array of strings into array of objects with one attribute each? - javascript

How can I turn the below array
['12345', '83747']
into the below array of objects
[ {'id': '12345'}, {'id': '83747'} ]
using map?
My attempt so far, iDs is an empty array, chunk is an array of string.:
obj.iDs.concat( => ({
id: item,
An example, my IDE reports no issues with this code:
const body = [{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'},{'id':'1234'}]
const batchGetRequestObj = {
ids: [],
targetProperties: ['contentID, updateDateTime'],
function func() {
try {
chunkArray( => {
).forEach((chunk) => {
batchGetRequestObj.ids.concat( => ({
ids: item,
} catch (e) {
function chunkArray(array: string[], size: number) {
const slicedArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i += size) {
slicedArray.push(array.slice(i, i + size));
return slicedArray;
Link to typescript playground

You're using concat, which doesn't mutate the arrays - you'll have to set the values back to the variable
var arr = ['12345', '83747']
var newids = obj.ids.concat( str => { return {"id" : str}});
obj.ids = newids


Loop into array object then check if there's a equal value?

Question, I have this array object, I want to find out which of this array have a similar values
then make them as one.
cartProduct: {
category: "chair"
color: "navy"
id: "628a1738fd8299ae6659d994"
image: "http://localhost:5000/../public/Product_chair_communal-navy.jpg"
name: "The Communal"
price: "4.30"
quantity: 1,
cartProduct: {{
category: "chair"
color: "navy"
id: "628a1738fd8299ae6659d994"
image: "http://localhost:5000/../public/Product_chair_communal-navy.jpg"
name: "The Communal"
price: "4.30"
quantity: 1,
For example the data above I want to know if they have the similar values interms of color if yes then only return one value.
You can use this loop:
let uniqueArray = [];
dataArray.forEach((item, indx) => {
let colorsArray = [];
if (colorsArray.includes(item.color)) {
Not the cleanest, or most performant approach:
// function to group the items
const groupCartItems = (items, byProperties = ['color', 'id']) => {
// utility funciton
const verifyEquality = (itemA, itemB) => {
let isEqual = true;
byProperties.forEach((prop) => {
if (itemA.cartProduct[prop] != itemB.cartProduct[prop]) {
isEqual = false;
return isEqual;
const groupedItems = [];
items.forEach((item) => {
// if item has been added, skip
if (groupedItems.find((i) => verifyEquality(item, i))) {
// find equal items
const equals = items.filter((i) => verifyEquality(item, i));
// sum quantities
const quantity = equals.reduce((previousValue, data) => previousValue + data.quantity, 0);
// push
cartProduct: item.cartProduct,
return groupedItems;
For the 'similarity' stuff, I would recommend not to do this, because it is just not a good practise. Have your values equal or else!!!
Now seriously, check string-similarity. From documentation, you would only need to change the if inside verifyEquality function to:
import stringSimilarity from 'string-similarity';
// tweak this value to change how similar strings should be to be considered equal
const EQUALITY_RATIO = 0.75;
// ....
if (stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings(itemA.cartProduct[prop], itemB.cartProduct[prop]) < EQUALITY_RATIO) {

After adding in Array element change oher element but not adding to array

i've got an array:
dataSet: [
{ name: "Имя1", image: "img.jpeg", author: "Александр Полтавченко", date: "21.02.2020", id: 1 },
{ name: "Имя2", image: "img.png", author: "Александр Полтавченко", date: "21.02.2020", id: 2 },
addedToCart: []
and here is the function which put value from dataSet to addedToCart according ID from props:
added = (id) => {
this.setState (( { addedToCart, dataList } )=>{
const newItem = dataList.filter(el=>;
const testArr = [...addedToCart ];
const filteredATC = testArr.filter((item, el)=>{
return item, el
else {
return item
it is works well (only one element with count ++) but if click add to another element it is just change element in array (with correct count surprisingly).
How to put another element into addedToCart, just like
filter returns an array instead of the desired element, you should use find instead.
I believe you would desire an approach like this:
added = (id) => {
this.setState (( { addedToCart, dataList } ) => {
const newItem = dataList.find(el=> === id);
const testArr = [...addedToCart ];
const filteredATCIndex = testArr.findIndex((_item, id) => === id)
// if there is an added item
if (filteredATCIndex !== -1) {
const count = testArr[filteredATCIndex].count + 1
testArr[filteredATCIndex] = { ...testArr[filteredATCIndex], count }
return { addedToCart: testArr }
// for new item
const newItemAdded = { ...newItem, count: 1 }
return { addedToCart: testArr }
though this approach duplicates data, which is not desirable. I suggest you consider to change addedToCart to an object where key value pairs are the id and count respectively from added items. This way you would avoid duplicating data.
then your update state would look like:
added = (id) => {
this.setState (( { addedToCart } ) => {
const count = typeof addedToCart[id] === 'undefined' ? 1 : ++addedToCart[id]
return { addedToCart: { ...addedToCart, [id]: count } }

How to use the result of an iteration to re-iterate?

I need to create a new array from another with the condition:
for example from an array
mainArr: [
I need to make an array ['1','2','148','151'] which means the path from "parentId"'s to "id":152 - (argument for this function).
I think main logic can be like this:
const parentsArr = [];
mainArr.forEach((item) => {
if ( === id) {
and the result {item.parentId} should be used to iterate again. But I don't understand how to do it...
You could use a recursive function for this. First you can transform your array to a Map, where each id from each object points to its object. Doing this allows you to .get() the object with a given id efficiently. For each object, you can get the parentId, and if it is defined, rerun your traverse() object again searching for the parent id. When you can no longer find a parentid, then you're at the root, meaning you can return an empty array to signify no parentid object exist:
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"root"},{"id":2,"parentId":1,"name":"2"},{"id":148,"parentId":2,"name":"3"},{"id":151,"parentId":148,"name":"4"},{"id":152,"parentId":151,"name":"5"}];
const transform = arr => new Map( => [, o]));
const traverse = (map, id) => {
const startObj = map.get(+id);
if("parentId" in startObj)
return [...traverse(map, startObj.parentId), startObj.parentId];
return [];
console.log(traverse(transform(arr), "152"));
If you want to include "152" in the result, you can change your recursive function to use the id argument, and change the base-case to return [id] (note that the + in front of id is used to convert it to a number if it is a string):
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"root"},{"id":2,"parentId":1,"name":"2"},{"id":148,"parentId":2,"name":"3"},{"id":151,"parentId":148,"name":"4"},{"id":152,"parentId":151,"name":"5"}];
const transform = arr => new Map( => [, o]));
const traverse = (map, id) => {
const startObj = map.get(+id);
if("parentId" in startObj)
return [...traverse(map, startObj.parentId), +id];
return [+id];
console.log(traverse(transform(arr), "152"));
I would start by indexing the data by id using reduce
var byId = data.reduce( (acc,i) => {
acc[] = i
return acc;
And then just go through using a loop and pushing the id to a result array
var item = byId[input];
var result = []
while(item.parentId) {
item = byId[item.parentId];
Live example:
const input = 152;
const data = [ { "id":1, "name":"root" }, { "id":2, "parentId":1, "name":"2" }, { "id":148, "parentId":2, "name":"3" }, { "id":151, "parentId":148, "name":"4" }, { "id":152, "parentId":151, "name":"5" } ]
var byId = data.reduce( (acc,i) => {
acc[] = i
return acc;
var item = byId[input];
var result = []
while(item.parentId) {
item = byId[item.parentId];
Try changing this line
To this
Then try
This is what I ended up with. Basically a mix of Janek and Nicks answers. It's just 2 steps:
transform code to a map.
extract the ancester_id's with a little function
let data = [
data = data.reduce( (acc, value) => {
// could optionally filter out the id here
return acc.set(, value)
}, new Map());
function extract_ancestors( data, id ) {
let result = [];
while( data.get( id ).parentId ) {
id = data.get( id ).parentId;
return result;
// some visual tests
console.log( extract_ancestors( data, 152 ) );
console.log( extract_ancestors( data, 148 ) );
console.log( extract_ancestors( data, 1 ) );
PS: My OOP tendencies start to itch so much from this haha.

How to concert [{ id:1, var1:val1, var2:val2, varX:[time1, time2, time3]}] into [{id:1, var1:val1, var2:val2, varX1:time1, varX2:time2, varX3:time3}]

I am working on a data format transformation which showed on the title, but I don't know how to figure out. I have tried to write the blow code to add the variable name for second dimensional array:
const data = [
{ id: 1, var1: 'val1', var2: 'val2', varX: ['time1', 'time2', 'time3'] },
{ id: 2, var1: 'val2', var2: 'val3', varX: ['time4', 'time5', 'time6'] },
const test = => o.varX);
for (i = 0; i < test.length; i++) {
const test2 = test[i].reduce((res, cur, idx) => {
res[`varX${idx}`] = cur;
return res;
}, {});
but what I expected result should be:
[{id:1, var1:val1, var2:val2, varX1:time1, varX2:time2, varX3:time3},{id:2, var1:val2, var2:val3, varX1:time4, varX2:time5, varX3:time6}]
Could anyone can guide me how to convert the data?
The issue with your code is that you're extracgint the properties that are not varX from the data by mapping only the values that have a varX. Then you do a good job at reducing them, but then you would have to merge the "left over" properties into the new object, it sounds a bit cumbersome to me. Instead, you could do something like the following:
const data = [
{ id: 1, var1: "val1", var2: "val2", varX: ["time1", "time2", "time3"] },
{ id: 2, var1: "val2", var2: "val3", varX: ["time4", "time5", "time6"] },
const test = => {
return Object.entries(o).reduce((p, [k, v]) => {
if (k === "varX") {
for (let index = 0; index < v.length; index++) {
p[`varX${index + 1}`] = v[index];
} else {
p[k] = v;
return p;
}, {});
First, you map the data objects, then for each object you reduce their key/value pairs and check if the property is varX, if so, then you iterate through the array and assign to the new object the varX${index + 1} since you want the first property to be varX1, otherwise you just keep the same key/value pair.
You need create objects in reducemethod instead array, after replace varX to this new object by second map() method
const data = [{'id':1, 'var1':'val1', 'var2':'val2', 'varX':['time1', 'time2', 'time3']},
{'id':2, 'var1':'val2', 'var2':'val3', 'varX':['time4', 'time5', 'time6']}]
const test = => item.varX);
const test2 = {}
for (i = 0; i < test.length; i++) {
test2[i] = test[i].reduce((accum, item, index) => {
return { ...accum, [`varX${index}`]: item};
}, {});
const dataX =, index) => {
delete item.varX
return { ...item, ...test2[index] }
Because of the first map in test, you are operating only on values of varX. You can just add another operation to merge the original data[i] objects with your new reduced varX objects.
const data = [
{ id: 1, var1: 'val1', var2: 'val2', varX: ['time1', 'time2', 'time3'] },
{ id: 2, var1: 'val2', var2: 'val3', varX: ['time4', 'time5', 'time6'] },
const test = => o.varX);
for (i = 0; i < test.length; i++) {
const test2 = test[i].reduce((res, cur, idx) => {
res[`varX${idx}`] = cur;
return res;
}, {});
// exclude varX and merge your new varX${i} back into data[i]
const {varX, ...test3} = Object.assign(data[i], test2);
Transform in-place code. I've deliberately avoided reduce, because the syntax becomes less readable and it adds performance overhead. The downside is that this code mutates the original data (transforms the data in-place). Can be easily mitigated by creating copies of objects val while mapping.
[1,2,3,4,5,6].forEach( i => eval(`time${i} = "time${i}";val${i} = "val${i}"`) );
const data = [{id:1, var1:val1, var2:val2, varX:[time1, time2, time3]}, {id:2, var1:val2, var2:val3, varX:[time4, time5, time6]}]
data.forEach((val, i)=>{
val.varX.forEach( (X,i) => val[`varX${i}`]=X );
delete val.varX;
return val;
I've created a version below using reduce and spread syntax. You can look at the spread syntax as simply an operation to copy properties to the new object being generated. I've used destructuring syntax to isolate varX from the rest of the properties and put them in varX and noVarX.
This also has the advantage of deep copying except for the final outside referenced objects in data.
[1,2,3,4,5,6].forEach( i => eval(`time${i} = "time${i}";val${i} = "val${i}"`) );
const data = [{id:1, var1:val1, var2:val2, varX:[time1, time2, time3]}, {id:2, var1:val2, var2:val3, varX:[time4, time5, time6]}]
const expanded = => {
const {varX, ...noVarX} = val;
return {
...varX.reduce( (res, cur, idx) =>
({ ...res, [`varX${idx}`]: cur }), {})

track path of recursive function

I'm trying to track path of a deep nested value in json object but having hard time getting the path. Each Item is an array of objects and can have child items. If the object c exists in the json data it is always located in the last item array.
item: [
item: [
item: [
const findPath = (items) => {
let path = []
items.forEach((item,i) => {
if('item' in item){
path = path.concat(findPath(item.item))
else if('c' in item) {
return path
if I have 3 c objects with different item depths, then I would have:
[0,0,0], //item[0].item[0].item[0].c
[1,0], //item[1].item[0].c
[4]] , //item[4].c
Any help?
Your main problem here is that you don't track the common case. You store the index only when you found a leaf, but you want all the steps in between. This being recursion, you also have to carry your return values with you, or you end up stepping on them. This works:
objects = [
item: [
item: [
item: [
const findPath = (items, current_path, matching_paths) => {
items.forEach((item,i) => {
if('item' in item){
current_path = current_path.concat(
findPath(item.item, current_path, matching_paths)
else if('c' in item) {
matching_paths.push( current_path.slice() );
current_path = [];
var path = [];
var paths = [];
findPath(objects, path, paths);
console.log(paths); //[[1, 2, 0, 0]]
If C is found push a path object to the path array and update that path object for the rest of the paths.
const findPath = (items) => {
let path = []
items.forEach((item,i) => {
if('item' in item){
let item_path = findPath(item.item)
if(item_path.length > 0){
else if('c' in item){
path.push({path:[i], c:item.c})
return path
The function must be recursive, which means it should call itself with different parameters and not loop forever.
Below is what you are looking for. I made it in TypeScript to make sure I typed it correctly, but just take off all type definitions and it becomes JavaScript:
const trackPath: number[][] = [];
function findPath(topItem: any, path: number[], position: number): void
const currentPath = path.slice();
const newTopItem = topItem['item'];
if (Array.isArray(newTopItem)) {
// here is the recursion for each subitem
newTopItem.forEach((item, i) => findPath(item, currentPath, i));
if ('c' in topItem) {
// this is the main method to call
function actuallyGetThePath(myTopItem: any): number[][] {
findPath(myTopItem, [], 0);
return trackPath;
Good luck!

