Creating a JS function and specifying its scope? - javascript

I had a random, rather rudimentary question pop into my head as I was writing some JS about scopes and closures. (Please bear with me with the rather convoluted example.)
Let's say I have two functions, one that's more or less a decorator called "makeMagicFn". This thing takes in an object, looks up the randomFn method on it, and does something cool to it, attaching it as a property to a new object as someSpecialFn, returning the object.
The second function is where that magic happens. It has a few local variables inside of it, and then defines the "random" function for use in the makeMagicFn described above.
Here's the fun part. The randomFn, defined here as innerFn, looks up the variables defined on outerFn's scope (foo and baz), and does some stuff with them. At the end, the decorated innerFn is returned from outerFn to be used by its caller.
function makeMagicFn({ randomFn }) {
const someSpecialFn = makeSomethingAwesomeWithRandomFn(fn);
return {someSpecialFn};
function outerFn() {
const foo = "bar";
const baz = "qux";
const insideFn = () => {
console.log(foo, baz);
const {someSpecialFn} = makeMagicFn({ randomFn: insideFn });
return someSpecialFn;
Now for my question.
Does JS allow me to define innerFn outside of outerFn, in such a way that allows access to outerFn's scope, so it can look up the variables without throwing a ___ is not defined error? (E.g. if I wanted to import it from a separate file instead.) Like using .bind, except setting the context not on outerFn's this, but its place in memory instead.

No, this is not possible. Local variables are local, and scope is lexical. To create a closure over them, you must define the function where they are in scope.
You can do lots of trickery if you don't make foo and baz local variables but properties of an object, which you then can pass around (in the easiest case, as an argument to makeMagicFn).


Where are JavaScript constants stored in browser?

I want to be able to take a string and use that to retrieve the value of a constant that has that string's name. In particular, the constant will equal an arrow function.
const foo = (bar) => { return bar }
I expected that it would show up in the window object, but it doesn't:
let fn = window['foo'] // undefined
Right now, the only way I can figure out how to do this is to use the older function syntax:
function foo(bar) { return bar }
let fn = window['foo'] // function foo(bar) { return bar }
Is there a way I can get the function from the string of its name, when the function is stored within a constant?
I feel the need to clarify why I would want to start defining functions like this, as most responses have seemed to find the distinction important. It essentially comes down to scope and mutability.
The way arrow functions handle the this keyword is a little easier to grok with arrow functions and I believe should be the standard behavior unless the old behavior is explicitly required.
Second, the way mutability works with JavaScript, I think that defining functions as constants is a bit safer. Example:
function foo(bar) { return bar }
// Elsewhere
let foo = 4;
// Back at the ranch
foo("return this string please") // foo is not a function.
Ultimately, I think this just reduces mutability, and also causes fewer surprises when using this.
Only global variables get assigned a matching property on the global object. Nothing else, including constants, does.
The value of a constant won't automatically appear anywhere except in the constant itself.
If you want to access it via a string, then store it as a property of an object (preferably not the global object though, that's a disorganised mess with a significant risk of clashing with other code).

"this" as scope limiter?

I'm trying to understand "this" and everything I've looked at talks about context. What this has led me to is the idea that "this" is a scope limiter. It makes sure your variables are referenced using the proper scope, mostly by keeping variables "local" -ish in scope, and keeping them from reaching too far out from where the running code is.
My question is: is that correct? I tried to do searches using the concept I'm trying to get across, but those came up with totally bad results. There is a lot of nuance with "this", and from the reading I've done, I feel like this is a better explanation than what I've seen, but I want to make sure I'm correct in that thinking.
this and variable scope are separate concepts. Variable scope refers to which variables can be accessed from where within your application. Just because you wrote var foo somewhere doesn't mean that you can access it from everywhere throughout your codebase. In Javascript each function introduces a new scope, and scopes nest in a way that inner functions have access to the scope of outer functions, but not vice versa.
this on the other hand is simply a "magic" reference to the "current" object. Maybe it's helpful to explain this idea in the context of other, classical languages first:
class Foo {
protected $bar;
public function baz() {
echo $this->bar;
In PHP the magic keyword $this refers to the current object instance. Each time you call new Foo, a new instance of this class is created. Every time you call $foo->baz(), the same function is executed, though with $this set to the appropriate object instance so each object instance can access its own data.
In Python this is actually a lot more explicit:
class Foo:
def baz(self):
Python does not have a magic keyword to refer to the current object instance. Instead, every method call on an object gets the current object passed explicitly as its first argument. This is typically named self. If Python seems too alien to you, the above in PHP syntax would be:
class Foo {
public function baz($this) {
echo $this->bar;
Technically the functions in those classes do not really "belong" to any "class". They're just functions. You just need some way for those functions to be able to refer to a polymorphic object in order for them to be instance methods. Take for example:
function baz($obj) {
echo $obj->baz;
That's essentially exactly the same as what the class method does above, with the difference being that $obj is explicitly injected instead of $this being magically "there".
Javascript has the same thing, except that this is available in every function (not just "class" functions) and that the object this points to can be freely changed at runtime. this is simply a magic keyword that points to an object, period.
function Foo() { = null;
this.baz = function () {
When calling regular functions on objects like foo.baz(), this typically refers to foo inside of baz(); though it really doesn't have to:
This takes the function foo.baz and calls it while setting the this keyword inside baz to someOtherObj. It freely re-associates the function with another object instance, if you will. But only because the only thing that "bound" the function to the object in the first place was the this keyword anyway. The function will still simply do console.log(, whatever refers to.
A more complete example:
function Foo() { = 'baz';
Foo.prototype.speak = function () {
var o = new Foo();
o.speak(); // alerts 'baz'
alert(; // also alerts 'baz'
var o2 = { bar : 42 };
o.speak.apply(o2); // alerts 42
As you can see, this doesn't limit the scope of anything. What's happening here?
The Foo constructor is called with new Foo(). new simply creates a new object and executes Foo() with this set to this new object. Basically:
var tmp = {}; // tmp does not *actually* exist,
// that's more or less what `new` does behind the scenes
The Foo constructor assigns the bar property of that new object. = 'baz';
The new object is assigned to o.
var o = tmp;
o.speak() is a function bound to that object through its prototype. Calling it as o.speak(), this inside speak() refers to the o object. Because that object has a property bar, this works.
Notice that it's also possible to do alert( The .bar property was set on this originally, then this became o. So o has the property .bar, which is a regular property of the object. It's not scope limited or anything.
Next, we simply create another object o2, which also happens to have a bar property. Then we call o.speak, but we explicitly override the choice of what this refers to using apply. We simply do a switcheroo on what object the this keyword refers to. Thereby the speak function alerts the bar property of the o2 object.
As you see (hopefully, I know this can be brain bending at first), this is nothing more and nothing less than a reference to an object. That's all. It doesn't limit at all the scope of anything. functions limit scopes, this is just an arbitrary object. Anything you set on this is not limited in scope; on the contrary, it's always publicly accessible from anywhere you have access to the object.
It's incredible how trivial it all is once you manage to wrap your head around it. this refers to an object, it is simply Javascript's magic keyword to refer to an object. There are certain trivial rules which object it refers to at any given time, but all those can be bend and broken and reassigned. An object is simply a thing with properties. The properties can be functions. Only functions limit variable scope. That's pretty much all there is to it. Don't try to interpret anything else into this.

Javascript Function Declaration Options

I've seen experts using below to declare a function:
(function () {
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
Could someone help me understand when should we use above pattern and how do we make use of it?
Well, since ECMA6 hasn't arrived yet, functions are about the best way to create scopes in JS. If you wrap a variable declaration of sorts in an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression), that variable will not be created globally. Same goes for function declarations.
If you're given the seemingly daunting task of clearing a script of all global variables, all you need to do is wrap the entire script in a simple (function(){/*script here*/}());, and no globals are created, lest they are implied globals, but that's just a lazy fix. This pattern is sooo much more powerful.
I have explained the use of IIFE in more detail both here, here and here
The basic JS function call live-cycle sort of works like this:
f();//call function
====> inside function, some vars are created, along with the arguments object
These reside in an internal scope object
==> function returns, scope object (all vars and args) are GC'ed
Like all objects in JS, an object is flagged for GC (Garbage Collection) as soon as that object is not referenced anymore. But consider the following:
var foo = (function()
var localFoo = {bar:undefined};
return function(get, set)
if (set === undefined)
return localFoo[get];
return (localFoo[get] = set);
When the IIFE returns, foo is assigned its return value, which is another function. Now localFoo was declared in the scope of the IIFE, and there is no way to get to that object directly. At first glance you might expect localFoo to be GC'ed.
But hold on, the function that is being returned (and assigned to foo still references that object, so it can't be gc'ed. In other words: the scope object outlives the function call, and a closure is created.
The localFoo object, then, will not be GC'ed until the variable foo either goes out of scope or is reassigned another value and all references to the returned function are lost.
Take a look at one of the linked answers (the one with the diagrams), In that answer there's a link to an article, from where I stole the images I used. That should clear things up for you, if this hasn't already.
An IIFE can return nothing, but expose its scope regardless:
var foo = {};
//obj references foo here
var localFoo = {}; = 'I am set in a different scope';
obj.getLocal = function()
return localFoo;
This IIFE returns nothing (implied undefined), yet console.log(foo.getLocal()) will log the empty object literal. foo itself will also be assigned property. But wait, I can do you one better. Assume foo has been passed through the code above once over:
var bar = foo.getLocal();
bar.newProperty = 'I was added using the bar reference';
bar.getLocal = function()
return this;
console.log(foo.getLocal().newProperty === bar.newProperty);
console.log(bar ==== foo.getLocal());
console.log(bar.getLocal() === foo.getLocal().getLocal());
//and so on
What will this log? Indeed, it'll log true time and time again. Objects are never copied in JS, their references are copied, but the object is always the same. Change it once in some scope, and those changes will be shared across all references (logically).
This is just to show you that closures can be difficult to get your head round at first, but this also shows how powerful they can be: you can pass an object through various IIFE's, each time setting a new method that has access to its own, unique scope that other methdods can't get to.
Closers aren't all that easy for the JS engines to Garbage Collect, but lately, that's not that big of an issue anymore.
Also take your time to google these terms:
the module pattern in JavaScript Some reasons WHY we use it
closures in JavaScript Second hit
JavaScript function scope First hit
JavaScript function context The dreaded this reference
IIFE's can be named functions, too, but then the only place where you can reference that function is inside that function's scope:
(function init (obj)
//obj references foo here
var localFoo = {}; = 'I am set in a different scope';
obj.getLocal = function()
return localFoo;
if (!this.wrap)
{//only assign wrap if wrap/init wasn't called from a wrapped object (IE foo)
obj.wrap = init;
var fooLocal = foo.getLocal();
//assign all but factory methods to fooLocal:
console.log(fooLocal.getLocal());//circular reference, though
console.log(init);//undefined, the function name is not global, because it's an expression
This is just a basic example of how you can usre closures to create wrapper objects...
Well the above pattern is called the immediate function. This function do 3 things:-
The result of this code is an expression that does all of the following in a single statement:
Creates a function instance
Executes the function
Discards the function (as there are no longer any references to it after the statement
has ended)
This is used by the JS developers for creating a variables and functions without polluting the global space as it creates it's own private scope for vars and functions.
In the above example the function f(){} is in the private scope of the immediate function, you can't invoke this function at global or window scope.
Browser-based JavaScript only has two scopes available: Global and Function. This means that any variables you create are in the global scope or confined to the scope of the function that you are currently in.
Sometimes, often during initialization, you need a bunch of variables that you only need once. Putting them in the global scope isn't appropriate bit you don't want a special function to do it.
Enter, the immediate function. This is a function that is defined and then immediately called. That's what you are seeing in Crockford's (and others') code. It can be anonymous or named, without defeating the purpose of avoiding polluting the global scope because the name of the function will be local to the function body.
It provides a scope for containing your variables without leaving a function lying around. Keeps things clean.

JavaScript Function declaration style

In Javascript, I have seen three different ways to define a function.
Conventional style:
function foo()
//do something
New Js Ninja Style
var foo = function(){
//do something
DOM specific style = function(){
//do something
What question is,
What is the difference between the above three? And which one should I be using & why?
The first one is function declaration. It is hoisted (you could use it anywhere inside current scope).
The second one is a variable definition using anonymous function. Variable is hoisted, assignment stays in place. The function may not be used until the line where you assign it.
The third one is assigning a global method. Similar to the second one, although works with global object, which is not good.
Yet, you could think about the fourth alternative(named function expression):
var foo = function bar(){ //do something }
Here, bar will be available only inside itself, which is useful for recursion and not churning current scope with it.
You are selecting any approach based on your needs. I'd only vote against the second approach, as it makes function behave like a variable.
As soon as you mention both the second and the third option, I'd like to remind that polluting global object is considered bad practice. You'd better think about using self-executing anonymous functions to create separate scope, e.g.
var t = 42; // window.t still does not exist after that
I suppose you may find a more detailed article on JavaScript Scoping and Hoisting useful.
First, see Javascript: var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}.
Then we get to the difference between var foo = and =.
The first is a locally scoped variable which is nice and lovely (unless it is done in the global scope). The second is a an explicit global, which has all the usual issues of globals (such as likelihood of conflicting with other code).

I've Heard Global Variables Are Bad, What Alternative Solution Should I Use?

I've read all over the place that global variables are bad and alternatives should be used. In Javascript specifically, what solution should I choose.
I'm thinking of a function, that when fed two arguments (function globalVariables(Variable,Value)) looks if Variable exists in a local array and if it does set it's value to Value, else, Variable and Value are appended. If the function is called without arguments (function globalVariables()) it returns the array. Perhaps if the function is fired with just one argument (function globalVariables(Variable)) it returns the value of Variable in the array.
What do you think? I'd like to hear your alternative solutions and arguments for using global variables.
How you would use globalVariables();
function append(){
globalVariables("variable1","value1"); //globalVariables() would append variable1 to it's local array.
function retrieve(){
var localVariable1 = globalVariables("variable1"); //globalVariables() would return "value1".
function retrieveAll(){
var localVariable1 = globalVariables(); //globalVariables() would return the globalVariable()'s entire, local [persistently stored between calls] array.
function set(){
globalVariables("variable1","value2"); //globalVariables() would set variable1 to "value2".
Is this a Singleton Pattern BTW?
In this specific scenario a function may set a variable at one point in time, and much later another function, maybe when a user submits a form, will need to get that variable. Therefore the first function couldn't pass the variable as an argument to the later function as it would never be called from the first.
Thank you, I appreciate all your help!
The primary reason why global variables are discouraged in javascript is because, in javascript all code share a single global namespace, also javascript has implied global variables ie. variables which are not explicitly declared in local scope are automatically added to global namespace. Relying too much on global variables can result in collisions between various scripts on the same page (read Douglas Crockford's articles).
One way to reduce global variables is to use the YUI module pattern. The basic idea is to wrap all your code in a function that returns an object which contains functions that needs to be accessed outside your module and assign the return value to a single global variable.
var FOO = (function() {
var my_var = 10; //shared variable available only inside your module
function bar() { // this function not available outside your module
alert(my_var); // this function can access my_var
return {
a_func: function() {
alert(my_var); // this function can access my_var
b_func: function() {
alert(my_var); // this function can also access my_var
now to use functions in your module elsewhere, use FOO.a_func(). This way to resolve global namespace conflicts you only need to change the name of FOO.
Semantics my boy. Semantics.
Start with one global: myApp = {};
Everything should be in that. The only exception would be your AJAX library (there are some extreme exceptions like working with JSONP callbacks).
There should be very few properties in myApp. You'll want to hold your application properties in containers such as config or settings.
myApp = {
List: function(props){},
Item: function(props){}
Then you may have more properties in lower modules, components, singletons and Class constructors (widgets).
This setup gives you the added benefit of being able to access any property from any other location since you can get it with the myApp global. However, you should use "this" whenever possible because the lookup is faster. And just set the property directly, don't bother with the pseudo getter/setter stuff. If you really need a getter/setter, code it for that specific use.
The reason your example doesn't work is it's too generic and you seem to be looking for an excuse to work in the global space.
And don't get clever with private variables. They're bad too:
Global state causes problems in several areas. One is code reuse. When you access some global state that means the component must be aware of it's environment(something outside of itself). You should avoid this as much as possible, because it makes the component unpredictable.
Say I have an object that accesses your globalVariables function and I want to use it in another page. How do I know to define the globalVariables object or even how to define it? However if you can pass the information into a constructor or as an argument to a function then I can easily determine what is required by the object.
Also when you access or modify the global scope then you risk affecting other objects. This is why libraries like jquery use only a single name on the global scope(the least possible). It lessens the possibility of conflict with other libraries. In other words the global scope is out of your control, so it is dangerous.
Using global variables is generaly speaking a bad practice, regardless of the language of choice. They are not even (easily) allowed to use when at strict mode, which I highly recommend.
Consider this piece of code I found:
if (typeof session != 'undefined' && !data.cart.request_status)
data.input_definitions.passengers =
inflate_passenger(session, data.input_definitions.passengers);
I needed to turn around and ask a felow programmer where did this session variable came from, as no code search showed up where was set.
I turned out another package from the company sets the global variable.
Code it's like a joke: if you need to explain it it's probably not that good.
Workaround using ES6:
If at Node, use import or require to bring the desired stuff into lexical scope, don't let people touch your global environment without you knowing it.
import {Sesssion} from 'api-core';
const Session = require('api-core').session;
If you are at the frontend delivering code for the browser you can't use import unless you transpile your ES6 code using Babel.
Example transpiling using Gulp.js:
// $ npm install --save-dev gulp-babel babel-preset-es2015
// gulpfile.js
const gulp = require('gulp');
const babel = require('gulp-babel');
gulp.task('transpile', () => {
return gulp.src('src/app.js')
.pipe(babel({presets: ['es2015']}))
// $ gulp transpile
Legacy workaround:
When using ES6 features is not an option the only workaround to using a bunch of global variables, is using only one, and have hope:
// scripts/app.js
var MyApp = {
globals: {
foo: "bar",
fizz: "buzz"
var ASHIVA_HandsOffNHS = (function() {
var my_var = 10;
function bar() {
console.log(my_var + 5);
myObject = {};
myObject['a_func'] = function() {
my_var += 10;
myObject['b_func'] = function() {
my_var = 0;
return myObject;
The issue with your solution is that it just makes you code harder to understand while still keeping all the downsides of global variables. The page you linked to covers the problems. The only problem your proposed solution really solves is namespace pollution but at the cost of not being able to see what global variables are declared as easily as the declaration is a function call).
The solution is to write code without global variables. If a function needs a value pass it as a argument.
You really don't want to do this.
As to why see e.g. the top post here: What is the most EVIL code you have ever seen in a production enterprise environment?
As a side note, one can always execute "global" code without littering the place with globals:
(function() {
var notaglobal = 1;
//notaglobal is not defined in this scope
Other answer most explain with anonymous function as this article mention,
Anonymous functions are difficult to debug, maintain, test, or reuse.
Here are example with normal function. It's easier to read and understand.
/* global variable example */
var a= 3, b= 6;
function fwithglobal(){
console.log(a, b); // 3 6 expected
fwithglobal(); // first call
function swithglobal(){
var a=9;
console.log(a, b); // not 3 6 but 9 6
swithglobal(); // second call
/* global variable alternative(function parameter) */
function altern(){
var a= 3, b= 6; // var keyword needed
function f_func(n, m){
console.log(n, m); // 3 6 expected
function s_func(n, m){
var a=9;
console.log(n, m); // 3 6 expected
altern(); // only once
Global variables are bad... if left unmanaged!
The potential risks of global variables is as high as the pleasure and productivity gains of having frequently used objects ready to use.
I don't believe one should seek a single alternative. Instead I advocate for one object in charge of managing those globals and as the code base/component matures, refactor them out
One thing not mentioned in the current answers which I think is critical is an understanding of DI and IoC containers. These address many of the problems people try to solve with global variables, but covering related concerns that plain globals can't, like object life cycles.

