Toogle between multiple variables does not work? - javascript

I want a toggle between font style. For example: If fontstyle does not exist in an element or if it is italic or oblique to insert normal, if it is normal to remove fontstyle after clicking on normal button.
I tried to solve this by inserting more variables in if (a || b|| c), but it doesn't work? Is this the correct way and is this possible or am I wrong somewhere in the code?
<div id="fontstyle">font-style</div>
<button onclick="ElementTextStyleNormal()">Normal</button>
<button onclick="ElementTextItalic()">Italic</button>
<button onclick="ElementTextOblique()">Oblique</button>
function ElementTextStyleNormal(){
var x = document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle;
if (!(x == "" || x == "italic" || x == "oblique")) {
document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle = "normal";
else if (x == "normal") {
document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle = "";
function ElementTextItalic(){
var x = document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle;
if (!((x == '') || (x == 'normal') || (x == 'oblique'))) {
document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle = "italic";
else if (x == "italic") {
document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle = "";
function ElementTextOblique(){
var x = document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle;
if (!((x == '') || (x == 'normal') || (x == 'italic'))) {
document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle = "oblique";
else if (x == "oblique") {
document.getElementById("fontstyle").style.fontStyle = "";

Try to simplify this by using a single function and the passing in the styleName as function parameter.
function ElementTextStyle(styleName){
var elem = document.getElementById("fontstyle"); = === styleName ? "" : styleName;
<div id="fontstyle">font-style</div>
<button onclick="ElementTextStyle('normal')">Normal</button>
<button name="italic" onclick="ElementTextStyle('italic')">Italic</button>
<button name="oblique" onclick="ElementTextStyle('oblique')">Oblique</button>


How to make certain part of an background image clickable

I have a Homepage Takover running on our website. and I have already written code for displaying the image as background image and it is clickable.
But I need certain part of image needs to clickable to another URL.
<!DOCTYPE html>
if (top == self) {
var interWindow = window;
var interDoc = window.document;
} else {
try {
var interWindow = window.parent;
var interDoc = window.parent.document;
} catch (e) {
/* The creative cannot escape the iframe. Show an appropriate alternative. The alternative will remain inside of the iframe. */
var timeDelay = 0;
var backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
function initBackground() {
high = window.screen.height;
size = window.screen.width;
if (size <= 1280) { = none;
} else if (size > 1280 && size < 1440) { = "url(";
} else { = "url(";
if (backgroundColor != '') { = backgroundColor;
} = 'no-repeat'; = 'top center'; = 'fixed';
interDoc.onclick = backGroundClick;
var backGroundClick = function (e) {
if (document.all) {
if (event.button == 2 || event.button == 3) {
return false;
} else {
if (e.button == 2 || e.button == 3) {
return false;
var link = '';
EE = e ? e : event;
if (!EE) {
var t = ? : EE.srcElement;
if (t.tagName == "BODY" || t.tagName == "HTML" || t.tagName == "HEADER" || t.tagName == "SECTION" || t.tagName == "FOOTER") {
var ad ="" + link);
} else {
console.log('link click event: ' + t.tagName);
interDoc.onmouseover = function (e) {
EE = e ? e : event;
if (!EE)
var t = ? : EE.srcElement;
if (t.tagName == "BODY" || t.tagName == "HTML" || t.tagName == "HEADER" || t.tagName == "SECTION" || t.tagName == "FOOTER") { = 'pointer';
} else { = 'auto';
window.setTimeout("initBackground();", timeDelay);
The Red highlited part in the background image needs to redirect to another URL when onclick.

Javascript keydown event doesn´t give me the char # in EDGE

I'm working in a mentioning directive, basically when the user is typing in the input field ( a div with contentEditable=true in this case ), is gonna display a list of user for then insert the name of the user in a specific format, now the list is gonna displayed after the user press #, for chrome and firefox work just great but for EDGE and IE ( unfortunately i need to support ) doesn't work because in this case the # apparently doesn't exist.
now for the key press I'm using the #HostListener('keydown', ['$event'])
#HostListener('keydown', ['$event']) keyHandler(event: any, nativeElement: HTMLInputElement = this._element.nativeElement) {
let val: string = getValue(nativeElement);
let pos = getCaretPosition(nativeElement, this.iframe);
let charPressed = this.keyCodeSpecified ? event.keyCode : event.key;
if (!charPressed) {
let charCode = event.which || event.keyCode;
if (!event.shiftKey && (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90)) {
charPressed = String.fromCharCode(charCode + 32);
} else if (event.shiftKey && charCode === KEY_2) {
charPressed = this.triggerChar;
} else {
charPressed = String.fromCharCode(event.which || event.keyCode);
if (event.keyCode == KEY_ENTER && event.wasClick && pos < this.startPos) {
// put caret back in position prior to contenteditable menu click
pos = this.startNode.length;
setCaretPosition(this.startNode, pos, this.iframe);
// console.log('=== keyHandler', this.startPos, pos, val, charPressed, event);
this.triggerList(event, charPressed, nativeElement, val, pos);
Now as you can see I'm using event.keycode and event.key to get the key from the event keydown, I pass does values to the method this.triggerList()
that basically is gonna display the list of mentions options if and only if the user press # that is the trigger char ( this.triggerChar ).
TriggerList Method
private triggerList(event, charPressed, nativeElement, val, pos): any {
if (charPressed == this.triggerChar) {
this.startPos = pos;
this.startNode = (this.iframe ? this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection() : window.getSelection()).anchorNode;
// console.log('=== HERE CHAR', this.startNode, this.startPos);
// check if mentioning is allowed based on the text before the mention start char
if (!this.configService.appConfig.platform.EDGE) {
let position = this.getHtmlCaretPosition(nativeElement);
const charBefore = val[position - 1];
if (charBefore == undefined || charBefore.trim() == '' || charBefore == ':') {
this.log.trace('Start mentioning');
this.stopSearch = false;
this.searchString = null;
} else {
this.stopSearch = false;
this.searchString = null;
} else if (this.startPos >= 0 && !this.stopSearch) {
if (pos <= this.startPos) {
this.searchList.hidden = true;
// ignore shift when pressed alone, but not when used with another key
else if (event.keyCode !== KEY_SHIFT && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && pos > this.startPos) {
if (event.keyCode === KEY_SPACE) {
this.startPos = -1;
} else if (event.keyCode === KEY_BACKSPACE && pos > 0) {
if (pos == 0) {
this.stopSearch = true;
this.searchList.hidden = this.stopSearch;
} else if (!this.searchList.hidden) {
if (event.keyCode === KEY_TAB || event.keyCode === KEY_ENTER) {
this.searchList.hidden = true;
// value is inserted without a trailing space for consistency
// between element types (div and iframe do not preserve the space)
let textValue = this.mentionSelect(this.searchList.activeItem);
insertValue(nativeElement, this.startPos, pos, textValue, this.iframe);
if (this.htmlStyling) {
let quillElement = document.querySelector('.ql-editor');
let innerHtml = quillElement.innerHTML;
let strings = innerHtml.split(textValue);
if (strings.length === 2) {
innerHtml = `${strings[0]}<span id="mention${textValue.substring(1)}${strings.length - 1}" style="color: #0065FF; background: rgba(0,101,255,.2)">${textValue}</span> ${strings[1]}`;
} else {
let openSpan = false;
innerHtml = strings.reduce((total, current, currentIndex) => {
if (current.indexOf(`mention${textValue.substring(1)}`) > 0) {
return `${total}${openSpan ? '</span> ' : ''}${current}${textValue}`;
} else if (openSpan) {
return `${total}</span> ${currentIndex < strings.length - 1 ? current + textValue : current}`;
} else {
openSpan = true;
return `${total}${current}<span id="mention${textValue.substring(1)}${strings.length - 1}" style="color: #0065FF; background: rgba(0,101,255,.2)">${textValue}`;
}, '');
quillElement.innerHTML = innerHtml;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-angle-bracket-type-assertion
let mentionElement: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById(`mention${textValue.substring(1)}${strings.length - 1}`) as HTMLInputElement;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-angle-bracket-type-assertion
setCaretPosition(mentionElement.nextSibling as HTMLInputElement, 1);
// fire input event so angular bindings are updated
if ('createEvent' in document) {
let evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
evt.initEvent('input', false, true);
this.startPos = -1;
return false;
} else if (event.keyCode === KEY_ESCAPE) {
this.searchList.hidden = true;
this.stopSearch = true;
return false;
} else if (event.keyCode === KEY_DOWN) {
return false;
} else if (event.keyCode === KEY_UP) {
return false;
if (event.keyCode === KEY_LEFT || event.keyCode === KEY_RIGHT) {
return false;
} else {
let mention = val.substring(this.startPos + 1, pos);
if (event.keyCode !== KEY_BACKSPACE) {
mention += charPressed;
this.searchString = mention;
now the issue here is that if the user to insert the char # need to use the combination of ALT + Q EDGE only detect ALT and then Q, compare to firefox and chrome that with the combination ALT + Q detect # for this reason the list is not display because the char never match.
First i replace the event keydown for keypress, then where i save the char in the variable charPress i create a condition to check if the browser is EDGE or IE, and get char code using event.charCode and convert it in to string using String.fromCharCode(event.charCode) at the end looks like this.
#HostListener('keypress', ['$event']) keyHandler(event: any, nativeElement: HTMLInputElement = this._element.nativeElement) {
let val: string = getValue(nativeElement);
let pos = getCaretPosition(nativeElement, this.iframe);
let charPressed = this.keyCodeSpecified ? event.keyCode : event.key;
if (this.configService.appConfig.platform.EDGE) {
charPressed = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);

if statements being skipped even when both expressions are true

I have a webpage that populates a table with arrays. It has a doClick function so that when a user clicks on a cell it passes the row and column of the cell to the function. Example cell: onclick="doClick(0,1)"
function doClick(row, col)
var top = row -1;
var bottom = row +1;
var left = col -1;
var right = col +1;
var swapped = false;
if ((top != -1) && (cells[top][col].innerHTML = ""))
cells[top][col].innerHTML = cells[row][col].innerHTML;
cells[row][col].innerHTML = "";
swapped = true;
else if ((right != 4) && (cells[row][right].innerHTML = ""))
cells[row][right].innerHTML = cells[row][col].innerHTML ;
cells[row][col].innerHTML = "";
swapped = true;
else if ((bottom != 4) && (cells[bottom][col].innerHTML = ""))
cells[bottom][col].innerHTML = cells[row][col].innerHTML;
cells[row][col].innerHTML = "";
swapped = true;
else if ((left != -1) && (cells[row][left].inn = ""))
cells[row][lef].innerHTML = cells[row][col].innerHTML;
cells[row][col].innerHTML = "";
swapped = true;
alert("Illegal Move.");
. The problem is, even if both if expressions are true, the if statement is being skipped and it's falling through to the else statement. I've desk checked it and run it through the developer tools and checked values. A statement that was true on both expressions was skipped. Any suggestions?
cells[row][right].innerHTML = ""
is wrong. You are missing the double (triple) =.
The correct way should be...
cells[row][right].innerHTML === ""
It looks like maybe there are a few typos or misconceptions in your code.
A quick note about Conditions in an IF statement
A statement like (cells[top][col].innerHTML = "") as a condition will always return true as this is setting cells[top][col].innerHTML as "" or at least instantiating the variable. So, the proper condition to test absolutely true or false would be (cells[top][col].innerHTML === ""). However, you can get away with not even doing that and simply replace (cells[top][col].innerHTML = "") with cells[top][col].innerHTML. You may run into some other issues though is the variable is not instantiated already, either way. I would wrap the latter logic in an IF statement to check if cells[top][col].innerHTML is even instantiated.
To fix this, check out the following modifications I have made to your code.
function doClick(row, col)
var top = row -1;
var bottom = row +1;
var left = col -1;
var right = col +1;
var swapped = false;
if(typeof cells[top][col].innerHTML !== 'undefined' $$ cells[top][col].innerHTML !== null)
if ((top != -1) && cells[top][col].innerHTML !== '')
cells[top][col].innerHTML = cells[row][col].innerHTML;
cells[row][col].innerHTML = "";
swapped = true;
else if ((right != 4) && cells[row][right].innerHTML !== '')
cells[row][right].innerHTML = cells[row][col].innerHTML ;
cells[row][col].innerHTML = "";
swapped = true;
else if ((bottom != 4) && (cells[bottom][col].innerHTML))
cells[bottom][col].innerHTML = cells[row][col].innerHTML;
cells[row][col].innerHTML = "";
swapped = true;
alert("Illegal Move.");
else if (typeof cells[row][left].inn !== 'undefined' && (left != -1) && cells[row][left].inn !== '')
cells[row][lef].innerHTML = cells[row][col].innerHTML;
cells[row][col].innerHTML = "";
swapped = true;
alert("Illegal Move.");
An example working to demonstrate the above code
var testVar1 = '';
var testVar2 = 'Hello';
// var testVar3; <- Left this un-instantiated to test existance
// Testing if a var is empty but exists
if(typeof testVar1 !== 'undefined' && testVar1 !== null){
if(testVar1 !== ''){
alert('testVar1 has a value!');
alert('testVar1 does not have a value!');
// Testing if a var is empty but exists
if(typeof testVar2 !== 'undefined' && testVar2 !== null){
if(testVar2 !== ''){
if(testVar2 === 'Hello'){
alert('testVar2 has a value! Value: ' + testVar2);
alert('testVar2 has a value but it is not the one we expected.');
alert('testVar2 does not have a value!');
// Test existance
if(typeof testVar3 !== 'undefined' && testVar3 !== null){
alert('testVar3 exists!');
alert('testVar3 does not exist!');

Javascript: Where do i add the redirection?

I just need my form to redirect the user to another page after validation using javascript.
Here is my code:
function checkEnq() {
var x = document.forms["enq"]["email"].value;
var y = document.forms["enq"]["dB"].value;
var z = document.forms["enq"]["textF"].value;
if (x == null || x == "" || y == null || z == null || z == "") {
alert("Please make sure all fields are entered.");
How do i add the location.href or once the js has checked that all fields (email, dB,& textF) are filled?
i can add target="_blank" action="./result.html" to the <form> field and it will still redirect to the result page even if the form is not filled up completely.
Add a "else" block
function checkEnq() {
var x = null;
var y = null;
var z = null;
try {
x = document.forms["enq"]["email"].value;
y = document.forms["enq"]["dB"].value;
z = document.forms["enq"]["textF"].value;
} catch(e) {
alert('code error');
if (x == null || x == "" || y == null || z == null || z == "") {
alert("Please make sure all fields are entered.");
} else {
I solved it by using this"./page.html") instead of document.location.href

multiple functions onclick addeventlistener

I have the following code that works when triggered by an onclick for example: onClick="change('imgA');"
function change(v) {
var target = document.getElementById("target");
if (v == "imgA") {
target.className = "cast1";
} else if (v == "imgB") {
target.className = "cast2";
} else if (v == "imgC") {
target.className = "cast3";
} else if (v == "imgD") {
target.className = "cast4";
} else {
target.className = "chart";
as soon as this result is stored to the id 'target', How do I perform this same function again but with different classNames ('bio1' instead of 'cast1', etc). then save the results to a different id?
Everytime I've tried hasn't worked to this point.
You could try:
function change(v, id) {
var areas;
if( id == 'target' ) {
areas = 'cast';
} else {
areas = 'bio';
var target = document.getElementById(id);
if (v == "imgA") {target.className = areas+"1";}
else if (v == "imgB") {target.className = areas+"2";}
else if (v == "imgC") {target.className = areas+"3";}
else if (v == "imgD") {target.className = areas+"4";}
else {target.className = "chart";}

