react javascript - json how to merge multiple array elements into one string - javascript

I have a JSON response as below:
"id": 1,
"food": {
"fruits": ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"],
"veggies": ["greens", "peppers", "carrot", "potatoes"],
"id": 2,
"food": {
"fruits": ["grapes", "berries", "peach", "pears"],
"veggies": ["cabbage", "spinach"],
"dairy": ["nutmilk", "goatmilk"]
Now i want to merge the Arrays each "id" (1,2 in example) into string ( ; delimited) like below:
id_1 = Banana;Orange;Apple;Mango;greens;peppers;carrot;potatoes
// observer "id_2" has additional array - "dairy"
id_2 = grapes;berries;peach;pears;cabbage;spinach;nutmilk;goatmilk
The key's are dynamic so for some records there are 2 arrays and for some records it can be 3 or 4 and may be 1.
I tried using react/Java Script Array.concat(), but i am not sure how to do it dynamically. Please help me. Thank you.

This is doable easily using Object.values().flat().join(';') demonstrated below:
let arr=[{"id":1,"food":{"fruits":["Banana","Orange","Apple","Mango"],"veggies":["greens","peppers","carrot","potatoes"],}},{"id":2,"food":{"fruits":["grapes","berries","peach","pears"],"veggies":["cabbage","spinach"],"dairy":["nutmilk","goatmilk"]}}];
const result ={id,food}) => ({id, food: Object.values(food).flat().join(';')}));
You may easily restructure the output by simply changing it to e.g. ["id_"+id]: Object.values(...)

First flatten using map, flat and join. Then convert the resulting array of objects to a single object using assign.
var db = [{"id": 1,"food": {"fruits": ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"], "veggies": ["greens","peppers","carrot","potatoes"], }},{"id" : 2,"food": {"fruits": ["grapes", "berries", "peach", "pears" ], "veggies": ["cabbage","spinach"], "dairy": ["nutmilk","goatmilk"]}}];
var flat =
({id, food}) => ({[`id_${id}`]: Object.values(food).flat().join(';')})
var result = Object.assign(...flat);

This is really two problems: looping through an array of objects to combine them into one object, and looping through an object to concat all of its array.
Tackling the second one first, something like this would work:
const concatArraysInObject = obj =>
Object.values(obj).reduce((result, arr) => result.concat(arr), []);
const input = { a: [1,2,3], b: [4,5,6], c: [7,8,9] };
const output = concatArraysInObject(input);
Object.values() will give you an array of all arrays in an object.
The reduce() function takes a two parameters: a function and initial value.
The function should also take (at least) 2 parameters: the result of the last call (or initial value) and the current value in the array.
It'll call the function once for each element in the array.
Now, with that solved, we can tackle the first problem.
For this, we can also use reduce() as well, and we'll construct our combined object on each call.
const concatArraysInObject = (obj) =>
Object.values(obj).reduce((result, arr) => result.concat(arr), []);
const mergeObjectsInArray = (arr, dataKey) =>
arr.reduce((result, obj) => ({ ...result, []: concatArraysInObject(obj[dataKey]) }), {});
const input = [
{ id: 'A', data: { a: [1,2,3], b: [4,5,6] } },
{ id: 'B', data: { c: [7,8,9], d: [10,11,12] } }
const output = mergeObjectsInArray(input, 'data');
An important note of warning: object key order is NOT guaranteed in JavaScript. While 99% of the time they will be in the order you expect, this is not a guarantee, so if you depend on the order of the keys for the order of the array (if order matters), you'll want to change your input structure. If order doesn't matter, it is probably fine how it is.

Try this using basic for loop. Inside you will compute key dynamically and value being flattened array of Object.values of the iterating object.
var input = [{
id: 1,
food: {
fruits: ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"],
veggies: ["greens", "peppers", "carrot", "potatoes"]
id: 2,
food: {
fruits: ["grapes", "berries", "peach", "pears"],
veggies: ["cabbage", "spinach"],
dairy: ["nutmilk", "goatmilk"]
var temp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
[`id_${input[i].id}`]: Object.values(input[i].food)
console.log(temp); // this gives you an array
console.log(Object.assign(...temp));// in case you require one single object


Javascript: Filter array of objects based on array values in an efficient way

Let's say I have a data set that looks like below:
const fruits = [
{ fruit: "banana", price: 100 },
{ type: "apple", price: 200 },
{ item: "grape", price: 150 },
// And so on...
const rotten = ["banana", "orange", /* And so on...*/];
I need to filter out elements that contain one of the values in 'rotten' array from 'fruits' array.
Some characteristics:
The key names in the 'fruits' objects are inconsistent. We just know that the corresponding string values are there. I know it is suboptimal but fixing this is sadly not a near-term option.
The actual length of 'fruits' is ~100 and that of 'rotten' is ~10. So this is not a small dataset. (There is a context for saying this...)
I already tried going through each element in 'rotten' and use Object.values(obj).includes() for each element in 'fruits' to eventually create a filtered array, but considering the size of the dataset, this is expensive and I will need a better way to handle this.
What might be a better way to do this? Any suggestions? Thanks a lot in advance!
It is unusual (and not practical) that your input objects all use different properties for storing the same information (fruit, type, item...). So, you should really improve the source of this data.
But given it is like this, you'll have to scan each property of each object and compare it with the rotten fruit names. The latter can be put in a Set, which will reduce the time complexity of the search:
const fruits = [
{ fruit: "banana", price: 100 },
{ type: "apple", price: 200 },
{ item: "grape", price: 150 },
const rotten = ["banana", "orange"];
let rottenSet = new Set(rotten);
let result = fruits.filter(item =>
!Object.values(item).some(value => rottenSet.has(value))
You can try this.
const fruits = [
{ fruit: "banana", price: 100 },
{ type: "apple", price: 200 },
{ item: "grape", price: 150 }
const rotten = ["banana", "orange"];
const stringfyFruites = JSON.stringify(fruits);
let filterdArray = [];
rotten.forEach((value) => {
const regexstr = '{[\\w":,\\s]+' + value + '[\\w":,\\s]+}';
const matchedobject = stringfyFruites
.match(new RegExp(regexstr, "gm"))
?.map((a) => JSON.parse(a));
if (matchedobject?.length) filterdArray = [...filterdArray, ...matchedobject];

Javascript or Ramda Transform JSON By Attributes

I am using Ramda library in my project.
is it possible to transform following JSON array
"id": 1,
"name": "test",
"id": 2,
"name": "test2"
"id": 1,
"id": 2,
"name": "test",
"name": "test2"
pleas help
As OriDrori pointed out, your requested output is not valid JS. I'm going to make a slightly different guess, though, as to a useful variant of it that is valid, namely that we want an output like this:
id: [1, 2],
name: ['test1', 'test2']
Here's one simple way to achieve that in vanilla JS:
const extract = (data) => {
const keys = [... new Set (data .flatMap (Object .keys))]
return Object .fromEntries ( (k => [k, data .map (o => o [k])])
const data = [{id: 1, name: "test"}, {id: 2, name: "test2"}]
console .log (
extract (data)
We can definitely clean that up with Ramda functions. Another version might look like this:
const extract = (data) => fromPairs (
map (k => [k, map (o => o [k], data)]) (uniq (chain (keys) (data)))
const data = [{id: 1, name: "test"}, {id: 2, name: "test2"}]
console .log (extract (data))
<script src=""></script>
<script> const {fromPairs, map, uniq, chain, keys} = R </script>
While we could go completely point-free, I find this version much less readable:
const extract = compose (
lift (map) (
unary (compose (ap (pair), flip (pluck))),
compose (uniq, chain (keys))
const data = [
{id: 1, name: "test"},
{id: 2, name: "test2"}
console .log (extract (data))
<script src="//"></script>
const {compose, fromPairs, lift, map, unary, ap, pair, flip, pluck, uniq, chain, keys} = R
Objects can't have multiple properties with the same key, so
{ "id": 1, "id": 2 } and { "name": "test", "name": "test2" } are invalid. I assume that you need an array of ids and an array of names:
[[1, 2, 3], ['test', 'test2', 'test3']]
If all objects are have the same order of keys - ie no { id: 1, name: 'test'} and { name: 'test2', id: 1 }, and you need all the values in an object, you can map the objects to their values, and then transpose:
const { pipe, map, values, transpose } = R;
const fn = pipe(
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"test"},{"id":2,"name":"test2"},{"id":3,"name":"test3"}];
const result = fn(arr);
<script src="" integrity="sha512-rZHvUXcc1zWKsxm7rJ8lVQuIr1oOmm7cShlvpV0gWf0RvbcJN6x96al/Rp2L2BI4a4ZkT2/YfVe/8YvB2UHzQw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
If some objects have a different keys insertion order, you want to change the order of the resulting arrays, or if you need some of the keys, you can get the values with R.props, and then transpose:
const { pipe, map, props, transpose } = R;
const fn = pipe(
map(props(['name', 'id'])), // example - name would be the 1st sub-array
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"test"},{"id":2,"name":"test2"},{"id":3,"name":"test3"}];
const result = fn(arr);
<script src="" integrity="sha512-rZHvUXcc1zWKsxm7rJ8lVQuIr1oOmm7cShlvpV0gWf0RvbcJN6x96al/Rp2L2BI4a4ZkT2/YfVe/8YvB2UHzQw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
If you want the structure suggested by Scott Sauyet's:
id: [1, 2],
name: ['test1', 'test2']
I would map and flatten the objects to an array of pairs with R.chain and R.toPairs, group them by the 1st item in each pair (the original key), and then map each groups item to the last item in each pair (the original value).
const { pipe, chain, toPairs, groupBy, head, map, last } = R
const fn = pipe(
map(map(last)), // map(pipe(map(last), uniq)) if you want only unique items
const arr = [{"id":1,"name":"test"},{"id":2,"name":"test2"},{"id":3,"name":"test3"}];
<script src="//"></script>

Suggested way to Map an Object array to Array of Ids

If given an array of ids [1,2,3,4,5]
And an object array:
[{animal:tiger, id:1}, {animal:"fish", id:2}]
What would be the suggested way to return 'tiger, fish'. Would that be through using .map or would a for loop be better for constructing the sentence?
What you need is just go through the list of ids and find corresponding animal in the animals list.
Note, that in case animals list is not expected to store all the animals and some of them are missing, you will need to add additional filter step to be sure that no undefined values appear on the last map step.
const ids = [1,5,2,4,3,6]; // added 6 which is missing in animals
const animals = [
const result = ids
.map(id => animals.find(a => === id))
.filter(Boolean) // this will exclude undefined
.map(a =>
var ids = [1,2,3,4,5];
var objects = [{ animal:"tiger", id: 1 }, { animal: "fish", id: 2 }]; { if(ids.includes( return o.animal }).join();
I'm guessing you only want the animal names who's id appears in your array. If so, you could filter the array of objects first, followed by a map and a join.
let idarr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let objarr = [{
animal: "tiger",
id: 1
}, {
animal: "fish",
id: 2
console.log(objarr.filter(x => idarr.includes( => x.animal).join(', '))
I suggest two options, depending on your data & use cases.
1. map + find if the animal kingdoms are not too many to loop through.
const animals = [
{animal:tiger, id:1},
{animal:"fish", id:2}
const ids = [1,2,3,4,5];
const names = =>
animals.find(animal => === id));
2. convert animals array to object first, for easier frequent access later. One upfront loop, then easier to access by id later.
const animals = [
{animal: "tiger", id:1},
{animal: "fish", id:2}
[{animal:tiger, id:1}, {animal:"fish", id:2}]
1: { animal: "tiger", id: 1 },
2: { animal: "fish", id: 2 },
const animalsObj = animals.reduce((acc, animal) => {
return {
[]: animal,
}, {});
const ids = [1,2,3,4,5];
const names = => animalsObj[id].animal)

How to name Values in array by values in different array?

I have two arrays:
The first contains unique names of fields in a nested array:
The second contains multiple items with values in a nested array like this:
[0][0] XYZ
[0][1] XYZA
[0][2] XYZ2
[1][0] XYZaa
[1][1] XYZas
[1][2] XYA
What I want to do is to merge it and name it in this way:
[0] Name1: XYZ
[0] Name2: XYZA
[0] Name3: XYZ2
[1] Name1: XYZaa
[1] Name2: XYZas
[1] Name3: XYA
To achieve this I first attempted the following:
var mergedArr = name.concat(data);
That works fine, however I believe I can also use lodash to get closer to what I want:
_.merge(name, data)
and should work fine too.
I was trying to name it by using
Yet it doesn't work the way I would like
I was trying few options with zip, zipObject, yet non of it gave me expected output.
how I created arrays:
$("#T1020 tr").each(function(x, z){
name[x] = [];
$(this).children('th').each(function(xx, zz){
name[x][xx] = $(this).text();
$("#T1020 tr").each(function(i, v){
data[i] = [];
$(this).children('td').each(function(ii, vv){
data[i][ii] = $(this).text();
If I understand your question correctly, you're wanting to zip array1 and array2 into a single array where:
each item of the result array is an object
the keys of each object are values of array1[0], and
the values of each key corresponding nested array of array2
To produce the following:
"name1": "xyz",
"name2": "xyza",
"name3": "xyz2"
"name1": "xyzaa",
"name2": "xyzas",
"name3": "xya"
This can be achieved without lodash; first map each item of array2 by a function where array1[0] is reduced to an object. The reduced object is composed by a key that is the current reduce item, and a value that is taken from the indexed value of the current map item:
const array1 = [
['name1', 'name2', 'name3']
const array2 = [
['xyz', 'xyza', 'xyz2'],
['xyzaa', 'xyzas', 'xya']
const result = => {
/* Reduce items of array1[0] to an object
that corresponds to current item of array2 */
return array1[0].reduce((obj, value, index) => {
return { ...obj,
[value]: item[index]
}, {});
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, ' '));
Iterate the values (your array2) and take the sub-array from the keys (array) using the current index and the % operator. This will ensure that if that the keys are taken in a cyclic way (see example with keys2 and values2). Convert to object with _.zipObject:
const fn = (keys, values) =>, i) => _.zipObject(keys[i % keys.length], v))
const keys1 = [['name1', 'name2', 'name3']]
const values1 = [['xyz', 'xyza', 'xyz2'], ['xyzaa', 'xyzas', 'xya']]
const keys2 = [['name1', 'name2', 'name3'], ['name11', 'name12', 'name13']]
const values2 = [['xyz', 'xyza', 'xyz2'], ['xyzaa', 'xyzas', 'xya'], ['abc', 'def', 'hij']]
console.log(fn(keys1, values1))
console.log(fn(keys2, values2))
<script src=""></script>

How to convert an Object {} to an Array [] of key-value pairs in JavaScript

I want to convert an object like this:
into an array of key-value pairs like this:
How can I convert an Object to an Array of key-value pairs in JavaScript?
You can use Object.keys() and map() to do this
var obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0}
var result = Object.keys(obj).map((key) => [Number(key), obj[key]]);
The best way is to do:
var obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0}
var result = Object.entries(obj);
Calling entries, as shown here, will return [key, value] pairs, as the caller requested.
Alternatively, you could call Object.values(obj), which would return only values.
Object.entries() returns an array whose elements are arrays corresponding to the enumerable property [key, value] pairs found directly upon object. The ordering of the properties is the same as that given by looping over the property values of the object manually.
The Object.entries function returns almost the exact output you're asking for, except the keys are strings instead of numbers.
const obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0};
If you need the keys to be numbers, you could map the result to a new array with a callback function that replaces the key in each pair with a number coerced from it.
const obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0};
const toNumericPairs = input => {
const entries = Object.entries(input);
return => Object.assign(entry, { 0: +entry[0] }));
I use an arrow function and Object.assign for the map callback in the example above so that I can keep it in one instruction by leveraging the fact that Object.assign returns the object being assigned to, and a single instruction arrow function's return value is the result of the instruction.
This is equivalent to:
entry => {
entry[0] = +entry[0];
return entry;
As mentioned by #TravisClarke in the comments, the map function could be shortened to:
entry => [ +entry[0], entry[1] ]
However, that would create a new array for each key-value pair, instead of modifying the existing array in place, hence doubling the amount of key-value pair arrays created. While the original entries array is still accessible, it and its entries will not be garbage collected.
Now, even though using our in-place method still uses two arrays that hold the key-value pairs (the input and the output arrays), the total number of arrays only changes by one. The input and output arrays aren't actually filled with arrays, but rather references to arrays and those references take up a negligible amount of space in memory.
Modifying each key-value pair in-place results in a negligible amount of memory growth, but requires typing a few more characters.
Creating a new array for each key-value pair results in doubling the amount of memory required, but requires typing a few less characters.
You could go one step further and eliminate growth altogether by modifying the entries array in-place instead of mapping it to a new array:
const obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0};
const toNumericPairs = input => {
const entries = Object.entries(obj);
entries.forEach(entry => entry[0] = +entry[0]);
return entries;
To recap some of these answers now on 2018, where ES6 is the standard.
Starting with the object:
let const={"1":9,"2":8,"3":7,"4":6,"5":5,"6":4,"7":3,"8":2,"9":1,"10":0,"12":5};
Just blindly getting the values on an array, do not care of the keys:
const obj={"1":9,"2":8,"3":7,"4":6,"5":5,"6":4,"7":3,"8":2,"9":1,"10":0,"12":5};
Simple getting the pairs on an array:
const obj={"1":9,"2":8,"3":7,"4":6,"5":5,"6":4,"7":3,"8":2,"9":1,"10":0,"12":5};
Same as previous, but with numeric keys on each pair:
const obj={"1":9,"2":8,"3":7,"4":6,"5":5,"6":4,"7":3,"8":2,"9":1,"10":0,"12":5};
Using the object property as key for a new array (could create sparse arrays):
const obj={"1":9,"2":8,"3":7,"4":6,"5":5,"6":4,"7":3,"8":2,"9":1,"10":0,"12":5};
This last method, it could also reorganize the array order depending the value of keys. Sometimes this could be the desired behaviour (sometimes don't). But the advantage now is that the values are indexed on the correct array slot, essential and trivial to do searches on it.
Map instead of Array
Finally (not part of the original question, but for completeness), if you need to easy search using the key or the value, but you don't want sparse arrays, no duplicates and no reordering without the need to convert to numeric keys (even can access very complex keys), then array (or object) is not what you need. I will recommend Map instead:
let r=new Map(Object.entries(obj));
r.get("4"); //6
r.has(8); //true
In Ecmascript 6,
var obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0};
var res = Object.entries(obj);
var obj = {
"1": 5,
"2": 7,
"3": 0,
"4": 0,
"5": 0,
"6": 0,
"7": 0,
"8": 0,
"9": 0,
"10": 0,
"11": 0,
"12": 0
var res = Object.entries(obj);
Yet another solution if Object.entries won't work for you.
const obj = {
'1': 29,
'2': 42
const arr = Array.from(Object.keys(obj), k=>[`${k}`, obj[k]]);
Use Object.keys and Array#map methods.
var obj = {
"1": 5,
"2": 7,
"3": 0,
"4": 0,
"5": 0,
"6": 0,
"7": 0,
"8": 0,
"9": 0,
"10": 0,
"11": 0,
"12": 0
// get all object property names
var res = Object.keys(obj)
// iterate over them and generate the array
.map(function(k) {
// generate the array element
return [+k, obj[k]];
Use Object.entries to get each element of Object in key & value format, then map through them like this:
var obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0}
var res = Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => ([Number(k), v]));
But, if you are certain that the keys will be in progressive order you can use Object.values and Array#map to do something like this:
var obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0};
// idx is the index, you can use any logic to increment it (starts from 0)
let result = Object.values(obj).map((e, idx) => ([++idx, e]));
You can use Object.values([]), you might need this polyfill if you don't already:
const objectToValuesPolyfill = (object) => {
return Object.keys(object).map(key => object[key]);
Object.values = Object.values || objectToValuesPolyfill;
Then you can just do:
var object = {1: 'hello', 2: 'world'};
var array = Object.values(object);
Just remember that arrays in js can only use numerical keys so if you used something else in the object then those will become `0,1,2...x``
It can be useful to remove duplicates for example if you have a unique key.
var obj = {};
object[uniqueKey] = '...';
With lodash, in addition to the answer provided above, you can also have the key in the output array.
Without the object keys in the output array
const array = _.values(obj);
If obj is the following:
{ “art”: { id: 1, title: “aaaa” }, “fiction”: { id: 22, title: “7777”} }
Then array will be:
[ { id: 1, title: “aaaa” }, { id: 22, title: “7777” } ]
With the object keys in the output array
If you write instead ('genre' is a string that you choose):
const array=, (val, id) => {
return { ...val, genre: key };
You will get:
{ id: 1, title: “aaaa” , genre: “art”},
{ id: 22, title: “7777”, genre: “fiction” }
If you are using lodash, it could be as simple as this:
var arr = _.values(obj);
var obj = { "1": 5, "2": 7, "3": 0, "4": 0, "5": 0, "6": 0, "7": 0, "8": 0, "9": 0, "10": 0, "11": 0, "12": 0 }
let objectKeys = Object.keys(obj);
let answer = => {
return [value + ':' + obj[value]]
const persons = {
john: { age: 23, year:2010},
jack: { age: 22, year:2011},
jenny: { age: 21, year:2012}
const resultArray = Object.keys(persons).map(index => {
let person = persons[index];
return person;
//use this for not indexed object to change array
This is my solution, i have the same issue and its seems like this solution work for me.
yourObj = [].concat(yourObj);
or you can use Object.assign():
const obj = { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3};
const arr = Object.assign([], obj);
// arr is [1, 2, 3]
Here is a "new" way with es6 using the spread operator in conjunction with Object.entries.
const data = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0};
const dataSpread = [...Object.entries(data)];
// data spread value is now:
[ '1', 5 ], [ '2', 7 ],
[ '3', 0 ], [ '4', 0 ],
[ '5', 0 ], [ '6', 0 ],
[ '7', 0 ], [ '8', 0 ],
[ '9', 0 ], [ '10', 0 ],
[ '11', 0 ], [ '12', 0 ]
you can use 3 methods convert object into array (reference for anyone not only for this question (3rd on is the most suitable,answer for this question)
Object.keys() ,Object.values(),andObject.entries()
examples for 3 methods
use Object.keys()
const text= {
quote: 'hello world',
author: 'unknown'
const propertyNames = Object.keys(text);
[ 'quote', 'author' ]
use Object.values()
const propertyValues = Object.values(text);
[ 'Hello world', 'unknown' ]
use Object.entires()
const propertyValues = Object.entires(text);
[ [ 'quote', 'Hello world' ], [ 'author', 'unknown' ] ]
Use for in
var obj = { "10":5, "2":7, "3":0, "4":0, "5":0, "6":0, "7":0,
"8":0, "9":0, "10":0, "11":0, "12":0 };
var objectToArray = function(obj) {
var _arr = [];
for (var key in obj) {
_arr.push([key, obj[key]]);
return _arr;
Recursive convert object to array
function is_object(mixed_var) {
if (mixed_var instanceof Array) {
return false;
} else {
return (mixed_var !== null) && (typeof( mixed_var ) == 'object');
function objectToArray(obj) {
var array = [], tempObject;
for (var key in obj) {
tempObject = obj[key];
if (is_object(obj[key])) {
tempObject = objectToArray(obj[key]);
array[key] = tempObject;
return array;
We can change Number to String type for Key like below:
var obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0}
var result = Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {
return [String(key), obj[key]];
you can use _.castArray(obj).
_.castArray({ 'a': 1 });
// => [{ 'a': 1 }]

