How can I add props to a compound child component without using top level api methods? - javascript

I am attempting to create a Panel component that has the option to be wrapped in a PanelGroup component. The PanelGroup components main function is the query the children Panel components and determine if certain conditions so it can add a z-index prop to each of them according to the conditions.
Is it a left, right, top or bottom positioned Panel
Is it a nested Panel
Each condition will require a z-index that may be higher than the others and also placed in front of the highest z-index found on the page. I would like to be able to iterate though the children inside a useEffect and after logic is ran to determine the hierarchy, add the z-index to each child as a prop. I have attempted to use React.Children mapping through and using cloneElement to add the z-index, however the issue is this method must be called inside the render/return and when a second panel is opened it causes any other panel that is open to close and open again. Is there a way to update the props without using the top level React API?
PanelGroup API
<h2>Panel Slide Left</h2>
<button onClick={handleClose1}>Close</button>
<h2>Panel Slide Right</h2>
<button onClick={handleClose2}>Close</button>
This is what I tried which does not work
const PanelGroup = ({
}: PanelGroupProp): JSX.Element => {
const [highestZIndex, setHighestZIndex] = React.useState(null);
* Handles finding the highest index on the page after render. This value
* will be used as the benchmark to set the z-index of the panel
* components managed by this component.
React.useEffect(() => {
const highestIndex = getHighestZIndex();
}, []);
const renderGroupPanelChildren = (children): React.ReactElement => {
let incrementor = highestZIndex + 1;
return (
{ || null, (child) => {
const newProps = {...child.props, ZIndex: incrementor };
return <child.type {...newProps } key={getGuid()} />;
return (
<PanelOverlay visibility={false} />
I would like to find a way to do something like:
const PanelGroupComponent = ({
}: PanelGroupProp): JSX.Element => {
const [highestZIndex, setHighestZIndex] = React.useState(null);
const [elements, setElements] = React.useState(null);
* Handles finding the highest index on the page after render. This value
* will be used as the benchmark to set the z-index of the panel
* components managed by this component.
React.useEffect(() => {
const highestIndex = getHighestZIndex();
}, []);
React.useEffect(() => {
// logic to set z-index's ....
const elements ....
}, [highestIndex]);
return (
<PanelOverlay visibility={false} />


React render previous values during conditional fade out animation

I am using react-transition-group to fade out various components. I'm converting simple conditional renders such as:
{valueToDisplay && <MyComponent {...valueToDisplay} />}
To transitions such as:
addEndListener={(node, done) => node.addEventListener("transitionend", done, false)}
<MyComponent {...valueToDisplay} />
The issue I'm running into is when the "in" property of the transition becomes false, and the exit transition is running, the child component will now have null prop values. This can cause exceptions or cause the child content to flash and change during the exit. What I would like to see instead is that during the exit transition, the content will remain unchanged.
The first solution I came up with was to make child components to cache previous values of their props, and then use those previous values when their props become null. However I don't like this solution because it forces all components which will be transitioned to introduce new and confusing internal logic.
The second attempt I made was to create a wrapper component which cached the previous value of props.children, and whenever "in" becomes false, renders the cached children instead. This essentially "freezes" the children as they were the last time in was true, and they don't change during the exit transition. (If this solution is the general practice, is there a better way of doing this, perhaps with the useMemo hook?)
For such a common use case of fading content out, this solution doesn't seem very intuitive. I can't help but feeling I'm going about this the wrong way. I can't really find any examples of having to cache/memoize content to keep it displaying during fade outs. It seems like something somewhere has to remember the values to display when performing the exit transition. What am I missing?
Here is a minimal example and working example:
import { useRef, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group';
const Pet = ({ type, age }) => {
return (
Your pet {type || 'null'} is age {age || 'null'}
const Fade = ({ show, children }) => {
const nodeRef = useRef(null);
return (
addEndListener={(done) => nodeRef.current.addEventListener("transitionend", done, false)}
<span ref={nodeRef}>
const FadeWithMemo = ({ show, children }) => {
const previousChildren = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
previousChildren.current = show ? children : null;
}, [show, children]);
return (
<Fade show={show}>
{show ? children : previousChildren.current}
const Example = () => {
const [currentPet, setCurrentPet] = useState(null);
const getPet = () => {
return {
type: (Math.random() > .5) ? 'Cat' : 'Dog',
age: Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 1
return (
<button onClick={() => setCurrentPet(getPet())}>Set</button>
<button onClick={() => setCurrentPet(null)}>Clear</button>
The Problem:
<Fade show={!!currentPet}>
<Pet {...currentPet} />
Potential Fix:
<FadeWithMemo show={!!currentPet}>
<Pet {...currentPet} />
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(<Example />);
You can detach the visible condition from the pet state so that you have more granular control over whether something is visible and what is actually being displayed.
const Example = () => {
const [currentPet, setCurrentPet] = useState(null);
const [showPet, setShowPet] = useState(false);
const getPet = () => {
return {
type: (Math.random() > .5) ? 'Cat' : 'Dog',
age: Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 1
return (
<button onClick={() => {
<button onClick={() => setShowPet(false)}>Clear</button>
<Fade show={showPet}>
<Pet {...currentPet} />
or you can have the visible be part of the pet state and only set that part to false.

Creating tab component in React and handling click events for child components

New to React and trying to build a tabular component. I know I'm reinventing the wheel but I'm trying to take this as a learning experience.
Here is how I intend to use the component:
<Tabs.MenuItem>Tab item 1</Tabs.MenuItem>
<Tabs.MenuItem>Tab item 2</Tabs.MenuItem>
<Tabs.MenuItem>Tab item 3</Tabs.MenuItem>
<Tabs.MenuItem>Tab item 4</Tabs.MenuItem>
My current implementation works in displaying the items properly. But the one challenge I am facing is being able to handle the onClick event for the Tabs.MenuItem. I understand that I should not be handling the onClick in the Tabs.MenuItem child component, and rather should be handled in the upmost parent Tabs component.
I tried using forwardedRef but that posed some limitations in accessing the props.children. Even if I managed to get it working syntactically, I am not even sure how the Tabs component is suppose to access that ref.
The idea here is that depending on what Tabs.MenuItem is in an active state, it will correspond to the same child Tabs.Pane component index to render that pane.
import React, { forwardRef, useState } from "react";
const Tabs = (props, { activePane }) => {
return (
const MenuItems = (props) => {
React.Children.forEach(props.children, child => {
return (
<div className="ui secondary menu" style={}>
const MenuItem = (props) => {
const [isActive, setActive] = useState(false);
return (
// eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid
<a className={isActive ? "item active" : "item"} onClick={() => setActive(!isActive)}>{props.children}</a>
// const MenuItem = forwardRef((props, ref) => (
// // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid
// <a ref={ref} className="item">{props.children}</a> // error accessing props.children
// ))
const Panes = (props) => {
return (
const Pane = (props) => {
return (
Tabs.MenuItems = MenuItems;
Tabs.MenuItem = MenuItem;
Tabs.Panes = Panes;
Tabs.Pane = Pane;
export default Tabs;
I am not looking for someone to complete the entire tabular functionality, just an example of how I can forward the children references to the topmost parent so that I can handle click events properly.

getBoundingClientRect() on two React components and check if they overlap onScroll

I want to get a ref, more specifically a getBoundingClientRect() on the <Header/> and <Testimonials/> component. I then want to watch for a scroll event and check if the two components ever overlap. Currently, my overlap variable never flips to true even if what appears on the page is that the two components are overlaping.
const [isIntersecting, setIsIntersecting] = useState(false)
const header = useRef(null)
const testimonials = useRef(null)
const scrollHandler = _ => {
let headerRect = header.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let testiRect = testimonials.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let overlap = !(headerRect.right < testiRect.left ||
headerRect.left > testiRect.right ||
headerRect.bottom < || > testiRect.bottom)
console.log(overlap) // never flips to true
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler, true);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler, true);
}, []);
const App = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<Header />
<LandingPage />
<div style={{ height: '100vh', backgroundColor: 'black', color: 'white' }}>
<AboutPage />
<TestimonialsPage />
<Footer />
First: Components can't receive directly a ref prop, unless you are wrapping the Component itself in a React.forwardRef wrapper:
const Component = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
<button ref={ref}>
// Inside your Parent Component:
const ref = useRef();
<Component ref={ref}>Click me!</Component>;
Second: you can also pass a ref down to a child as a standard prop, but you can't call that prop ref since that's a special reserved word just like the key prop:
const Component= (props) => (
<button ref={props.myRef}>
// Inside your Parent Component
const ref = useRef();
<Component myRef={ref}>Click me!</Component>;
This works perfectly fine, and if it's a your personal project you
might work like this with no issues, the only downside is that you
have to use custom prop name for those refs, so the code gets harder to
read and to mantain, especially if it's a shared repo.
Third: Now that you learnt how to gain access to the DOM node of a child Component from its parent, you must know that even if usually it's safe to perform manipulations on those nodes inside a useEffect ( or a componentDidMount ) since they are executed once the DOM has rendered, to be 100% sure you will have access to the right DOM node it's always better using a callback as a ref like this:
const handleRef = (node) => {
if (node) //do something with node
<Component ref={handleRef}/>
Basically your function hanldeRef will be called by React during
DOM node render by passing the node itself as its first parameter,
this way you can perform a safe check on the node, and be sure it's
100% valorized when you are going to perform your DOM manipulation.
Concerning your specific question about how to access the getBoundingClientRect of a child Component DOM node, I made a working example with both the approaches:
You'll need to define each of your components as Forwarding Refs, eg
const Header = forwardRef<HTMLElement>((_, ref) => (
<header ref={ref}>
<h1>I am the header</h1>
You can then pass a HTMLElement ref to your components to refer to later
const headerRef = useRef<HTMLElement>(null);
const scrollHandler = () => {
console.log("header position", headerRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect());
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler);
}, []);
return (
<Header ref={headerRef} />
I'm using TypeScript examples since it's easier to translate back down to JS than it is to go up to TS

How to get updated state from react parent component

I have the following structure
=Parent Component (with a list as a state)
== Sub Comp list={list})
=== Sub Comp2 list={list}
==== Node list={list}
export const Node = (props) => {
// some state setup
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false)
const handleCheckbox = () => {
//Checkbox checked, add this Node to list in Parent Component
icon = {<Checkbox checked={checked} onChange={handleCheckbox}}
{expanded && !fetching ? childNodes : <TreeItem label="reached end" />
Now this work the way that I intended, but the problem is since it's a TreeView if I collapse and expand one of the parent nodes, I lose the checked value.
To fix this I put
useEffect(() => {
var inList = props.list.find(function(item) { return === label} ) !=== undefined
if(inList){ setChecked(true)} else{setChecked(false)}
}, [])
Now the above works as intended, but only if I go to the next page on my form and then come back. The problem is that when the list is updated, the useEffect is still using the old state of the list.
How do I force useEffect to use the most updated state, or force the state to update since it's asynchronous?
You have a few options depending on your circumstance. If you just want the latest parent state in the child component you can pass the parent's state as well as the updater as a prop to the child component as below.
const ParentComponent = () => {
const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState(false);
return (
<ChildComponent checked={checked} setChecked={setChecked} />
const ChildComponent = ({checked, setChecked}) => {
return (
<button onClick={() =>setChecked(!checked)}>Button!</button>
If you are trying to use the state information in parallel components or if you are passing state more than one or two levels down, consider using a context.

What is going wrong when I pass a boolean from a child to its parent component using React Hooks?

I'm currently trying to revise the dropdown menu component on my Gatsby site so that it reports a boolean to its parent component, a navbar. I plan on using that boolean to trigger some conditional CSS in Emotion.
The boolean isOpen reports if the dropdown menu is open or not, so true means it's open, and false means it's not.
As of now, I'm using React Hooks to pass that data from the child to the parent component. It seems like I'm successfully passing data, but when I click the dropdown menu, it sends both a true and a false boolean value in rapid succession, even as the menu remains open.
How do I revise this code so that isOpen in the child component is correctly reported to the parent component?
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"
const Child = ({ isExpanded }) => {
const [expandState, setExpandState] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
{isOpen && (
//menu items go here
const Parent = () => {
const [expandState, setExpandState] = useState(false)
const onExpand = (checkExpand) => {
Figured this one out myself. Parent needed a useEffect to register the incoming boolean.
Fixed code for the parent:
const Parent = () => {
const [expandState, setExpandState] = useState(false)
const onExpand = (checkExpand) => {
useEffect(() => {

