Js obj with key name defined by Object.keys - javascript

var c = {
'aa-bb': [{ a: 1, v: 2}],
'cc-xz': [{ c: 2}]
I need to create an object, whose keys (the name) must be from Object.keys.
For each key name an object of type array must be defined as below.
Can you give me a hand?
const res = {
'aa-bb': Array(number).fill(0),
'cc-xz': Array(number).fill(0)

var c = {
'aa-bb': [{
a: 1,
v: 2
'cc-xz': [{
c: 2
const keys = Object.keys(c);
let res = {},
number = 5;
keys.forEach(key => res[key] = Array(number).fill(0));

Map the keys, and create pairs of [key, array], and convert back to an object using Object.fromEntries():
const fn = (obj, arrLengh) =>
.map(key => [key, Array(arrLengh).fill(0)])
const c = {"aa-bb":[{"a":1,"v":2}],"cc-xz":[{"c":2}]};
const result = fn(c, 5);


Search in Javascript object from array of properties and compare them to a value

Best explanation of my question will be with with an example. I have an array of object, something like this: [{a:"a",b:"",c:"c"}, {a:"a",b:"b",c:""}, {a:"",b:"b",c:"c"}, {d:""} ] and [a,b]
First I want to check that objects in the first array contains the properties from second and after that to check if they are empty string ( or undefined ) to set them to let say "something". Final version:
[{a:"a",b:"something",c:"c"}, {a:"a",b:"b",c:""}, {a:"something", b:"b",c:"c"}, {a:"something", b:"something", d:""} ]
NOTE: I have working code, but looks ungly and I want to find a better approach
You could get a unique set of keys and map the values for new entries.
array = [{ a: "a", b: "", c: "c" }, { a: "a", b: "b", c: "" }, { a: "", b: "b", c: "c" }, { d: "" }],
keys = ['a', 'b'],
result = array.map(o => Object.fromEntries(
[...new Set([...Object.keys(o), ...keys])].map(k => [k, keys.includes(k) ? o[k] || 'something' : o[k]])
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
A solution without Set
array = [{ a: "a", b: "", c: "c" }, { a: "a", b: "b", c: "" }, { a: "", b: "b", c: "c" }, { d: "" }],
keys = ['a', 'b'],
result = array.map(o => Object.assign(
...keys.map(k => ({ [k]: o[k] || 'something' }))
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
let arr1 = [{a:"a",b:"",c:"c"}, {a:"a",b:"b",c:""}, {a:"",b:"b",c:"c"}, {d:""} ];
let arr2 = ['a','b'];
for (let element of arr1) {
for (let key of arr2) {
if (arr2.includes(key) && !element[key]) {
element[key] = 'Something';
console.log('arr1 = ' + JSON.stringify(arr1));
check that objects in the first array contains the properties from second
Loop through every Object in the "first" Array
Loop through every key in the "second" Array
Check that every key is present at least once in the Object's values
check if they are empty string ( or undefined ) to set them to let say "something"
Loop through every Object in the "first" Array
Loop through every key/value pair in the Object
If one of the values is an empty String or undefined, overwrite the value to be "something"
const arr = [{a:"a",b:"",c:"c"}, {a:"a",b:"b",c:""}, {a:"",b:"b",c:"c"}, {d:""}];
const required = ["a", "b"];
const replacement = "something";
const hasRequired = arr.every(e => required.every(req => Object.values(e).includes(req)));
const transformed = arr.map(e => {
return Object.entries(e).reduce((res, [k, v]) => {
if (v === "" || v === undefined) {
e[k] = replacement;
return res;
}, e);
We can take advantage of the fact that empty strings and undefined are falsy.
There are shorter ways to do this, but the following is one way you could approach it. For each object in the array, we iterate over the desired keys and set them to 'something' if its value is falsy; otherwise, we set it to itself.
const objects = [{a:'a',b:'',c:'c'}, {a:'a',b:'b',c:''}, {a:'',b:'b',c:'c'}, {d:''}];
const keys = ['a', 'b'];
objects.map(o => {
for (const key of keys) {
o[key] = o[key] || 'something';
return o;
If, however, your values can be false, 0, NaN, etc., we need to explicitly check.

How to use Array.protoype.map() on array of objects to filter out some specific keys based on it's values?

I have the following array of objects, in which some specific keys have a value which is either a string or an array. I want to get the keys with string values as it is and remove "NA" from keys with array values.
I am trying to achieve the same by doing .map method on the array, check the type of the value of each key in the data object, if an array then use .filter to remove the "NA" values.
var dataArr = [
a: 'foo',
b: [1, 2, "NA", "NA", 3],
c: ["NA", 6]
a: 'bar',
b: ["NA", "NA", "NA"],
c: []
dataArr.map(dataObj => {
for (let key in dataObj) {
if (key !== 'a')
dataObj[key] = dataObj[key].filter(val => { if(val != "NA") return val})
return dataObj;
The above block of code works as expected but I want a better and future-proof solution. Moreover, this looks bad too.
If you just want to update the original array, you could loop through the array using forEach. Then loop through each object's keys using for...in and check if it is an array using Array.isArray(). Update the property after filtering out the NA value
const dataArr = [{a:'foo',b:[1,2,"NA","NA",3],c:["NA",6]},{a:'bar',b:["NA","NA","NA"],c:[]}];
dataArr.forEach(o => {
for (const key in o) {
if (Array.isArray(o[key]))
o[key] = o[key].filter(s => s !== "NA")
If you want to get a new array without mutating the original objects, you can use map like this:
const dataArr = [{a:'foo',b:[1,2,"NA","NA",3],c:["NA",6]},{a:'bar',b:["NA","NA","NA"],c:[]}];
const newArray = dataArr.map(o => {
const newObj = {};
for (const key in o) {
if (Array.isArray(o[key]))
newObj[key] = o[key].filter(s => s !== "NA")
newObj[key] = o[key]
return newObj;
You can do that using nested map() and filter()
First of all use map() on the main array.
Then get the entries of each object using Object.entries()
Then use map() on the entries of each object.
Return the value as it is if the Array.isArray is false otherwise return the filtered value of array.
Finally use Object.fromEntries() to make an object.
var dataArr = [
a: 'foo',
b: [1, 2, "NA", "NA", 3],
c: ["NA", 6]
a: 'bar',
b: ["NA", "NA", "NA"],
c: []
const res = dataArr.map(x =>
.map(([k,v]) =>
[k,Array.isArray(v) ? v.filter(b => b !== "NA") : v])
Use for...of on the object's entries. For each entry check if it's an array. If it's an array filter, and then assign to the new object. If not, assign without filtering. This will not mutate the original array.
const dataArr = [{"a":"foo","b":[1,2,"NA","NA",3],"c":["NA",6]},{"a":"bar","b":["NA","NA","NA"],"c":[]}]
const result = dataArr.map(dataObj => {
const filterObject = {};
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(dataObj)) {
filterObject[key] = Array.isArray(val) ?
dataObj[key].filter(val => val != 'NA')
return filterObject;
const dataArr = [{
a: 'foo',
b: [1, 2, "NA", "NA", 3],
c: ["NA", 6]
a: 'bar',
b: ["NA", "NA", "NA"],
c: []
const res = dataArr.map((obj) => {
for(let i in obj){
obj[i] = obj[i].filter(el=>el!=="NA")
return obj;
console.log('#>res', res)
I guess this will be a better code refactor,pls provide with the desired output also:
for (let value in object){
let isArr = Object.prototype.toString.call(data) == '[object Array]';
isArr? object[value] = object[value].filter(val => {return val != "NA"}):null}

Mapping key and value to new keys in Javascript

Array of dictionaries should be converted simpler form.
data = [{A:1},{B:2},{C:3}]
data = {A: 1, B: 2}
data = ["0":{ A : 1, B : 2 , C : 3}]
Both are completely different datasets. I'm trying to map it also like below format.
The above should become like
data = [
name: "A",
y: 1
name: "B",
y: 2
name: "C",
y: 3
I tried this following approach but it's wrong
name = {}
return name['name'] = k , name["y"] = x
Please suggest me a better approach.
map each object's entries to extract the key and the value, and return an object with name and y keys:
const data = [{A:1},{B:2},{C:3}]
const output = data.map(item => {
const [name, y] = Object.entries(item)[0];
return { name, y };
If the keys (A, B, etc) are guaranteed to be unique throughout the array, then everything becomes simpler.
const data = [{A:1},{B:2},{C:3}];
const merged = Object.assign({}, ...data);
const newData = Object.entries(merged)
.map(([name, y]) => ({ name, y }));
However, if the keys aren't guaranteed unique, then refer to CertainPerformance's answer.
you can implement like this
var data = [{A:1},{B:2},{C:3}];
var reformattedArra = data.map(obj => {
let val = {};
val.name = Object.keys(obj)[0];
val.y = obj[Object.keys(obj)[0]];
return val;
I would say, use Object.keys() which is widly supported
let data = [{A:1},{B:2},{C:3}];
data = Object.assign({}, ...data);
data = Object.keys(data).map(key => ({ name: key, y: data[key] }));
You yould could chekc the data format and if it is not an array, build one and reduce the array by taking the objetcs and create for each key/value a new object for the result set.
function simple(data) {
return (Array.isArray(data) ? data : [data]).reduce((r, o) => [...r, ...Object.entries(o).map(([name, y]) => ({ name, y }))], []);
console.log(simple([{ A: 1 }, { B: 2 }, { C: 3, D: 4 }]));
console.log(simple({ A: 1, B: 2 }));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

How to transform Array to Object?

What is the best way to transform an array like this:
const arr = [
{ name: 'Bob' },
{ name: 'Ben' }
{ name: 'Cole' }
{ name: 'Mary' }
{ name: 'Travis' }
to an object like:
const obj = {
'B': ['Bob', 'Ben'],
'C': ['Cole'],
'M': ['Mary'],
'T': ['Travis']
Using only vanilla JS
You can use array#reduce. Iterate through each object of your array and then extract out the first letter and add names corresponding to it.
const arr = [{name: 'Bob'}, {name: 'Ben'}, {name: 'Cole'}, {name: 'Mary'}, {name: 'Travis'}],
result = arr.reduce((r,{name}) => {
r[name[0]] = r[name[0]] || [];
return r;
Vanilla JS you say? Here you go
let nil = x => x === undefined;
let empty = ([h]) => nil(h);
let first = ([h]) => h;
let last = ([h, ...t]) => empty(t) ? h : last(t);
let map = ([h, ...t], f) => nil(h) ? [] : [f(h), ...map(t, f)];
let reduce = ([h, ...t], f, i) => nil(h) ? i : reduce(t, f, f(i, h));
let tab = (a, f) => map(a, x => [x, f(x)]);
let push = (a, x) => nil(a) ? [x] : [...a, x];
let groupBy = (a, f) => _groupBy(tab(a, f));
let _groupBy = ka => reduce(ka, (g, [x, k]) => ({...g, [k]: push(g[k], x)}), {});
const arr = [{ name: 'Bob' },{ name: 'Ben' },{ name: 'Cole' },{ name: 'Mary' },{ name: 'Travis' }]
z = groupBy(map(arr, x => x.name), first)
No built-ins!
I created an array where the key is the first letter of the name using the reduce function and restructuring the 'name' from the objects. If the key exists in the array the name is pushed (using spread operator). Else, it creates the key with only one element.
const arr = [
{ name: 'Bob' },
{ name: 'Ben' },
{ name: 'Cole' },
{ name: 'Mary' },
{ name: 'Travis' }
const obj = arr.reduce((res, {name})=>{
res[name[0]] = res[name[0]] ? [...res[name[0]],name] : [name];
return res;
}, {});
I think this thread is missing a non functional answer, so here it is:
const obj = {};
for(const {name} of arr)
(obj[name[0]] || (obj[name[0]] = [])).push({name});
let obj = {};
arr.forEach( e => {
const name = e.name;
if (!obj[name.charAt(0)]) obj[name.charAt(0)] = [];
I'm generating a new object and adding to it news keys based in the first char of the name values (only if the key hasn't been already added).
Then, I add each value to the key that corresponds.

Swap key with value in object

I have an extremely large JSON object structured like this:
{A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
I need a function that can swap the values with keys in my object and I don't know how to do it. I would need an output like this:
{1 : A, 2 : B, 3 : C, 4 : D}
Is there any way that I can do this would manually created a new object where everything is swapped?
function swap(json){
var ret = {};
for(var key in json){
ret[json[key]] = key;
return ret;
Example here FIDDLE don't forget to turn on your console to see the results.
ES6 versions:
static objectFlip(obj) {
const ret = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
ret[obj[key]] = key;
return ret;
Or using Array.reduce() & Object.keys()
static objectFlip(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((ret, key) => {
ret[obj[key]] = key;
return ret;
}, {});
Or using Array.reduce() & Object.entries()
static objectFlip(obj) {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((ret, entry) => {
const [ key, value ] = entry;
ret[ value ] = key;
return ret;
}, {});
Now that we have Object.fromEntries:
const f = obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(a => a.reverse()))
f({A : 'a', B : 'b', C : 'c'})
) // => {a : 'A', b : 'B', c : 'C'}
const f = obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => [v, k]))
f({A : 'a', B : 'b', C : 'c'})
) // => {a : 'A', b : 'B', c : 'C'}
(Updated to remove superfluous parentheses - thanks #devin-g-rhode)
you can use lodash function _.invert it also can use multivlaue
var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 };
// => { '1': 'c', '2': 'b' }
// with `multiValue`
_.invert(object, true);
// => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] }
Using ES6:
const obj = { a: "aaa", b: "bbb", c: "ccc", d: "ddd" };
Object.assign({}, ...Object.entries(obj).map(([a,b]) => ({ [b]: a })))
Get the keys of the object, and then use the Array's reduce function to go through each key and set the value as the key, and the key as the value.
const data = {
A: 1,
B: 2,
C: 3,
D: 4
const newData = Object.keys(data).reduce(function(obj, key) {
obj[data[key]] = key;
return obj;
}, {});
In ES6/ES2015 you can combine use of Object.keys and reduce with the new Object.assign function, an arrow function, and a computed property name for a pretty straightforward single statement solution.
const foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const bar = Object.keys(foo)
.reduce((obj, key) => Object.assign({}, obj, { [foo[key]]: key }), {});
If you're transpiling using the object spread operator (stage 3 as of writing this) that will simplify things a bit further.
const foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const bar = Object.keys(foo)
.reduce((obj, key) => ({ ...obj, [foo[key]]: key }), {});
Finally, if you have Object.entries available (stage 4 as of writing), you can clean up the logic a touch more (IMO).
const foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const bar = Object.entries(foo)
.reduce((obj, [key, value]) => ({ ...obj, [value]: key }), {});
2021's answer
The concise way by using ES6 syntax like this.
const obj = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => (acc[value] = key, acc), {})
(acc[value] = key, acc)
Using Comma operator (,) syntax.
The comma operator (,) evaluates each of its operands (from left to
right) and returns the value of the last operand.
As a complement of #joslarson and #jPO answers:
Without ES6 needed, you can use Object.keys Array.reduce and the Comma Operator:
Object.keys(foo).reduce((obj, key) => (obj[foo[key]] = key, obj), {});
Some may find it ugly, but it's "kinda" quicker as the reduce doesn't spread all the properties of the obj on each loop.
Using Ramda:
const swapKeysWithValues =
R.reduce((obj, k) => R.assoc(source[k], k, obj), {})
const result = swapKeysWithValues(source);
let swap = (o,r={})=> Object.keys(o).map(k=> r[o[k]]=k) && r;
let obj = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4};
let swap = (o,r={})=> Object.keys(o).map(k=> r[o[k]]=k) && r;
With pure Ramda in a pure and point-free style:
const swapKeysAndValues = R.pipe(
Or, with a little more convoluted ES6 version, still pure functional:
const swapKeysAndValues2 = obj => Object
.reduce((newObj, [key, value]) => ({...newObj, [value]: key}), {})
Shortest one I came up with using ES6..
const original = {
first: 1,
second: 2,
third: 3,
fourth: 4,
const modified = Object
.reduce((all, [key, value]) => ({ ...all, [value]: key }), {});
console.log('modified result:', modified);
var data = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
var newData = {};
Here is a pure functional implementation of flipping keys and values in ES6:
const flipKeyValues = (originalObj: {[key: string]: string}): {[key: string]: string} => {
if(typeof originalObj === "object" && originalObj !== null ) {
return Object
acc: {[key: string]: string},
[key, value]: [string, string],
) => {
acc[value] = key
return acc;
}, {})
} else {
return {};
const flipKeyValues = (originalObj) => {
if(typeof originalObj === "object" && originalObj !== null ) {
return Object
.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[value] = key
return acc;
}, {})
} else {
return {};
const obj = {foo: 'bar'}
console.log("ORIGINAL: ", obj)
console.log("FLIPPED: ", flipKeyValues(obj))
function swapKV(obj) {
const entrySet = Object.entries(obj);
const reversed = entrySet.map(([k, v])=>[v, k]);
const result = Object.fromEntries(reversed);
return result;
This can make your object, {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}, array-like, so you can have
const o = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
const arrayLike = swapKV(o);
arrayLike.length = 5;
const array = Array.from(arrayLike);
array.shift(); // undefined
array; // ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
Here is an option that will swap keys with values but not lose duplicates, if your object is : { a: 1, b: 2, c: 2}, it will always return an array in the output :
function swapMap(map) {
const invertedMap = {};
for (const key in map) {
const value = map[key];
invertedMap[value] = invertedMap[value] || [];
return invertedMap;
swapMap({a: "1", b: "2", c: "2"})
// Returns => {"1": ["a"], "2":["b", "c"]}
A simple TypeScript variant:
const reverseMap = (map: { [key: string]: string }) => {
return Object.keys(map).reduce((prev, key) => {
const value = map[key];
return { ...prev, [value]: [...(prev.value || []), key] };
}, {} as { [key: string]: [string] })
const map = { "a":"1", "b":"2", "c":"2" };
const reversedMap = reverseMap(map);
{ "1":["a"], "2":["b", "c"] }
Rewriting answer of #Vaidd4, but using Object.assign (instead of comma operator):
* Swap object keys and values
* #param {Object<*>} obj
* #returns {Object<string>}
function swapObject(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((r, key) => (Object.assign(r, {
[obj[key]]: key,
})), {});
Or, shorter:
Object.keys(obj).reduce((r, key) => (Object.assign(r, {[obj[key]]: key})), {});
function myFunction(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, cur) => {
return { ...acc, [obj[cur]]: cur };
}, {});
This is the solution that I'm using:
function objSwap(obj, tl = false) {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((a, [k, v]) => (a[v = tl ? v.toLowerCase() : v] = k = tl ? k.toLowerCase() : k, a), {});
As a bonus: if you need to swap then check some values I added the possibility to lowercase keys and values. Simply you've to set tl = true, else if you don't need it ...
function objSwap(obj) {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((a, [k, v]) => (a[v] = k, a), {});
Using a for...of loop:
let obj = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)){
obj[value] = key
delete obj[key]
console.log(obj) // {1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C', 4: 'D'}
const invertObject = (object) =>Object.entries(object).reduce((result, value) => ({...result, [value[1]]: value[0] }), {});
let obj = invertObject({A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4});
Here's a type-safe way using TypeScript that has not been suggested before. This solution takes two generics that means the return type will be typed as expected. It's faster than doing methods with .reduce or Object.entries.
// Easier way to type `symbol | number | string` (the only valid keys of an object)
export type AnyKey = keyof any;
export function mirror<K extends AnyKey, V extends AnyKey>(
object: Record<K, V>,
) {
const ret: Partial<Record<V, K>> = {};
for (const key in object) {
ret[object[key]] = key;
return ret as Record<V, K>;
const obj = mirror({
a: 'b',
c: 'd',
// {b: 'a', d: 'c'}
Modern JS solution:
const swapKeyValue = (object) =>
Object.entries(object).reduce((swapped, [key, value]) => (
{ ...swapped, [value]: key }
), {});
type ValidKey = number | string;
const swapKeyValue = <K extends ValidKey, V extends ValidKey>(
object: Record<K, V>
): Record<V, K> =>
.reduce((swapped, [key, value]) => (
{ ...swapped, [value as ValidKey]: key }
), {} as Record<V, K>);
I believe it's better to do this task by using an npm module, like invert-kv.
invert-kv: Invert the key/value of an object. Example: {foo: 'bar'} → {bar: 'foo'}
const invertKv = require('invert-kv');
invertKv({foo: 'bar', unicorn: 'rainbow'});
//=> {bar: 'foo', rainbow: 'unicorn'}

