I want to generate an object of objects, who also contain objects, based on WP categories/subcategories [closed] - javascript

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've been working with WP REST Api to migrate an app to a headless wp + react app and got some problems with how WP displays Cats and SubCats.
My idea is to get all the current categories and generate children of based on the father category, those children also can get childrens, since WP cat-subcat structure is infinite.
Category { SubCategory { SubCategory {infinite}}}
I've been trying to generate a new Object that contains this info and iterate in different ways, like pushing the one who has 'parentId' equals to father ID, but constantly getting undefined.
My current logic is something like this:
const fatherCategories = categories.filter((item) => (
item.parent === 0
const subCategories = categories.filter((item) => (
item.parent !== 0
const subCategories = subCats.forEach((category) => (
subCats.filter((item) => (
category.id === item.parent
Im 100% that this is not the way i need to get my objective but my knowledge stops here and can't get any solution for this problem, if i know the lenght of the subcategories i will go another way, but without this data, im blocked.

As my previous comment says something like this should work for you:
function isParent(category) {
return category.parent === 0;
function findAllchildren(allCategories, currentCategory) {
// const allCategories.filter()
const currCatChildren = allCategories.filter(
(c) => c.parent === currentCategory.id
if (currCatChildren.length) {
currCatChildren.forEach((c) => {
c.children = findAllchildren(allCategories, c);
return currCatChildren;
const categories = [
{ id: 1, parent: 0, name: "pc -> 1" },
{ id: 2, parent: 0, name: "pc -> 2" },
{ id: 3, parent: 1, name: "cc -> 3>1" },
{ id: 4, parent: 2, name: "cc -> 4>2" },
{ id: 5, parent: 3, name: "cc -> 5>3" },
{ id: 6, parent: 4, name: "cc -> 6>4>1" },
{ id: 7, parent: 5, name: "cc -> 7>5>3>1" },
const finalCategoryTree = categories.filter(isParent).map((parentCategory) => {
const tmp = { ...parentCategory };
tmp.children = findAllchildren(categories, parentCategory);
return tmp;


delete and modify properties in array inside json object [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 12 months ago.
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Given the following JSON:
const myJson = {
id: 8,
active: true,
invoice: "2022/1001",
invoiceDate: "2022-02-02",
clientId: 1,
storeId: 1,
total: 76.95,
itens: [
id: 11,
quantity: 2,
price: 12.10,
total: 24.20,
productId: 1,
invoiceId: 8
id: 12,
quantity: 5,
price: 10.55,
total: 52.75,
productId: 2,
invoiceId: 8
I need a simple way to remove two attributes from the each item inside the 'itens' array, the properties are 'id' and 'invoiceId'. I also need to recalculate the 'total', coz I do not trust totally the source of the information, I rather multiply 'quantity' by 'price' myself.
I've produced this rather naive code:
myJson.itens.forEach(item => {
item.total =
item.quantity *
delete item.id;
delete item.invoiceId;
And it works rather fine, however, no way that it must be it. Looks too lame and laborious to me. I'm exhausted googling for better ways of doing it.
Can it be done better?
Rather than mutating the original data, you could map it to a new object
const myJson = {"id":8,"active":true,"invoice":"2022/1001","invoiceDate":"2022-02-02","clientId":1,"storeId":1,"total":76.95,"itens":[{"id":11,"quantity":2,"price":12.1,"total":24.2,"productId":1,"invoiceId":8},{"id":12,"quantity":5,"price":10.55,"total":52.75,"productId":2,"invoiceId":8}]}
const newObject = {
...myJson, // keep the rest but map "itens"
itens: myJson.itens.map(({ id, invoiceId, ...iten }) => ({
...iten, // everything except "id" and "invoiceId"
total: iten.quantity * iten.price // recalc total
console.log("newObject:", newObject)
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; }

Recursive function to create a list from another deep list

Another question about recursive function, I cant get my head arround them.
I have a list with groups that can have any depth, an example:
Id: 1,
Children: [
Id: 1,
Children: [
Id: 1,
Children: [
Id: 1,
Children: []
Id: 2,
Children: []
Id: 3,
Children: []
I show these groups in a dropdown that the user can select.
What I need to do is when the user clicks on any group, I need to show all users that are a part of that group AND its subgroups.
The information about which users belong to the group and its subgroups is hold by the userlist. That list is flat and every user has an prop that contains an membership array.
I have re-written this method below several times, this is the closest I get, but this more than doubles the expected lenght because I get dublicates.
const getAllUsersInGroup = (group, usersFiltered) => {
if (!group.Children.length) return usersFiltered.flat();
return group.Children.flatMap((g) => {
return getAllUsersInGroup(
[...usersFiltered, users.filter((u) => u.Memberships.some((m) => m.GroupId === g.Id))]
Another test returns almost all but there is missing users on bigger groups with many subgroups.
const getAllUsersInGroup = (group, userss) => {
if (!group.Children.length) return [...userss].flat();
return group.Children.flatMap((g) => {
return getAllUsersInGroup(g,
users.filter((u) => u.Memberships.some((m) => m.GroupId === g.Id)),
I must be stuck in some wrong thinking or just pure stupid..
Maybe I dont need to check the Children lenght and just go thro them all, but as I understand it you need some statment that stops the method.
A little help would be much appreciated!

React : object is undefined when using loops and useState [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
Why is setState in reactjs Async instead of Sync?
(8 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have this code
import React from 'react';
import { Button, Image, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';
function App() {
const firstCategory = [
{ id: 1, name: 'person1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'person2' },
{ id: 3, name: 'person3' },
{ id: 4, name: 'person4' },
const [secondCategory, setSecondCategory] = React.useState([
{ id: 5, name: 'person5' },
{ id: 6, name: 'person6' },
{ id: 7, name: 'person7' },
{ id: 8, name: 'person8' },
React.useEffect(() => {
for (var i = 0; i < firstCategory.length; i++) {
setSecondCategory((secondCategoryArray) => [...secondCategoryArray, firstCategory[i]]);
return (
{secondCategory.map((item) => {
return <Text>{item.name}</Text>;
export default App;
It is supposed to empty the secondCategory array and fill it with firstCategory array but when I console.log secondCategory array I get [undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined] and I get the error message 'cannot read property name of undefined'.
I know that there are many other ways to achieve the wanted result but I want to know exactly the cause of this problem in this specific situation.

JavaScript | Spread operator update nested value

I am trying to update a nested value of an object using the spread operator. This is my first time using this and I believe I am pretty close to achieving my end goal but I just can't seem to figure out what I actually need to do next.
I have an array which is structured like this:
name: "Category 1",
posts: [
id: 1,
published: false,
category: "Category 1"
id: 2,
published: true,
category: "Category 1"
name: "Category 2",
posts: [
id: 3,
published: true,
category: "Category 2"
id: 4,
published: true,
category: "Category 2"
On the click of a button I am trying to update the published value, and as I am using React I need to set the state. So it got recommended to me that I update using the spread operator.
onPostClick(post) {
post.pubished = !post.published;
this.setState({...this.state.posts[post.category], post})
If I log out the result of {...this.state.posts[post.category], post} I can see that the published is getting added to the parent which forms:
name: "Category 1",
published: false,
posts: [
Obviously this isn't the intended result, I want it to update the actual object within the posts object.
I have tried to do something like this.setState({...this.state.posts[post.category].posts, post}) but I get a message that it is undefined.
You can't access your data with this.state.posts[post.category]. posts data in the objects of the array.
You can make a filter to find your category object in array and change its posts value.
onPostClick(post) {
var postArray = this.state.posts;
var categoryIndex = postArray.findIndex(function(obj){
return obj.name === post.category;
if (item.id === post.id) {
item.published = !item.published;
this.setState({ posts: postArray});
This should work if your name of the state is true.
just adding, we know there are many ways to succeed, maybe you also want to try this way too..
onPostClick = post => {
let published = this.state.data.map((item, i) => {
item.posts.map((item_post, i) => {
if (item_post.category === post.category) {
item_post.published = !post.published;
this.setState({ ...this.state.data, published });

Converting Array to Object for selecting objects (Refactoring / Optimizing)

While I was facing slow loading time when it iterate array to render objects, I want to change its data structure. I show table of contents for seasons. When user clicks an item, the item is marked as selected.
Here is current data structure (Array)
const seasons = [{
id: 6,
value: 'All',
}, {
id: 7,
value: 'Spring',
}, {
id: 8,
value: 'Summer',
}, {
id: 9,
value: 'Fall',
}, {
id: 10,
value: 'Winter',
I'm storing selected Season Ids as an Array now
state = {selectedSeasonIds: []}
When selectedSeasonIds has id, I want to remove the id from it. Otherwise, add the id to selectedSeasonIds. (This is current approach)
if(_.includes(this.state.selectedSeasonIds, id)) {
let newSelectedSeasonIds = _.filter(this.state.selectedSeasonIds, (curObject) => {
return curObject !== id;
this.setState({selectedSeasonIds : newSelectedSeasonIds});
} else {
let newSelectedSeasonIds = [...this.state.selectedSeasonIds, id];
this.setState({selectedSeasonIds : newSelectedSeasonIds});
And here is my pseudo-code for refactoring to convert my arrays to object structure for performance. (I found searching on an object is MUCH faster than searching on the array)
Changing the array to object
const seasons = {
6 :{
id: 6,
value: 'All',
7: {
id: 7,
value: 'Spring',
8: {
id: 8,
value: 'Summer',
9: {
id: 9,
value: 'Fall',
10: {
id: 10,
value: 'Winter',
Changing Selected Seasons <- I want to store only the key(id) of the objects. But I want to use it as an object
state = {selectedSeasonIds : {}} Can I store object type state?
Here is expected logic which can be 50 times faster than array search.
if(selectedSeasonIds[id]) {
return _.omit(state.selectedSeasonIds, id); < is this right?
} else {
return {...state.selectedSeasonIds, [id]:id} <- Does this look ok?
Well if you think this is right, you can copy and paste my code to the answer (I will edit my question too).
Otherwise, Can you provide better suggestion or find the error?
Thank you so much
I guess you have to loop through seasons in order to render them.
My first suggestion is to add selected prop in each one of them so you don't have to check in selectedSeasonsIds on every render.
In case this is not an option, you can still keep the key value approach.
onAdd(id) {
selectedSeasonsIds: {
[id]: this.state.selectedSeasonsIds[id] ? false : true
When checking for specific season whether they are selected or not, simply:
render() {
const { seasons, selectedSeasonsIds } = this.state
return (
{Object.keys(seasons).map(key =>
Maybe something like this? I'd recommend storing arrays and then converting as necessary for lookups.
const seasons = [{
id: 6,
value: 'All',
}, {
id: 7,
value: 'Spring',
}, {
id: 8,
value: 'Summer',
}, {
id: 9,
value: 'Fall',
}, {
id: 10,
value: 'Winter',
const seasonsHash = _.keyBy(seasons, 'id');
// check for existence
const hasId = _.has(seasonsHash, id)
// remove and convert back to array
_.values(_.omit(seasonsHash, id))
// add new id
_.concat(_.values(seasonsHash), id)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.min.js"></script>

