How to get value inside a div element using JS - javascript

Here I have a div element with class med and I want to access the value inside the div of the Prescribed:{{pro_id.prescribedmed}} .I tried JS to get the value by using the getattribute() but it does not show. how can get the value of it. Here is the piece of code
<div class="column">
<!-- style="background-color:#bbb; -->
<p class="newarrival ">Rs.{{pro_id.price}}</p>
<p><strong>Category:</strong> {{ pro_id.category}}</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> {{pro_id.smalldescription}}.</p>
<div class="med hidden" >
<button data-product={{}} data-action="add" type="button" class="btn-cart update-cart"> Add to cart
i tired to get the element like
var premed = document.getElementsByClassName('med').innerText;
here the output gives like undefined

Give this a try
<p class="med_prescribed">Prescribed: {{ pro_id.prescribedmed }}</p>
in your JS as follows
var premed = document.getElementsByClassName('med_prescribed')[0].innerText;

If I had to do that it would look next:
First select the element with Document.querySelector().
Then extract the text of the element.
And finally use the String.prototype.substring() method to get the needed value.

You cant get the attribute because you dont have one.
Div element:
<div class="med hidden" id="Div_id" value="Value_here" >
var value = document.getElementById("Div_id").getAttribute ("value")


How to get node inside a node

Let's suppose I have a variable called myNode:
myNode = document.getElementsByTagName('li')[0];
Here is what myNode.outerHTML looks like:
<div class="_4ofi">
<div class="_4ofp">
<div class="_4ofr">
<div class="_2hq-">
<i class="img sp_RGPCxTkOR8i_1_5x sx_20baa4" alt=""></i>
<div class="_4ofr">
<div>My div</div>
<div class="_9079">My caption</div>
<div class="_4ofr">
<div aria-checked="false" aria-disabled="false"
class="_kx6 _kxa _4ofs" role="checkbox" tabindex="0">
I need to access the div that starts with <div aria-checked="false"> but as this div has no ID. I suppose I need to iterate through the myNode elements to find it and click on it.
So I tried this:
for (var i=0;i<myNode.length;i++) { console.log(myNode[i]); };
Somehow myNode.length returns undefined.
What am I missing?
If you use document.querySelector, you can select an element by an attribute.
document.querySelector('li div[aria-disabled="false"]')
If the classes are not going to change, you can increase the specificity of the selector. If myNode is a list of li (list items), then you can query from that node at the desired index.
myNode[i].querySelector('._4ofi ._4ofr div[aria-disabled="false"]')
Additionally, you could iterate over the result set to increase readability.
myNodes.forEach(node => myNode.querySelector('div[aria-disabled="false"]'));
Where myNodes is a collection of li elements.
I assume you cannot modify the DOM. Otherwise just set an id to the element you want to access and get it by using
If you cannot touch the DOM:
myNode.length returns undefined because the returning value is not an array. It is an object. You access its child nodes by calling
For the specific node that has the "aria-check". You can access directly with:
Not sure why someone would like to access a node in that way, but there you go.
var myNode = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var i=0;i<myNode.length;i++) {
console.log(myNode[i].querySelector('._4ofr div[aria-disabled="false"]'));
try this it will give you aria-checked="false" div content, fiddle link

java script replace for html attributes

I have a html tag like the following:
<div id="slide1" class="mySlides" type="slide" index="1" duration="1100" style="display: block;">
<div id="page_number1" class="numbertext">1/2</div>
<div id="slide_content1"><p>First Slide</p>
<div id="slide_h1" class="slide_h1"></div>
<div id="slide_h2" class="slide_h2"></div>
<div id="playOptions{slide_number}" class="playOptions">|
<span id="remaining_slide_time{slide_number}"></span> |
<span id="remaining_time{slide_number}"></span>
I need to replace {slide_number} with an integer. Whatever I tried the result doesn't replace the {slide_number}
var str = template.replace("{slide_number}", i);
You can use attribute selector contains that will select all elements where id contains {slide_number} and you can replace that part of the id with the number.
document.querySelectorAll("[id*='{slide_number}']").forEach(function(e) { ="{slide_number}", 1)
<div id="slide1" class="mySlides" type="slide" index="1" duration="1100" style="display: block;">
<div id="page_number1" class="numbertext">1/2</div>
<div id="slide_content1">
<p>First Slide</p>
<div id="slide_h1" class="slide_h1"></div>
<div id="slide_h2" class="slide_h2"></div>
<div id="playOptions{slide_number}" class="playOptions">|
<span id="remaining_slide_time{slide_number}"></span> |
<span id="remaining_time{slide_number}"></span>
in javascript you can find them from
Please read this
If you use jquery then it can be done like below:
But I recommend you to use HTML data attribute to distinguish different element. It is a very nice thing to work with multiple elements that can be needed to change dynamically.
If you change your ID attribute dynamically adding some integer number then it may be harder to catch them. Instead, use data like below code.
You can make any element unique setting the data-SOMETHING.
If you write the code below:
Then the element will be
<div id="playOptions" data-roll="100" class="playOptions">
If you write the code below:
Then the element will be
<div id="playOptions" data-name="ahmad" class="playOptions">
You can then catch the element by the code below:
var name = $('#playOptions').data('name');
console.log(name) //Output should be 'ahmad'
var roll = $('#playOptions').data('roll');
console.log(roll) //Output should be '100'
To learn more about the data attribute please see the link
This solution worked:
var find = '{slide_number}';
var re = new RegExp(find, 'g');
str = template.replace(re, i);

Handling an onclick event inside div tag using selenium java

How do I handle this div using Selenium?
<div onclick="Hover_Menu();Toggle_LevelToolMenu(this,event);"
class="edittop edit-one"></div>
I want to click on this and work with the menu that will be displayed. I believe I will be able to handle the menu that is display, however, I am not able to click on this div.
I tried using
Thought I would use JavascriptExecutor but getElementbyId will not work since this is div and there is no ID associated
<div style="height:25px; width:55px;">
<div onmouseover="Hover_ToolBarMenu();" class="edit_box">
<div onclick="return Click_ToolBarMenu('Edit',1019, 9189707,event, this)" class="editopt edit">
<div onclick="Hover_LivesMenu();Toggle_ToolBarMenu(this,event);" class="editopt edit-dot dot"></div>
<div class="clr"></div>
<div style="display:none; position:relative;" class="qm_ques_level_menu">
<div onmouseover="Hover_LivesMenu();" onclick="return Click_ToolBarMenu('Delete',1019, 9189707,event, this)" class="menu_buttons img_ico del">
<div onmouseover="Hover_LivesMenu();" onclick="return Click_ToolBarMenu('Copy',1019, 9189707,event, this)" class="menu_buttons img_ico copy accor">
Copy <span class="arrowIcon">?</span>
<div onmouseover="Hover_LivesMenu();" onclick="return Click_ToolBarMenu('Move',1019, 9189707,event, this)" class="menu_buttons img_ico move accor">
Move <span class="arrowIcon">?</span>
<div onclick="return Click_ToolBarMenu('Deposit2QB',1019, 9189707,event, this)" class="menu_buttons img_ico qb">
Deposit to Bank
can you not use CLASS_NAME
driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'edit-one')
Find and click an item from 'onclick' partial value
How about something like this?
Selenium: How to select nth button using the same class name
How about this one (would required the div to be in a static position)
var nth = 2;
var divs = driver.findElements(By.className("edit-one"));
var div = divs.get(nth);;
I was able to figure this out. I used jQuery for invoking the onclick function in this div
Below is the jQuery I used
var event = document.createEvent('Event');$('.editopt.edit-dot').get(0).onclick(event)
Thanks everyone who posted and helped me on this.

Getting class name from div

I want to retrieve the class name of the last child element (class last div new3) in .find_class, but my code gives me class select3. How can I fix it?
<div class="find_class mediumCell">
<div class="new1 old1">
<div class="select1"></div>
<div class="new2 old2">
<div class="select2"></div>
<div class="new3 old3"><!-- I want to get this div's class name 'new3' -->
<div class="select3"></div>
var find = $('div.find_class div:last').attr('class');
Use the child selector (>):
var find = $('div.find_class > div:last').attr('class');
See also: MDN - CSS Selectors

selecting span value inside div

Let's say I have
<div id="1">
<span id="name">Josh</span>
<div id="quote">Run</div>
<div id="2">
<span id="name">Mark</span>
<div id="quote">Run</div>
How would I select the name between the span tags from the first div?
var name = $('#name').html();
Firstly, id's have to be unique in an html document. So,ideally, you need to change those id's within the div to a class. Secondly, id's cannot begin with a numeric, so you need to change your div id's to start with a letter or underscore.
With that in mind, given this structure:
<div id="one">
<span class="name">Josh</span>
<div class="quote">Run</div>
<div id="two">
<span class="name">Mark</span>
<div class="quote">Run</div>
you would be looking for:
var name = $('#one .name').html();
id's should be unique across a page. You should change the name and quote id's to a class, which do not have to be unique.
<div id="1">
<span class="name">Josh</span>
<div class="quote">Run</div>
<div id="2">
<span class="name">Mark</span>
<div class="quote">Run</div>
You could then select via:
$('#1 .name')
You should also bare in mind that id's should not start with a number (except in HTML5)
var name = $("#1 span").html()
var name = $('#1 #name').html();
this should work for you:
$("#1 span").text();
You have some problems with your HTML though. You should not have any duplicate IDs in your HTML, they must be unique. ID shouldn't start with a number either.
You can view the fiddle here:
you can select the first span tag content of your div #1 this way as well :
var name = $("#1 span:first").html();
Adding #1 before #name would select the first div
var name = $('#1 #name').html();

