show only one div hide multiple div - javascript

I have multiple div which has the same class and I want to display only one div per click which belongs to the parent div. I want to hide and show div "post-reply-box".
<div class="comet-avatar">
<img src="images/resources/comet-3.jpg" alt="">
<div class="we-comment">
<div class="coment-head">
<span>16 days ago</span>
<a class="we-reply" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Reply"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i></a>
<p>i like lexus cars, lexus cars are most beautiful with the awesome features, but this car is really outstanding than lexus</p> </div>
<div class="comnt comnt-reply">
<div class="post-reply-box" style="padding:10px; display: none;">
<form method="post">
<textarea placeholder="You are Replying..."></textarea>
<button class="replyButton" type="submit">send</button>
<button class="cancelButton">cancel</button>

The issue in your code is because you're using a class selector which retrieves all the .post-reply-box elements in the DOM, not just the one relevant to the button which was clicked.
To fix this use DOM traversal to relate the elements to each other. In this specific example use closest() to get the .we-comment related to the button, then next() to get the .comnt-reply container, then find().
In addition there some other issues which need to be addressed:
There's no need to duplicate document.ready handlers. Put all the logic in a single one.
Use show() and hide() instead of css() to set the display state of the element.
Use a CSS file instead of inline style elements to set style rules.
Attach the event handler to the a element, not the child i, and call preventDefault() on the event that's raised.
Add the type="button" attribute to the Cancel button so that clicking it does not submit the form.
With all that said, try this:
jQuery($ => { // updated document.ready handler
$(".we-reply").on("click", e => {
$('.post-reply-box').hide(); // hide all
$('.we-comment').next('.comnt-reply').find(".post-reply-box").show(); // show relevant
$(".cancelButton").on("click", function() {
.post-reply-box {
padding: 10px;
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="comet-avatar">
<img src="images/resources/comet-3.jpg" alt="">
<div class="we-comment">
<div class="coment-head">
<span>16 days ago</span>
<a class="we-reply" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Reply"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i> Reply</a>
<span class="like-comment" data-toggle="tooltip" title="like">
<i class="ti-heart"></i>
<p>i like lexus cars, lexus cars are most beautiful with the awesome features, but this car is really outstanding than lexus</p>
<div class="comnt comnt-reply">
<div class="post-reply-box">
<form method="post">
<textarea placeholder="You are Replying..."></textarea>
<button class="replyButton" type="submit">send</button>
<button class="cancelButton" type="button">cancel</button>
<div class="comet-avatar">
<img src="images/resources/comet-3.jpg" alt="">
<div class="we-comment">
<div class="coment-head">
<span>16 days ago</span>
<a class="we-reply" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Reply"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i> Reply</a>
<span class="like-comment" data-toggle="tooltip" title="like">
<i class="ti-heart"></i>
<p>i like lexus cars, lexus cars are most beautiful with the awesome features, but this car is really outstanding than lexus</p>
<div class="comnt comnt-reply">
<div class="post-reply-box">
<form method="post">
<textarea placeholder="You are Replying..."></textarea>
<button class="replyButton" type="submit">send</button>
<button class="cancelButton" type="button">cancel</button>


How to copy the href link of an anchor to other anchor?

I am showing a set of products via shortcode in WordPress. The display has an image and button.
Problem: Only the photo contains the link to single product page. The associated button does not have the link to the single product page.
This is the current code:
<div class="display-products">
<div class="wpb_wrapper">
<div class="displayProduct-shortcode displayProduct-Container">
<div class="product_grid dp-section dp-group woocommerce" id="displayProduct">
<div class="dp_product_item dp-col dp-col_1_of_6 firstcol">
<div class="dp_images">
<a class="dp-product-image" title="Custom Made Wedding Cabinet" href="">
<div class="he-wrap tpl1">
<div class="dp-img-wrapper"> <img width="192" height="264" alt="#" class="attachment-display_product_thumbnail size-display_product_thumbnail wp-post-image" src="img_src"> </div>
</div> <span data-id="696" class="dpquickview dp_quickview_button"><img src="img_src"></span> </a>
<div class="dp-product-information clearfix">
<h2 class="product-name">
<a title="Custom Made Wedding Cabinet" href="#">Custom Made Wedding Cabinet</a>
<div class="dp-stock"></div>
<div class="dp-grid-button"> <a class="single_add_to_cart_button button alt db_customButton" href="#">READ MORE</a> </div>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
Desired Output: I want to somehow iterate over each .single_add_to_cart_button and copy the link of every product-name to each READ MORE button
This is my current jquery code:
j('.display-products .displayProduct-shortcode .dp-product-information .dp-grid-button .single_add_to_cart_button').each(function() {
var getProductLink = j('.display-products .displayProduct-shortcode .dp-product-information .product-name > a').attr('href');
j(this).attr('href', getProductLink);
Set the href attribute value using the elements context. Use closest() to traverse up to dp-product-information element then find the desired anchor element the read its attribute and set the value.
j('.display-products .displayProduct-shortcode .dp-product-information .dp-grid-button .single_add_to_cart_button').attr('href', function(){
return j(this).closest('.dp-product-information').find('.product-name>a').attr('href');
$(function() {
$('.dp-product-information .dp-grid-button .single_add_to_cart_button').attr('href', function() {
return $(this).closest('.dp-product-information').find('.product-name > a').attr('href');
<script src=""></script>
<div class="dp-product-information clearfix">
<h2 class="product-name">
<a title="Custom Made Wedding Cabinet" href="#Test">Custom Made Wedding Cabinet</a>
<div class="dp-stock"></div>
<div class="dp-grid-button">
<a class="single_add_to_cart_button button alt db_customButton" href="#">READ MORE</a>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
Instead of assigning value for the different buttons with the links I would like to suggest you to use a common class (if you can) then trigger the click event for them:

Show hide separate divs with jQuery

With my inexperience in jQuery, I'm finding the simplest tasks difficult.
What I attempt to do is show/hide certain messages when a certain icon is clicked. This is my HTML:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class ="col-md-2 pov_icon">
<div class="pov_icon_small" value="measure">
<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>
<div class="pov_title_small">
<div class ="col-md-2 pov_icon">
<div class="pov_icon_large" value="locate">
<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i>
<div class="pov_title_large">
<div class ="col-md-2 pov_icon">
<div class="pov_icon_small" value="inform">
<i class="fa fa-commenting"></i>
<div class="pov_title_small">
<div id="measure" style="display:none" class="pov_description">
<p> Message MESSAGE</p>
<div id="locate" class="pov_description">
<p> Message LOCATE</p>
<div id="inform" style="display:none" class="pov_description">
<p> Message INFORM</p>
My JavaScript code that changes the pov icon/title classes works and is currently here:
$('.pov_icon_small , .pov_icon_large').on('click', function () {
What I aim to do, is display a certain message (e.g. Message Measure) when the a certain icon pov_icon_small value="measure" is clicked while keeping the others hidden. When the user clicks another icon; that respective message will be displayed and the others will be hidden :
The message-linking JS code doesn't seem to work. Am I doing a small error here? Or should I be preparing the code in a completely different way?
Theres two issues, first your CSS selector input[.pov_icon_small] is not valid. The second is that you are attaching the click function to pov_icon_small which do not have enough height or width for a user to click. I've adjusted the HTML so this binds to the pov_title_small class instead.
You'll want to attach your click function to items have a value, then pass that value as the selector. For pov_title_small I've changed the attribute value to data-value, then the click function uses that to select the ID you want to display. Here is the code:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class ="col-md-2 pov_icon">
<div class="pov_icon_small">
<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>
<div class="pov_title_small" data-value="measure">
<div class ="col-md-2 pov_icon">
<div class="pov_icon_large">
<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i>
<div class="pov_title_large" data-value="locate">
<div class ="col-md-2 pov_icon">
<div class="pov_icon_small">
<i class="fa fa-commenting"></i>
<div class="pov_title_small" data-value="inform">
<div id="measure" style="display:none" class="pov_description">
<p> Message MESSAGE</p>
<div id="locate" style="display: none;" class="pov_description">
<p> Message LOCATE</p>
<div id="inform" style="display:none" class="pov_description">
<p> Message INFORM</p>
$('[data-value]').bind('click', function(){
You can see it working in this JS Fiddle:
1st : you just need to get a value and convert it to id ..
2nd: like #juvian mentioned $('input[.pov_icon_small]') is not a valid selector
3rd .pov_icon_small its a div not an input so you can use $('div.pov_icon_small') instead
4th: .pov_icon_small doesn't have any value attribute .. .pov_title_small and .pov_title_large those has the value attribute
$('div.pov_title_small , div.pov_title_large').click(function(){
var ThisValue = $.trim($(this).attr('value'));
Working Demo
if you need to control it from .pov_icon you have 2 ways
1st: put a value attribute in .pov_icon_small/large
2nd: you can use
$('div.pov_icon_small , div.pov_icon_large').click
var ThisValue = $.trim($(this).next('div[class^="pov_title_"]').attr('value'));

jQuery Click event not attaching to Knockout template

I have a block of code that is attached to a jQuery click event. Here's the element:
<!-- Profiles -->
<div class="profiles">
<div class="profile">
<div class="name">
<input type="text" maxlength="14" value="Default" />
<span class="rename">q</span>
<div class="controls">
<span class="edit">EDIT</span>
<span class="duplicate">COPY</span>
<span class="delete default">J</span>
<div class="alert-box">
<p>Are you sure you want to delete this profile?</p>
<div class="saved">
<span class="cancel-button">Cancel</span><span class="save-button">Save</span>
When the item is selected, it becomes available for editing. Here's the event listener:
$('.rename').click(function () {
$('.selected .rename').fadeIn(80);
There's another event that listens for a click anywhere else on the page to deselect the item being edited:
$(document).click(function () {
$(".selected .rename").fadeIn(80);
When it is clicked on, it should be selected to allow for editing. When I move the code from the profile into a knockout template, it doesn't listen to the click event anymore. When I inspect the Event Listeners in Chrome's tools, the listener is nowhere to be found. Here is what my template looks like:
<div class="profiles">
<div data-bind="template: { name: 'profilestempl', foreach: $root.profiles }"></div>
<script type="text/html" id="profilestempl">
<div class="profile">
<div class="name">
<input type="text" maxlength="14" data-bind="value: name" />
<span class="rename">q</span>
<div class="controls">
<span class="edit">EDIT</span>
<span class="duplicate">COPY</span>
<span class="delete">J</span>
<div class="alert-box">
<p>Are you sure you want to delete this profile?</p>
<div class="saved">
<span class="cancel-button">Cancel</span><span class="save-button">Save</span>
Can someone explain to me why the event listener no longer works on the dynamically added elements? I would also like help in solving this problem. Thanks!
You have to add click event listener on the outer element which is always visible (since it doesn't work on hidden elements). And then add other selector for template code (which is hidden)
Sample code would be:
function addClickEventToCloseButton(){
If you want the handler to work on elements that will be created in the future you should use on :

Can't get div to hide by id not class

I'm trying to simply hide something when the page loads...I'm actually going to have quite a few things hidden eventually, but right now I can get this to hide. I've scrolled some of the answers I've found on SO, but can't get it working. I have to keep the .jumbotron class for css so I simply added an id onto it...........not sure if that's the problem or's my code. I left out the beginning as nobody really needs to see that.
<!-- Jumbotron -->
<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>Data Loader</h1>
<p class="lead">Follow the directions to load your data.</p>
<a class="btn btn-large btn-success" href="#">Start</a>
<div id="second_slide" class="jumbotron" >
<h1>Data Loader</h1>
<p class="lead">Follow the directions to load your data.</p>
<a class="btn btn-large btn-success" href="#">Start</a>
<!-- Example row of columns -->
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span4">
<div class="footer">
<p>© Company 2013</p>
</div> <!-- /container -->
//doesn't work
$('.jumbotron #second_slide').click(function(){
var index=$('.jumbotron #second_slide').index(this);
$('.jumbotron #second_slide').hide();
It doesn't work because there is no element with an ID of 'second_slide' inside an element with a class of 'jumbotron'.
Try this:
Try this
<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>Data Loader</h1>
<p class="lead">Follow the directions to load your data.</p>
<a class="btn btn-large btn-success" href="#">Start</a>
<div id="second_slide" class="jumbotron" >
<h1>Data Loader</h1>
<p class="lead">Follow the directions to load your data.</p>
<a class="btn btn-large btn-success" href="#">Start</a>
var index=$('#second_slide').index(this);
It looks like the problem is the selector in $('.jumbotron #second_slide'). All you need is the id: $('#second_slide').
$('.jumbotron #second_slide') is trying to find an element with id="second_slide" within the class="jumbotron" divs.
Did you read ? Writing something like .clazz #id you actually want to search for the id inside .clazz. You should probably iterate through those jumbotrons and select one you're interested in, then extract that component.
I'll have a go:
That's the entire <script> element.

Toggle Javascript outside of parent

I have issues when trying to place an event to toggle a div using an element outside of the parent container.
I trying to target the same behavior from outside of the parent elements using a span tag.
Any help would be grateful.
<div class='toggle_parent'>
<div class='toggleHolder'>
<span class='toggler'>Open</span>
<span class='toggler' style='display:none;'>Close</span>
<div class='toggled_content' style='display:none;width:100%;height:400px;'>
<h2>Hello This Is My Content Right Here</h2>
<span class='toggler btn btn-large'>Close</span>
<!-- I need this element to trigger from outside -->
<span class="toggler btn btn-large btn-info">Gain Early Access</span>
/* $(this).parent().children().toggle(); //swaps the display:none between the two spans */
$(this).parent().parent().find('.toggled_content').slideToggle(); //swap the display of the main content with slide action
Amended your example to suit the purpose.
<div id="container">
<span class='open'>Open</span>
<span class='close' style='display:none;'>Close</span>
<div class='content' style='display:none;width:100%;height:400px;'>
<h2>Hello This Is My Content Right Here</h2>
<span class='close'>Close</span>
<!-- I need this element to trigger from outside -->
<span class="toggle">Gain Early Access</span>
$(".toggle").click( function( ) {
$(".open").click( function( ) {
$(".close").click( function( ) {
Just use a global parent div.
<div id="container">
<div class='toggle_parent'>
<div class='toggleHolder'>
<span class='toggler'>Open</span>
<span class='toggler' style='display:none;'>Close</span>
<div class='toggled_content' style='display:none;width:100%;height:400px;'>
<h2>Hello This Is My Content Right Here</h2>
<span class='toggler btn btn-large'>Close</span>
<!-- I need this element to trigger from outside -->
<span class="toggler btn btn-large btn-info">Gain Early Access</span>
And you can just do this :
var container = $('#container');
container.on('click', '.toggler', function() {
container.find('.toggleHolder .toggler').toggle();
By the way, if you use jQuery 1.7 or more, live is deprecated. See

