Jasmine does not reset spy after each test spec - javascript

I have the following spec.
describe("SN.ExitHistory", function() {
var exitHistory;
beforeEach(function() {
SN.Utils = jasmine.createSpy("utils").andCallFake(function() {
function readSNCookie(cookieName, key) {
return "google.com";
function isUndefinedOrNull(param) {
return (param == null) || (param === "null");
function createSNCookie(snCookieName, key, value, lifeTime) {
var me = {
readSNCookie : readSNCookie,
isUndefinedOrNull : isUndefinedOrNull,
createSNCookie : createSNCookie
return me;
exitHistory = SN.ExitHistory();
it("return last exit link", function() {
exitHistory.getLastExitLink internally use SN.Utils.
After the test is done Jasmine does not remove the spy object utils. In next test suite also I can see the same utils present. Is there any way to reset the spy object after each test is done?
Instead of creating spy, if I create a new object for utils, behavior is same. Then what is the difference between a spy and actual object in this scenario.
Correct me if I am wrong.

I had the same problem some time ago and after days of struggling I found the solution. If you use the other way your spy will be reseted, so try with
spyOn(SN, 'Utils');
Spies are described here:

Use spyOn and declare your spies within a before block inside of a describe spec block and the spies will be cleaned up when each spec is torn down.
describe('something', () => {
beforeAll(() => spyOn(someObject, 'someMethod').and.returnValue('foo'));
it('is spied on', () => {
describe('something else', () => {
beforeAll(() => spyOn(someObject, 'someMethod').and.returnValue('bar'));
it('is spied on', () => {


Spy on a method of an object created dynamically during test execution

I need to spyOn a method of an object created dynamically inside another method
So consider the following:
public doStuff = () => {
const myThing = new MyThing();
myThing.doSomethingElse().then((data) => {
//do more stuff here...
I want to therefore spyOn the instance of MyThing and the call to doSomethingElse().
I did come across a solution here which make use of the object's prototype, which I attempted like so
spyOn(MyThing.prototype, 'doSomethingElse').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({foo: 'bar'}));
But this does not work after I call doStuff() in my tests, I get an error:
Error: : doSomethingElse() method does not exist
But I know this method is fine, since it runs as expected locally.
I am unsure how to proceed, can anyone assist?
You might be missing something in your test. This is a simple test and you can see it works as you expected
class MyThing {
async doSomethingElse() {
return { bar: "foo" };
class Stuff {
doStuff() {
const myThing = new MyThing();
myThing.doSomethingElse().then(data => {
describe("doSomethingElse", () => {
it("toHaveBeenCalled", () => {
spyOn(MyThing.prototype, "doSomethingElse").and.returnValue(
Promise.resolve({ foo: "bar123" })
const stuff = new Stuff();
The key is to use the spyOn before you instantiate the class that contains the doStuff function. If we move the const stuff = new Stuff(); above the spyOn it fails.
Hope it helps
You can create a spy object with mock method by passing in an object where the property names represent returned data for methods.
describe('test', () => {
let mock;
beforeEach(() => {
mock = jasmine.createSpyObj('mock', {
doSomethingElse: Promise.resolve({foo: 'bar'})
it('call mock', async () => {
const result = await mock.doSomethingElse();
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Refactoring some Unit Test that have lots of repeated code.

I am working on writing some some tests for a function I wrote: the current code works as I would expect it but now I need to DRY my code and refactor.
Below you will see the unit tests I've writtern:
QUnit.test('Localized Date in Honolulu', assert => {
const stub = sinon.stub(constantDate, 'getTimezoneOffset', () => {
return '600';
console.log('timeSet', timeSet());
assert.strictEqual(timeSet(), '2017-07-29T14:00:00.000Z', 'there needs to be a message here');
QUnit.test('San Francisco Date and Time', assert => {
const stub = sinon.stub(constantDate, 'getTimezoneOffset', () => {
return '420';
assert.strictEqual(timeSet(), '2017-07-29T17:00:00.000Z');
QUnit.test('Sydney time', assert => {
const stub = sinon.stub(constantDate, 'getTimezoneOffset', () => {
return '-600';
assert.strictEqual(timeSet(), '2017-07-30T10:00:00.000Z', 'Expected the time in Sydney to be 10AM');
Although it seems to me that I should be able to refactor the stub I'm finding challenging because every stub has a different return value every time. Can I please get some suggestions as to how I can make my code clean and DRY.
One suggestion would be to use partial functions. As you're aware, the first two parameters in sinon.stub are the same for every unit test. So, before the unit tests execute we can create a function
const timezoneOffsetStub = (callback) => {
return sinon.stub(constantDate, 'getTimezoneOffset', callback);
(This assumes constantDate is a variable defined globally)
So now to stub in each unit test, we only have to define what the different callbacks are.
QUnit.test('Localized Date in Honolulu', assert => {
const stub = timezoneOffsetStub(() => '600');
QUnit.test('San Francisco Date and Time', assert => {
const stub = timezoneOffsetStub(() => '420');

Testing a custom method for $state.go

I tried to test this code:
redireccion() {
this.$state.go('modifyLine', {lineId: this.look()._id});
look() {
return Entries.findOne({name: this.entry.name});
the code above method is ok (look), but for 'redireccion' I tried something like this and i got an error.
this is the code:
describe('redireccion()', () => {
beforeEach( inject(($state) => {
spyOn($state, 'go');
spyOn(controller, 'look');
spyOn(Entries, 'findOne');
it('should be a ... bla bla', () => {
expect($state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith('modifyLine', {lineId: });
This is an excerpt, because really I do not know how testing this.
I will try to give you an insight. You should try to make your tests isolated... That means that if you're testing your redirection, you can mock the look method since it's not relevant (for this specific test).
describe('testing redirection()', () => {
beforeEach( inject(($state) => {
//here I'm saying that I'm spying every call to $state.go
spyOn($state, 'go');
//And here I'm that I'm not only spying every call to
//controller.look() but I'm also replacing the original
//implementation with my fake one. Every call will basically
//return an object with id equals 10
spyOn(controller, 'look').and.callFake(() => {
var mockedLine = {
_id: 10
return mockedLine;
it('should call state.go', () => {
//if you just want to check if the method was called, do the following:
//if you need to also check the arguments, try:
var args = $state.go.mostRecentCall.args;

How do I stub a chain of methods in Sinon?

I know how to use stub to replace one function.
sandbox.stub(Cars, "findOne",
() => {return car1 });
But now I have a line in my function I want to test that I need to stub that looks like this
So there is a chain of function here and I'm unsure what I need to do. How do I stub "find" to return something that I can use to stub "fetch"?
IMHO, we can just use returns to do this. We don't need to use callsFake or mock it as function.
// Cars.find().fetch()
sinon.stub(Cars, 'find').returns({
fetch: sinon.stub().returns(anything)
in case, if there is another method after fetch(), we can use returnsThis()
// Cars.find().fetch().where()
sinon.stub(Cars, 'find').returns({
fetch: sinon.stub().returnsThis(),
where: sinon.stub().returns(anything)
Hope it helps
Try this:
sandbox.stub(Cars, "find", () => {
return {
fetch: sinon.stub().returns(anything);
The form of attaching a function to a stub shown here:
sandbox.stub(Cars, "find", () => {
return {
fetch: sinon.stub().returns(anything);
is deprecated.
It's now, as of version 6.3
sandbox.stub(Cars, "find").callsFake(() => {
return {
fetch: sinon.stub().returns(anything);
This is another approach that also allows spying on chains of jQuery methods - which took me a long time to figure out.
In the example, I am trying to test that an email field is cleared out
//set up stub and spy
const valSpy = sandbox.spy();
const jQueryStub = sandbox
.stub($.prototype, "find") // this prototype is important
.returns({ val: valSpy });
// call function under test
// check expectations
expect(jQueryStub).to.have.been.called; // not really necessary
and the function under test is (roughly):
learnerAlreadyAccepted = function(doc) {
I ran into this problem and, though I liked the solution for a single test, wanted something more dynamic that would allow for reuse across tests. I also preferred the sandbox approach, as it made restoring much easier for larger suites. End result:
export function setupChainedMethodStub(sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox, obj: any, methodName: string, methodChain: string[], value: any) {
return sandbox.stub(obj, methodName).returns(generateReturns(sandbox, methodChain, value));
function generateReturns(sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox, methodChain: string[], value: any): any {
if (methodChain.length === 1) {
return {
[methodChain[0]]: sandbox.stub().returns(value),
} else {
return {
[methodChain[0]]: sandbox.stub().returns(generateReturns(sandbox, methodChain.slice(1), value)),
Wherever I want to set up a stub on the fly, I pass in the created sandbox and the other parameters:
setupChainedMethodStub(sandbox, MyMongooseModel, 'findOne', ['sort', 'exec'], { foo: 'bar' })
Then I just have a sandbox.restore() in my highest scoped afterEach()
There are a few changes from v2.0.
More details here
One of them is:
stub(obj, 'meth', fn) has been removed, see documentation
You can downgrade but I would not recommend it, instead you can do something like this:
let stub = sinon.stub(obj, "meth").callsFake(() => {
return {
meth2: sinon.stub().callsFake(() => {
return {
meth3: sinon.stub().returns(yourFixture),
I have a simple solution that hopefully works for others.
Presuming that fetch is also a method on Cars, and fetch and find support method chaining, Cars may look something like this:
class Cars {
fetch() {
// do stuff
return this;
find() {
// do stuff
return this;
[ANSWER] We should be able to support method chaining with the stub like this:
sandbox.stub(Cars, 'fetch').callsFake(function () { return this; }); // optional
sandbox.stub(Cars, 'findOne').callsFake(function () { return this; });

Jasmine Testing Ternary Conditionals

Assume we have the following JavaScript code.
object = _.isUndefined(object) ? '' : aDifferentObject.property;
How would we be able to write a test for either scenarios in Jasmine?
Would it require two seperate describe's? Or would we be able to have a ternary conditional in the test itself?
I will use two separate describe like this
// System Under Test
function getObjectValue() {
return _.isUndefined(object) ? '' : aDifferentObject.property;
// Tests
describe('when object is undefined', function() {
it('should return empty string', function() {
describe('when object is no undefined', function () {
it('should return property from different object', function () {
Consider the following case (Angular JS/ES6/Jasmine, Controller 'as' syntax)
Controller.toggleWidgetView = () => {
Controller.isFullScreenElement() ? Controller.goNormalScreen() : Controller.goFullScreen();
Test cases in Jasmine:
describe('.toggleWidgetView()', function() {
it('should call goNormalScreen method', function() {
spyOn(Controller, 'isFullScreenElement').and.callFake(function(){
return true;
spyOn(Controller, 'goNormalScreen').and.callThrough();
it('should call goFullScreen method', function() {
spyOn(Controller, 'isFullScreenElement').and.callFake(function(){
return false;
spyOn(Controller, 'goFullScreen').and.callThrough();
Both the test cases passed.
Basically we are calling the 'toggleWidgetView' method twice and in each invocation, the condition changes (true/false) as it will in real world.

