jQuery function used multiple times breaks site - javascript

It's pretty hard to replicate because I use this code on a wordpress site and everything together gets to this result, but I try to explain it as good as possible.
I just want to know if I use it wrong or if its "illegal" to do it like I did so it would break something for sure, or if just wordpress or some other code on there messes this up.
First I got the following code:
$(document).ready(function () {
let li = $('.wpb_image_grid_ul li').not('#studio_gallery .wpb_image_grid_ul li');
let width = li.outerWidth();
li.css('height', width);
It resizes images inside my li to be square. It is working, but as soon as the browser gets resized and a breakpoint changes the width of the image, the height will stay the same as it got set before.
So I put my code in a function and called it once in the $(document).ready(function () and once in the $(window).resize(function() like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
function gallery_fix () {
let li = $('.wpb_image_grid_ul li').not('#studio_gallery .wpb_image_grid_ul li');
let width = li.outerWidth();
li.css('height', width);
$(window).resize(function() {
But that breaks the site, when I resize the window the page isn't responsive anymore and most of the content overflows.
When I change the code to this and just duplicate everything instead of calling the function twice it's working.
$(document).ready(function () {
function gallery_fix () {
let li = $('.wpb_image_grid_ul li').not('#studio_gallery .wpb_image_grid_ul li');
let width = li.outerWidth();
li.css('height', width);
$(window).resize(function() {
let li = $('.wpb_image_grid_ul li').not('#studio_gallery .wpb_image_grid_ul li');
let width = li.outerWidth();
li.css('height', width);
What am I doing wrong? Is my code not in the correct syntax? Or am I missing something here?

Your gallery_fix function is declared inside your $(document).ready() function. So, you can only call the function from within. You can either:
place your $(window).resize() handler within the $(document).ready()
declare the gallery_fix function outside


need to reload for jquery to do the function

i have a code for check every height's thumbnail and make all thumbnail to have the height of the tallest thumbnail. its work well for the first time.
then i test it in resolution 768x163 from 1440x613 all my thumbnail seems like have a little space inside the caption. so i try to reload the page. and the bug got fix.
so how to make the function to work when i minimize the window without have to reload the page
this my code on height.js
(function($) {
"use strict";
function equalHeight(group) {
var tallest = 0;
group.each(function() {
var thisHeight = $(this).height();
if(thisHeight > tallest) {
tallest = thisHeight;
group.each(function() { $(this).height(tallest); });
$(document).ready(function() {
heres jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/nr2cc6LL/
Just call the function inside the resize method too like:
$(window).resize(function() {
Simple Demo

jQuery 'resize' not working properly

Need some help. I am using jQuery in combination with media queries for some responsive aspects of my header. My client wants the header to be responsive to both devices and manual resize of the window. Therefore, I have set all of my responsive functions in both single functions and then set those same functions wrapped inside of a $(window).on('resize', function). Thanks to another poster on here, I was given the tip to wrap my responsive functions inside of a variable and then pass that variable to the resize function instead of rewriting it all out. This was a great tip and a great thing for me to learn as an intermediate javascript writer. However when I do this, the code does not work within the resize function. If I type it all out exactly the same, it works fine. But if I pass the function it does not work. Can someone please help? Code below:
var win = $(window);
var mainNav = $('.main-nav');
var navItem = $('.main-nav li');
var overlay = $('.nav-overlay');
var header = $('#header');
var subNav = $('.main-nav ul ul');
var overlayIsVisible = false;
var subNavIsVisible = false;
var exitMain = $('.exit-main');
var topNav = $('.top-nav');
var hamburger = $('.tablet-buttons .hamburger');
var exit = $('.tablet-buttons .exit');
if ( header.is('*') ) {
navItem.hover(function() {
overlayIsVisible = true;
exitMain.click(function() {
overlayIsVisible = false;
function tabletNav() {
if (win.width() <= 1024) {
hamburger.click(function() {
hamburger.css('display', 'none');
exit.css('display', 'none');
/*This makes the above Mobile/Tablet functions also work on resize of window*/
win.on('resize', tabletNav());

remove one class when animating

I try to animate menu-panel. It should slide to the left. But it doesn't work right. And I can't understand why.
There are a few issues with the current code (e.g. you were missing a . on one panel selector and not referencing panel1 after changing the panel class. I also switched to absolute positioning with the arrow inside the panel.
I did a little cleanup to make the changes obvious (you should not repeat jQuery selectors - use temp vars instead):
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/2x3uT/8/
$(function () {
$('.slider-arrow').click(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $panel = $(".panel, .panel1");
var left = -53;
var text = '»';
if ($this.hasClass('hide')) {
text = '«';
left = 0;
left: left
}, 700, function () {
// Animation complete.
You can tweak the position numbers to make it match what you wanted.

Div stops at the top when scrolling

I am trying to make a div change class to fixed when it reach the top of the page.
I have this JavaScript code.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var top = 200;
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y >= top) {
// if so, add the fixed class
} else {
// otherwise remove it
What am i doing wrong?
Demo jsFiddle
$(function () {
var top = 200;
//this should be the offset of the top of your div
//which can be found by doing the following line
//var top = $("#kolonne-v").offset().top;
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
if (top <= $(window).scrollTop()) {
// if so, add the fixed class
} else {
// otherwise remove it
This uses the jquery .on('scroll', handler) method, documentation here. The basic principal is that on document.ready you set the scroll point when your div becomes fixed to the top. Then you setup an .on('scroll', handler) event that triggers whenever the window is scrolled in. If the user scrolls to your point you add the fixed CSS class.

jQuery get img width after src change and before fadeIn

I've got quite the problem with jQuery and a custom photo gallery I am building. I've searched high and low and tried endlessly different solutions but nothing is working perfectly. So let me present the information:
This photo gallery has thumbnails on the left side and a big image in the center. Every thumbnail can be clicked which calls a function passing in its' ID. What I want it to do is, AJAX POST to server to get image comment and image name. Fadeout the current big picture div, switch the src in the img tag, get the new image's width, set the width of an overlaying comment div, fadeIn the big picture div.
The problem is that I can't get the width of the new image after it has loaded (even using the a form of .load() to wait for the image to finish loading). Now I can get it to work when I fadeIn the new image and then get the width but that isn't what I need. I need to get the width and set the div's width before I fadeIn.
Any ideas or corrections would be great, hopefully I have provided enough information.
Here is the code I am wrestling with:
function thumbClick(val) {
$.post('ajax.php', {
photo_in: val
}, function (data) {
$('div#picture').fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('img#big-picture').one('load', function () {
//will alert 0
$('div#picture').fadeIn('slow', function () {
//set comment to what I want
//will alert new image width after FadeIN
}); //end of one(load)
$('img#big-picture').attr("src", data.newImage);
}); //end of fadeout
}, "json"); //end of post
I've encountered this before; what seems to be the easiest solution is to quickly show the image, grab it's width, and hide it again. This operation occurs so quickly users will never notice.
In your case, i believe the code would be:
alert($('#big-picture').width()); //this should be the real width, now
The width is zero because hidden elements (elements with display: none have, by definition, zero height and width). After fadeOut(), jQuery hides the element(s). A few different solutions:
Use .fadeTo(), not .fadeOut():
$('#picture').fadeTo('slow', 0, function () {
var $pic = $(this);
$('#big-picture').one('load', function () {
var $bigPic = $(this);
$pic.fadeIn('slow', function () {
}).attr('src', data.newImage);
Use a separage <img> element:
$('#picture').fadeOut('slow', function () {
var $pic = $(this);
$('#big-picture').one('load', function () {
var img = new Image(),
img.src = this.src;
width = img.width;
$pic.fadeIn('slow', function () {
}).attr('src', data.newImage);
Use the "off-left" technique:
.off-left {
position: absolute;
left: -99999px;
$('#picture').fadeOut('slow', function () {
var $pic = $(this);
$('#big-picture').one('load', function () {
var $this = $(this),
width = $this.addClass('off-left').show().width();
$('#picture').fadeIn('slow', function () {
}).attr('src', data.newImage);
When using an ID selector, there's no point in qualifying the selector further, since element IDs must be unique.
Pick a quote style and use it consistently. Avoid mixing single- and double-quotes as string delimiters.
You should be able to set the CSS property visibility to hidden and then get the width, as visibility doesn't take it out of the document flow (like display: none), but simply makes it invisible. Just make sure you set the visibility property back to visible when you fade in.

