How to solve concurrency issues in a React Native application? - javascript

Let's add a <FlatList/> into our application.
The first requirement we have is to render a predefined set of 5 items. We define a constant in our component, pass it into the list via the data prop and it works just fine...
... until we decide to store this data on a server and expose it via the API. OK, no problem, will fetch the data in our componentDidMount() method, put it into the state when it finishes loading, pass the state to the data prop and it also works just fine...
... until we notice that we have a huge delay before we can show the first item of the list. That is because the amount of data we're loading from the API grew significantly over time. Maybe now it is some REST resource collection consisting of thousands of items.
Naturally, we decide to implement a pagination in our API. And that is when the things start to get interesting... When do we load the next page of the resource collection? We reach out to the wonderful React Native API reference, examine the FlatList part of it, and figure out that it has a very handy onEndReached callback prop. Wonderful! Let's load the next page of our collection every time this callback is called! It would work as a charm...
... until you receive a bug report in your mail. In this report a user tells us that the data is not sorted properly in the list, that some items are duplicated and some items are just missing.
After a quick debugging we are able to reproduce the issue and figure out what causes it. Just set the onEndReachedThreshold = { 5 } and scroll the list very fast. onEndReached callback would fire asynchronously before the previous one has finished.
Inside our component, we have a variable pageId storing the last page ID we loaded. Each time the onEndReachedThreshold gets fired we use it to construct the next page URL and then increment it. The problem is that this method is called concurrently and the same value of pageId is used multiple times.
I used to do a bit of multithreading programming before, I've heard of mutexes, semaphores, and atomicity. I would like to be able to acquire an exclusive lock on the pageId to use it in this concurrent callback.
But after a quick Internet search, it seems that JS does not provide such tools out of the box. I found some libraries like this one but it doesn't look like a good candidate for a dependency, it's not very actively developed, it's not made by a major vendor etc. Looks more like some hobby project.
The question is: what are the industry-standard rock-solid tools or patterns for thread-safe React Native programming? How can I solve the described concurrency issue in a React Native application?


How to share a pouchDB between main thread and a web worker

In a web app, using pouchDB, I have a slow running function that finishes by updating a document in the DB. I want to move it off the main UI thread and into a web worker. However, we have lots of other code using pouchDB still in the main thread (e.g. the change event listener, but also code that deals with other documents). (For reference the database size is on the order of 100MB; Vue2 is used so, in general, the UI can update when the data changes.)
This is where I seem to come unstuck immediately:
Shared memory is basically out, as all the browsers disable it by default
Even if it wasn't, pouchDB is a class, and cannot be transferred(?).
Isolating all the db code, including the changes handler, into one web worker is a huge refactor; and then we still have the issue of having to pass huge chunks of data in and out of that web worker.
Move all the code that uses the data into the web worker too, and just have the UI thread pass messages back and forth, is an even bigger refactor, and I've not thought through how it might interfere with Vue.
That seems to leave us with a choice of two extremes. Either rewrite the whole app from the ground up, possibly dropping Vue, or just do the slow, complex calculation in a web worker, then have it pass back the result, and continue to do the db.put() in the main UI thread.
Is it really an all or nothing situation? Are there any PouchDB "tricks" that allow working with web workers, and if so will we need to implement locking?
You're missing an option, that I would chose in your situation. Write a simple adapter that allows your worker code to query the DB in main thread via messages. Get your data, process it in the worker and send it back.
You only need to "wrap" the methods that you need in the worker. I recommend writing a class or set of functions that are async in your worker, to make the code readable.
You don't need to worry about the amount of data passed. The serialization and de-serialization is quite fast and the transfer is basically memcpy, so that does not take any reasonable time.
I found this adapter plugin, which I guess counts as the "PouchDB trick" I was after:
It was trivial to add (see below), and has been used in production for 6-7 weeks, and appears to have fixed the problems we saw. (I say appears, as it is quite hard to see it having any effect, and we didn't have a good way to reproduce the slowdown problems users were seeing.)
const PouchDB = require('pouchdb-browser').default
const pouchdbWorker = require('worker-pouch')
PouchDB.adapter('worker', pouchdbWorker)
The real code is like this, but usePouchDBWorker has always been kept as true:
const PouchDB = require('pouchdb-browser').default
// const pouchdbDebug = require('pouchdb-debug')
if (usePouchDBWorker) {
const pouchdbWorker = require('worker-pouch')
PouchDB.adapter('worker', pouchdbWorker)
This code is used in both web app and Electron builds. The web app is never used with older web browsers, so read the github site if that might be a concern for your own use case.

Using mutationobservers to detect changes in the results of a fetch request

I'm working on a narrow cast that displays an amount of tickets (an integer with the total added up to eachother) from a 3rd party API. I want to display a notification when this amount increases. I've read about mutationobservers, and that they are good for doing similar tasks like when something gets added or deleted.
The app has a Vue frontend, and a Laravel backend which does the requesting/authenticating. The index blade loads in a Vue component which contains the other components (and distributes the data from the API to child components).
I'm not quite sure wether mutationobservers are good for this specific job, though. Googling really didn't give me great alternatives.
In conclusion, I want to know if mutationobservers are the right tools for this task and what property would work. Better suited alternatives are also welcome.
Using vue, you can use a watcher function to watch for changes in a particular variable (amount). Mutation Observers only watches for dom updates, it won't give you what you want

Dispatching actions via a callback in Redux

I'm working on building an step sequencer in Redux to help me learning. What I need is some universal clock that functions as "tick" to provide musical timing.
So I planed to use the Tone.js library, which builds on top of the Web Audio API.
There's the following function:
//do something with the time
}, "8n");
You provide a callback function which gets called everytime the transport reaches a certain position.
My naive approach was to let the callback dispatch an action which increments a tick count in my store.
This doesn't work because actions have to be plain objects.
What are the possibilities to get this working?
I'm still working on getting the right understanding of the basic underlying principles of Redux so I'm unsure about that but could I somehow
catch the callback using middleware and just let it through when it is actually invoked?
Would this be the right direction? What are some libraries, examples or concepts I could look into to get some idea how this could be done?
Is this even the right direction or should I approach this differently? If so, how?
Or do you maybe have any idea what's the best way to provide global timing for different components in a Redux app?
I went into a lot more detail in, but in short - you shouldn't use Javascript callbacks for musical timing. It's not accurate enough. That's why we have web audio scheduling.
Very interesting question, that's a pet project I've been also wanting to tackle but haven't written a single LOC yet. :)
For the timing part, you could use a middleware for that, or even a <Clock /> component that launches the scheduler itself and dispatches an action on every tick (probably with the time as payload).
The tricky part however is the overall design of your application. Having researched Tone.js a little bit, it was clear to me that you'd have to separate the audio part from the visuals. Which means your Redux state should only be concerned about representing your step sequencer (I'm visualizing something like a list of lanes (channels/instruments) and your audio logic should be kept outside of it.
I would keep an array of lanes, each of which is itself an array of "steps" that define whether they're "active" or not. Again this is only UI related. Clicking on a step to activate it should modify your state via action creator and also setup anything you'll later need to play with Tone.js.
When playing back your song, you'll need to dispatch that clock tick to advance the current active "step" so you can highlight it in the UI.
Here's a mouth-watering Codepen emulating a Roland TR-808 to grab ideas:
And here's the relevant section on the Tone.js wiki on sync'ing audio and UI:
Sorry I can't help you further, perhaps you're ahead of me and already have some working code you could share.
Basically cwilso responded correctly. If you want to be scheduling JS functions for musical timing, you should not be using callbacks.
If there is Tone.js functionality that you want to implement based on this timing, avoid Redux and call these Tone.js functions directly, either within the callback functions or Tone.Transport.schedule function.
If you are building a sequencer I would recommend looping the Tone.Transport based on the length you want and scheduling the notes to be hit at certain points on the timeline (if this is what you are looking for). Check out the loopStart and loopEnd in the docs for help (
If this functionality is necessary for visual references, which may be why you want a Redux callback, I can provide an example of how you might do that below:
function incrementTick() {
return { type: 'INCREMENT_TICK' }
// inside your component once the increment function has been connected
Tone.Transport.scheduleRepeat((time) => {
}, "8n");
Hope this helps.
I'm working on an audio related application and have run into the issue of managing the web audio API part along with redux as well.
The way I've solved it is only storing representation of the audio state in the redux store (plain JS objects; what you would store in the database and use to initialize the app). This stored information is used to render the UI.
I have a service 'engine' class which listens to all changes in the store, this is where all the web audio stuff is created and stored. It contains basically a copy of the reducers from the redux store but applies the changes to the web audio nodes.
For example I dispatch an action:
{type:"set-gain", payload:{trackid:3, value:0.7} }
The redux store will simply update a plain JS track object to the new gain value, the engine will find the associated gain node (or create with add etc.) and set the value on it.
In your case you would dispatch an action to set the timing, in the redux store save it as plain JS object, in the engine part you use web audio scheduling to set it.

Component Entity System Entity Specific Data

I've been writing a Component Entity System in javascript for a while now but I keep returning to a root issue.
How do you handle entity specific - that is to say a single instance or single type - functionality?
Here's the current situation:
The way I have structured things, when an item entity is stored in inventory by another entity it isn't destroyed, merely stripped of most of its components. This is so that if it is dropped, or perhaps retrieved for use, it can be reactivated with its old state. The components that are stripped are stored in an InstanceDataComponent attached to the entity (this is just a JSON object).
There is a small system for managing the internals of whether an item can be picked up and adding an inventory record with a hash, quantity, and id for the thing being stored but something needs to manage the transformation of that entity from its "item" state to its "stored" state. What should do this? It seems to me that the details of which component to remove and what data to alter will need to be nearly unique for each item.
Suppose that in the future I want an entity to switch between two behaviors on the fly. For example, to pace to and fro until it is disturbed then pathfind to the player. What will handle that transition?
I get the feeling I've got a fundamental misunderstanding of the issues and typical architecture here. What would be a clean way to handle this? Should I perhaps add a component for each set of behavior transitions? Wouldn't that end up with far too many components that are glorified callback wrappers? Or am I missing something about how an entity should be altered when it is stored in inventory?
Some thoughts for others who might be going through this situation.
My current solution (after several iterations) is to fire a global event e.g. itemPickupSystem:storedItem and an entity can attach handlers for any events inside its factory method. This isn't scalable, for a number of reasons. I've been considering moving those events into a queue to be executed later.
My factory methods have turned into a hodgepodge of callback definitions and things are degrading into callback hell. In addition, this events system has to go, it is the only part of the entire system that breaks the serial nature of the game loop. Until now each system fired in a defined order and all logic resided inside those systems. Now I can't guarantee that an entity will be in a specific state because those callbacks could have been fired at different points. Finally, because execution is being turned over carte blanche to code that isn't part of the core functionality there is no way to know how large that call stack will get when an event is fired.
Sometimes it's easiest to think of this problem in terms of pragmatic network replication, and the boundaries between components come naturally.
Let's say that your actor can both wield, and store, a sword.
I would not anticipate a 'transform' from an inventorySword into a presentationSword, but rather that there's a natural delineation between an 'inventoryItem' and a 'swordPresentation'.
On the server, each player would be assigned a list of items in their inventory. Each item would have a unique id for the world. The inventory item might be derived as 'SwordItem' and have properties for SwordType and Condition%
On the client, a 'swordPresentation' component might handle the job of which mesh to display, which socket to attach animation data to when displayed via a 1st person camera, and how to smooth animation transitions. But none of that matters to the actual state of the game, it's simply how our client is seeing the world.
Potentially, if you were distributing the state of the game to each client all that you would pass over the network would be the current player's inventory, and for the other players, which item each player has currently equipped and where they are (assuming they're in eyesight)
So, consider creating a factory that creates a 'swordPresentation' based off of an inventory item, finding the bare minimum you can pass in as parameters to create a representation of the component (maybe it's sword type, sword % condition, etc).
Whatever that bare minimum is what you want to serialize as your inventory item.
Establishing a clear delineation between replicated data means better performance, fewer vulnerabilities when you're writing a multiplayer game. When you're writing a single-player game, it'll help you understand what goes into a save file.

Where to put non-ui logic in react/redux app?

I'm writing a react/redux app that has a Job object that fires Events from time to time. On these Events the user is expected to react. I can easily write the React component that shows such a job or events, but don't know where to put the logic when
the user is not on the Job page
and an Event happens
and I would like to pop up a notification
Of course, once I get access to the store, I can create the notification too.
Shall I handle such logic in a React container that render() nothing?
Or handle it with vanilla JS when I load a Job data?
Or to handle it in the reducer when the data is stored? (probably not recommended)
My problem with the option two is that I don't know how to access the redux store from a totally ad-hoc code, as my store is not a global object.
What do you recommend?
Generally speaking, the two places that you'd put code that needs to access the store (for either dispatching or receiving state updates) is in middleware or a connected component. If you specifically want to respond to an action coming through, then you would need to use middleware.
I actually threw together a sample timer middleware in a chat discussion a few weeks ago. I just pasted it as a gist here as an example: . Illustrates the idea of doing something asynchronously in the background.
You may also want to look through the list of middlewares in my Redux addons catalog: . Numerous examples of ways to execute background-ish logic.
Finally, (which is itself a middleware) is a fairly common lib used to do background-ish logic.

