Reduce function creating an array with half the data - javascript

I am trying to sort data into separate arrays based on the value of a property inside each object. I am using a reduce function which is new to me and still quite confusing.
My data looks like this:
const data = [{
score: 2,
category: "date of admission"
subcategory: 2-days
}, { score: 12,
category: "Vitals",
subcategory: "bloodPressure",
score: 4,
category: "date of admission"
subcategory: 3-days
My reduce function looks like this:
const grouped = data.reduce((cat, item, index, data) => {
for (index = 0; data.length; index++) {
cat[item.category] = [];
return cat;
}, {});
The problem Im having is the output when I console.log(grouped) each array will have the correct category label but inside the array there is only ever 1 object. Even tho the data may have more than one item with the same category. Im not sure what Im doing wrong here. Any advice would be helpful.

I think you're looking for something like this:
const grouped = data.reduce((catetories, item) => {
const category = catetories[item.category] || [];
return {
[item.category]: [
}, {});
const groupedArr = Object.keys(grouped).map((key) => grouped[key]);

const data = [{
score: 2,
category: "date of admission",
subcategory: "2-days"
}, { score: 12,
category: "Vitals",
subcategory: "bloodPressure",
score: 4,
category: "date of admission",
subcategory: "3-days"
const cat = {};
for (let c of data) {
if (cat[c.category]) {
} else {
cat[c.category] = [c];


How to add label to js array?

Hi I am looking to create an array that looks similar to this
const userList = {
123: "Tom",
124: "Michael",
125: "Christin",
it contains both value and label, what I tried so far
let raw = []
for (let x in data) {
raw.push(data[x].facility_name : data[x].id)
but it didn't work because "," was expected, if someone can help please
You are confusing arrays and objects. You need to add a key to an object not push. I kept it as a for in loop, but a for of loop would make more sense.
const data = [
{ id: 1, facility_name: "foo1" },
{ id: 2, facility_name: "foo2" },
{ id: 3, facility_name: "foo3" }
let raw = {};
for (let x in data) {
raw[data[x].id] = data[x].facility_name;
How I would code it using reduce.
var data = [
{ id: 1, facility_name: "foo1" },
{ id: 2, facility_name: "foo2" },
{ id: 3, facility_name: "foo3" }
const raw = data.reduce(function (acc, facility) {
acc[] = facility.facility_name;
return acc;
}, {})
IF your data has nested objects then you might do this:
let raw = {};
for(x in data)
raw[data[x].facility_name] = data[x].id;
This is useful when you want to get rid of duplicates.

How can I sort through an Axios response?

I am using Axios to execute a GET request to a public API, I need to combine the names if they are the same and add the values up to only show the top 20 (It's a large dataset) based on the highest to lowest amounts(ascending order).
Axios Response
name: "foo1",
value: "8123.30"
name: "foo1",
value: "2852.13"
name: "foo2",
value: "5132.23"
name: "foo1",
value: "1224.20"
name: "foo2",
value: "1285.23"
Expected Output
{ name: "foo1",
value: "12199.63" // from all combined "foo1" amounts in the dataset
name: "foo2",
value: "6417.46" // from all combined "foo2" amounts in the dataset
I tried to do something like this....
const fetchData = () => {
return axios.get(url)
.then((response) =>
function onlyWhatINeed() {
const newArr = []
return fetchData().then(data => {
const sortedData = data.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a.value) - parseFloat(b.value));
// I need to loop through the dataset and add all the "values" up
// returning only the top 20 highest values in an array of those objects
But I am confused as to how to push this data to a new array of the sorted data (top 20 values in ascending order) and use this data in my web application. I am a bit new to creating REST APIs so if you could provide articles and/or resources so I can understand a little more that would be an awesome bonus!
You can combine the entries that share the same name using a map, then sort the map and keep the first twenty elements :
function onlyWhatINeed() {
const newArr = []
return fetchData().then(data => {
let map = new Map();
data.forEach(d => {
if(!map.has( {
map.set(, parseFloat(d.value));
} else {
map.set(, map.get( + parseFloat(d.value));
return Array.from(map.entries()).sort((a, b) => a.value - b.value).slice(0, 20);
Since you're dealing with a large dataset, I recommend that you handle this server side instead of offloading the sorting to your clients.
async function fetchData(){
const { data } = await axios.get(url);
let newArr = []
data.forEach((e,i) => {
let index = newArr.findIndex(el => ===;
if(index !== -1 ) newArr[index].value += parseFloat(e.value); //add to the value if an element is not unique
if(index === -1 ) newArr.push({...e, value: parseFloat(e.value)}); //push to the array if the element is unique and convert value to float
return newArr.sort((a,b) => a.value - b.value).slice(0,20);//returns an array of 20 elements after sorting
Please do more research on how to work with arrays and objects in general.
If you happen to already be using lodash, then here's a functional-style solution using lodash chaining. Probably not optimal performance, but could be useful for relatively small datasets.
const _ = require('lodash');
const data = [
name: "foo1",
value: "8123.30"
name: "foo1",
value: "2852.13"
name: "foo2",
value: "5132.23"
name: "foo1",
value: "1224.20"
name: "foo2",
value: "1285.23"
name: "foo3",
value: "1000.00"
name: "foo3",
value: "2000.00"
// 1. convert string values to floats
// 2. group by name
// 3. sum values by name
// 4. sort by descending value
// 5. take top 20
const output =
.map(obj => ({
value: parseFloat(obj.value)
.map((objs, key) => ({
name: key,
value: _.sumBy(objs, 'value')
.orderBy(['value'], 'desc')
.slice(0, 20)
console.log('output:', output);

Create unique values from duplicates in Javascript array of objects

I have an array of duplicated objects in Javascript. I want to create an array of unique objects by adding the index of occurrence of the individual value.
This is my initial data:
const array= [
This is expected end result:
const array= [
I feel like this should be fairly simple, but got stuck on it for a while. Can you please advise how I'd go about this? Also if possible, I need it efficient as the array can hold up to 1000 items.
EDIT: This is my solution, but I don't feel like it's very efficient.
const array = [
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "C" },
{ name: "B" },
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "C" },
{ name: "B" },
const sortedArray = _.sortBy(array, 'name');
let previousItem = {
name: '',
counter: 0
const indexedArray = => {
if ( === {
previousItem.counter += 1;
const name = `${}-${previousItem.counter}`;
return { name };
} else {
previousItem = { name:, counter: 0};
return item;
Currently you are sorting it first then looping over it, which may be not the most efficient solution.
I would suggest you to map over it with a helping object.
const a = [{name:"A"},{name:"A"},{name:"A"},{name:"B"},{name:"B"},{name:"C"},{name:"C"},], o = {};
const r ={ name }) => {
typeof o[name] === 'number' ? o[name]++ : o[name] = 0;
return { name: `${name}-${o[name]}` };
Keep a counter, and if the current name changes, reset the counter.
This version mutates the objects. Not sure if you want a copy or not. You could potentially sort the array by object name first to ensure they are in order (if that's not already an existing precondition.)
const array = [
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "B" },
{ name: "B" },
{ name: "C" },
{ name: "C" },
let name, index;
for (let i in array) {
index = array[i].name == name ? index + 1 : 0;
name = array[i].name;
array[i].name += `-${index}`;
Another way, if you don't want to sort, and don't want to mutate any objects, is to use a map and keep track of the current index for each object.
const array = [
// NOTE: I put the items in mixed up order.
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "C" },
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "B" },
{ name: "A" },
{ name: "C" },
{ name: "B" },
let index = {};
let next = name => index[name] = index[name] + 1 || 0;
let result = => ({ ...obj, name: + '-' + next( }));

How to add a value to an array in a specific location with JS

I have an array of objects:
const array = [
{ id: 1 },
{ id: 2 },
{ id: 3 },
{ id: 4 }
and I need to add another entry to it, but it needs to be placeable within any location in the array. So for example:
array.push({ id: 5, after_id: 2 }); and this should place the new entry between ids 2 and 3. Is there some standard way of doing this?
#p.s.w.g Has posted what is probably the best solution in a comment already, but I thought I'd post my original solution here as an answer now this is reopened.
You can use some to iterate through the array until the correct index is found, then you can slice the array and insert the item at the relevant index:
const arrayTest = [{
id: 1
id: 2
id: 3
id: 4
const insertAfterId = (array, item, idAfter) => {
let index = 0;
array.some((item, i) => {
index = i + 1;
return === idAfter
return [
...array.slice(0, index),
...array.slice(index, array.length),
const result = insertAfterId(arrayTest, {
id: 6
}, 2)

Create new array from iterating JSON objects and getting only 1 of its inner array

See jsfiddle here:
I have data that contains objects that each have an array of images. I want only the first image of each object.
var data1 = [
id: 1,
images: [
{ name: '1a' },
{ name: '1b' }
id: 2,
images: [
{ name: '2a' },
{ name: '2b' }
id: 3
id: 4,
images: []
var filtered = [];
var b = data1.forEach((element, index, array) => {
if(element.images && element.images.length)
The output needs to be flat:
['1a', '2a']
How can I make this prettier?
I'm not too familiar with JS map, reduce and filter and I think those would make my code more sensible; the forEach feels unnecessary.
First you can filter out elements without proper images property and then map it to new array:
const filtered = data1
.filter(e => e.images && e.images.length)
.map(e => e.images[0].name)
To do this in one loop you can use reduce function:
const filtered = data1.reduce((r, e) => {
if (e.images && e.images.length) {
return r
}, [])
You can use reduce() to return this result.
var data1 = [{
id: 1,
images: [{
name: '1a'
}, {
name: '1b'
}, {
id: 2,
images: [{
name: '2a'
}, {
name: '2b'
}, {
id: 3
}, {
id: 4,
images: []
var result = data1.reduce(function(r, e) {
if (e.hasOwnProperty('images') && e.images.length) r.push(e.images[0].name);
return r;
}, [])
All answers are creating NEW arrays before projecting the final result : (filter and map creates a new array each) so basically it's creating twice.
Another approach is only to yield expected values :
Using iterator functions
function* foo(g)
for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++)
if (g[i]['images'] && g[i]["images"].length)
yield g[i]['images'][0]["name"];
var iterator = foo(data1) ;
var result =;
while (!result.done)
result =;
This will not create any additional array and only return the expected values !
However if you must return an array , rather than to do something with the actual values , then use other solutions suggested here.

