How to add label to js array? - javascript

Hi I am looking to create an array that looks similar to this
const userList = {
123: "Tom",
124: "Michael",
125: "Christin",
it contains both value and label, what I tried so far
let raw = []
for (let x in data) {
raw.push(data[x].facility_name : data[x].id)
but it didn't work because "," was expected, if someone can help please

You are confusing arrays and objects. You need to add a key to an object not push. I kept it as a for in loop, but a for of loop would make more sense.
const data = [
{ id: 1, facility_name: "foo1" },
{ id: 2, facility_name: "foo2" },
{ id: 3, facility_name: "foo3" }
let raw = {};
for (let x in data) {
raw[data[x].id] = data[x].facility_name;
How I would code it using reduce.
var data = [
{ id: 1, facility_name: "foo1" },
{ id: 2, facility_name: "foo2" },
{ id: 3, facility_name: "foo3" }
const raw = data.reduce(function (acc, facility) {
acc[] = facility.facility_name;
return acc;
}, {})

IF your data has nested objects then you might do this:
let raw = {};
for(x in data)
raw[data[x].facility_name] = data[x].id;
This is useful when you want to get rid of duplicates.


Reduce function creating an array with half the data

I am trying to sort data into separate arrays based on the value of a property inside each object. I am using a reduce function which is new to me and still quite confusing.
My data looks like this:
const data = [{
score: 2,
category: "date of admission"
subcategory: 2-days
}, { score: 12,
category: "Vitals",
subcategory: "bloodPressure",
score: 4,
category: "date of admission"
subcategory: 3-days
My reduce function looks like this:
const grouped = data.reduce((cat, item, index, data) => {
for (index = 0; data.length; index++) {
cat[item.category] = [];
return cat;
}, {});
The problem Im having is the output when I console.log(grouped) each array will have the correct category label but inside the array there is only ever 1 object. Even tho the data may have more than one item with the same category. Im not sure what Im doing wrong here. Any advice would be helpful.
I think you're looking for something like this:
const grouped = data.reduce((catetories, item) => {
const category = catetories[item.category] || [];
return {
[item.category]: [
}, {});
const groupedArr = Object.keys(grouped).map((key) => grouped[key]);
const data = [{
score: 2,
category: "date of admission",
subcategory: "2-days"
}, { score: 12,
category: "Vitals",
subcategory: "bloodPressure",
score: 4,
category: "date of admission",
subcategory: "3-days"
const cat = {};
for (let c of data) {
if (cat[c.category]) {
} else {
cat[c.category] = [c];

Change particular key in nested array to object in javascript

If the fields key in a object is array, change the first value of arrays as a key value pair object in javascript.
var obj =
{ id:1, fields:["item", "2", "list"]},
{ id:2, fields:["sample", "1", "check"]}
function newObj(obj) {
let objFields = {};
modifiedObj.fields.forEach(field => objFields[field] = field);
modifiedObj.fields= objFields;
return modifiedObj;
var result = this.newObject(obj)
Expected Output
item: "item",
sample: "sample"
Try this:
var obj =
{ id:1, fields:["item", "2", "list"]},
{ id:2, fields:["sample", "1", "check"]}
function newObject(obj) {
let objFields = {};
obj.forEach(e => {
if(e.fields && e.fields.length>0)
objFields[e.fields[0]] = e.fields[0];
return objFields;
var result = this.newObject(obj);
Here is a functional approach that makes use of Object.assign(), spread operator, and to create the object you need.
const input = [
{ id: 1, fields: ["item", "2", "list"] },
{ id: 2, fields: ["sample", "1", "check"] }
const process = (input) => (Object.assign({ fields }) => (
fields.length ? { [fields[0]]: fields[0] } : {}
Your snippet was close, you just needed to clean up the variable names, and then using map makes it a bit neater too:
const obj = [
{id: 1, fields: ["item", "2", "list"]},
{id: 2, fields: ["sample", "1", "check"]}
function newObj(inputArray) {
let outputObject = {}; => item.fields[0])
.forEach(field => outputObject[field] = field);
return outputObject;
var result = newObj(obj)

Inside an Object.value loop how can I get the key

I have to create match condition based on an array my array will look like below
var groupData={
{rollnum: 1, name:'Arya', age:15},
{rollnum: 2, name:'Aryan', age:15}
{rollnum:11, name:'Biba', age:15},
{rollnum:12, name:'Bimisha', age:15}
I am looping using for loop. How can reduce the loops. Can any one suggest me a proper way for this
I need an output (fullarray) like below
name: {'$in':['Arya', 'Aryan']},
age: {'$in':[15]}
name: {'$in':['Biba', 'Bimisha']},
age: {'$in':[15]}
Here 'A' 'B' is not coming correctly
Don't use Object.values() since that discards the A and B keys.
Use nested loops, one loop for the properties in the object, and a nested loop for the arrays.
You need to create the nested objects and arrays before you can add to them.
var groupData = { A:
[ { rollnum: 1,
name: 'Arya',
{ rollnum: 2,
name: 'Aryan',
age:15}, ],
[ { rollnum: 11,
name: 'Biba',
{ rollnum: 12,
name: 'Bimisha',
age:15} ] }
result = {};
Object.entries(groupData).forEach(([key, arr]) => {
if (!result[key]) {
result[key] = {};
cur = result[key];
arr.forEach(obj => {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key2, val]) => {
if (!cur[key2]) {
cur[key2] = {
"$in": []

ImmutableJS - pushing into a nested array

const List = Immutable.List;
const items = [
{ id: 1, subList: [] },
{ id: 2, subList: [] },
{ id: 3, subList: [] }
const newItem = { name: "sublist item" };
let collection = List(items);
collection = collection.updateIn([0, 'subList'], function (items) {
return items.concat(newItem)
Results in:
Error: invalid keyPath
I think that perhaps I need to set subList as a List(); I get the same error when trying this.
If I understand the question correctly, you want to return collection with the first element as:
id : 1,
subList: [
{name: "sublist item"}
To do this we'll need to make a few changes.
Use Immutable.fromJS to deeply convert the plain JS array of objects to an Immutable List of Maps
Use List.update() to return a new List with the updated value
Use Map.updateIn() to return a new LMapist with the updated value
Here's the whole thing:
const List = Immutable.List;
const items = [{
id: 1,
subList: []
id: 2,
subList: []
id: 3,
subList: []
const newItem = {
name: "sublist item"
let collection = Immutable.fromJS(items);
collection = collection.update(0, item => {
return item.updateIn(['subList'], subList => {
return subList.concat(newItem);
<script src=""></script>
And the result:
"id": 1,
"subList": [
"name": "sublist item"
"id": 2,
"subList": []
"id": 3,
"subList": []
Update: List.updateIn() can use an index as the keypath, so you can simplify this to the following:
collection = collection.updateIn([0, 'subList'], subList => {
return subList.concat(newItem);
Like this:
const List = Immutable.List;
const items = [{
id: 1,
subList: []
id: 2,
subList: []
id: 3,
subList: []
const newItem = {
name: "sublist item"
let collection = Immutable.fromJS(items);
collection = collection.updateIn([0, 'subList'], subList => {
return subList.concat(newItem);
<script src=""></script>
Use the object you got, update the subArray and return the whole object.
const List = Immutable.List;
const items = [
{ id: 1, subList: [] },
{ id: 2, subList: [] },
{id: 3, subList: [] }
const newItem = { name: "sublist item" };
let collection = List(items);
collection = collection.update([0], function (obj) {
obj.subList = obj.subList.concat(newItem)
return obj;
This doesn’t work because the elements of your Immutable.List are plain-old JavaScript objects (POJO), not Immutable.Maps, so updateIn doesn’t know how to work with them. You can either:
Make the objects Immutable.Maps by using Immutable.fromJS instead of Immutable.List as the constructor to convert the entire object graph to Immutable objects. (See JS Bin)
Use update([0]) instead of updateIn to just get the POJO and mutate it (as in #Navjot’s answer).

Create new array from iterating JSON objects and getting only 1 of its inner array

See jsfiddle here:
I have data that contains objects that each have an array of images. I want only the first image of each object.
var data1 = [
id: 1,
images: [
{ name: '1a' },
{ name: '1b' }
id: 2,
images: [
{ name: '2a' },
{ name: '2b' }
id: 3
id: 4,
images: []
var filtered = [];
var b = data1.forEach((element, index, array) => {
if(element.images && element.images.length)
The output needs to be flat:
['1a', '2a']
How can I make this prettier?
I'm not too familiar with JS map, reduce and filter and I think those would make my code more sensible; the forEach feels unnecessary.
First you can filter out elements without proper images property and then map it to new array:
const filtered = data1
.filter(e => e.images && e.images.length)
.map(e => e.images[0].name)
To do this in one loop you can use reduce function:
const filtered = data1.reduce((r, e) => {
if (e.images && e.images.length) {
return r
}, [])
You can use reduce() to return this result.
var data1 = [{
id: 1,
images: [{
name: '1a'
}, {
name: '1b'
}, {
id: 2,
images: [{
name: '2a'
}, {
name: '2b'
}, {
id: 3
}, {
id: 4,
images: []
var result = data1.reduce(function(r, e) {
if (e.hasOwnProperty('images') && e.images.length) r.push(e.images[0].name);
return r;
}, [])
All answers are creating NEW arrays before projecting the final result : (filter and map creates a new array each) so basically it's creating twice.
Another approach is only to yield expected values :
Using iterator functions
function* foo(g)
for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++)
if (g[i]['images'] && g[i]["images"].length)
yield g[i]['images'][0]["name"];
var iterator = foo(data1) ;
var result =;
while (!result.done)
result =;
This will not create any additional array and only return the expected values !
However if you must return an array , rather than to do something with the actual values , then use other solutions suggested here.

