Why innerText does work for invisible elements? It should not - javascript

textContent gets the content of all elements, including
<script> and <style> elements. In contrast, innerText only
shows "human-readable" elements.
textContent returns every element in the node. In contrast,
innerText is aware of styling and won't return the text of
"hidden" elements.
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent#differences_from_innertext
So it seems that innerText should ignore invisible elements, but acutally it doesn't. Why? It seems I misunderstood something.
Example 1
const style = document.querySelector('style');
style.textContent = 'p { color: red; }'; // works
style.innerText = 'p { color: red; }'; // works. But why?
console.log(style.textContent); // works
console.log(style.innerText); // works. But why?
html { font-family: sans-serif; }
Example 2
const invisibleDiv = document.querySelector('div');
console.log(invisibleDiv.innerText); // works. But why?
<div style="display: none;">
invisible div

The difference only applies to elements that are nested within the element, not the element's text itself.
console.log("outer.textContent:", outer.textContent);
console.log("outer.innerText:", outer.innerText);
console.log("inner.textContent:", inner.textContent);
console.log("inner.innerText:", inner.innerText);
<div id="outer">This is visible <span id="inner" style="display: none;">This is invisible</span></div>

Because the element is still in the DOM at the point in time JavaScript references it.
To force the alert to fail, you need to remove the element with something like .remove(), and then (attempt to) reference it.
As you can see in the following, even a Promise's resolution still retains the existing .innerText, as the reference was made before the element was updated. You explicitly need to update the reference:
let invisibleDiv = document.getElementById('alert');
const resolvedProm = Promise.resolve(invisibleDiv.remove());
let thenProm = resolvedProm.then(value => {
console.log(invisibleDiv.innerText); // Still exists
invisibleDiv = document.getElementById('alert');
console.log(invisibleDiv); // No longer exists
return value;
<div id="alert">invisible div</div>


Javascript function works on html onclick but doesn't work html onload [duplicate]

How do you add an onload event to an element?
Can I use:
<div onload="oQuickReply.swap();" ></div>
for this?
No, you can't. The easiest way to make it work would be to put the function call directly after the element
<div id="somid">Some content</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
or - even better - just in front of </body>:
<script type="text/javascript">
...so it doesn't block the following content from loading.
You can trigger some js automatically on an IMG element using onerror, and no src.
<img src onerror='alert()'>
The onload event can only be used on the document(body) itself, frames, images, and scripts. In other words, it can be attached to only body and/or each external resource. The div is not an external resource and it's loaded as part of the body, so the onload event doesn't apply there.
onload event it only supports with few tags like listed below.
<body>, <frame>, <iframe>, <img>, <input type="image">, <link>, <script>, <style>
Here the reference for onload event
Try this! And never use trigger twice on div!
You can define function to call before the div tag.
DEMO: jsfiddle
I just want to add here that if any one want to call a function on load event of div & you don't want to use jQuery(due to conflict as in my case) then simply call a function after all the html code or any other code you have written including the function code and
simply call a function .
/* All Other Code*/
/* ----At the end ---- */
<script type="text/javascript">
/* All Other Code*/
/* ----At the end ---- */
<script type="text/javascript">
function my_func(){
function definition;
I needed to have some initialization code run after a chunk of html (template instance) was inserted, and of course I didn't have access to the code that manipulates the template and modifies the DOM. The same idea holds for any partial modification of the DOM by insertion of an html element, usually a <div>.
Some time ago, I did a hack with the onload event of a nearly invisible <img> contained in a <div>, but discovered that a scoped, empty style will also do:
<div .... >
<style scoped="scoped" onload="dosomethingto(this.parentElement);" > </style>
Update(Jul 15 2017) -
The <style> onload is not supported in last version of IE. Edge does support it, but some users see this as a different browser and stick with IE. The <img> element seems to work better across all browsers.
<img onLoad="dosomthing(this.parentElement);" src="" />
To minimize the visual impact and resource usage of the image, use an inline src that keeps it small and transparent.
One comment I feel I need to make about using a <script>is how much harder it is to determine which <div> the script is near, especially in templating where you can't have an identical id in each instance that the template generates. I thought the answer might be document.currentScript, but this is not universally supported. A <script> element cannot determine its own DOM location reliably; a reference to 'this' points to the main window, and is of no help.
I believe it is necessary to settle for using an <img> element, despite being goofy. This might be a hole in the DOM/javascript framework that could use plugging.
Avoid using any interval-based methods (as they are not performant and accurate) and use MutationObserver targeting a parent div of dynamically loaded div for better efficiency.
Update: Here's a handy function I wrote. Use it like this:
* Wait for an HTML element to be loaded like `div`, `span`, `img`, etc.
* ex: `onElementLoaded("div.some_class").then(()=>{}).catch(()=>{})`
* #param {*} elementToObserve wait for this element to load
* #param {*} parentStaticElement (optional) if parent element is not passed then `document` is used
* #return {*} Promise - return promise when `elementToObserve` is loaded
function onElementLoaded(elementToObserve, parentStaticElement) {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (document.querySelector(elementToObserve)) {
console.log(`element already present: ${elementToObserve}`);
const parentElement = parentStaticElement
? document.querySelector(parentStaticElement)
: document;
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationList, obsrvr) => {
const divToCheck = document.querySelector(elementToObserve);
if (divToCheck) {
console.log(`element loaded: ${elementToObserve}`);
obsrvr.disconnect(); // stop observing
// start observing for dynamic div
observer.observe(parentElement, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
} catch (e) {
reject(Error("some issue... promise rejected"));
return promise;
Implementation details:
<div class="parent-static-div">
<div class="dynamic-loaded-div">
this div is loaded after DOM ready event
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationList, obsrvr) {
var div_to_check = document.querySelector(".dynamic-loaded-div"); //get div by class
// var div_to_check = document.getElementById('div-id'); //get div by id
console.log("checking for div...");
if (div_to_check) {
console.log("div is loaded now"); // DO YOUR STUFF!
obsrvr.disconnect(); // stop observing
var parentElement = document.querySelector("parent-static-div"); // use parent div which is already present in DOM to maximise efficiency
// var parentElement = document // if not sure about parent div then just use whole 'document'
// start observing for dynamic div
observer.observe(parentElement, {
// for properties details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserverInit
childList: true,
subtree: true,
we can use MutationObserver to solve the problem in efficient way adding a sample code below
<!DOCTYPE html>
position: absolute;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: #a1a1a1;
<div id="first"></div>
var callthis = function(element){
element.onkeydown = handler;
function handler(){
var observer = new WebKitMutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
for (var i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++)
if(mutation.addedNodes[i].id === "second"){
observer.observe(document.getElementById("first"), { childList: true });
var ele = document.createElement('div');
ele.id = "second"
In November 2019, I am seeking a way to create a (hypothetical) onparse EventListener for <elements> which don't take onload.
The (hypothetical) onparse EventListener must be able to listen for when an element is parsed.
Third Attempt (and Definitive Solution)
I was pretty happy with the Second Attempt below, but it just struck me that I can make the code shorter and simpler, by creating a tailor-made event:
let parseEvent = new Event('parse');
This is the best solution yet.
The example below:
Creates a tailor-made parse Event
Declares a function (which can be run at window.onload or any time) which:
Finds any elements in the document which include the attribute data-onparse
Attaches the parse EventListener to each of those elements
Dispatches the parse Event to each of those elements to execute the Callback
Working Example:
// Create (homemade) parse event
let parseEvent = new Event('parse');
// Create Initialising Function which can be run at any time
const initialiseParseableElements = () => {
// Get all the elements which need to respond to an onparse event
let elementsWithParseEventListener = document.querySelectorAll('[data-onparse]');
// Attach Event Listeners and Dispatch Events
elementsWithParseEventListener.forEach((elementWithParseEventListener) => {
elementWithParseEventListener.addEventListener('parse', updateParseEventTarget, false);
elementWithParseEventListener.dataset.onparsed = elementWithParseEventListener.dataset.onparse;
// Callback function for the Parse Event Listener
const updateParseEventTarget = (e) => {
switch (e.target.dataset.onparsed) {
case ('update-1') : e.target.textContent = 'My First Updated Heading'; break;
case ('update-2') : e.target.textContent = 'My Second Updated Heading'; break;
case ('update-3') : e.target.textContent = 'My Third Updated Heading'; break;
case ('run-oQuickReply.swap()') : e.target.innerHTML = 'This <code><div></code> is now loaded and the function <code>oQuickReply.swap()</code> will run...'; break;
// Run Initialising Function
let dynamicHeading = document.createElement('h3');
dynamicHeading.textContent = 'Heading Text';
dynamicHeading.dataset.onparse = 'update-3';
setTimeout(() => {
// Add new element to page after time delay
// Re-run Initialising Function
}, 3000);
div {
width: 300px;
height: 40px;
padding: 12px;
border: 1px solid rgb(191, 191, 191);
h3 {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
<h2 data-onparse="update-1">My Heading</h2>
<h2 data-onparse="update-2">My Heading</h2>
<div data-onparse="run-oQuickReply.swap()">
This div hasn't yet loaded and nothing will happen.
Second Attempt
The First Attempt below (based on #JohnWilliams' brilliant Empty Image Hack) used a hardcoded <img /> and worked.
I thought it ought to be possible to remove the hardcoded <img /> entirely and only dynamically insert it after detecting, in an element which needed to fire an onparse event, an attribute like:
It turns out, this works very well indeed.
The example below:
Finds any elements in the document which include the attribute data-onparse
Dynamically generates an <img src /> and appends it to the document, immediately after each of those elements
Fires the onerror EventListener when the rendering engine parses each <img src />
Executes the Callback and removes that dynamically generated <img src /> from the document
Working Example:
// Get all the elements which need to respond to an onparse event
let elementsWithParseEventListener = document.querySelectorAll('[data-onparse]');
// Dynamically create and position an empty <img> after each of those elements
elementsWithParseEventListener.forEach((elementWithParseEventListener) => {
let emptyImage = document.createElement('img');
emptyImage.src = '';
elementWithParseEventListener.parentNode.insertBefore(emptyImage, elementWithParseEventListener.nextElementSibling);
// Get all the empty images
let parseEventTriggers = document.querySelectorAll('img[src=""]');
// Callback function for the EventListener below
const updateParseEventTarget = (e) => {
let parseEventTarget = e.target.previousElementSibling;
switch (parseEventTarget.dataset.onparse) {
case ('update-1') : parseEventTarget.textContent = 'My First Updated Heading'; break;
case ('update-2') : parseEventTarget.textContent = 'My Second Updated Heading'; break;
case ('run-oQuickReply.swap()') : parseEventTarget.innerHTML = 'This <code><div></code> is now loaded and the function <code>oQuickReply.swap()</code> will run...'; break;
// Remove empty image
// Add onerror EventListener to all the empty images
parseEventTriggers.forEach((parseEventTrigger) => {
parseEventTrigger.addEventListener('error', updateParseEventTarget, false);
div {
width: 300px;
height: 40px;
padding: 12px;
border: 1px solid rgb(191, 191, 191);
<h2 data-onparse="update-1">My Heading</h2>
<h2 data-onparse="update-2">My Heading</h2>
<div data-onparse="run-oQuickReply.swap()">
This div hasn't yet loaded and nothing will happen.
First Attempt
I can build on #JohnWilliams' <img src> hack (on this page, from 2017) - which is, so far, the best approach I have come across.
The example below:
Fires the onerror EventListener when the rendering engine parses <img src />
Executes the Callback and removes the <img src /> from the document
Working Example:
let myHeadingLoadEventTrigger = document.getElementById('my-heading-load-event-trigger');
const updateHeading = (e) => {
let myHeading = e.target.previousElementSibling;
if (true) { // <= CONDITION HERE
myHeading.textContent = 'My Updated Heading';
// Modern alternative to document.body.removeChild(e.target);
myHeadingLoadEventTrigger.addEventListener('error', updateHeading, false);
<h2>My Heading</h2>
<img id="my-heading-load-event-trigger" src />
use an iframe and hide it iframe works like a body tag
<!DOCTYPE html>
<iframe style="display:none" onload="myFunction()" src="http://www.w3schools.com"></iframe>
<p id="demo"></p>
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Iframe is loaded.";
Since the onload event is only supported on a few elements, you have to use an alternate method.
You can use a MutationObserver for this:
const trackElement = element => {
let present = false;
const checkIfPresent = () => {
if (document.body.contains(element)) {
if (!present) {
console.log('in DOM:', element);
present = true;
} else if (present) {
present = false;
console.log('Not in DOM');
const observer = new MutationObserver(checkIfPresent);
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true });
return observer;
const element = document.querySelector('#element');
const add = () => document.body.appendChild(element);
const remove = () => element.remove();
<button onclick="add()">Add</button>
<button onclick="remove()">Remove</button>
<div id="element">Element</div>
we can use all these tags with onload
<body>, <frame>, <frameset>, <iframe>, <img>, <input type="image">, <link>, <script> and <style>
function loadImage() {
alert("Image is loaded");
<img src="https://www.w3schools.com/tags/w3html.gif" onload="loadImage()" width="100" height="132">
I really like the YUI3 library for this sort of thing.
<div id="mydiv"> ... </div>
YUI().use('node-base', function(Y) {
Y.on("available", someFunction, '#mydiv')
See: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/event/#onavailable
This is very simple solution and 100% working.
Just load an <img> tag inside the div or at last line of div, if you think you want to execute javascript, after loading all data in div.
As <img> tag supports onload event, so you can easily call javascript here like below:
<img onLoad="alert('Problem Solved');" src="" />
This above image will show only a single Dot(.), which you even cant see normally.
Try it.
First to answer your question: No, you can't, not directly like you wanted to do so.
May be a bit late to answer, but this is my solution, without jQuery, pure javascript.
It was originally written to apply a resize function to textareas after DOM is loaded and on keyup.
Same way you could use it to do something with (all) divs or only one, if specified, like so:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div'); // all divs
var mydiv = document.getElementById('myDiv'); // only div#myDiv
divs.forEach( div => {
If you really need to do something with a div, loaded after the DOM is loaded, e.g. after an ajax call, you could use a very helpful hack, which is easy to understand an you'll find it ...working-with-elements-before-the-dom-is-ready.... It says "before the DOM is ready" but it works brillant the same way, after an ajax insertion or js-appendChild-whatever of a div. Here's the code, with some tiny changes to my needs.
.loaded { // I use only class loaded instead of a nodename
animation-name: nodeReady;
animation-duration: 0.001s;
#keyframes nodeReady {
from { clip: rect(1px, auto, auto, auto); }
to { clip: rect(0px, auto, auto, auto); }
document.addEventListener("animationstart", function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
if (e.animationName == "nodeReady") {
}, false);
I am learning javascript and jquery and was going through all the answer,
i faced same issue when calling javascript function for loading div element.
I tried $('<divid>').ready(function(){alert('test'}) and it worked for me. I want to know is this good way to perform onload call on div element in the way i did using jquery selector.
As all said, you cannot use onLoad event on a DIV instead but it before body tag.
but in case you have one footer file and include it in many pages. it's better to check first if the div you want is on that page displayed, so the code doesn't executed in the pages that doesn't contain that DIV to make it load faster and save some time for your application.
so you will need to give that DIV an ID and do:
var myElem = document.getElementById('myElementId');
if (myElem !== null){ put your code here}
I had the same question and was trying to get a Div to load a scroll script, using onload or load. The problem I found was that it would always work before the Div could open, not during or after, so it wouldn't really work.
Then I came up with this as a work around.
<span onmouseover="window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);"
onmouseout="window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);">
<div id="">
Link to open Div
I placed the Div inside a Span and gave the Span two events, a mouseover and a mouseout. Then below that Div, I placed a link to open the Div, and gave that link an event for onclick. All events the exact same, to make the page scroll down to bottom of page. Now when the button to open the Div is clicked, the page will jump down part way, and the Div will open above the button, causing the mouseover and mouseout events to help push the scroll down script. Then any movement of the mouse at that point will push the script one last time.
You could use an interval to check for it until it loads like this:
let checkonloadDoSomething = setInterval(() => {
let onloadDoSomething = document.getElementById("onloadDoSomething");
if (onloadDoSomething) {
} else {`enter code here`
console.log("Waiting for onloadDoSomething to load");
}, 100);
When you load some html from server and insert it into DOM tree you can use DOMSubtreeModified however it is deprecated - so you can use MutationObserver or just detect new content inside loadElement function directly so you will don't need to wait for DOM events
var ignoreFirst=0;
var observer = (new MutationObserver((m, ob)=>
if(ignoreFirst++>0) {
console.log('Element add on', new Date());
)).observe(content, {childList: true, subtree:true });
// simulate element loading
var tmp=1;
function loadElement(name) {
console.log(`Element ${name} loaded`)
content.innerHTML += `<div>My name is ${name}</div>`;
<div id="content"><div>
You can attach an event listener as below. It will trigger whenever the div having selector #my-id loads completely to DOM.
$(document).on('EventName', '#my-id', function() {
// do something
Inthis case EventName may be 'load' or 'click'
Here is a trick that worked for me,
you just need to put your div inside a body element
<!-- Some code here -->
<body onload="alert('Hello World')">
<div ></div>
<!-- other lines of code -->
Use the body.onload event instead, either via attribute (<body onload="myFn()"> ...) or by binding an event in Javascript. This is extremely common with jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
You cannot add event onload on div, but you can add onkeydown and trigger onkeydown event on document load
$(function ()
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div onkeydown="setCss( );"> </div>`
Try this.
document.getElementById("div").onload = alert("This is a div.");
<div id="div">Hello World</div>
Try this one too. You need to remove . from oQuickReply.swap() to make the function working.
document.getElementById("div").onload = oQuickReplyswap();
function oQuickReplyswap() {
alert("Hello World");
<div id="div"></div>

EventListener Only Firing Once

still learning the basics of JS, working with EventListeners now. Trying to make a button that changes the color of text back and forth but I think I'm misunderstanding the nature of the method, or using it incorrectly. I don't believe it's a syntax issue.
I have the text and the button, both with Id's. I created variables for both elements. I add an event listener to the button, and defined the if else statement in the function. The "if" portion of the function executes without issue, but that's where it ends. Sorry in advance for the formatting I wasn't sure what made the most sense. Thanks!
Here's the HTML:
<h1 id="header"> Here's some text </h1>
<button id="button"> Change the Color </button>
#header {
color: red;
And the JavaScript:
var header = document.getElementById("header");
var button = document.getElementById("button");
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (header.style.color = "red")
{header.style.color = "blue";}
else if (head.style.color = "blue")
{header.style.color = "red";
In JavaScript (and other languages) you need to use == to check for equality.
However, in JavaScript there is also ===. === is the strict equality operator, meaning it does not do type conversion. What does that mean? It means:
"5" == 5 // true, since "5" as a number is equal to 5, the literal number
"5" === 5 // false, since a string cannot equal a number
So in your if statements you should use == or === instead of just =.
Others have mentioned the use of = vs == vs === - which is definitely your problem, but you're also going to have other problems with comparing styles the way you are doing.
The style property is unique and cumbersome. You have the "style" property which is a property of the DOM node (just like href for anchors or type for inputs). Then you have styles which are applied from a stylesheet - either a <style> tag or external stylesheet file. Sometimes the two different styles sources are in conflict.
For style properties, you read the node.style.color property like you are doing. To get the actual color being applied to the node, you must use window.getComputedStyle(). Let me explain the difference by example:
const div = document.getElementById('foo')
div.style.color; //-> red
window.getComputedStyle(div).color; //-> rbg(0, 255, 0) - this is green!
#foo { color: green !important }
<div id="foo" style="color: red">Hello!</div>
Notice how we set red on the node itself, but green !important in the stylesheet. The !important will win, which is why the text is green. Furthermore, the browser converts the color name green to its RGB equivalent rgb(0, 255, 0). This can be tedious to reconcile. What I usually recommend is having multiple class names and switching between those on click:
var header = document.getElementById("header");
var button = document.getElementById("button");
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (header.classList.contains("red")) {
} else if (header.classList.contains("blue")) {
.red { color: red }
.blue { color: blue }
<h1 id="header" class="red"> Here's some text </h1>
<button id="button"> Change the Color </button>

remove styles from all nodelist element and add only to clicked element Vanilla JS

I have multiple divs that when clicked adds a border and scales them up a little. I am looping through all elements using foreach and on click i remove every element's border and scale property except the clicked element, to which i add a border and scale.
My code is completely logical and is supposed to work but for some reason i cant seem to grasp, it only applies the styles to clicked elements but not removing from the rest of the elements (like my code says it should).
document.querySelectorAll('.projcolorpick div').forEach(el => {
el.onclick = (e) => {
el.style.border = "none"
el.style.transform = "scale(1)"
e.target.style.border = "2px solid #fff"
e.target.style.transform = "scale(1.2)"
projcolor = e.target.style.background
give something like this a try... each element needs an id attribute for this to work (the filter part - if there is a unique attribute...)
const list = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.projcolorpick div'));
list.forEach(el => {
el.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
//code that affects the element you click on
el.style.border = "2px solid #fff"
el.style.transform = "scale(1.2)"
projcolor = e.target.style.background;
//code that affects the other elements you didn't click on
otherEl.style.border = "none"
otherEl.style.transform = "scale(1)"
fixed some typos.
forEach only applies to Arrays unless you configure it otherwise.
querySelectorAll does not return arrays, but array-like objects (NodeLists)
To allow looping over NodeLists, add the following code:
if (window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
var nL = document.querySelectorAll('*');
console.log(nL instanceof NodeList); // true
You don't really need an id attribute on each div and I would advocate using class-assignments instead of changing their individual attributes. You can compare the actual DOM elements with each other like c==ev.target, as you can see in my code below:
// === populate the page first ... ============================= START =
const cont=document.getElementById('container');
[...Array(3)].map(cp=>'<div class="projcolorpick">'+
let hsl= "hsl("+Math.floor(Math.random()*360)+",100%,80%)";
return ' <div style="background-color:'+hsl+'">'+hsl+'</div>'}).join('\n')
// === populate the page first ... =============================== END =
// now, do the action:
if ( ev.target.parentNode.classList.contains('projcolorpick')
&& ev.target.tagName=='DIV'){
.projcolorpick {border: 2px solid #888}
.selected {border: 2px solid #fff; transform:scale(1.2);}
div {margin:6px; padding:4px}
.projcolorpick div {width:200px; height:20px}
<div id="container"></div>
The action happens here:
if ( ev.target.parentNode.classList.contains('projcolorpick')
&& ev.target.tagName=='DIV'){
I use a delegated event-attachment to the parent .container div. The first if statements makes sure that only clicks on .projcolorpick>div elements are processed.
If you want to include more than one generation between them you need to use something like ev.target.closest('.projcolorpick') instead ...
Now, inside the if block two things happen:
Using toggle() on all DOM elements in ev.target.parentNode.children the class "selected" is either
assigned or
The text found in the clicked div is applied as background-color to the parent .projcolorpick container.

How to get dynamic innerHTML values?

So I retrieve a list of data and each piece of data has an ID provided by SQL. The ID is stored in a <p> tag, and I extract the ID from the <p> tag using innerHTML.
I have an event handler that will delete the element on click based on its ID, But after I click delete on my first element, the innerHTML value remains the same. For example, say the ID of the first element was 10, once I click delete, it will delete it. But once I click delete on the element with the ID of 11, it still says the value is 10 and will NOT delete the element with the ID of 11.
document.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
if (e.target && e.target.id === 'delete-btn') {
// Reset the notification bar to be displayed again
let movieToDeleteID = document.getElementById('primary-key').innerHTML;
await axios.post('http://localhost:5000/movies/delete', { movieToDeleteID })
.then(response => {
movieID.value = ''
.catch(err => console.error(err));
This is the code I'm using currently.
How can I make it so that the value of movieToDeleteID changes with each click of the delete button to reflect that element's ID?
Thank you!
In your code, the line
let movieToDeleteID = document.getElementById('primary-key').innerHTML;
will always get the inner HTML of the element with id='primary-key'-- and every id value on your page must be unique.
If this element's innerHTML content doesn't change between clicks, every click will have the same result as the first.
(The same goes for your id='delete-btn', by the way: there can be only one such element on your page. And your script only runs when you click that particular element, but I think this is probably what you intended.)
If you have one p element per movie, each holding a different movieID, you need to make sure they don't share id values, which may mean you want to use a different selector (besides .getElementById), such as .querySelector or .getElementsByClassName.
It's impossible to give you a 100% solution without seeing your HTML, but here's how it could work in a fabricated HTML structure:
// Selects the outermost div
const container = document.getElementById("container");
// Calls `deleteMovie` on click
container.addEventListener("click", deleteMovie);
// Defines `deleteMovie`
function deleteMovie(event){
// Gets the clicked element and quits early if it's not a button
const clickedEl = event.target;
if(!clickedEl.classList.contains("delete-btn")){ return; }
// Gets the text in the `primary-key` element (identifying its parent div as well)
movieDiv = clickedEl.parentElement,
idParagraph = movieDiv.querySelector(".primary-key"),
movieIdToDelete = idParagraph.textContent;
// Calls the DB-communication function (which, here, just logs success)
// Calls a function to update the page
// Defines `sendDeleteRequestToDatabase`
function sendDeleteRequestToDatabase(movieId){
console.log(`Deleted movie #${movieId}`);
//Defines `hideMovieFromList`
function hideMovieFromList(movieId){
// Selects all elements w/ `class='primary-key'`
let idPs = document.getElementsByClassName("primary-key");
// Loops through selected elements to find matching text
for(let p of idPs){
if(p.textContent === movieId){
// Removes movie div from top-level div
const movieDiv = p.parentElement;
break; // We already found a match, so might as well stop looking
h3, p{ margin: 0; padding: 0; }
.movie{ width: 15em; border: 1px solid grey; margin: 3px; padding: 3px; }
<div id="container">
<div class="movie">
<h3 class="title">Dracula</h3>
<p class="genre">Horror</p>
<p class="primary-key">1</p>
<button class="delete-btn">Delete</button>
<div class="movie">
<h3 class="title">Captain Marvel</h3>
<p class="genre">Action</p>
<p class="primary-key">2</p>
<button class="delete-btn">Delete</button>
<div class="movie">
<h3 class="title">When Harry Met Sally</h3>
<p class="genre">Comedy</p>
<p class="primary-key">3</p>
<button class="delete-btn">Delete</button>

javascript replace div on each click

The following works to replace a div with a new div...
<div id = "div1" style="display:block" onclick = "replace()"><img src="1.jpg" /></div>
<div id = "div2" style="display:none"><img src="2.jpg" /></div>
<script type = "text/javascript">
function replace() {
What I can't figure out is how to make this work so when you click div2 it is replaced by div3 and so on.
In other words, I want to replace the div on each click more than just once. What's the best way to go about this? I'm a novice, so not sure if the above is a good start or not.
You could make a more generic function:
function replace( hide, show ) {
Then you can create many divs and use the same function:
<div id = "div1" style="display:block" onclick = "replace('div1','div2')">...</div>
<div id = "div2" style="display:none" onclick = "replace('div2','div3')">..</div>
<div id = "div3" style="display:none" onclick = "replace('div3','div4')">..</div>
I will suggest you some best practices in this answer:
Use classes instead of the style property, it's way nicer for the browser.
Don't use inline event handler. See the example below.
It's not "replace" you're looking for, it's "toggling".
I suggest you use event bubbling. This way, you add a single event on the container of all your div, and you can work on this.
Alright, now for the example:
<div id="container">
<div id="div1">..</div>
<div id="div2" class="hidden">..</div>
<div id="div3" class="hidden">..</div>
// Notice how I declare an onclick event in the javascript code
document.getElementById( 'container' ).onclick = function( e ) {
// First, get the clicked element
// We have to add these lines because IE is bad.
// If you don't work with legacy browsers, the following is enough:
// var target = e.target;
var evt = e || window.event,
target = evt.target || evt.srcElement;
// Then, check if the target is what we want clicked
// For example, we don't want to bother about inner tags
// of the "div1, div2" etc.
if ( target.id.substr( 0, 3 ) === 'div' ) {
// Hide the clicked element
target.className = 'hidden';
// Now you have two ways to do what you want:
// - Either you don't care about browser compatibility and you use
// nextElementSibling to show the next element
// - Or you care, so to work around this, you can "guess" the next
// element's id, since it remains consistent
// Here are the two ways:
// First way
target.nextElementSibling.className = '';
// Second way
// Strip off the number of the id (starting at index 3)
var nextElementId = 'div' + target.id.substr( 3 );
document.getElementById( nextElementId ).className = '';
And of course, the CSS:
.hidden {
display: none;
I highly suggest you read the comments in the javascript code.
If you read carefully, you'll see that in modern browsers, the JS code is a matter of 5 lines. No more. To support legacy browsers, it requires 7 lines.

