Javascript or Ramda Transform JSON By Attributes - javascript

I am using Ramda library in my project.
is it possible to transform following JSON array
"id": 1,
"name": "test",
"id": 2,
"name": "test2"
"id": 1,
"id": 2,
"name": "test",
"name": "test2"
pleas help

As OriDrori pointed out, your requested output is not valid JS. I'm going to make a slightly different guess, though, as to a useful variant of it that is valid, namely that we want an output like this:
id: [1, 2],
name: ['test1', 'test2']
Here's one simple way to achieve that in vanilla JS:
const extract = (data) => {
const keys = [... new Set (data .flatMap (Object .keys))]
return Object .fromEntries ( (k => [k, data .map (o => o [k])])
const data = [{id: 1, name: "test"}, {id: 2, name: "test2"}]
console .log (
extract (data)
We can definitely clean that up with Ramda functions. Another version might look like this:
const extract = (data) => fromPairs (
map (k => [k, map (o => o [k], data)]) (uniq (chain (keys) (data)))
const data = [{id: 1, name: "test"}, {id: 2, name: "test2"}]
console .log (extract (data))
<script src=""></script>
<script> const {fromPairs, map, uniq, chain, keys} = R </script>
While we could go completely point-free, I find this version much less readable:
const extract = compose (
lift (map) (
unary (compose (ap (pair), flip (pluck))),
compose (uniq, chain (keys))
const data = [
{id: 1, name: "test"},
{id: 2, name: "test2"}
console .log (extract (data))
<script src="//"></script>
const {compose, fromPairs, lift, map, unary, ap, pair, flip, pluck, uniq, chain, keys} = R

Objects can't have multiple properties with the same key, so
{ "id": 1, "id": 2 } and { "name": "test", "name": "test2" } are invalid. I assume that you need an array of ids and an array of names:
[[1, 2, 3], ['test', 'test2', 'test3']]
If all objects are have the same order of keys - ie no { id: 1, name: 'test'} and { name: 'test2', id: 1 }, and you need all the values in an object, you can map the objects to their values, and then transpose:
const { pipe, map, values, transpose } = R;
const fn = pipe(
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"test"},{"id":2,"name":"test2"},{"id":3,"name":"test3"}];
const result = fn(arr);
<script src="" integrity="sha512-rZHvUXcc1zWKsxm7rJ8lVQuIr1oOmm7cShlvpV0gWf0RvbcJN6x96al/Rp2L2BI4a4ZkT2/YfVe/8YvB2UHzQw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
If some objects have a different keys insertion order, you want to change the order of the resulting arrays, or if you need some of the keys, you can get the values with R.props, and then transpose:
const { pipe, map, props, transpose } = R;
const fn = pipe(
map(props(['name', 'id'])), // example - name would be the 1st sub-array
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"test"},{"id":2,"name":"test2"},{"id":3,"name":"test3"}];
const result = fn(arr);
<script src="" integrity="sha512-rZHvUXcc1zWKsxm7rJ8lVQuIr1oOmm7cShlvpV0gWf0RvbcJN6x96al/Rp2L2BI4a4ZkT2/YfVe/8YvB2UHzQw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
If you want the structure suggested by Scott Sauyet's:
id: [1, 2],
name: ['test1', 'test2']
I would map and flatten the objects to an array of pairs with R.chain and R.toPairs, group them by the 1st item in each pair (the original key), and then map each groups item to the last item in each pair (the original value).
const { pipe, chain, toPairs, groupBy, head, map, last } = R
const fn = pipe(
map(map(last)), // map(pipe(map(last), uniq)) if you want only unique items
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"test"},{"id":2,"name":"test2"},{"id":3,"name":"test3"}];
<script src="//"></script>


Filtering objects based on conditions using Ramda

I want to filter out below data using Ramda. The desired result is to show the properties where usage === 'Defining'.
const data =
{"usage": "Descriptive"},
{"usage": "Defining"}
So far this is what i have done and it's not filtering out data and returning the whole object.
R.any(R.propEq('usage', 'Defining')),
Below is the desired result that i want to acheive:
{"usage": "Defining"}
If I understand correctly what you want to do, then where is very useful when you want to filter based on properties. But you want to combine this with map. While Ramda does not supply a filterMap, it's quite easy to write our own. We create a function that accepts a filtering function and a mapping function and returns a function which takes an array and maps only those results which pass the filter. Breaking the problem down that way, we could write something like:
const filterMap = (f, m) => (xs) =>
chain ((x) => f (x) ? [m (x)] : [], xs)
const definingProps = filterMap (
where ({attributes: any (propEq ('usage', 'Defining'))}),
over (lensProp('attributes'), filter (propEq ('usage', 'Defining')))
const data = [
{id: 1, attributes: [{usage: "Descriptive"}, {usage: "Defining"}]},
{id: 2, attributes: [{usage: "Descriptive"}, {usage: "Something Else"}]},
{id: 3, attributes: [{usage: "Defining"}, {usage: "Filtering"}]}
console .log (definingProps (data))
.as-console-wrapper {min-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src="//"></script>
<script> const {curry, chain, where, any, propEq, over, lensProp, filter} = R </script>
Obviously, there is a reasonable argument to be made for also extracting propEq ('usage', 'Defining') into a stand-alone function; that is left as an exercise for the reader.
You are trying to do both a map and a filter here, so it's worth having separate functions for each, then composing them together to get what you want:
const data =
{"usage": "Descriptive"},
{"usage": "Defining"}
{"usage": "Descriptive"},
{"usage": "Definingx"}
const removeObjectsWithoutDefining = filter(
compose(any(equals('Defining')), map(prop('usage')), prop('attributes'))
const adjustProp = curry((f, k, o) => ({
[k]: f(o[k]),
const mapAttributesToRemoveNonDefining = map(
filter(propEq('usage', 'Defining')),
const f = compose(mapAttributesToRemoveNonDefining, removeObjectsWithoutDefining);
Ramda repl link.

ramda.js how to do the groupby, count, sort

I hava a data collection like:
I want the ouput like :
Is there any solution to use Ramda.js to do this?
I tried to use countBy(prop("id")), but i can not figure out the way of doing sort by count number.
Create a function with R.pipe, that uses R.countBy to get an object of { [id]: count }, then converts the data to pairs, and generate an array of objects with, and R.applySpec. Then sort it with R.sortBy.
const { pipe, countBy, prop, toPairs, map, applySpec, head, last, sortBy, descend } = R
const fn = pipe(
id: pipe(head, Number), // or just id: head if the id doesn't have to be a number
count: last,
sortBy(descend(prop('count'))), // or ascend
const arr = [{"id":1,"score":4},{"id":2,"score":3},{"id":1,"score":4},{"id":2,"score":3},{"id":3,"score":4},{"id":1,"score":3}]
const result = fn(arr)
<script src=""></script>
Obviously countBy will be part of the solution, if you're using Ramda. I would then choose to pipe that to toPairs and zipObj to get your final results:
const collect = pipe (
countBy (prop ('id')),
map (zipObj (['id', 'count']))
const data = [{id: 1, score: 4}, {id: 2, score: 3}, {id: 1, score: 4}, {id: 2, score: 3}, {id: 3, score: 4},{id: 1, score: 3}]
console .log (collect (data))
<script src=""></script>
<script> const {pipe, countBy, prop, toPairs, map, zipObj} = R </script>
zipObj takes an array of property names and an array of values and zips them together into a single object.
With vanillaJS you can simply use reduce and Map
const data = [{"id":1,"score":4},{"id":2,"score":3},{"id":1,"score":4},{"id":2,"score":3},{"id":3,"score":4},{"id":1,"score":3}]
const final = [,{id,score})=>{
op.set(id, op.get(id)+1)
} else {
return op;
}, new Map()).entries()].map(([id,count])=>({id,count}))

react javascript - json how to merge multiple array elements into one string

I have a JSON response as below:
"id": 1,
"food": {
"fruits": ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"],
"veggies": ["greens", "peppers", "carrot", "potatoes"],
"id": 2,
"food": {
"fruits": ["grapes", "berries", "peach", "pears"],
"veggies": ["cabbage", "spinach"],
"dairy": ["nutmilk", "goatmilk"]
Now i want to merge the Arrays each "id" (1,2 in example) into string ( ; delimited) like below:
id_1 = Banana;Orange;Apple;Mango;greens;peppers;carrot;potatoes
// observer "id_2" has additional array - "dairy"
id_2 = grapes;berries;peach;pears;cabbage;spinach;nutmilk;goatmilk
The key's are dynamic so for some records there are 2 arrays and for some records it can be 3 or 4 and may be 1.
I tried using react/Java Script Array.concat(), but i am not sure how to do it dynamically. Please help me. Thank you.
This is doable easily using Object.values().flat().join(';') demonstrated below:
let arr=[{"id":1,"food":{"fruits":["Banana","Orange","Apple","Mango"],"veggies":["greens","peppers","carrot","potatoes"],}},{"id":2,"food":{"fruits":["grapes","berries","peach","pears"],"veggies":["cabbage","spinach"],"dairy":["nutmilk","goatmilk"]}}];
const result ={id,food}) => ({id, food: Object.values(food).flat().join(';')}));
You may easily restructure the output by simply changing it to e.g. ["id_"+id]: Object.values(...)
First flatten using map, flat and join. Then convert the resulting array of objects to a single object using assign.
var db = [{"id": 1,"food": {"fruits": ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"], "veggies": ["greens","peppers","carrot","potatoes"], }},{"id" : 2,"food": {"fruits": ["grapes", "berries", "peach", "pears" ], "veggies": ["cabbage","spinach"], "dairy": ["nutmilk","goatmilk"]}}];
var flat =
({id, food}) => ({[`id_${id}`]: Object.values(food).flat().join(';')})
var result = Object.assign(...flat);
This is really two problems: looping through an array of objects to combine them into one object, and looping through an object to concat all of its array.
Tackling the second one first, something like this would work:
const concatArraysInObject = obj =>
Object.values(obj).reduce((result, arr) => result.concat(arr), []);
const input = { a: [1,2,3], b: [4,5,6], c: [7,8,9] };
const output = concatArraysInObject(input);
Object.values() will give you an array of all arrays in an object.
The reduce() function takes a two parameters: a function and initial value.
The function should also take (at least) 2 parameters: the result of the last call (or initial value) and the current value in the array.
It'll call the function once for each element in the array.
Now, with that solved, we can tackle the first problem.
For this, we can also use reduce() as well, and we'll construct our combined object on each call.
const concatArraysInObject = (obj) =>
Object.values(obj).reduce((result, arr) => result.concat(arr), []);
const mergeObjectsInArray = (arr, dataKey) =>
arr.reduce((result, obj) => ({ ...result, []: concatArraysInObject(obj[dataKey]) }), {});
const input = [
{ id: 'A', data: { a: [1,2,3], b: [4,5,6] } },
{ id: 'B', data: { c: [7,8,9], d: [10,11,12] } }
const output = mergeObjectsInArray(input, 'data');
An important note of warning: object key order is NOT guaranteed in JavaScript. While 99% of the time they will be in the order you expect, this is not a guarantee, so if you depend on the order of the keys for the order of the array (if order matters), you'll want to change your input structure. If order doesn't matter, it is probably fine how it is.
Try this using basic for loop. Inside you will compute key dynamically and value being flattened array of Object.values of the iterating object.
var input = [{
id: 1,
food: {
fruits: ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"],
veggies: ["greens", "peppers", "carrot", "potatoes"]
id: 2,
food: {
fruits: ["grapes", "berries", "peach", "pears"],
veggies: ["cabbage", "spinach"],
dairy: ["nutmilk", "goatmilk"]
var temp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
[`id_${input[i].id}`]: Object.values(input[i].food)
console.log(temp); // this gives you an array
console.log(Object.assign(...temp));// in case you require one single object

I have a data and want to map all the elements to other elements

"clauseId": 1,
"clauseName": "cover",
"texts": [
"textId": 1,
"text": "hello"
"clauseId": 3,
"clauseName": "xyz",
"texts": [
"textId": 3,
"text": "hello Everyone"
"textId": 4,
"text": "Some data"
"clauseId": 2,
"clauseName": "joining",
"texts": [
"textId": 3,
"text": "hello1"
"textId": 4,
"text": "hello2"
If I make a list like
I want a new list to be formed as
Please note that index of every element matters If i reverse the index the
b =[hello,hello1,hello2]
b=["hello Everyone","Some data",hello1,hello2,hello]
Similary If I interchange the places in a like [joining,xyz,cover]
b=["hello1","hello2","hello Everyone","Some data",hello]
Please note that the incoming data can have multiple clauseName and multiple texts in it..This is just a demo
You can create a look up table from your original array by using a Map. The map will use each clauseName as the key and point to an array of texts as the value. You can then .flatMap() your clauses array to values at each key in your look up table (ie the Map).
See example below:
const arr=[{clauseId:1,clauseName:"cover",texts:[{textId:1,text:"hello"}]},{clauseId:3,clauseName:"xyz",texts:[{textId:3,text:"hello Everyone"},{textId:4,text:"Some data"}]},{clauseId:2,clauseName:"joining",texts:[{textId:3,text:"hello1"},{textId:4,text:"hello2"}]}];
const clauses = ["joining", "cover"];
const lut = new Map({clauseName, texts}) =>
[clauseName,{text}) => text)]
const result = clauses.flatMap(key => lut.get(key));
If you cannot use JS's native .flatMap implementation you can either polyfill it or use lodash's implementation:
const arr = [{clauseId:1,clauseName:"cover",texts:[{textId:1,text:"hello"}]},{clauseId:3,clauseName:"xyz",texts:[{textId:3,text:"hello Everyone"},{textId:4,text:"Some data"}]},{clauseId:2,clauseName:"joining",texts:[{textId:3,text:"hello1"},{textId:4,text:"hello2"}]}];
const clauses = ["joining", "cover"];
const lut = new Map({clauseName, texts}) =>
[clauseName,{text}) => text)]
const result = _.flatMap(clauses, key => lut.get(key));
<script src=""></script>

Mapping the array element with other array

I have two arrays
array1 = [{id:"1",title:"Writing"},{id:"2",title:"Singing"},{id:"3",title:"Dance"}];
array2 = [{tags: "1",title: "USA",type: "text"},
{tags: "1,2,3",title: "Japan",type: "image"},
{tags: "2,3",title: "Japan",type: "image"}];
I have to map the id of the array1 to tags of the array2 and display the corresponding title from the array1.
The new array2 should look like,
array2=[{tags:"Writing",title:"USA", type:"text"},
{tags: "Writing,Singing,Dance",title: "Japan",type: "image"},
{tags: "Singing,Dance",title: "Japan",type: "image"}];
I did this to get the array1 mapping and got stuck after that.
var newtags= (array1).map(obj=>{
var rObj={};
return rObj;
You can create a mapping object with each id as key and title as value using reduce. Then map over array2 and split each tags to get the new tags
const array1=[{id:"1",title:"Writing"},{id:"2",title:"Singing"},{id:"3",title:"Dance"}],
const map = array1.reduce((r, { id, title }) => ({ ...r, [id]: title }), {});
const output ={ tags, }) => {
const newTags = tags.split(',').map(id => map[id]).join(',')
return { tags: newTags, }
You could also get the mapping object using Object.fromEntries()
const map = Object.fromEntries({ id, title }) => [id, title]));
Then use the regex /\d+(?=,|$)/ to match the numbers and replace them with their respective titles
const array1=[{id:"1",title:"Writing"},{id:"2",title:"Singing"},{id:"3",title:"Dance"}],
const map = Object.fromEntries({ id, title }) => [id, title]));
const output ={ tags, }) => {
const newTags = tags.replace(/\d+(?=,|$)/g, n => map[n])
return { tags: newTags, }
Here's a solution
I'm using .map, .reduce and .replace to join array1 and array2 together.
const array1 = [
id: "1",
title: "Writing"
id: "2",
title: "Singing"
id: "3",
title: "Dance"
const array2 = [
tags: "1",
title: "USA",
type: "text"
tags: "1,2,3",
title: "Japan",
type: "image"
tags: "2,3",
title: "Japan",
type: "image"
const array3 = => ({
tags: array1.reduce((tags, {id, title}) => tags.replace(id, title), item.tags),
You can use filter, map and join method, split tags and filter tags in array1 first.
var newtags= (array2).map(obj=>{
let tags = obj.tags.split(",");
let titles = array1.filter(c=>tags.includes(>c.title);
obj.tags = titles.join();
return obj;
array1 = [{id:"1",title:"Writing"},{id:"2",title:"Singing"},{id:"3",title:"Dance"}];
array2 = [{tags: "1",title: "USA",type: "text"},
{tags: "1,2,3",title: "Japan",type: "image"},
{tags: "2,3",title: "Japan",type: "image"}];
var newtags= (array2).map(obj=>{
let tags = obj.tags.split(",");
let titles = array1.filter(c=>tags.includes(>c.title);
obj.tags = titles.join();
return obj;
You can try following
Use Array.reduce to convert array1 into an object with id as key and title as value (Step 1)
Iterate over array2 using Array.forEach to update its tags property
To update tags property first split it by , to convert into an array
Map each value in array to its corresponding value in Object created in step 1
Join back the array with , and assign back to tags
let array1 = [{id:"1",title:"Writing"},{id:"2",title:"Singing"},{id:"3",title:"Dance"}];
let array2 = [{tags: "1",title: "USA",type: "text"},{tags: "1,2,3",title: "Japan",type: "image"},{tags: "2,3",title: "Japan",type: "image"}];
let obj = array1.reduce((a,c) => Object.assign(a, {[] : c.title}), {});
array2.forEach(o => o.tags = o.tags.split(",").map(v => obj[v]).join(","));
To achieve expected result, use below option of looping array1 and replacing array2 tags with title
Loop Array1 using forEach
Replace array2 tags with each array1 title using array id
array1 = [{id:"1",title:"Writing"},{id:"2",title:"Singing"},{id:"3",title:"Dance"}];
array2 = [{tags: "1",title: "USA",type: "text"},
{tags: "1,2,3",title: "Japan",type: "image"},
{tags: "2,3",title: "Japan",type: "image"}];
array1.forEach(v =>{
const re = new RegExp(, "g");
array2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(array2).replace(re, v.title))
I would consider breaking this down into several reusable functions. Of course it might be premature abstraction, but I've seen variants of this questions like often enough here that it makes sense to me to look toward the fundamentals.
We want to be able to look up the values in a list stored as an array with what might be arbitrary field names. So we use a function makeDictionary that takes both the field names and the array and returns an object that maps them, such as {'1': 'Writing', '2': 'Singing',...}`.
Then we can use fillField supplying a dictionary, a field name, and an object, and replace that field with the result of looking up the tags in the dictionary. This is a little more specific to the problem, mostly because the comma-separated string format for your tags is a little more cumbersome than it might be if it were an array.
With these, useTags is simple to write, and it is the first function here focused directly on your needs. It combines the above, supplying the field names id and title for the dictionary and tags for your main objects.
This is what it looks like combined:
const makeDictionary = (keyName, valName) => (arr) =>
arr .reduce
( (a, {[keyName]: k, [valName]: v}) => ({...a, [k]: v})
, {}
const fillField = (field, dict) => ({[field]: f,}) => ({,
[field]: f .split (/,\s*/) .map (t => dict[t]) .join (', ')
const useTags = (tags, dict = makeDictionary ('id', 'title') (tags) ) =>
(objs) => objs .map ( fillField ('tags', dict) )
const tags = [{id: "1", title: "Writing"}, {id: "2", title: "Singing"}, {id: "3", title: "Dance"}];
const updateTags = useTags (tags)
const items = [{tags: "1", title: "USA", type: "text"}, {tags: "1, 2, 3", title: "Japan", type: "image"}, {tags: "2, 3", title: "Japan", type: "image"}];
console .log (
updateTags (items)
Note that I took a little liberty with the tags: "2,3" and tags: "Singing,Dance" formats, adding a little white space. It's trivial to take this out. But even better, if possible, would be to change this to use arrays for your tags.
You could take a real Map and map the values to the new objects.
var array1 = [{ id: "1", title: "Writing" }, { id: "2", title: "Singing" }, { id: "3", title: "Dance" }],
array2 = [{ tags: "1", title: "USA", type: "text" }, { tags: "1,2,3", title: "Japan", type: "image" }, { tags: "2,3", title: "Japan", type: "image" }],
tags = array1.reduce((m, { id, title }) => m.set(id, title), new Map),
result = => ({ ...o, tags: o.tags.split(',').map(Map.prototype.get, tags).join() }));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

