on this page the search params lost from react-router as well because it's not in the URL.
Can you guys help me to keep source=test consistent even in URL.

Can I use React-Router-Dom useParams() to capture a coupon code in a MERN Application?

I have been trying to figure out to how to capture a coupon code using react-router-dom's URL Parameters. I was hoping to be able to capture a coupon in the URL to set a state.
Example: https://localhost:3000/checkout?coupon=FREE3000&referrer=MATTHEW;
I want to be able to parse the URL to take the parameters Coupon & Referrer to set in the state, and to prefill a form in a checkout page.
Is this possible using React Router Dom? Are there any alternative solutions?
Yes this is possible via react router with a custom hook and the useLocation hook. Anyways you will use URLSearchParams. There is no direct function from react router.
const useQuery = () => new URLSearchParams(useLocation().search)
// use in component
const query = useQuery();
// get desired value with query.get(name)
const coupon = query.get("coupon");
const referrer = query.get("referrer");
Refer to this example from the react router docs
If you want to not use react router simply use the property instead of useLocation. See the MDN documentation
The short answer is no, useParams gets the parameters after the base url not the query parameters.
For an answer on how to get the query parameters see this question How to get query parameters in react-router v4

Programmatic relative links with react-router

Did somebody manage to find a good way how to programmatically navigate to a relative link with react-router?
I've used react-router-relative-links for declarative links, but I can't find a good way to do this programmatically.
I know it could be done manually with resolve-pathname and router.push(…), but that would require access to the location, which is only available on route handler components. My component is somewhat deep down the tree, therefore I'd like to avoid all the wiring back to the top.
Is window.location.pathname the right way to get the location and then use router.push available through withRouter?
Currently I'm using this as a utility function:
import resolvePathname from 'resolve-pathname';
function getPathnameFromRelativeLocation(relativeLocation) {
let {pathname} = window.location;
let basePath = pathname.endsWith('/') ? pathname : pathname + '/';
return resolvePathname(relativeLocation, basePath);
And in an event handler of a React component:
// Current path is `/books/123`
let path = getPathnameFromRelativeLocation('write-review');
// Current path is `/books/123/write-review`
react-router 3.0 now provides location on the context so it's now easy to just take it from there.
if you are using browserHistory
it's simply
for that make sure you have latest react-router and
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router';

How to use js code to forward reactjs-router?

when u seem to require forward in reactjs we used to put a Link or button ,and then consumer click it ,then the page reload corresponding path of router . Now,I want the page turn to other path of router when I request a post and the status of response is 200. It can't use a link or button ,could reactjs use code to do this? like : CertainComponent.setPath(otherPath); CertainComponent.turn;
My English is poor , it may be not clear to delive the function which i want to do.
I think you want to use this.context.router.push('/users/12')
First of all the component you are using has to be a container, which means you have to create it with connect() so it has access on store and dispatch:
let MyComponent = ({ dispatch, store }) => {
export default connect()(MyComponent)
And this depends how you named the router key on your store when you combined the routing reducer from redux-router on your store.
There is also another alternative, where you could do
import { hashHistory } from 'react-router';

Get current page path from react-routers browserHistory object

Outside of my components I need to query the current active URL. I'm going to set some classes on the body ( which is outside my react root ) based on this.
First attempt was to use
//Gets an array of class names that I can add to my body tag
But it seems window.location.path isn't updated when React Router navigates. Surprising yes.
So I thought, ok maybe I can get this from browserHistory
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
But alas, I can't see a way to read the current page path from here either ( no decent API documentation seems to exist for this object)
Any tips? Seems like a simple problem, and it would be if window.location.pathname stayed in sync with the history object.
Ok as of 2017 at least, location is available via
const location = browserHistory.getCurrentLocation();
The only way I know to do this right now is to use a listener like
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
browserHistory.listen(function(event) {
//manage the pathname on your own
Not ideal, but even after looking at the DOMUtils library used by history, its implementation of getWindowPath() includes the pathname, search, and hash strings. However, looking for a docs link for you on GitHub, History seems to have received a v3 rewrite as of ~20 days ago and now includes a pathUtils module that may be useful to you.

