Minimizing apps via nodejs || plain js - javascript

I'm currently working on personal automation project and I want to add 'minimize app' feature.
For example: When I click button, I want to minimize the current browser. I already have window.close(); but this will close the app definitly. I found things like window.minimalize(); or window.minimize();, but none of them worked for me. So is there a way to minimize app?
Edited: It does not have to be only client-side JS, it can be used as terminal based nodejs app. Ex: I type minimize Google Chrome, and it will minimize it.

One Google search for how to minimize browser gives the following result:
There is no way to minimize the browser window within javascript. No, there isn't. However, depending on what you're doing and which browsers you're targeting, you could play around with the blur and focus events of the window to achieve similar effect.
Alternatively, if such control is required, you could always port your code to Electron.js or Neutrino.js, which were made to let you create desktop applications using JavaScript.
Maybe if you post some code and give us a train of thought to follow, we could work something out.


How to create auto-executing script for Chrome console

The idea is that when I open a certain site in Chrome using a desktop shortcut, I want a certain script to be automatically executed via the console. It is desirable that it starts executing when the page loads. This can be done? Through the properties of the shortcut or maybe a .bat file?
I want to make a shortcut for a quick reboot of the router, which, after opening the settings page, will log into the account and click on the necessary buttons to reboot. In manual mode, everything works, but I don’t know how to automate.
You can create your own chrome extension that does certain actions depending on what happens in the browser, it is actually quite easy to do and there are multiple guides out there on how to do it.
I will shamelessly plug my own guide on how to create one with react, be aware there are many other and probably better guides out there:

automate javascript clicks within code

I want to code some script (language is not a problem), which will open a site in webbrowser or webbrowser control. but the problem I am facing is that some sites have javascript alerts/confirm (ok/cancel) buttons appear during start or if some error occurs. I don't want the user to click these buttons manually, but write some code which clicks these messages. is there any way to do so?
I have requirement from a client to create a new desktop application or plugin for browser which will send OK message for all confirm or alerts. Please note that I don't have access to code for these websites user want to visit. Hope this will make it more clear.
Depends what are your exact requirements you could check something like Selenium, which is a free and powerful UI automation tool.
If you can be bound to exactly one browser, you could maybe take advantage of augmented browsing tools like greasemonkey.
Although I don't know if this satisfies your requirements - I have a feeling that you require this for mobile, since you are mentioning webbrowser control. But I hope it's a good start point for figuring it out further.

How Do I Use Smokescreen/JavaScript to Convert Flash to an Image

I have a simple script from AccuWeather to display a weather button on my website:
I love the simple way this button displays. It's perfect for what I want.
However, the button generated is in Adobe Flash format (swf) and doesn't display on most mobile devices since iOS and Windows Phone have no support and Flash Player for Android is no longer available for download from the Google Play app store.
I thought I found a solution in an Open Source project called Smokescreen that has its development area at Github.
I don't need this to reproduce flash movies. All I need is a simple javascript-based conversion of the flash button to a flat image that can be displayed in any browser that can execute javascript, which includes mobile devices.
But the documentation and description of how to use Smokescreen at their GitHub site is minimal at best, and I'm not a javascript expert and cannot get it working.
The call I am making that obtains the Flash image from AccuWeather is:
<script src='
Can anyone tell me what the javascript would be to use Smokescreen to display the flash image produced by the above code as an image.
If Smokescreen can't do it, is there any other method that can do this live on a webpage?
Just tested smokescreen with the SWF of the page you posted, and it doesn't work, you will need to parse the SWF at server side if you still want to use that site.
I opened the dev console and tracked down the SWF from the iframe
copied the file into my computer, then
cloned the github repo and
edited the player.html (from the github repo), line 13 to point to the file I downloaded.
This is the SWF I downloaded:
Edit: this is the error message I got from the dev console:
TypeError: this.defineEditText is not a function [loader.js:136](
My system asks for permission to allow the SWF to connect to
A quick search on github reveals some nice pure javascript alternatives.
I think this one looks the most promising:
This simpleweatherjs demo shows a nice icon as well:
unfortunately there is no way your javascript can handle swf, espacially on mobile devices like whith ios or windows phone since the javascript is running on your device itself.
all you could try is to use swfobject which is described as a workaround for javascript
here is the documentation of swfobject
Have you considered using a headless browser like phantomjs? You could use something like Selenium instead for out-of-the-box plugin support, but there are headless options for Flash.
The beauty of such software is that it can automate any user task (that's why it's used for testing). Like logging onto a site and performing a search that would normally not be available externally because of antiforgery tokens. Or checking if a product's price has changed by seeing if its DOM element value's has changed. Or accessing your online banking to see if your balance is a prime number and rendering your credit card bill in fractal form.
I mean, if you want to go this far for a weather widget, you probably have power user needs :)
...also Accuweather seems to do a fairly similar mobile-friendly version. And if it's not 100% the same, you could always ask.
Edit: check their T&C, the mobile-friendly snippet might actually be the only option for legal reasons.

Best ways to develop painlessly in Javascript on a local machine

I'm pretty new to workign with Javascript.
In most languages you can run the code quickly locally on your machine. From what I've seen, in JS you generally only use it via the browser, and so I've been uploading my code an viewing its effects in the browser. This has proven very tiresome. Also, if I mak one error, it seems like my JS/JQuery will just do NOTHING, instead of giving me a useful error, message, which is making it painfully slow to code in.
IS there some way to run JS locally to see that it is working as I go? And then only upload it to the web when I'm mostly done? What ways are there for me to do this? What ways aer there for me to unit test the Javascript locally? Say I have some JAML that should render as <p>HI</p>, how do I run this locally in a unit test?
Thanks for the help,
Thanks for all the great suggestions. I'll have to take a bit of time and go through them to see which ones best help me in my situation.
Since you're using jQuery, I assume that you actually want to manipulate the various elements on your page. So depending on your specific development enviroment, uploading it each time is probably the way to go anyway. If you can set up a dev enviroment on your local machine (not always possible) then go with that.
As an actual answer to your question, I suggest using Chrome's developer tools, it doesn't just have the console, but an element inspector, and a resource tracker (resource tracker is invaluable when working with JSON and AJAX, since invalid json will fail silently)
As far as I know, the firebug plugin for firefox (dont use it myself) has a similar feature set, so if you're more comfortable with that go with it.
Just remember, as a developer, your development (and debuggin) enviroment is just as important as the code that you are writing.
EDIT: Noticed that you mentioned unit testing. There are several unit testing frameworks out there for JS including one that integrates with firebug called FireUnit. Do a quick google search to find more if you want.
You don't need to upload the JS file to a server to test it. Just write an html and declare the js binding
Edit the JS file in your favorite editor and then refresh the page to test it.
For unit testing the best option is Selenium. It allows you to record an interaction with the browser and then play it back.
You can use Firebug with Firefox to debug JS, and Google Chrome has a debugger built-in (use the Tools -> Developer Tools menu).
You can run Javascript from the local file on your machine in your browser, so you can skip the uploading step.
Also, I'd recommend using Firefox/Firebug combo for developing Javascript as it will be very handy, especially for the part you mentioned about not seeing what's going wrong with your code.
Even if you upload your javascript it gets downloaded back to you as soon as you visit the webpage that invoques it. Its run client side always. So stick to local and use firebug as the others have said. Google`s developer tool is quite nice too.
In the browser if you open the developer tools, follow the following steps:
1) Navigate to sources
2) Under sources, click snippet and open run.js
3) You can use run.js to write as much code as you want and run it locally only to see if your code is working or not (it will give you output on the console)
4) Also you can get used to some keyboard shortcuts to make it faster for you.
5) For small javascript codes, you can navigate to console and run your code there
If you want to do unit testing with Javascript there are extension of Firebug that can help you with that. I haven't try any of them, so I can't really tell you which one are worth considering, but you can easily find them if you search for the keyword "Firebug unit testing" on Google.
What seems to be comming on top is FireUnit. You can find some information about how it works here.
Consider Spider Monkey, which is a javascript engine separate from a browser. If what you are developing does not involve rendering to a webpage or can be separated from the rendering code (good practice!), then this could be useful.
I prefer Chrome to Firefox and I just found Web Server for Chrome.
It's just a Google App that quickly sets up a web server for you and will be set up anywhere you are logged into Chrome. It only allows file access to your current devices, or if you specify, other devices only on the current LAN.
You just point it to the directory with your index.html file and type in your browser.
Additionally to the answers given you can use Jasmine for automated testing.
A tutorial that seems to help get started with automated testing on Jasmine is provided by Evan Hahn.
I used it and for me it works like a charm. Especially if test driven development is what you are going for!

Any way to detect browser running through Terminal Services?

I am working on a site that has some jquery based animation, and I was wondering if there is any way to detect if the site is running in browser that is being run in a terminal services (remote desktop) session so I can disable the animation?
I run through remote desktop quite often from remote locations and animations always annoy me, but I really like them when I'm not running through remote desktop. Is there any way to ease the pain without getting rid of animations all together?
I guess I could allow the user to turn them off, and have it store a cookie... but is there any way to do it automatically?
This is almost certainly impossible with JavaScript (way, way above the level JavaScript operates at). It may be possible via something like Flash or ActiveX.
Edit: You will likely need something along the lines of what nVidia is using here:
Looks like a Java applet.
If the site animation is annoying to you, you may want to take it off completely as it may be annoying to site users?
I would suggest not building in extra code to stop the site from displaying as it should, in some cases users of the site may be running terminal services themselves (creating a point of failure)
If the animation is some kind of intro you could have a "skip" feature that switches it off an use a cookie as you mention.

