Swap key with value in object - javascript

I have an extremely large JSON object structured like this:
{A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
I need a function that can swap the values with keys in my object and I don't know how to do it. I would need an output like this:
{1 : A, 2 : B, 3 : C, 4 : D}
Is there any way that I can do this would manually created a new object where everything is swapped?

function swap(json){
var ret = {};
for(var key in json){
ret[json[key]] = key;
return ret;
Example here FIDDLE don't forget to turn on your console to see the results.
ES6 versions:
static objectFlip(obj) {
const ret = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
ret[obj[key]] = key;
return ret;
Or using Array.reduce() & Object.keys()
static objectFlip(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((ret, key) => {
ret[obj[key]] = key;
return ret;
}, {});
Or using Array.reduce() & Object.entries()
static objectFlip(obj) {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((ret, entry) => {
const [ key, value ] = entry;
ret[ value ] = key;
return ret;
}, {});

Now that we have Object.fromEntries:
const f = obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(a => a.reverse()))
f({A : 'a', B : 'b', C : 'c'})
) // => {a : 'A', b : 'B', c : 'C'}
const f = obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => [v, k]))
f({A : 'a', B : 'b', C : 'c'})
) // => {a : 'A', b : 'B', c : 'C'}
(Updated to remove superfluous parentheses - thanks #devin-g-rhode)

you can use lodash function _.invert it also can use multivlaue
var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 };
// => { '1': 'c', '2': 'b' }
// with `multiValue`
_.invert(object, true);
// => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] }

Using ES6:
const obj = { a: "aaa", b: "bbb", c: "ccc", d: "ddd" };
Object.assign({}, ...Object.entries(obj).map(([a,b]) => ({ [b]: a })))

Get the keys of the object, and then use the Array's reduce function to go through each key and set the value as the key, and the key as the value.
const data = {
A: 1,
B: 2,
C: 3,
D: 4
const newData = Object.keys(data).reduce(function(obj, key) {
obj[data[key]] = key;
return obj;
}, {});

In ES6/ES2015 you can combine use of Object.keys and reduce with the new Object.assign function, an arrow function, and a computed property name for a pretty straightforward single statement solution.
const foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const bar = Object.keys(foo)
.reduce((obj, key) => Object.assign({}, obj, { [foo[key]]: key }), {});
If you're transpiling using the object spread operator (stage 3 as of writing this) that will simplify things a bit further.
const foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const bar = Object.keys(foo)
.reduce((obj, key) => ({ ...obj, [foo[key]]: key }), {});
Finally, if you have Object.entries available (stage 4 as of writing), you can clean up the logic a touch more (IMO).
const foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const bar = Object.entries(foo)
.reduce((obj, [key, value]) => ({ ...obj, [value]: key }), {});

2021's answer
The concise way by using ES6 syntax like this.
const obj = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => (acc[value] = key, acc), {})
(acc[value] = key, acc)
Using Comma operator (,) syntax.
The comma operator (,) evaluates each of its operands (from left to
right) and returns the value of the last operand.

As a complement of #joslarson and #jPO answers:
Without ES6 needed, you can use Object.keys Array.reduce and the Comma Operator:
Object.keys(foo).reduce((obj, key) => (obj[foo[key]] = key, obj), {});
Some may find it ugly, but it's "kinda" quicker as the reduce doesn't spread all the properties of the obj on each loop.

Using Ramda:
const swapKeysWithValues =
R.reduce((obj, k) => R.assoc(source[k], k, obj), {})
const result = swapKeysWithValues(source);

let swap = (o,r={})=> Object.keys(o).map(k=> r[o[k]]=k) && r;
let obj = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4};
let swap = (o,r={})=> Object.keys(o).map(k=> r[o[k]]=k) && r;

With pure Ramda in a pure and point-free style:
const swapKeysAndValues = R.pipe(
Or, with a little more convoluted ES6 version, still pure functional:
const swapKeysAndValues2 = obj => Object
.reduce((newObj, [key, value]) => ({...newObj, [value]: key}), {})

Shortest one I came up with using ES6..
const original = {
first: 1,
second: 2,
third: 3,
fourth: 4,
const modified = Object
.reduce((all, [key, value]) => ({ ...all, [value]: key }), {});
console.log('modified result:', modified);

var data = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
var newData = {};

Here is a pure functional implementation of flipping keys and values in ES6:
const flipKeyValues = (originalObj: {[key: string]: string}): {[key: string]: string} => {
if(typeof originalObj === "object" && originalObj !== null ) {
return Object
acc: {[key: string]: string},
[key, value]: [string, string],
) => {
acc[value] = key
return acc;
}, {})
} else {
return {};
const flipKeyValues = (originalObj) => {
if(typeof originalObj === "object" && originalObj !== null ) {
return Object
.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[value] = key
return acc;
}, {})
} else {
return {};
const obj = {foo: 'bar'}
console.log("ORIGINAL: ", obj)
console.log("FLIPPED: ", flipKeyValues(obj))

function swapKV(obj) {
const entrySet = Object.entries(obj);
const reversed = entrySet.map(([k, v])=>[v, k]);
const result = Object.fromEntries(reversed);
return result;
This can make your object, {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}, array-like, so you can have
const o = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
const arrayLike = swapKV(o);
arrayLike.length = 5;
const array = Array.from(arrayLike);
array.shift(); // undefined
array; // ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

Here is an option that will swap keys with values but not lose duplicates, if your object is : { a: 1, b: 2, c: 2}, it will always return an array in the output :
function swapMap(map) {
const invertedMap = {};
for (const key in map) {
const value = map[key];
invertedMap[value] = invertedMap[value] || [];
return invertedMap;
swapMap({a: "1", b: "2", c: "2"})
// Returns => {"1": ["a"], "2":["b", "c"]}

A simple TypeScript variant:
const reverseMap = (map: { [key: string]: string }) => {
return Object.keys(map).reduce((prev, key) => {
const value = map[key];
return { ...prev, [value]: [...(prev.value || []), key] };
}, {} as { [key: string]: [string] })
const map = { "a":"1", "b":"2", "c":"2" };
const reversedMap = reverseMap(map);
{ "1":["a"], "2":["b", "c"] }

Rewriting answer of #Vaidd4, but using Object.assign (instead of comma operator):
* Swap object keys and values
* #param {Object<*>} obj
* #returns {Object<string>}
function swapObject(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((r, key) => (Object.assign(r, {
[obj[key]]: key,
})), {});
Or, shorter:
Object.keys(obj).reduce((r, key) => (Object.assign(r, {[obj[key]]: key})), {});

function myFunction(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, cur) => {
return { ...acc, [obj[cur]]: cur };
}, {});

This is the solution that I'm using:
function objSwap(obj, tl = false) {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((a, [k, v]) => (a[v = tl ? v.toLowerCase() : v] = k = tl ? k.toLowerCase() : k, a), {});
As a bonus: if you need to swap then check some values I added the possibility to lowercase keys and values. Simply you've to set tl = true, else if you don't need it ...
function objSwap(obj) {
return Object.entries(obj).reduce((a, [k, v]) => (a[v] = k, a), {});

Using a for...of loop:
let obj = {A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4}
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)){
obj[value] = key
delete obj[key]
console.log(obj) // {1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C', 4: 'D'}

const invertObject = (object) =>Object.entries(object).reduce((result, value) => ({...result, [value[1]]: value[0] }), {});
let obj = invertObject({A : 1, B : 2, C : 3, D : 4});

Here's a type-safe way using TypeScript that has not been suggested before. This solution takes two generics that means the return type will be typed as expected. It's faster than doing methods with .reduce or Object.entries.
// Easier way to type `symbol | number | string` (the only valid keys of an object)
export type AnyKey = keyof any;
export function mirror<K extends AnyKey, V extends AnyKey>(
object: Record<K, V>,
) {
const ret: Partial<Record<V, K>> = {};
for (const key in object) {
ret[object[key]] = key;
return ret as Record<V, K>;
const obj = mirror({
a: 'b',
c: 'd',
// {b: 'a', d: 'c'}

Modern JS solution:
const swapKeyValue = (object) =>
Object.entries(object).reduce((swapped, [key, value]) => (
{ ...swapped, [value]: key }
), {});
type ValidKey = number | string;
const swapKeyValue = <K extends ValidKey, V extends ValidKey>(
object: Record<K, V>
): Record<V, K> =>
.reduce((swapped, [key, value]) => (
{ ...swapped, [value as ValidKey]: key }
), {} as Record<V, K>);

I believe it's better to do this task by using an npm module, like invert-kv.
invert-kv: Invert the key/value of an object. Example: {foo: 'bar'} → {bar: 'foo'}
const invertKv = require('invert-kv');
invertKv({foo: 'bar', unicorn: 'rainbow'});
//=> {bar: 'foo', rainbow: 'unicorn'}


Iterative depth-first traversal with remembering value's paths

I need help with specific implementation of iterative depth first traversal algorithm.
I have an object like this (it's just an example, object might have more properties and be deeper nested):
const root = {
a: 1,
b: {
c: {
d: {
e: 2,
f: 3,
g: [
h: 4,
i: 5,
j: 6,
k: 7,
What I need is a function that would traverse the whole object and return an array like this:
{"a": 1},
{"b.c.d.e": 2},
{"b.c.d.f": 3},
{"b.g.0.h": 4},
{"b.g.0.i": 5},
{"b.g.1.j": 6},
{"b.g.1.k": 7},
I managed to create an algorithm that sort of solves my problem, but needs one additional step in the end. Result of the algorithm is an array of strings like that:
so in order to achieve what I want I have to do one full iteration over the result of my algorithm, split strings by ^ symbol and then create objects based on that.
This is the part that I need help with - how can I improve/change my solution so I don't need to do that last step?
function dft(root) {
let stack = [];
let result = [];
const isObject = value => typeof value === "object";
while (stack.length > 0) {
let node = stack.pop();
if (isObject(node)) {
Object.entries(node).forEach(([childNodeKey, childNodeValue]) => {
if (isObject(childNodeValue)) {
const newObject = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(childNodeValue).map(([cnk, cnv]) => {
return [`${childNodeKey}.${cnk}`, cnv];
} else {
} else {
return result.reverse();
I'd keep pairs <keys,value> in the stack and only create a string key when storing a newly created object:
function dft(obj) {
let stack = []
let res = []
stack.push([[], obj])
while (stack.length) {
let [keys, val] = stack.pop()
if (!val || typeof val !== 'object') {
[keys.join('.')]: val
} else {
Object.entries(val).forEach(p => stack.push([
return res.reverse()
const root = {
a: 1,
b: {
c: {
d: {
e: 2,
f: 3,
g: [
h: 4,
i: 5,
j: 6,
k: 7,
You can push the childNodeKey childNodeValue pair directly as an object to your result array.
const newEntry = {}
newEntry[childNodeKey] = childNodeValue
or with ES2015 syntax (you would need a transpiler for browser compatibility)
result.push({[childNodeKey]: childNodeValue});
Complete function:
const root = {
a: 1,
b: {
c: {
d: {
e: 2,
f: 3,
g: [
h: 4,
i: 5,
j: 6,
k: 7,
function dft(root) {
let stack = [];
let result = [];
const isObject = value => typeof value === "object";
while (stack.length > 0) {
let node = stack.pop();
if (isObject(node)) {
Object.entries(node).forEach(([childNodeKey, childNodeValue]) => {
if (isObject(childNodeValue)) {
const newObject = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(childNodeValue).map(([cnk, cnv]) => {
return [`${childNodeKey}.${cnk}`, cnv];
} else {
const newEntry = {}
newEntry[childNodeKey] = childNodeValue
result.push({[childNodeKey]: childNodeValue});
} else {
return result;
As you mentioned, you almost got it complete. Just make the array entry an object just before pushing it into result. By splitting Array.prototype.split('^') you can get 'b.g.0.h^4' >>> ['b.g.0.h', '4']. So, rest is a cake:
if (isObject(node)) {
} else {
const keyAndValue = node.split('^')
// approach 1)
// const key = keyAndValue[0]
// const value = keyAndValue[1]
// dynamic key setting
// result.push({[key]: value});
// approach 2)
// or in short,
// dynamic key setting
result.push({[keyAndValue[0]]: keyAndValue[1]});
You could use a stack where each item has an iterator over the children, and the path up to that point:
function collect(root) {
const Node = (root, path) =>
({ iter: Object.entries(root)[Symbol.iterator](), path });
const result = [];
const stack = [Node(root, "")];
while (stack.length) {
const node = stack.pop();
const {value} = node.iter.next();
if (!value) continue;
const [key, child] = value;
const path = node.path ? node.path + "." + key : key;
if (Object(child) !== child) result.push({ [path]: child });
else stack.push(Node(child, path));
return result;
const root = {a:1,b:{c:{d:{e:2,f:3}},g:[{h:4,i:5},{j:6,k:7}]}};
I would suggest that the quickest fix to your code is simply to replace
return result.reverse();
return result.reverse()
.map ((s, _, __, [k, v] = s .split ('^')) => ({[k]: v}));
But I also think that we can write code to do this more simply. A function I use often will convert your input into something like this:
[["a"], 1],
[["b", "c", "d", "e"], 2],
[["b", "c", "d", "f"], 3],
[["b", "g", 0, "h"], 4],
[["b", "g", 0, "i"], 5],
[["b", "g", 1, "j"], 6],
[["b", "g", 1, "k"], 7]
and a fairly trivial wrapper can then convert this to your output. It could look like this:
const pathEntries = (obj) =>
Object (obj) === obj
? Object .entries (obj) .flatMap (
([k, x]) => pathEntries (x) .map (([p, v]) => [[Array.isArray(obj) ? Number(k) : k, ... p], v])
: [[[], obj]]
const transform = (o) =>
pathEntries (o)
.map (([k, v]) => ({[k .join ('.')] : v}))
const root = {a: 1, b: {c: {d: {e: 2, f: 3, }}, g: [{h: 4, i: 5, }, {j: 6, k: 7}]}}
console .log (transform (root))
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
I don't know your usecase, but I would find this output generally more helpful:
"a": 1,
"b.c.d.e": 2,
"b.c.d.f": 3,
"b.g.0.h": 4,
"b.g.0.i": 5,
"b.g.1.j": 6,
"b.g.1.k": 7
(that is, one object with a number of properties, rather than an array of single-property objects.)
And we could do this nearly as easily, with a small change to transform:
const transform = (o) =>
pathEntries (o)
.reduce ((a, [k, v]) => ((a[k .join ('.')] = v), a), {})

Js obj with key name defined by Object.keys

var c = {
'aa-bb': [{ a: 1, v: 2}],
'cc-xz': [{ c: 2}]
I need to create an object, whose keys (the name) must be from Object.keys.
For each key name an object of type array must be defined as below.
Can you give me a hand?
const res = {
'aa-bb': Array(number).fill(0),
'cc-xz': Array(number).fill(0)
var c = {
'aa-bb': [{
a: 1,
v: 2
'cc-xz': [{
c: 2
const keys = Object.keys(c);
let res = {},
number = 5;
keys.forEach(key => res[key] = Array(number).fill(0));
Map the keys, and create pairs of [key, array], and convert back to an object using Object.fromEntries():
const fn = (obj, arrLengh) =>
.map(key => [key, Array(arrLengh).fill(0)])
const c = {"aa-bb":[{"a":1,"v":2}],"cc-xz":[{"c":2}]};
const result = fn(c, 5);

Adding up the values of an array of objects javascript

I have an array of objects like this : const array=[{a:1, b:1} , {a:2, b:3} ,{a:1, b:1}]
i want an array like results = [{a:4 , b:5}] which is the sum of all values from the array of objects according to the key .
I tried something like this but sometimes it skipping the 1st object in the array :
array.reduce((acc, n) => {
for (var prop in n) {
if (acc.hasOwnProperty(prop)) acc[prop] += n[prop];
else acc[prop] = 0;
return acc;
}, {})
You need to initialize acc before assigning, so small modification below will work
const array=[{a:1, b:1} , {a:2, b:3} ,{a:1, b:1}]
const res = array.reduce((acc, n) => {
for (var prop in n) {
acc[prop] = acc[prop] || 0; // Need to initialize before assigning
if (n.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
acc[prop] += n[prop];
return acc;
}, {})
This will work
const res = [{a:1, b:1, c: 1} , {a:2, b:3, c:3} ,{a:1, b:1, c: 3}].reduce((a,v,i) => {
for(let key in v) {
a[key] = a[key] ? a[key] + v[key] : v[key];
return a
You can use this code and you won't have to specify the object properties manually, it will create a new property if it doesn't exist, or add to the existing property if it does exist.
var myarr = [{a: 2, b: 3}, {a:3, b:2}];
var newobj = {};
for (var i=0; i <= myarr.length; i += 1)
for (var p in myarr[i]) newobj[p] = (p in newobj) ?
newobj[p] + myarr[i][p] : myarr[i][p]
use forEach and Object.entries will simplify.
const array = [
{ a: 1, b: 1 },
{ a: 2, b: 3 },
{ a: 1, b: 1 },
const acc = (arr) => {
const res = {};
arr.forEach((obj) =>
([key, value]) => (res[key] = key in res ? res[key] + value : value)
return [res];

How can I deeply map over object with Ramda

I'm trying to find all "template values" e.g. { template: 'Date: <now>'} using a map function to get this basic behaviour:
deepMap(mapFn, {a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: { template: 'Date: <now>'}}})
>> {a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: 'Date: 13423234232'}}
This is what I have so far. The interpolation of the template object does happen, but it does not replace the value.
const obj = {a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: { template: 'Date: <now>'}}};
const deepMap = (fn, xs) =>
(val, key, obj) =>
or(is(Array, val), is(Object, val))
? deepMap(fn, fn(val))
: fn(val),
const checkFn = ({ template }) => template;
const transformFn = (val, key) => {
const interpolated = val.template.replace('<now>', Date.now())
return interpolated;
const mapFn = n =>
? transformFn(n)
: n;
deepMap(mapFn, obj);
>> {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": {}}}
The problem is you are calling deepMap on the mapped value again - but the mapped value isn't an object anymore, but a string.
or(is(Array, val), is(Object, val))
? deepMap(fn, fn(val))
: fn(val),
In case val is { template: 'Date: <now>'}, val is an object and could be deep-mapped, but fn(val) is a String ("Date: 123123123") which should simply be returned. One solution is to make the is checks on the mapped value, not the original value:
(val, key) => {
const mappedVal = fn(val);
return or(is(Array, mappedVal), is(Object, mappedVal))
? deepMap(fn, mappedVal)
: mappedVal;
Another possibility would be to check whether the map-function returned something else than the original value and don't recurse in this case.
Something like this should work:
const {map, has, is} = R
const transformTemplate = ({template}) => template.replace('<now>', Date.now())
const deepMap = (xs) => map(x => has('template', x)
? transformTemplate(x)
: is(Object, x) || is(Array, x)
? deepMap(x)
: x, xs)
const result = deepMap({a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: { template: 'Date: <now>'}}})
// => {a: 1, b: {c: 2, d: "Date: 1542046789004"}}
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.25.0/ramda.js"></script>
If you wanted to pass in the transformation function, you can change it slightly to
const deepMap = (transformer, xs) => map(x => has('template', x)
? transformer(x)
: is(Object, x) || is(Array, x)
? deepMap(transformer, x)
: x, xs)
const result = deepMap(transformTemplate, {a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: { template: 'Date: <now>'}}})
And of course you can wrap that in curry if you like.
I don't have time right now to investigate why this approach, which looks right at first glance, doesn't work. I'm hoping it's something simple:
const deepMap = map(cond([
[has('template'), transformTemplate],
[is(Object), deepMap],
[is(Array), deepMap],
[T, identity]

Javascript reduce() on Object

There is nice Array method reduce() to get one value from the Array. Example:
[0,1,2,3,4].reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array){
return previousValue + currentValue;
What is the best way to achieve the same with objects? I'd like to do this:
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3}
}.reduce(function(previous, current, index, array){
return previous.value + current.value;
However, Object does not seem to have any reduce() method implemented.
One option would be to reduce the keys():
var o = {
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3}
Object.keys(o).reduce(function (previous, key) {
return previous + o[key].value;
}, 0);
With this, you'll want to specify an initial value or the 1st round will be 'a' + 2.
If you want the result as an Object ({ value: ... }), you'll have to initialize and return the object each time:
Object.keys(o).reduce(function (previous, key) {
previous.value += o[key].value;
return previous;
}, { value: 0 });
What you actually want in this case are the Object.values. Here is a concise ES6 implementation with that in mind:
const add = {
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3}
const total = Object.values(add).reduce((t, {value}) => t + value, 0)
console.log(total) // 6
or simply:
const add = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
const total = Object.values(add).reduce((t, n) => t + n)
console.log(total) // 6
ES6 implementation: Object.entries()
const o = {
a: {value: 1},
b: {value: 2},
c: {value: 3}
const total = Object.entries(o).reduce(function (total, pair) {
const [key, value] = pair;
return total + value.value;
}, 0);
First of all, you don't quite get what's reduce's previous value is.
In you pseudo code you have return previous.value + current.value, therefore the previous value will be a number on the next call, not an object.
Second, reduce is an Array method, not an Object's one, and you can't rely on the order when you're iterating the properties of an object (see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...in, this is applied to Object.keys too); so I'm not sure if applying reduce over an object makes sense.
However, if the order is not important, you can have:
Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(sum, key) {
return sum + obj[key].value;
}, 0);
Or you can just map the object's value:
Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { return this[key].value }, obj).reduce(function (previous, current) {
return previous + current;
P.S. in ES6 with the fat arrow function's syntax (already in Firefox Nightly), you could shrink a bit:
Object.keys(obj).map(key => obj[key].value).reduce((previous, current) => previous + current);
[{value:5}, {value:10}].reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => { return {value: previousValue.value + currentValue.value}})
>> Object {value: 15}
[{value:5}, {value:10}].map(item => item.value).reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => {return previousValue + currentValue })
>> 15
[{value:5}, {value:10}].reduce(function (previousValue, currentValue) {
return {value: previousValue.value + currentValue.value};
>> Object {value: 15}
An object can be turned into an array with: Object.entries(), Object.keys(), Object.values(), and then be reduced as array. But you can also reduce an object without creating the intermediate array.
I've created a little helper library odict for working with objects.
npm install --save odict
It has reduce function that works very much like Array.prototype.reduce():
export const reduce = (dict, reducer, accumulator) => {
for (const key in dict)
accumulator = reducer(accumulator, dict[key], key, dict);
return accumulator;
You could also assign it to:
Object.reduce = reduce;
as this method is very useful!
So the answer to your question would be:
const result = Object.reduce(
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3},
(accumulator, current) => (accumulator.value += current.value, accumulator), // reducer function must return accumulator
{value: 0} // initial accumulator value
Let me summarise the possibilities. The aim is always to make an array out of the object. There are various Javascript object functions for this. For each individual function, there are different ways of interpreting it. So it always depends on what our object looks like and what we want to do.
In the example above, it is an object with three objects.
const obj = {
a: {value: 1},
b: {value: 2},
c: {value:3}
With Object.keys
Object.keys only gives us the keys of the object.
const arr = Object.keys(obj);
// output arr:
[a, b, c]
const result = arr.reduce((total, key) => {
return sum + obj[key].value;
}, 0);
// output result
// 6
With Object.value
Object.value() returns the every single value in an array.
const arr = Object.value(obj);
// output arr
{value: 1},
{value: 2},
{value: 3},
const result = arr.reduce((total, singleValue) => {
return total + singleValue.value;
}, 0);
// output result
// 6
// Or the short variant
const resultShort = Object.values(obj).reduce((t, n) => t + n.value, 0)
// output resultShort
// 6
With Object.entries
Object.entries splits each individual object value into an array.
const arr = Object.entries(obj)
// output arr
["a", {visitors: 1}],
["b", {visitors: 2}],
["c", {visitors: 4}]
const result = arr.reduce((total, singleArr) => {
return total + singleArr[1].value;
}, 0);
// output result
// 6
Whether you do it with reduce or with the array function map() depends on you and what you want to do.
Extend Object.prototype.
Object.prototype.reduce = function( reduceCallback, initialValue ) {
var obj = this, keys = Object.keys( obj );
return keys.reduce( function( prevVal, item, idx, arr ) {
return reduceCallback( prevVal, item, obj[item], obj );
}, initialValue );
Sample of using.
var dataset = {
key1 : 'value1',
key2 : 'value2',
key3 : 'value3'
function reduceFn( prevVal, key, val, obj ) {
return prevVal + key + ' : ' + val + '; ';
console.log( dataset.reduce( reduceFn, 'initialValue' ) );
'Output' == 'initialValue; key1 : value1; key2 : value2; key3 : value3; '.
n'Joy it, guys!! ;-)
You can use a generator expression (supported in all browsers for years now, and in Node) to get the key-value pairs in a list you can reduce on:
>>> a = {"b": 3}
Object { b=3}
>>> [[i, a[i]] for (i in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(i))]
[["b", 3]]
If you can use an array, do use an array, the length and order of an array are half its worth.
function reducer(obj, fun, temp){
if(typeof fun=== 'function'){
if(temp== undefined) temp= '';
for(var p in obj){
temp= fun(obj[p], temp, p, obj);
return temp;
var O={a:{value:1},b:{value:2},c:{value:3}}
reducer(O, function(a, b){return a.value+b;},0);
/* returned value: (Number)
This is not very difficult to implement yourself:
function reduceObj(obj, callback, initial) {
"use strict";
var key, lastvalue, firstIteration = true;
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError(callback + 'is not a function');
if (arguments.length > 2) {
// initial value set
firstIteration = false;
lastvalue = initial;
for (key in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
if (firstIteration)
firstIteration = false;
lastvalue = obj[key];
lastvalue = callback(lastvalue, obj[key], key, obj);
if (firstIteration) {
throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty object with no initial value');
return lastvalue;
In action:
var o = {a: {value:1}, b: {value:2}, c: {value:3}};
reduceObj(o, function(prev, curr) { prev.value += cur.value; return prev;}, {value:0});
reduceObj(o, function(prev, curr) { return {value: prev.value + curr.value};});
// both == { value: 6 };
reduceObj(o, function(prev, curr) { return prev + curr.value; }, 0);
// == 6
You can also add it to the Object prototype:
if (typeof Object.prototype.reduce !== 'function') {
Object.prototype.reduce = function(callback, initial) {
"use strict";
var args = Array.prototype.slice(arguments);
return reduceObj.apply(null, args);
Try this one. It will sort numbers from other variables.
const obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
const result = Object.keys(obj)
.reduce((acc, rec) => typeof obj[rec] === "number" ? acc.concat([obj[rec]]) : acc, [])
.reduce((acc, rec) => acc + rec)
If handled as an array is much easier
Return the total amount of fruits:
let fruits = [{ name: 'banana', id: 0, quantity: 9 }, { name: 'strawberry', id: 1, quantity: 1 }, { name: 'kiwi', id: 2, quantity: 2 }, { name: 'apple', id: 3, quantity: 4 }]
let total = fruits.reduce((sum, f) => sum + f.quantity, 0);
Since it hasnt really been confirmed in an answer yet, Underscore's reduce also works for this.
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3}
}, function(prev, current){
//prev is either first object or total value
var total = prev.value || prev
return total + current.value
Note, _.reduce will return the only value (object or otherwise) if the list object only has one item, without calling iterator function.
a: {value:1}
}, function(prev, current){
//not called
//returns {value: 1} instead of 1
Try out this one liner arrow function
Object.values(o).map(a => a.value, o).reduce((ac, key, index, arr) => ac+=key)

