How can I change State when an Event is triggered with useState? - javascript

to learn react im trying to implement a basic shop.
My Idea was to have many product-images. If an user clicks on an product-image this image turns around and shows something like comments, rating, etc of the product.
For this question i have 3 js Files:
Container.js (contains everything from the product-cards to navbar etc),
ProductList.js (returns the UL with all the different Products) and ItemCard.js (returns the actual product as LI ).
My Goal is to just invert the backsideVisible value.
I provide an minimal example for better understanding:
function Container() {
const [item, setItem] = useState([{
title: "some product title",
price: "14.99$",
backsideVisible: false
id: 1
function handleTurn(event, itemId) {
//here i want to change the backsideVisible value
setItem( => {
if( === itemId) {
item.backsideVisible = !item.backsideVisible;
<ProductList items={item} handleTurn={handleTurn}/>
function ProductList(props) {
<CardItem items={props.items} handleTurn={props.handleTurn} />
function CardItem(props) {
{ =>(
<li key={} onClick={event => props.handleTurn(event,}>
product-image etc...
But everytime i try this, ill get an "TypeError: can't access property "id", item is undefined" error.
As soon as i change the handleTurn Method to something like
function handleTurn(event, itemId) {
everything works fine and the console displays the id of the clicked item. So for me it seems, that my handleTurn Function has some errors.
Do you guys have any idea where my fault is?
Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.

You're setting item (which should really be called items since it's an array. names matter) to an array of undefined elements, because your map() callback doesn't return anything:
setItem( => {
if( === itemId) {
item.backsideVisible = !item.backsideVisible;
Either return the updated object:
setItem( => {
if( === itemId) {
item.backsideVisible = !item.backsideVisible;
return item;
or have the whole expression be a returned object:
setItem( => ({
backsideVisible: === itemId ? !item.backsideVisible : item.backsideVisible


React | Adding and deleting object in React Hooks (useState)

How to push element inside useState array AND deleting said object in a dynamic matter using React hooks (useState)?
I'm most likely not googling this issue correctly, but after a lot of research I haven't figured out the issue here, so bare with me on this one.
The situation:
I have a wrapper JSX component which holds my React hook (useState). In this WrapperComponent I have the array state which holds the objects I loop over and generate the child components in the JSX code. I pass down my onChangeUpHandler which gets called every time I want to delete a child component from the array.
Wrapper component:
export const WrapperComponent = ({ component }) => {
// ID for component
const { odmParameter } = component;
const [wrappedComponentsArray, setWrappedComponentsArray] = useState([]);
const deleteChildComponent = (uuid) => {
// Logs to array "before" itsself
Output: [{"uuid":"acc0d4c-165c-7d70-f8e-d745dd361b5"},
setWrappedComponentsArray(prevState => prevState.filter(item => item !== uuid));
// After
Output: [{"uuid":"acc0d4c-165c-7d70-f8e-d745dd361b5",{"uuid":"0ed3cc3-
const onChangeUpHandler = (event) => {
const { value } = event;
const { uuid } = event;
switch (value) {
case 'delete':
// This method gets hit
const addOnClick = () => {
const objToAdd = {
// Generate uuid for each component
uuid: uuid(),
onChangeOut: onChangeUpHandler,
setWrappedComponentsArray(wrappedComponentsArray => [...wrappedComponentsArray, objToAdd]);
// Have also tried this solution with no success
// setWrappedComponentsArray(wrappedComponentsArray.concat(objToAdd));
return (
<div className='page-content'>
{/*Loop over useState array*/}
wrappedComponentsArray.length > 0 &&
{ => {
return <div className={'page-item'}>
<ChildComponent {...props} />
{/*Add component btn*/}
{wrappedComponentsArray.length > 0 &&
<div className='page-button-container'>
label={'Add new component'}
onClick={() => addOnClick()}
Child component:
export const ChildComponent = ({ uuid, onChangeOut }) => {
return (
<div className={'row-box-item-wrapper'}>
<div className='row-box-item-input-container row-box-item-header'>
type: 'delete',
info: 'Deletes the child component',
value: 'Delete',
uuid: uuid,
callback: onChangeOut
{/* Displays generated uuid in the UI */}
As you can see in my UI my adding logic works as expected (code not showing that the first element in the UI are not showing the delete button):
Here is my problem though:
Say I hit the add button on my WrapperComponent three times and adds three objects in my wrappedComponentsArray gets rendered in the UI via my mapping in the JSX in the WrapperComponent.
Then I hit the delete button on the third component and hit the deleteChildComponent() funtion in my parent component, where I console.log my wrappedComponentsArray from my useState.
The problem then occurs because I get this log:
(2) [{…}, {…}]
even though I know the array has three elements in it, and does not contain the third (and therefore get an undefined, when I try to filter it out, via the UUID key.
How do I solve this issue? Hope my code and explanation makes sense, and sorry if this question has already been posted, which I suspect it has.
You provided bad filter inside deleteChildComponent, rewrite to this:
setWrappedComponentsArray(prevState => prevState.filter(item => item.uuid !== uuid));
You did item !== uuid, instead of item.uuid !== uuid
Please try this, i hope this works
const deleteChildComponent = (uuid) => {
setWrappedComponentsArray(wrappedComponentsArray.filter(item => item !== uuid));
After update
const deleteChildComponent = (uuid) => {
setWrappedComponentsArray(wrappedComponentsArray.filter(item => item.uuid !== uuid)); // item replaced to item.uuid
Huge shoutout to #Jay Vaghasiya for the help.
Thanks to his expertise we managed to find the solution.
First of, I wasn't passing the uuid reference properly. The correct was, when making the objects, and pushing them to the array, we passed the uuid like this:
const addOnClick = () => {
const objToAdd = {
// Generate uuid for each component
uuid: uuid(),
parentOdmParameter: odmParameter,
onChangeOut: function(el) { onChangeUpHandler(el, this.uuid)}
setWrappedComponentsArray([...wrappedComponentsArray, objToAdd]);
When calling to delete function the function that worked for us, was the following:
const deleteChildComponent = (uuid) => {
setWrappedComponentsArray(item => item.filter(__item => __item.uuid !== uuid)); // item replaced to item.uuid

How to limit access for User and show specific menu parts?

I have a component where through map I show all menu parts. How can I limit access(make it hidden) if user right for that part of menu is equal to 0?
const Aside: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const[hasRight, setHasRight] = useState(false);
useEffect( () => {
.then((response) => {
Object.keys( => {
const right =[role];
Object.keys(right).forEach(val => {
right[val] > 0 ?
setHasRight(true) :
}, [hasRight]);
return (
<div className="Aside">
{hasRight?, index) => {
return (
<Link className="Aside__link" key={index} to={}>
<img className="Aside__link-image" src={page.img} alt="page__img" />
}): null}
In this part I hide all menu if it does not have access. I need to check each menu item to see if there is access to it.
Each user has many different rights for many different pages, so instead of creating hasRight as a boolean state, you need to store a keyed object showing whether they have rights for each page. I'm assuming that if the user has multiple roles, they would have rights if any of their roles have rights.
type UserRights = Record<string, boolean>;
const [userRights, setUserRights] = useState<UserRights>({});
On the rendering side of things, we need to check whether they have the right for each page separately. Instead of a ternary with null, we can use array.filter() to filter the pages before mapping them to JSX.
const canView = (page: PageConfig): boolean => {
return userRights[page.acl];
<div className="Aside">
{pages.filter(canView).map((page, index) => {
Prior to the response being loaded, there should be no viewable pages.
Inside our useEffect, we need to change the setState callbacks to support our keyed object format. Instead of using Object.keys to iterate, we can use Object.values and Object.entries (provided that your tsconfig has lib: es2017 or newer). I think this is correct, but you may need to tweak based on your response structure.
useEffect(() => {
.then((response: Response) => {
Object.values( => {
Object.entries(roleRights).forEach(([name, number]) => {
setUserRights(existing => ({
[name]: existing[name] || number > 0 // true if true true for any role
}, []);
The dependency for the useEffect should be the user id or something like that, otherwise use an empty array [] to run it once.
Typescript Playground Link

React app - Load selected array in Material UI Table not rendering checks

So I have been working hard for days and searching on how to do this. I have a Material UI table in my React App. I want to load a table where if my user has entries in the selected array it will prerender the checks in the DOM. The selected array is populated with the entries I want but my table which uses a onClick I think needs an event to trigger the DOM to render the check. This is relevant part of my table body.
{ => {
const isSelected = this.props.isSelected(competitor.key);
return (
onClick={() => this.props.handleClick(competitor)}
<TableCell padding="checkbox">
<Checkbox checked={isSelected} />
I have a toggle that loads my table. It fills the selected the array with the subset of data I want trigger in componentWillMount. (it's 2 tables, tier1 and tier 2).
componentWillMount() {
renderChecks(team) {
const { selected1 } = this.state;
const { selected2 } = this.state;
let newSelected1 = [];
let newSelected2 = []; => {
if (teammate.tier === "1") {
newSelected1 = newSelected1.concat(selected1, teammate.key)
} else if (teammate.tier === "2") {
newSelected2 = newSelected2.concat(selected2, teammate.key)
this.setState({ selected1: newSelected1 });
this.setState({ selected2: newSelected2 });
Essentially I need a way to render isSelected based of another list that is the smaller list (team is a subset of competitorData) that has the same keys. Ive tried so many things it's to many to list here. Im looking for help on what to do to make this work because nothing has worked and Im not sure what direction I should be going on in at this point. I've tried a lot of things that seem to cause instability in the render. Essentially I've tried to make the isSelected more state based but setting and resetting that state with inline functions like
{() => this.myFunctionThatUpdatesIsSelectedState(Key)}
These blow up in render. Sometimes cause an ugly infinite loop.
Based on #Eld0w post below this does render my subset of checks.
checkKeys(val) {
return => {
return val.key === teammate.competitorKey;
getCompetitors = () => {
const { competitorData, team } = this.props;
value => ({
isSelected: this.checkKeys(value)
Tables looks like this now.
{this.getCompetitors().map(competitor => {
console.log('MYCOMPETITOR2::', competitor);
return (
onClick={event => this.props.handleClick(event, competitor.value)}
<TableCell padding="checkbox">
<Checkbox checked={competitor.isSelected} />
There is small issues I didn't see coming. Now my table renders only the preselected checks since im not using my previous isSelected function which was:
isSelected1 = key => this.state.selected1.indexOf(key) !== -1;
Basically i need to render the existing checks but maintain the standard isSelected function somewhere in the process as well. If I think of something or post anything about it I'll update here as well. Further input is obviously welcome.
I think i need to load my team into my selected array then run my standard isSelected function. But this is where I seem to run into trouble since that is state based. Render goes crazy on me.
Final Update
So it was late last night. I just needed to change the criterion to make this whole thing work. I load my team array in the local state selected array. Then performed isSelected property check on my competitor. Now it loads my preselected and the user can then edit selects in the table from that point.
Final Solution
Load the preselect team into the local selected state array.
componentWillMount() {
I have tiered tables. That is just some business logic (not important here). teammate.competitorKey is the key I store that is same key as the larger table, which is competitorData. I need that to get the compares to work.
renderChecks(team) {
const { selected } = this.state;
let newSelected = []; => {
if (teammate.tier === '1') {
newSelected = newSelected.concat(selected, teammate.competitorKey)
this.setState({ selected: newSelected });
getCompetitor can now just verify the value key exist in the array using includes
getCompetitors = () => {
const { competitorData, team } = this.props;
console.log('THISSTATESELECTED:::', this.state.selected)
value => ({
isSelected: this.state.selected.includes(value.key)
And Final Table looks like
{this.getCompetitors().map(competitor => {
return (
onClick={event => this.handleClick(event, competitor.value)}
<TableCell padding="checkbox">
<Checkbox checked={competitor.isSelected} />
I know this is a lot of writing but is spent a lot of time trying to get all this working. I hope it helps someone looking to do. I will look into making this more redux worth and possibly going the reselect route to optimize but for now im going to enjoy a working table for a day. Thank you again #Eld0w !!
So basically, you want to add an isSelected props to your competitors array depending on another array's values. Avoid using state, it's only props combinations.
The straightforward solution
Instead of mapping directly your competitor's array, map on a function returning an array.
getCompetitors = () => {
const { competitors, team } = this.props;
competitor => ({
isSelected: // criterion
Basically, what this does is destructuring the object and adding a new property isSelected thanks to the spread operator ... (ES6)
In your render then call this.getCompetitors().map(competitor => ...) instead of this.props.competitors.
Optimize this solution
You will want to use a plugin such as reselect to avoid any useless render operation.
const competitorSelector = createSelector(
props => props.competitors,
props =>,
(competitors, team) =>
competitor => ({
isSelected: // criterion
and then use it like this in your render :
You will also need to use competitor.isSelected instead of isSelected since the property is now part of your competitor's properties.

ReactJS: Remove item from list without ID?

I have an issue I can't seem to crack even after checking out a few other posts on here and trying a few things out. I am playing around with React and making a quick todo list. Easy enough as I can add new names and display them on the page as intended. I want to be able to delete items that I choose and for that I was looking around and saw others doing something like this to delete items:
deleteName(id, e) {
const { names } = this.state;
names: names.filter(name => !== id)
That made sense to me but I wasn't adding any id's to my <li> items so I thought I could just do:
names: names.filter(name => name !== name)
But this will just delete the whole list. What am I doing wrong? Should I restructure how I add names to the array to have an id and check that? I'll post the full component code below. Any help I can get is always appreciated. Thanks guys.
class ContactListPage extends React.Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
names: []
this.addName = this.addName.bind(this);
this.deleteName = this.deleteName.bind(this);
addName(name) {
const { names } = this.state;
if (name === '') {
console.log('add a name first!')
} else {
names: names.concat(name)
deleteName(id, e) {
const { names } = this.state;
names: names.filter(name => name !== name)
render() {
const { names } = this.state;
const named =, i) => (
<Card key={i} className='todo-list'>
<FloatingActionButton className='fab-delete' mini onClick={this.deleteName}>
<i className="material-icons fab-icon-delete" style={{color: 'white'}}>-</i>
return (
<div className='contact-list'>
<div className="field-line">
<NewName addName={this.addName} />
<ul className='new-name'>
You're comparing each name with itself, that will yield an empty list regardless of what's in it (except I guess NaN?).
names.filter(name => name !== name)
I think you want to pass the name into your delete function from the view. It's been a while since I've done React, but you could probably do this with a lambda in the JSX.
deleteName(nameToDelete) {
const { names } = this.state;
names: names.filter(name => name !== nameToDelete)
render() {
// Simplified to focus on the onClick change
return => <Card>
<FloatingActionButton onClick={(e) => this.deleteName(name)} ... />
If you need to worry about duplicate names, then you can pass the current index into deleteName() rather than the string itself. Up to you if that's necessary or not.
It's hard to tell, but are you referencing name when the passed argument to your callback is actually called id?
Try this:
deleteName(name) {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
names: prevState.names.filter(_name => name !== _name);
And change the following:
onClick={this.deleteName.bind(null, name)}
In the callback for the filter, name !== name will always be false since an object is identical to itself. i.e name === name. Therefore the expression names.filter(name => name !== name) will return an empty array and erase your results. You can change your onClick handler to something like this to pass in your id: onClick={(e) => this.deleteName(i, e)} and then use names.filter((name, i) => i !== id) to 'delete' the name, although I imagine you would would probably want to make a copy of the names array and then splice the corresponding name out of it.

How to write clean, readable ReactJS Components with conditional renders?

The result is not showing in my window. I have created a global object for testing:
const obj = {
onam: [
name: "name3",
image: ""
name: "name2",
image: ""
christmas: [
name: "name1",
image: ""
name: "name0",
image: ""
Below is the function I am calling inside render.
const grid = (props) => {
if (props == "All") {
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
// looping through keys
keys.forEach((key, index) => {
// looping through array in keys
for(let j = 0; j < Object.keys(obj).length; j++) {
return (
<a><img src={obj[key][j].image}>{obj[key][j].name}</img></a>
I know there is some error in the above function but I cant sort it out. I am calling {grid("All")} inside render. My aim is to display a div containing a div with all images with a tag. I would like to learn a clean way of conditionally rendering my components.
There are several concerns here Ashwin.
Your component name should begin with uppercase.
Use an array instead of object obj. Its easier to work with arrays and loop through them than it is to loop objects.
Don't wrap the entire component within an if statement. Its bad practice.
props == "All" is just wrong. props is an object not a string. This is the main reason nothing is rendering. That if statement will always return false.
<img> doesn't take children so don't pass {obj[key][j].name} into the img tag. Move that bit after the closing img tag into the <a> tag.
I'm rewriting your component with some comments to help you learn, but there are several other ways to achieve the same result, perhaps with a better approach. This works for me and I find it's more readable and easier to understand.
import React from "react"
/* An array of objects is always easier to work than objects with
multiple arrays as values. You might end up duplicating a few keys like
"festival" in this example, but it will make your life easier.
const arr = [
festival: "oman",
name: "name3",
image: "",
festival: "oman",
name: "name2",
image: "",
festival: "christmas",
name: "name1",
image: "",
festival: "christmas",
name: "name0",
image: "",
Always make sure your components are uppercase
De-structure your props with { propName1, propName2 }
because that way you or anybody else looking at your
component immediately can recognize what props are being
const Grid = ({ whatToRender }) => {
Create a custom render function inside your component if
you need to render conditionally. Its easier to work with
debug and maintain.
const renderGrid = () => {
if (whatToRender === "all") { // use === over == because that will check for type equality as well.
return => ( // () is equivalent to return () when looping.
/* Always pass a unique key if you are creating lists or lopping */
<div key={item.image}>
<img src={item.image} alt={} />
if (whatToRender === "onam") {
return => {
if (item.festival === "onam") {
return (
<div key={item.image}>
<img src={item.image} alt={} />
if (whatToRender === "christmas") {
return => {
if (item.festival === "christmas") {
return (
<div key={item.image}>
<a> {/* Image tags don't take children they are self-closing */}
<img src={item.image} alt={} />
} // Return an empty div if none of the cases pass. So, you return valid JSX
return <div></div>
return renderGrid() // Finally return your custom render function
export default Grid
On visiting this question again, I realized that there was a better way to write it. A much shorter version. It uses the same arr defined in the above code sample.
const Grid = ({ whatToRender }) => {
const renderGrid = () => {
return => {
if (item.festival === whatToRender || whatToRender === "all") {
return (
<div key={item.image}>
<img src={item.image} alt={} />
return renderGrid()
export default Grid
Which one to use? The second version not only because it's much shorter, but also because its reusable. If in the future you add another festival to arr say Easter, you just need changes in the array and the prop value you are passing. The component will require no changes.

