Having some trouble with php mail on localhost with XAMPP - javascript

I'm trying to work locally so I installed XAMPP and need help resolving an issue while sending mail via a php script on localhost. I've tested everything on a web-facing server and it works fine.
I'm getting the error 'Cannot POST /php/mail.php' from http://localhost:3000/php/mail.php.
I've changed the php.ini and sendmail.ini files and believe they are correctly configured for it to work.
Getting some errors in the DevTools console related to inline scripts but I think they are related to the error page.
Is there somewhere else I can look to debug this error?


Laravel Vuejs Uncaught (in promise) ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk blogs-component failed

I have a Laravel + Vuejs project and while everything works fine on local development, 2 pages are throwing the ChunkLoadError.
I have looked at other issues on SO, and checked my output path, file is really there.
Page is here : https://dev.trouveruncouvreur.ca/guide-toiture and same for https://dev.trouveruncouvreur.ca/city/d-soumission-couvreur-toiture-Brossard
Error is here :
The chunk is available if you click on the link https://dev.trouveruncouvreur.ca/js/blogs-component.js
Edit: I deleted the project from the dev server, and reinstalled everything without success. I keep having the same issue. I did install on another server I have access to, and the error is gone, pages are all served correctly. We just found out client on dev server is using Cloudflare, so once we have acces, we can delete cache and see how it goes.
In this case, Cloudflare's cache was the culprid. All vues files/chunk are now correctly served.

psql crash: No such file or directory on m1 Mac

I was coding and suddenly my mac froze, I couldn't really do much and I force shutdown my mac and after restarting my code won't run saying it can't connect to the database. I checked if psql had any issue and this error message pops up.
"psql: error: connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory. Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?"
I tried everything to fix even trying to reinstall psql and nothing works. I found a tutorial online saying to check the /usr/local/var/postgres and deleting ostmaster.pid. But I can't find that file anywhere. My /usr/local is also a bit different, I don't have these files var/postgres. I'm freaking out rn :'(
Try checking the environment variables on your pc and check to see if psql is in the path. this make fix the issue
Nvm just fixed it, the file is under homebrew. I deleted it and now everything works again!

Javascript webpage doesn't work on localhost, but OK as file:///

but... file:///home/me/public_html/path/index.html everything works fine...
I'm trying to get a javascript page to run locally. (Using Ubuntu 14.04 and Apache)
When I open the file file:///home/me/public_html/path/to/index.html directory from file manager the webpage javascript runs fine all OK. (by double clicking the index.html file)
When I open it in chrome/firefox using localhost/~me/path/to/index.html only the html is rendered - the javascript doesn't run.
What have I missed or have failed to account for?
The js source files look like this:
<script src="libraries/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="libraries/prettify/prettify.js"></script>
<script src="libraries/tinycolor.js"></script>
[Solved] it was the subdirectory permissions... they were drwx------and should have been drwxr-xr-x - localhost works now.
Install FireBug in Firefox and view the Console tab. If you found any Network Error, then there is a problem for your Apache to perform requests.
When I faced the same problem, it was the issue of my WAMP stack not able to perform requests due to installation of Bitnami Stacks which were interfering with the Apache of WAMP.

I think my server is broken, files that do not exist are showing up in Chrome

I deleted a javascript file from my website and instead of showing 404, even after deleting the cache and restarting my PC, chrome is showing that the file still exists. As is firefox and IE.
How do I get the browsers to update, or is this just my server's fault
If your JS file is public, try to get it with this terminal command:
wget yoursice.com/your/file/path/youfile.js
If it doesn't give you an error, and download your file, mean that the file it's not deleted...

apache xampp how to find cause of internal error 500

On my PHP website i m getting Internal Server Error 500. I dont know what causing error, even not getting any line number or file name which causing error. I want to know the cause of error so can solve it.
I'm using JavaScript to call PHP function and that function includes other PHP file. And finally JavaScript function gets XML data for further processing
I checked the logs available but not found anything. logs path:
Where error 500 logs are stored?
Any suggestion?
By default errors are written to error.log in $xamppdir\apache\logs. This can be changed in the apache config though.
Directives to look for in the configuration file:

