ReactJS: Remove item from list without ID? - javascript

I have an issue I can't seem to crack even after checking out a few other posts on here and trying a few things out. I am playing around with React and making a quick todo list. Easy enough as I can add new names and display them on the page as intended. I want to be able to delete items that I choose and for that I was looking around and saw others doing something like this to delete items:
deleteName(id, e) {
const { names } = this.state;
names: names.filter(name => !== id)
That made sense to me but I wasn't adding any id's to my <li> items so I thought I could just do:
names: names.filter(name => name !== name)
But this will just delete the whole list. What am I doing wrong? Should I restructure how I add names to the array to have an id and check that? I'll post the full component code below. Any help I can get is always appreciated. Thanks guys.
class ContactListPage extends React.Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
names: []
this.addName = this.addName.bind(this);
this.deleteName = this.deleteName.bind(this);
addName(name) {
const { names } = this.state;
if (name === '') {
console.log('add a name first!')
} else {
names: names.concat(name)
deleteName(id, e) {
const { names } = this.state;
names: names.filter(name => name !== name)
render() {
const { names } = this.state;
const named =, i) => (
<Card key={i} className='todo-list'>
<FloatingActionButton className='fab-delete' mini onClick={this.deleteName}>
<i className="material-icons fab-icon-delete" style={{color: 'white'}}>-</i>
return (
<div className='contact-list'>
<div className="field-line">
<NewName addName={this.addName} />
<ul className='new-name'>

You're comparing each name with itself, that will yield an empty list regardless of what's in it (except I guess NaN?).
names.filter(name => name !== name)
I think you want to pass the name into your delete function from the view. It's been a while since I've done React, but you could probably do this with a lambda in the JSX.
deleteName(nameToDelete) {
const { names } = this.state;
names: names.filter(name => name !== nameToDelete)
render() {
// Simplified to focus on the onClick change
return => <Card>
<FloatingActionButton onClick={(e) => this.deleteName(name)} ... />
If you need to worry about duplicate names, then you can pass the current index into deleteName() rather than the string itself. Up to you if that's necessary or not.

It's hard to tell, but are you referencing name when the passed argument to your callback is actually called id?
Try this:
deleteName(name) {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
names: prevState.names.filter(_name => name !== _name);
And change the following:
onClick={this.deleteName.bind(null, name)}

In the callback for the filter, name !== name will always be false since an object is identical to itself. i.e name === name. Therefore the expression names.filter(name => name !== name) will return an empty array and erase your results. You can change your onClick handler to something like this to pass in your id: onClick={(e) => this.deleteName(i, e)} and then use names.filter((name, i) => i !== id) to 'delete' the name, although I imagine you would would probably want to make a copy of the names array and then splice the corresponding name out of it.


React | Adding and deleting object in React Hooks (useState)

How to push element inside useState array AND deleting said object in a dynamic matter using React hooks (useState)?
I'm most likely not googling this issue correctly, but after a lot of research I haven't figured out the issue here, so bare with me on this one.
The situation:
I have a wrapper JSX component which holds my React hook (useState). In this WrapperComponent I have the array state which holds the objects I loop over and generate the child components in the JSX code. I pass down my onChangeUpHandler which gets called every time I want to delete a child component from the array.
Wrapper component:
export const WrapperComponent = ({ component }) => {
// ID for component
const { odmParameter } = component;
const [wrappedComponentsArray, setWrappedComponentsArray] = useState([]);
const deleteChildComponent = (uuid) => {
// Logs to array "before" itsself
Output: [{"uuid":"acc0d4c-165c-7d70-f8e-d745dd361b5"},
setWrappedComponentsArray(prevState => prevState.filter(item => item !== uuid));
// After
Output: [{"uuid":"acc0d4c-165c-7d70-f8e-d745dd361b5",{"uuid":"0ed3cc3-
const onChangeUpHandler = (event) => {
const { value } = event;
const { uuid } = event;
switch (value) {
case 'delete':
// This method gets hit
const addOnClick = () => {
const objToAdd = {
// Generate uuid for each component
uuid: uuid(),
onChangeOut: onChangeUpHandler,
setWrappedComponentsArray(wrappedComponentsArray => [...wrappedComponentsArray, objToAdd]);
// Have also tried this solution with no success
// setWrappedComponentsArray(wrappedComponentsArray.concat(objToAdd));
return (
<div className='page-content'>
{/*Loop over useState array*/}
wrappedComponentsArray.length > 0 &&
{ => {
return <div className={'page-item'}>
<ChildComponent {...props} />
{/*Add component btn*/}
{wrappedComponentsArray.length > 0 &&
<div className='page-button-container'>
label={'Add new component'}
onClick={() => addOnClick()}
Child component:
export const ChildComponent = ({ uuid, onChangeOut }) => {
return (
<div className={'row-box-item-wrapper'}>
<div className='row-box-item-input-container row-box-item-header'>
type: 'delete',
info: 'Deletes the child component',
value: 'Delete',
uuid: uuid,
callback: onChangeOut
{/* Displays generated uuid in the UI */}
As you can see in my UI my adding logic works as expected (code not showing that the first element in the UI are not showing the delete button):
Here is my problem though:
Say I hit the add button on my WrapperComponent three times and adds three objects in my wrappedComponentsArray gets rendered in the UI via my mapping in the JSX in the WrapperComponent.
Then I hit the delete button on the third component and hit the deleteChildComponent() funtion in my parent component, where I console.log my wrappedComponentsArray from my useState.
The problem then occurs because I get this log:
(2) [{…}, {…}]
even though I know the array has three elements in it, and does not contain the third (and therefore get an undefined, when I try to filter it out, via the UUID key.
How do I solve this issue? Hope my code and explanation makes sense, and sorry if this question has already been posted, which I suspect it has.
You provided bad filter inside deleteChildComponent, rewrite to this:
setWrappedComponentsArray(prevState => prevState.filter(item => item.uuid !== uuid));
You did item !== uuid, instead of item.uuid !== uuid
Please try this, i hope this works
const deleteChildComponent = (uuid) => {
setWrappedComponentsArray(wrappedComponentsArray.filter(item => item !== uuid));
After update
const deleteChildComponent = (uuid) => {
setWrappedComponentsArray(wrappedComponentsArray.filter(item => item.uuid !== uuid)); // item replaced to item.uuid
Huge shoutout to #Jay Vaghasiya for the help.
Thanks to his expertise we managed to find the solution.
First of, I wasn't passing the uuid reference properly. The correct was, when making the objects, and pushing them to the array, we passed the uuid like this:
const addOnClick = () => {
const objToAdd = {
// Generate uuid for each component
uuid: uuid(),
parentOdmParameter: odmParameter,
onChangeOut: function(el) { onChangeUpHandler(el, this.uuid)}
setWrappedComponentsArray([...wrappedComponentsArray, objToAdd]);
When calling to delete function the function that worked for us, was the following:
const deleteChildComponent = (uuid) => {
setWrappedComponentsArray(item => item.filter(__item => __item.uuid !== uuid)); // item replaced to item.uuid

Javascript how to return data from object with matching key

I have an array of objects each with name, height and mass. I have a component that gets the names and displays them to the browser. What I'm trying to do is, in a separate component, get the height and mass that correlates to each name.
For example I have:
{name: 'Luke Skywalker', height: '172', mass: '77'},
{name: 'C-3PO', height: '167', mass: '75'}
I should mention I'm using react for this project. My Component is below:
export default function Character(props) {
const [charStats, setCharStats] = useState("");
const [currentName, setCurrentName] = useState("");
const { name } = props;
useEffect(() => {
.then(res => {
.catch(err => console.error(err))
}, [])
return (
<div>{ name }</div>
{ name === currentName ? => {
return <Stats height={char.height} mass={char.mass} key={} />;
}) : <h3>Loading...</h3>
The name prop I am getting from another component, I can console.log it and get each individual name so I know that works. But with the code above, I am getting the height and mass of every object returned instead of just the ones that match the name. How can I get specifically the height and mass of each object?
Looks like you might want to call filter before using map, like for example: data.filter(x => === name).map(char => {.... which returns a collection that only contains the elements that match the condition). Or if you only want to find one element, its better to use .find(x => === name) instead

How can I change State when an Event is triggered with useState?

to learn react im trying to implement a basic shop.
My Idea was to have many product-images. If an user clicks on an product-image this image turns around and shows something like comments, rating, etc of the product.
For this question i have 3 js Files:
Container.js (contains everything from the product-cards to navbar etc),
ProductList.js (returns the UL with all the different Products) and ItemCard.js (returns the actual product as LI ).
My Goal is to just invert the backsideVisible value.
I provide an minimal example for better understanding:
function Container() {
const [item, setItem] = useState([{
title: "some product title",
price: "14.99$",
backsideVisible: false
id: 1
function handleTurn(event, itemId) {
//here i want to change the backsideVisible value
setItem( => {
if( === itemId) {
item.backsideVisible = !item.backsideVisible;
<ProductList items={item} handleTurn={handleTurn}/>
function ProductList(props) {
<CardItem items={props.items} handleTurn={props.handleTurn} />
function CardItem(props) {
{ =>(
<li key={} onClick={event => props.handleTurn(event,}>
product-image etc...
But everytime i try this, ill get an "TypeError: can't access property "id", item is undefined" error.
As soon as i change the handleTurn Method to something like
function handleTurn(event, itemId) {
everything works fine and the console displays the id of the clicked item. So for me it seems, that my handleTurn Function has some errors.
Do you guys have any idea where my fault is?
Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.
You're setting item (which should really be called items since it's an array. names matter) to an array of undefined elements, because your map() callback doesn't return anything:
setItem( => {
if( === itemId) {
item.backsideVisible = !item.backsideVisible;
Either return the updated object:
setItem( => {
if( === itemId) {
item.backsideVisible = !item.backsideVisible;
return item;
or have the whole expression be a returned object:
setItem( => ({
backsideVisible: === itemId ? !item.backsideVisible : item.backsideVisible

Dynamic input value in React

So I have a fragment factory being passed into a Display component. The fragments have input elements. Inside Display I have an onChange handler that takes the value of the inputs and stores it in contentData[]. This works, but switching which fragment is displayed erases their values and I'd rather it didn't. So I'm trying to set their value by passing in the state object to the factory. I'm doing it in this convoluted way to accomodate my testing framework. I need the fragments to be defined outside of any component and passed in to Display as props, and I need them all to share a state object.
My problem is setting the value. I can pass in the state object (contentData), but to make sure the value goes to the right key in the contentData data object I'm trying to hardcode it with the input's id. Except contentData doesn't exist where the fragments are defined, so I get an error about not being able to reference a particular key on an undefined dataObj.
I need to find a way to set the input values to contentData[]. Thanks.
File where fragments are defined. Sadly not a component.
const fragments = (onChangeHandler, dataObj) => [
<Fragment key="1">
value={dataObj['screen1_input1']} // this doesn't work
<Fragment key="2">
const Display = ({ index, fragments }) => {
const [contentData, setContentData] = useState({})
const onChange = e => {
// set data
const newData = {
return (
<Fragment>{fragments(onChange, contentData)[index]}</Fragment>
After conversing with you I decided to rework my response. The problem is mostly around the implementation others might provide in these arbitrary fragments.
You've said that you can define what props are passed in without restriction, that helps, what we need to do is take in these nodes that they pass in, and overwrite their onChange with ours, along with the value:
const RecursiveWrapper = props => {
const wrappedChildren =
child => {
if (child.props) {
return React.cloneElement(
onChange: props.ids.includes( ? child.props.onChange ? (e) => {
} : props.onChange : child.props.onChange,
value: props.contentData[] !== undefined ? props.contentData[] : child.props.value,
? (
: undefined
return child
return (
const Display = ({ index, fragments, fragmentIDs }) => {
const [contentData, setContentData] = useState(fragmentIDs.reduce((acc, id) => ({
...acc, [id]: '' }), {}));
const onChange = e => {
const newChildren = => <RecursiveWrapper onChange={onChange} ids={fragmentIDs} contentData={contentData}>{fragment}</RecursiveWrapper>);
return newChildren[index];
This code outlines the general idea. Here we are treating fragments like it is an array of nodes, not a function that produces them. Then we are taking fragments and mapping over it, and replacing the old nodes with nodes containing our desired props. Then we render them as planned.

onClick on "a" tag not working properly if it has some child elements in react

Below is the dynamic form which I created. It works fine. but Inside "a" tag if i add some child element to "a" tag, onClick event on "a" tag does not execute properly and pass proper name.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./stylesheet/style.css";
export default class Main extends Component {
state = {
skills: [""]
dynamicInputHandler = (e, index) => {
var targetName =;
var values = [...this.state[targetName]];
values[index] =;
[targetName]: values
addHandler = (e, index) => {
let targetName =;
let values = [...this.state[targetName]];
[targetName]: values
removeHandler = (e, index) => {
let targetName =;
let values = [...this.state[targetName]];
values.splice(index, 1);
[targetName]: values
render() {
return (
<form className="form">
{, index) => {
return (
<div className="input-row row">
<div className="dynamic-input">
placeholder="Enter skill"
onChange={e => {
this.dynamicInputHandler(e, index);
onClick={e => {
this.removeHandler(e, index);
onClick={e => {
i want to add Icon inside "a" tag , after adding icon tag, forms breaks and gives error "TypeError: Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"
This works -
onClick={e => {
this.removeHandler(e, index);
This does not (after adding icon inside a tag)
onClick={e => {
this.removeHandler(e, index);
Inside removeHandler let targetName =;. When you wrap Remove in another tag, the event target is now the i tag, for which name is undefined.
I think this mixture of DOM manipulation (getting target of an event) is okay, but in React, where data is preferred over DOM values, you could work entirely on the component state and touch the DOM element values only once in the input where the skill value is displayed. Like this:
class Main extends Component {
state = {
skills: [],
lastSkillAdded: 0
appendEmptySkill = () => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
skills: [...prevState.skills, { id: lastSkillAdded, value: "" }],
lastSkillAdded: prevState.lastSkillAdded + 1
updateSkillById = (id, value) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
skills: => !== id
? skill
: {
removeSkillById = id => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
skills: prevState.skills.filter(skill => !== id)
render() {
return (
{, index) => (
<div key={}>
onChange={e => this.updateSkillById(,}
<button onClick={() => this.removeSkillById(}>
<button onClick={() => this.appendEmptySkill()}>Add</button>
Let's deconstruct what's going on there.
First, the lastSkillAdded. This is a controversial thing, and I guess someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but
when we iterate over an array to render, say, list items, it's recommended that we provide key prop that represents the item key,
and the value of key prop is not recommended to be the index of the array element.
So we introduce an artificial counter that only goes up and never goes down, thus never repeating. That's a minor improvement though.
Next, we have the skills property of component state. It is where all the values are going to be stored. We agree that each skill is represented by an object of two properties: id and value. The id property is for React to mark array items property and optimize reconciliation; the value is actual text value of a skill.
In addition, we have three methods to work on the list of skills that are represented by three component methods:
appendEmptySkill to add an empty skill to the end of the state.skills array,
updateSkillById to update the value of a skill knowing id and new value of it,
and removeSkillById, to just remove the skill by its id from state.skills.
Let's walk through each of them.
The first one is where we just append a new empty skill:
appendEmptySkill = () => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
skills: [...prevState.skills, { id: lastSkillAdded, value: "" }],
lastSkillAdded: prevState.lastSkillAdded + 1
Because appending a new skill never depends on any input values, this method takes zero arguments. It updates the skill property of component state:
[...prevState.skills, { id: lastSkillAdded, value: '' }]
which returns a new array with always the same empty skill. There, we also assign the value to id property of a skill to our unique counter.
The next one is a bit more interesting:
updateSkillById = (id, value) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
skills: => !== id
? skill
: {
We agree that in order to change a skill, we need to know its id and the new value. So our method needs to receive these two values. We then map through the skills, find the one with the right id, and change its value. A pattern
(id, value) => => !== id ? item : ({ ...item, value }));
is, I believe, a pretty common one and is useful on many different occasions.
Note that when we update a skill, we don't bother incrementing our skill id counter. Because we're not adding one, it makes sense to just keep it at its original value.
And finally, removing a skill:
removeSkillById = id => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
skills: prevState.skills.filter(skill => !== id)
Here, we only need to know the id of a skill to remove it from the list of skills. We filter our state.skills array and remove the one skill that matches the id. This is also a pretty common pattern.
Finally, in render, four things are happening:
existing skills are iterated over, and for each skill, input and "Remove" button are rendered,
input listens to change event and refers to EventTarget#value attribute in updateSkillById function call, because that's the only way to feed data from DOM back into React, and
the "Remove" buttons refers to skill id and calls removeSkillById,
and outside the loop, the "Add" button listens to click events and calls appendEmptySkill whenever it happens without any arguments, because we don't need any.
So as you can see, this way you're in total control of the render and state updates and never depend on DOM structure. My general advice is, if you find yourself in a situation when DOM structure dictates the way you manage component or app state, just think about a way to separate DOM from state management. So hope this answer helps you solve the issue you're having. Cheers!

