How to prevent an object from being accessed JS - javascript

I have a program in which I wish to prevent anyone from accessing String object or any of its prototypes and I can't seem to find how to do that.
Tried Object.seal, Object.freeze and they both obviously don't work (since they don't prevent you from accessing properties already present, so feeling a little lost on how to do that.
Tried looking it up on internet but after half an hour, all I have got is different way to access properties and 3 ways of adding new stuff and locking but 0 ways to make it be inaccessible
I tried to delete as well but that one was.....

You can use a symbol as a key and store your object in that object. So It will be accessible just in scope you defined the symbol.
function addPrivateKey(a, value) {
let sym1 = Symbol()
a[sym1] = value
let a = {};
addPrivateKey(a, 2)
Define a private scope and store your keys there. The values are accessible just with their hints!
class PrivateScope {
glob = {};
#keyToSym = {};
counter = 0;
get(hint) {
return this.glob[this.#keyToSym[hint]]
set(value) {
let sym1 = Symbol()
this.glob[sym1] = value
this.#keyToSym[this.counter] = sym1;
return this.counter ++;
const myPrivateScope = new PrivateScope();
let hint = myPrivateScope.set(2)


export a variable inside a function to be used in other modules

I'm quite new to programming. I have spend last 3 days trying to figure this out. So any help really appreciate it.
I have access to clientID inside a for loop. (Please look at the last line in the code below). There is only one ClientID which I'm successfully able to print.
I want this client ID to be exported from this module so that I can use it in other modules.
import { Configurations } from './models';
type MethodNames = 'init' | 'event';
export const DEFAULT_NAME = '_hw';
interface LoaderObject {
q: Array<[MethodNames, {}]>;
export default (
win: Window,
defaultConfig: Configurations,
scriptElement: Element | null,
render: (element: HTMLElement, config: Configurations) => void
) => {
const instanceName =
scriptElement?.attributes.getNamedItem('id')?.value ?? DEFAULT_NAME;
const loaderObject: LoaderObject = win[instanceName];
if (!loaderObject || !loaderObject.q) {
throw new Error(
`Widget didn't find LoaderObject`);
if (win[`loaded-${instanceName}`]) {
throw new Error(
`Widget already loaded`)
let targetElement: HTMLElement;
for (let i = 0; i < loaderObject.q.length; i++) {
const item = loaderObject.q[i];
const methodName = item[0];
if (i === 0 && methodName !== 'init') {
throw new Error(
`Failed to start Widget`);
} else if (i !== 0 && methodName === 'init') {
const valueObject = Object.assign(defaultConfig, item[1]);
const clientID = valueObject.clientID
console.log("ClientID", clientID)
//rest of the code....
I have also tried this. defined a variable clientID outside the for loop and then storing value from inside the for loop. But on printing, I'm getting undefined
var clientID;
console.log("....last Client ID", clientID)
const valueObject = Object.assign(defaultConfig, item[1]);
clientID = valueObject.clientID
Your issue is about your variables' scopes. Let's start with a simpler version, without for loop:
default export (a: object) => {
const variableToExport = a;
The reason why you can't directly access variableToExport is that it is defined inside the function, and not outside. To deal with it, you have 2 solutions:
1. Assign to a variable in the outer scope.
The code would look like:
/!\ Read the text below before using this snipplet /!\
export let variableToExport;
default export (a: object) => {
variableToExport = a;
Here, you're strictly speaking exporting the variable. Since it's defined outside the function, you can access it outside the function and thus, you can export it. HOWEVER, IT COULD BE A MISTAKE. If you call twice the exported function with different values for a, the variable variableToExport would only have the value corresponding to the second call, and not the first. If the value of variableToExport should not depend on a, it could be OK, but otherwise it seems risky.
2. Returning the value
Since your function would be called to get the variableToExport, you could return it:
default export (a: object) => {
const variableToExport = a;
return variableToExport;
In case you have multiple things to return, you can build an object to return them all:
default export (a: object) => {
const retValue = {
"variableToExport": a,
... other variables to return
return retValue;
Then, you can access it from another module (with or without a destructuring assignment):
import foo from 'path/to/module'
const { variableToExport, otherVariable } = foo(a);
This second way is safer than using a "global" variable, as the variableToExport can't have a value that correspond to another call to the function.
Now, for the case of your variable in the for loop, you have a similar issue: you can't access to the variable outside the for loop:
default export (bar: array) => {
for (const elem of bar) {
const clientID = elem.clientID;
return clientID; // Nope, clientID does not exist here
To deal with that, the first option works:
default export (bar: array) => {
let clientID; // Not const, because it will change
for (const elem of bar) {
clientID = elem.clientID;
return clientID;
This will thus return the last clientID (and since you said you have only one clientID, it should be ok), but it would be a little better of you could get the value of clientID outside the loop, except if you intend on exporting only the last value of clientID.
I hope that, even though you might not understand everything, you understand how to export the client ID you want to export, and that the key words I gave you allows you to easily find what you might need on the internet more easily than these 3 last days. Ask me if anything isn't clear enough, I'll answer when I'll have time
I think your problem is about your variable's scope. const is block-scoped so everything about clientID variable happens inside the for loop and does not affect outside. I guess you can use var or let up to your purpose. This is a quite explanatory article about difference between var, let, and const:
MDN Document on const:
I guess the way you can access the variable is by creating a let variable outside the loop then assign it a value in the loop, or create an array outside the loop and push values into it inside the loop, that way you can have access to the variable outside the loop's scope.

javascript/jQuery storing object in cookie and retrieve

I've seen lots of questions about a similar issues as mine but not entirely answering my question.
My issue is that I need to store an entire instance of an object, that means that besides his fields, I need also its related methods.
My code:
storing object :
$.cookie(key, JSON.stringify(value), { expires: expire });
retrieve object :
var value = $.cookie(key);
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return value = "";
return JSON.parse(value);
The objects I get from the cookies have their fields, but the object doesnt have the methods that I attached prior to the storing.
Just so you guys/ladies can understand what object im trying to work with, i provided the following fiddle :
You simply can't save methods or functions to cookie or local storage without some hacks, JSON.stringify will omit keys with functions keeping only data. And is this neccessary to save methods? They're in code already. You could split your object on data and methods, saving only data to cookie/localstorage.
By the way, since JSON is not for Javascript, but for passing data between different systems or component, it just doesn't allow functions as values. See for detailed format spec.
Really simple example:
var CustomObject = function (data) {
var data = data;
this.getX = function () {
return data.x;
this.setX = function (x) {
data.x = x;
this.getData = function () {
return data;
var o = new CustomObject({});
$.cookie('myObj', JSON.stringify(o.getData()));
//later, let's initialize obj from cookie
var custData = $.cookie('myObj');
var o2 = new CustomObject(custData);

Permission denied to access property 'toString'

I'm trying to find a generic way of getting the name of Constructors. My goal is to create a Convention over configuration framework for KnockoutJS
My idea is to iterate over all objects in the window and when I find the contructor i'm looking for then I can use the index to get the name of the contructor
The code sofar
(function() {
constructors = {};
window.findConstructorName = function(instance) {
var constructor = instance.constructor;
var name = constructors[constructor];
if(name !== undefined) {
return name;
var traversed = [];
var nestedFind = function(root) {
if(typeof root == "function" || traversed[root]) {
traversed[root] = true;
for(var index in root) {
if(root[index] == constructor) {
return index;
var found = nestedFind(root[index]);
if(found !== undefined) {
return found;
name = nestedFind(window);
constructors[constructor] = name;
return name;
var MyApp = {};
MyApp.Foo = function() {
var instance = new MyApp.Foo();
The problem is that I get a Permission denied to access property 'toString' Exception, and i cant even try catch so see which object is causing the problem
Final version in this fiddle
Check here for the embryo of my Convention over configuration plugin
This solves everything except for one thing: var MyApp = {}; doesn't add it to the window-object. Changing that to window.MyApp = {}; makes it completely working (even within an IFrame).
Adding to the array by setting the key name requires the key name to be a string so Javascript will automatically call. toString() on your suggested keyname which will fail for certain objects. Instead use .push() to add elements of any type to an array and then .indexOf() to check if it already exists.
Do note that the jsFiddle still breaks because of being placed in an iframe. Opening it in a new tab solves that.
My previous answer (which proved to be invalid when I tried to verify it in your jsFiddle):
You need to check if the constructor is an exact Object. If it is then calling .toString() on it will cause a security exception which I found to be kinda hard to debug. Here's a function I use to get the type of an object in a var-dumper I use.
function GetTypeOfObject(obj) {
if (obj.constructor === window.Object)
return '[object]';
return obj.constructor.toString();

Is there some way to add meta-data to JavaScript objects?

I would like to add key-value pairs of metadata to arbitrary JavaScript objects. This metadata should not affect code that is not aware of the metadata, that means for example
JSON.stringify(obj) === JSON.stringify(obj.WithMetaData('key', 'value'))
MetaData aware code should be able to retrieve the data by key, i.e.
obj.WithMetaData('key', 'value').GetMetaData('key') === 'value'
Is there any way to do it - in node.js? If so, does it work with builtin types such as String and even Number? (Edit Thinking about it, I don't care about real primitives like numbers, but having that for string instances would be nice).
Some Background: What I'm trying to do is cache values that are derived from an object with the object itself, so that
to meta data unaware code, the meta data enriched object will look the same as the original object w/o meta
code that needs the derived values can get it out of the meta-data if already cached
the cache will get garbage collected alongside the object
Another way would be to store a hash table with the caches somewhere, but you'd never know when the object gets garbage collected. Every object instance would have to be taken care of manually, so that the caches don't leak.
(btw clojure has this feature:
You can use ECMA5's new object properties API to store properties on objects that will not show up in enumeration but are nonetheless retrievable.
var myObj = {};
myObj.real_property = 'hello';
Object.defineProperty(myObj, 'meta_property', {value: 'some meta value'});
for (var i in myObj)
alert(i+' = '+myObj[i]); //only one property - #real_property
alert(myObj.meta_property); //"some meta value"
More information here: link
However you're not going to be able to do this on primitive types such as strings or numbers, only on complex types.
Another approach might be to utilise a data type's prototype to store meta. (Warning, hack ahead). So for strings:
String.prototype.meta = {};
String.prototype.addMeta = function(name, val) { this.meta[name] = val; }
String.prototype.getMeta = function(name) { return this.meta[name]; };
var str = 'some string value';
str.addMeta('meta', 'val');
However this is clearly not ideal. For one thing, if the string was collected or aliased (since simple data types are copied by value, not reference) you would lose this meta. Only the first approach has any mileage in a real-world environment, to be honest.
ES6 spec introduces Map and WeakMap. You can enable these in node by running node --harmony and by enabling the experimental javascript flag in Chrome, (it's also in Firefox by default). Maps and WeakMaps allow objects to be used as keys which can be be used to store metadata about objects that isn't visible to anyone without access to the specific map/weakmap. This is a pattern I now use a lot:
function createStorage(creator){
creator = creator || Object.create.bind(null, null, {});
var map = new Map;
return function storage(o, v){
if (1 in arguments) {
map.set(o, v);
} else {
v = map.get(o);
if (v == null) {
v = creator(o);
map.set(o, v);
return v;
Use is simple and powerful:
var _ = createStorage();
_(someObject).meta= 'secret';
_(5).meta = [5];
var five = new Number(5);
_(five).meta = 'five';
It also facilitates some interesting uses for separating implementation from interface:
var _ = createStorage(function(o){ return new Backing(o) });
function Backing(o){
this.facade = o;
Backing.prototype.doesStuff = function(){
return 'real value';
function Facade(){
Facade.prototype.doSomething = function doSomething(){
return _(this).doesStuff();
There is no "comment" system in JSON. The best you can hope for is to add a property with an unlikely name, and add that key contaning the metadata. You can then read the metadata back out if you know it's metadata, but other setups will just see it as another property. And if someone uses
You could just add the Metadata as a "private" variable!?
var Obj = function (meta) {
var meta = meta;
this.getMetaData = function (key) {
//do something with the meta object
return meta;
var ins_ob = new Obj({meta:'meta'});
var ins_ob2 = new Obj();
if(JSON.stringify(ins_ob) === JSON.stringify(ins_ob2)) {
If you want object-level metadata, you could create a class that extends Object. Getters and setters are not enumerable and, obviously, neither are private fields.
class MetadataObject extends Object {
#metadata = undefined;
get metadata() { return this.#metadata; }
set metadata(value) { this.#metadata; }
var obj = new MetadataObject();
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.metadata = { test: 123 };
console.log(obj); // { a: 1, b: 2 }
console.log(obj.metadata); // { test: 123 }
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); // '{"a":1,"b":2}'
You can even simplify the implementation using a Map. Without a setter on metadata, you have to use Map methods to modify it.
class MetadataObject extends Object {
#metadata = new Map();
get metadata() { return this.#metadata; }
var obj = new MetadataObject();
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.metadata.set('test', 123);
console.log(obj); // { a: 1, b: 2 }
console.log(obj.metadata.get('test')); // 123
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); // '{"a":1,"b":2}'
I ran into a situation where I needed property level metadata, and used the latter implementation. = 1;
obj.metadata.set('id', 'metadata for the id property');

Create a new unique global variable each time a function is run in javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Javascript dynamic variable name
A very basic question. I want to create a new javascript global variable each time a function is called. The variable should contain the id of the element so that I can easily access it later.
id = 2347
//this function would be called multiple times, hopefully generating a new global each time
function (id)
var + id = something
// I want a variable that would be named var2347 that equals something, but the above line doesn't get it.
In a later function, I want to access the variable like so:
function two (id)
alert(var + id);
I'm sure I'm going to have a "doh!" moment when someone is kind enough to answer this.
How about...
var store = (function() {
var map = {};
return {
set: function ( name, value ) {
map[ name ] = value;
get: function ( name ) {
return map[ name ];
store.set( 123, 'some value' );
and then...
store.get( 123 ) // 'some value'
store.get( 456 ) // undefined
Live demo:
Programmers are highly advised to not declare global variables, since the browsers already ship with several hundreds of names in the global namespace. Using the global namespace for your own variables can lead to name-collisions which can then break the program or some of the browser's functionality. Creating new namespaces is free, so don't be shy to do it...
Global variables are properties of the window object, so and window['lol'] define a global variable lol which can be accessed in any of these ways.
The second, window['lol'], can also be used with variable names, like this:
var lol = 123;
var name = 'lol';
var content = window[name]; // window['lol'] == 123
content will now contain 123.
Pretty much anything can be put between square brackets [], so you can also do this:
var id = 123;
window['prefix' + id] = 'text';
var content = window['prefix' + id]; // prefix123 == text
Or, in your case:
var id = 2347;
function one(id) {
window['var' + id] = something;
function two(id) {
alert(window['var' + id]);
You can save your values to the global hash:
var g = {};
function (id)
g[id] = something;
function two (id)
I would argue that you don't really want to be making lots of global variables. Rather, you can just make one global object or array and attach all your other variables to that. In this case, you probably want an object:
var myIds = {};
function makeSomething(id) {
// create something that goes with this id
myIds[id] = something;
Then, to fetch that information at some time later, you can retrieve it with this:
var something = myIds[id];
The reason for this suggestion is many-fold. First off, you want to minimize the number of global variables because every global is a chance for a naming collision with some other script you might be using. Second off, when keeping track of a bunch of related data, it's a better programming practice to keep it in one specific data structure rather than just throw it all in the giant global bin with all other data.
It's even possible to create an object that manages all this for you:
function idFactory() {
this.ids = {};
idFactory.prototype = {
makeSomething: function(id) {
// create something that goes with this id
this.ids[id] = something;
retrieveSomething: function(id) {
clear: function() {
this.ids = {};
// then you would use it like this:
var myIds = new idFactory();
var value = myIds.retrieveSomething(2347);

