How can I use “do while” in mocha testing - javascript

For example, I have:
function test1() {
it("Test 1", function (done) {
function test2() {
it("Test 2", function (done) {
describe("main()", function () {
do {
} while (resultReturnBool);
Although resultReturnBool is "true", it does not redo test1 and test2.
What am I doing wrong? Am I using do-while correctly?

The do...while seems correct, maybe because of the way Mocha works it doesn't accept doing this kind of thing, have you seen any test using do...while? (just a question, i'm new to testing and i'm learning jest).
Try doing a normal while.
while(resultReturnBool) {
it('Test1', () => {
// Yout test here
it('Test2', () => {
// Yout test here


Jest having trouble mocking specific function

I've started using jest but I've been having some trouble mocking specific JS functions, I've already tried various would be solutions to this but i just couldn't get it to work.
Below is my JavaScript function code
functions.js :
function test1(){
return "hello1"
function test2(){
return "hello2"
module.exports = test1;
module.exports = test2;
and this is my jest code:
const testfunction = require('/function');
test('tooltip Correct DOM element test', () => {
You are exporting the function incorrectly. You need to do:
function test1() {
return "hello1"
function test2() {
return "hello2"
module.exports = {
test1: test1,
test2: test2
Exporting the function in this way will enable to get testfunction.test1 inside the test file. And you need to call the function inside the test script like:

Unit testing jQuery getJSON function errors with the fail method, using Jasmine and Karma

I've written a unit test for a function that calls the jQuery getJSON method. The only thing that I'm testing is that it is called with the expected URL. My unit test uses a Jasmine Spy to mock the API call. However, when I run my unit tests I get this error:
1) should make a request to the expected URL when running on localhost
test module getDataFromApi function
TypeError: Cannot read property 'fail' of undefined
In my unit test I've created a Jasmine Spy, which returns the done and fail methods. What am I doing wrong here?
Here is my unit test:
describe('getFundDataFromApi function', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
spyOn($, "getJSON").and.callFake(function () {
return {
done: function () {},
fail: function () {}
it('should make a request to the expected URL when running on localhost', function () {
var expectedUrl = '/assets/mock-data/mock-data.json';
Function I'm trying to test: getDataFromApi
getDataFromApi: function () {
var mod = this;
var url = this.settings.apiUrl;
url: url
.done(function (data) {
.fail(function () {
In your function getDataFromApi you are chaining the call of fail after done but, in the mocked version of done, it returns nothing(undefined), so, you get TypeError: Cannot read property 'fail' of undefined.
You can make the done function to return an object with a fail property that is a function.
beforeEach(function() {
spyOn($, "getJSON").and.callFake(function() {
return {
done: function() {
return { fail: function() {} };
Or, one line ES6 version
spyOn($, "getJSON").and.callFake(() => ({ done: () => ({fail: () => {}}) }));
Or, if you are planning to do more in your tests, like testing success or failed responses, probably returning a jQuery Deferred can help you
beforeEach(function() {
spyOn($, "getJSON").and.callFake(function() {
const deferred = $.Deferred();
deferred.resolve({'success': true});
return deferred;
Calling deferred.reject({'success': false}); will give you the chance to test for errors.
Hope it helps

Testing a custom method for $state.go

I tried to test this code:
redireccion() {
this.$state.go('modifyLine', {lineId: this.look()._id});
look() {
return Entries.findOne({name:});
the code above method is ok (look), but for 'redireccion' I tried something like this and i got an error.
this is the code:
describe('redireccion()', () => {
beforeEach( inject(($state) => {
spyOn($state, 'go');
spyOn(controller, 'look');
spyOn(Entries, 'findOne');
it('should be a ... bla bla', () => {
expect($state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith('modifyLine', {lineId: });
This is an excerpt, because really I do not know how testing this.
I will try to give you an insight. You should try to make your tests isolated... That means that if you're testing your redirection, you can mock the look method since it's not relevant (for this specific test).
describe('testing redirection()', () => {
beforeEach( inject(($state) => {
//here I'm saying that I'm spying every call to $state.go
spyOn($state, 'go');
//And here I'm that I'm not only spying every call to
//controller.look() but I'm also replacing the original
//implementation with my fake one. Every call will basically
//return an object with id equals 10
spyOn(controller, 'look').and.callFake(() => {
var mockedLine = {
_id: 10
return mockedLine;
it('should call state.go', () => {
//if you just want to check if the method was called, do the following:
//if you need to also check the arguments, try:
var args = $state.go.mostRecentCall.args;

Jasmine - Two spies for the same method

I'm new to Jasmine and I wanted to know if we can create 2 spies for the same method. Here is what I'm trying.
describe('something', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
mySpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('mySpy', 'functionInInterest');
mySpy.functionInInterest.andCallFake(function (cb) {cb(something);});
//Some Test Cases
describe('Here is the action!', function () {
mySpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('mySpy', 'functionInInterest');
mySpy.functionInInterest.andCallFake(function (cb) {cb(somethingElse);});
//Some test cases that depends on somethingElse
Testcases before Here is the action! depend on mySpy.functionInInterest.andCallFake(function (cb) {cb(something);}); where as test cases inside Here is the action! depend on mySpy.functionInInterest.andCallFake(function (cb) {cb(somethingElse);});
Note: Both have the same name
How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance!
instead of
describe('Here is the action!', function () {
mySpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('mySpy', 'functionInInterest');
mySpy.functionInInterest.andCallFake(function (cb) {cb(somethingElse);});
//Some test cases that depends on somethingElse
do this
describe('Here is the action!', function () {
mySpy_2 = jasmine.createSpyObj('mySpy', 'functionInInterest');
mySpy_2.functionInInterest.andCallFake(function (cb) {cb(somethingElse);});
//Some test cases that depends on somethingElse

Jasmine does not reset spy after each test spec

I have the following spec.
describe("SN.ExitHistory", function() {
var exitHistory;
beforeEach(function() {
SN.Utils = jasmine.createSpy("utils").andCallFake(function() {
function readSNCookie(cookieName, key) {
return "";
function isUndefinedOrNull(param) {
return (param == null) || (param === "null");
function createSNCookie(snCookieName, key, value, lifeTime) {
var me = {
readSNCookie : readSNCookie,
isUndefinedOrNull : isUndefinedOrNull,
createSNCookie : createSNCookie
return me;
exitHistory = SN.ExitHistory();
it("return last exit link", function() {
exitHistory.getLastExitLink internally use SN.Utils.
After the test is done Jasmine does not remove the spy object utils. In next test suite also I can see the same utils present. Is there any way to reset the spy object after each test is done?
Instead of creating spy, if I create a new object for utils, behavior is same. Then what is the difference between a spy and actual object in this scenario.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I had the same problem some time ago and after days of struggling I found the solution. If you use the other way your spy will be reseted, so try with
spyOn(SN, 'Utils');
Spies are described here:
Use spyOn and declare your spies within a before block inside of a describe spec block and the spies will be cleaned up when each spec is torn down.
describe('something', () => {
beforeAll(() => spyOn(someObject, 'someMethod').and.returnValue('foo'));
it('is spied on', () => {
describe('something else', () => {
beforeAll(() => spyOn(someObject, 'someMethod').and.returnValue('bar'));
it('is spied on', () => {

