Javascript Function Declaration Options - javascript

I've seen experts using below to declare a function:
(function () {
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
Could someone help me understand when should we use above pattern and how do we make use of it?

Well, since ECMA6 hasn't arrived yet, functions are about the best way to create scopes in JS. If you wrap a variable declaration of sorts in an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression), that variable will not be created globally. Same goes for function declarations.
If you're given the seemingly daunting task of clearing a script of all global variables, all you need to do is wrap the entire script in a simple (function(){/*script here*/}());, and no globals are created, lest they are implied globals, but that's just a lazy fix. This pattern is sooo much more powerful.
I have explained the use of IIFE in more detail both here, here and here
The basic JS function call live-cycle sort of works like this:
f();//call function
====> inside function, some vars are created, along with the arguments object
These reside in an internal scope object
==> function returns, scope object (all vars and args) are GC'ed
Like all objects in JS, an object is flagged for GC (Garbage Collection) as soon as that object is not referenced anymore. But consider the following:
var foo = (function()
var localFoo = {bar:undefined};
return function(get, set)
if (set === undefined)
return localFoo[get];
return (localFoo[get] = set);
When the IIFE returns, foo is assigned its return value, which is another function. Now localFoo was declared in the scope of the IIFE, and there is no way to get to that object directly. At first glance you might expect localFoo to be GC'ed.
But hold on, the function that is being returned (and assigned to foo still references that object, so it can't be gc'ed. In other words: the scope object outlives the function call, and a closure is created.
The localFoo object, then, will not be GC'ed until the variable foo either goes out of scope or is reassigned another value and all references to the returned function are lost.
Take a look at one of the linked answers (the one with the diagrams), In that answer there's a link to an article, from where I stole the images I used. That should clear things up for you, if this hasn't already.
An IIFE can return nothing, but expose its scope regardless:
var foo = {};
//obj references foo here
var localFoo = {}; = 'I am set in a different scope';
obj.getLocal = function()
return localFoo;
This IIFE returns nothing (implied undefined), yet console.log(foo.getLocal()) will log the empty object literal. foo itself will also be assigned property. But wait, I can do you one better. Assume foo has been passed through the code above once over:
var bar = foo.getLocal();
bar.newProperty = 'I was added using the bar reference';
bar.getLocal = function()
return this;
console.log(foo.getLocal().newProperty === bar.newProperty);
console.log(bar ==== foo.getLocal());
console.log(bar.getLocal() === foo.getLocal().getLocal());
//and so on
What will this log? Indeed, it'll log true time and time again. Objects are never copied in JS, their references are copied, but the object is always the same. Change it once in some scope, and those changes will be shared across all references (logically).
This is just to show you that closures can be difficult to get your head round at first, but this also shows how powerful they can be: you can pass an object through various IIFE's, each time setting a new method that has access to its own, unique scope that other methdods can't get to.
Closers aren't all that easy for the JS engines to Garbage Collect, but lately, that's not that big of an issue anymore.
Also take your time to google these terms:
the module pattern in JavaScript Some reasons WHY we use it
closures in JavaScript Second hit
JavaScript function scope First hit
JavaScript function context The dreaded this reference
IIFE's can be named functions, too, but then the only place where you can reference that function is inside that function's scope:
(function init (obj)
//obj references foo here
var localFoo = {}; = 'I am set in a different scope';
obj.getLocal = function()
return localFoo;
if (!this.wrap)
{//only assign wrap if wrap/init wasn't called from a wrapped object (IE foo)
obj.wrap = init;
var fooLocal = foo.getLocal();
//assign all but factory methods to fooLocal:
console.log(fooLocal.getLocal());//circular reference, though
console.log(init);//undefined, the function name is not global, because it's an expression
This is just a basic example of how you can usre closures to create wrapper objects...

Well the above pattern is called the immediate function. This function do 3 things:-
The result of this code is an expression that does all of the following in a single statement:
Creates a function instance
Executes the function
Discards the function (as there are no longer any references to it after the statement
has ended)
This is used by the JS developers for creating a variables and functions without polluting the global space as it creates it's own private scope for vars and functions.
In the above example the function f(){} is in the private scope of the immediate function, you can't invoke this function at global or window scope.

Browser-based JavaScript only has two scopes available: Global and Function. This means that any variables you create are in the global scope or confined to the scope of the function that you are currently in.
Sometimes, often during initialization, you need a bunch of variables that you only need once. Putting them in the global scope isn't appropriate bit you don't want a special function to do it.
Enter, the immediate function. This is a function that is defined and then immediately called. That's what you are seeing in Crockford's (and others') code. It can be anonymous or named, without defeating the purpose of avoiding polluting the global scope because the name of the function will be local to the function body.
It provides a scope for containing your variables without leaving a function lying around. Keeps things clean.


"Closure" in Javascript using object references: where are "private variables" stored?

Disclaimer: this may be a silly question, but it's something that has got me confused while studying Javascript.
I recently ran across the paradigmatic method to create private variables using closure in Javascript, namely using a function that returns an object that has reference to "private variables" through its methods
var safebox = function() {
var _privateVariable = "abcd";
return {
"accessFunction":function() {
return _privateVariable;
safebox.accessFunction(); // "abcd"
That is to say, the mechanism of closure maintains the variable _privateVariable even after the enclosing function returns.
What happens if the private variable is an object to which a reference is maintained after the enclosing function returns?
var safebox = function () {
var _secretObject = {"secret": "abcd"}
return {referenceToSecretObject: _secretObject};
console.log(safebox); // "abcd"
safebox.referenceToSecretObject.secret = "def";
console.log(safebox); // "def"
Here, as I understand it, ´_secretObject´ still exists, as we have a (shared) reference to it in ´safebox.referenceToSecretObject´. But this isn't closure (as I understand it). Is it just what it is, that the variable still exists because there is a reference to it (not garbage collected) even after the function returns? I am just confused because it seems close in form to closure, but perhaps I'm just seeing some resemblance that is purely coincidental.
Inside the function you have:
A variable _secretObject which has a value that is a reference to an object
A second object with a property referenceToSecretObject which has a reference to the same object
You are calling that function and assigning the return value (the second object) to safebox.
At this point the function finishes.
What happens if the private variable is an object to which a reference is maintained after the enclosing function returns?
The variable _secretObject drops out of scope. There is nothing that can access it. The variable is cleaned up. It no longer exists.
The object _secretObject used to reference still exists because the second object still references it (and the second object is referenced by safebox).
If you were to then, for example, safebox = null then the reference to the second object would go away.
This would leave 0 references to the second object so it would be garbage collected.
This would get rid of the referenceToSecretObject so there would be 0 references to the first object.
It is at this point that the first object would be garbage collected.
In Javascript there are not such things like private variables or private functions like in PHP. The underscore sign is only a convention.
You can play with the closures to kinda have a "private like variable". For instance :
function Foo(bar)
//bar is inside a closure now, only these functions can access it
this.setBar = function() {bar = 5;}
this.getBar = function() {return bar;}
//Other functions
var myFoo = new Foo(5);
console.log(; //Undefined, cannot access variable closure
console.log(myFoo.getBar()); //Works, returns 5

Callback definition closure issue

I run into a bit of confusion regarding scoping with respect to where a callback is defined.
function test(){
var b = 3
var fun = function(){
var printingFunction = function(){
return fun
test()() //prints 3, as expected because of closures
However, the following doesnt work
function test(){
var b = 3
var fun = function(cb){
return fun
test()(function(){console.log(b)}) //b is not defined
I would expect that since the function is passed as an argument and has not been defined before, its definition takes place inside 'fun' and therefore it would have access to b. Instead, it looks a lot like the function is first defined in the scope where its passed and THEN passed as an argument. Any ideas/pointers?
EDIT: Some extra pointers.
We couldn't possibly claim that "a" is a definition. What happens here implicitly is that "a" is assigned to a variable named by the argument name so var argumentNameInDefintion = "a". This happens in the body of someFunction.
Similarly we cant claim {} is a definition in : someFunction({}). So why would:
decide that function(){} is a definition is beyond me. Had it been
var a = function(){}
everything would make perfect sense. Maybe its just how the language works.
Scoping in JavaScript is lexical. If you look at your examples, you can see that where printingFunction is defined, lexically (e.g., in the source text) b is declared in a containing scope. But in your second example, it isn't. That's why b can't be resolved in your second example but can in your first.
The way it works is that when a function is created, it has a reference to a conceptual object containing the variables and such in the scope in which it's created (which has a fancy name: "Lexical Environment object"); and that object has a reference to the one that contains it. When looking up a variable reference, the JavaScript engine looks at the current lexical environment object and, if it finds the variable, uses it; otherwise, it looks to the previous one in the chain, and so on up to the global one.
More details can be found:
In this SO question's answers
In this post on my anemic little blog
The issue stems from me not understanding that function(){} on its own is a definition and so is "a" and {}. Since these are definitions then the definition scope of the function passed is appropriately placed where it is and the world makes sense again.
In first case, it is forming a closure and has access to the variable "b" but in second case it does not form a closure at all. If you put a debugger just before the cb() inside the function, you will notice that there is no closure formed and the reason of that being the callback function is suplied to the function as an argument and it becomes local to that function which does not have any knowledge of the variable b.
Think of it as two different functions, one in which it has a local variable "b" and in other no local variable but we are trying to access it which throws the reference error.

Javascript hide the context

What's the best way for a method to call another method and pass the arguments in not-by-reference fashion?
function main() {
let context = {};
// Pass context to someOtherFunction
// Such that console.log(context) in this function does not show `{whatever: true}`
function someOtherFunc(context) {
context.whatever = true;
I realize I can clone the context and pass that. But I was wondering if there was another way to do this, maybe using anonymous function wrap?
Okay, let's break this down a bit
const context = {x: true};
Above, you create an object (named context) in the global scope.
function(x) {
"use strict";
x.y = true;
You create an anonymous function that takes a reference to an object, and adds a new property y to that object
You wrapped the above function into an IIFE so it immediately executes. For the parameter, you supplied a reference to the global context object, which is referenced by x inside the IIFE.
Objects are passed around by reference. Passing context in to the function doesn't create a new object x that is a copy of the context, it creates a new reference x that references the same object that context references.
If you need to actually copy the provided object into a new object, you need to do that yourself. As mentioned above, one mechanism is to stringify the object into JSON and then parse the JSON back to a new object. There are others depending on what you need to accomplish.
This isn't even a scope or context question at all - it's passing a reference to an object in to a function. Even if your IIFE had no way whatsoever of directly accessing the context variable, once you pass a reference to that object as an input to the function, the function has the reference and can do what it likes to it.
You also seem to misunderstand about how IIFEs hide data. You hide things inside the IIFE from things outside, not vice versa. Even then, it won't prevent you from passing a reference outside of the IIFE. Here's an example:
function changeName(animal) {
"use strict"
// = "Rex"; // Error - myDog isn't a valid reference in this scope
// = "Rex"; // Error - myCat isn't a valid reference in this scope either = "Rex"; // Perfectly legal
(function () {
var myDog = {name: "Rover"};
var myCat = {name: "Kitty"};
changeName(myDog); // Even though changeName couldn't directly access myDog, if we give it a reference, it can do what it likes with it.
In this case, changeName has no access to myDog or myCat which are purely contained within the closure formed by the IIFE. However, the code that exists within that IIFE is able to pass a reference to myDog to changeName and allow it to change the name of the dog, even though changeName still couldn't access the object using the myDog variable.
This is because you are not technically redefining x, but adding properties to it.
I didn't really understood where your doubts came from so this is (to the best of my knowledge) an explanation of what your code is doing.
I'll try to translate the code to human-english.
Define the variable context in the "global scope". (It can be read from anywhere)
It cannot be redefined because its a constant.
Afterwards, define an anonymous self-invoking function (which "starts" a new "local scope" above the global scope so it has access to everything the global scope had access to)
This self invoking function grabs parameter x and adds the property y with a value of true to x and calls itself with the variable context
Read the value of context.
Please read:
JavaScript Scope
JavaScript Function Definitions (Self-Invoking Functions)

javascript closure advantages?

Whats the main purpose of Closures in JS. Is it just used for public and private variables? or is there something else that I missed. I am trying to understand closure and really want to know what are the main advantages of using it.
Closures have to do with how javascript is scoped. To say it another way, because of the scoping choices (i.e. lexical scoping) the javascript designers made, closures are possible.
The advantage of closures in javascript is that it allows you to bind a variable to an execution context.
var closedIn = {};
var f = function(){
closedIn.blah = 'blah'; // closedIn was just "closed in" because I used in the function, but it was defined outside the function.
in that example, you have a normal object literal called closedIn. It is accessed in a function. Because of that, javascript knows it has to bring closedIn everywhere it brings the function f, so it is available to f.
The this keyword is tricky. this is always a reference to the execution scope. You can capture the this of one context to use in another context as follows:
var that = this;
var f = function(){
// `this` means the scope f, `that` means whatever 'this' was when defined outside of the function
This trick can be very useful somethings, if you are coding object oriented javascript and want a callback to have access to some external scope.
To quote from a Javascript book:
"Functions in JavaScript are lexically
rather than dynamically scoped. This
means that they run in the scope in
which they are defined, not the scopee
from which they are executed. When a
function is defined, the current scope
chain is saved and becomes part of the
internal state of the function."
So the clear advantage is that you can bring any object (functions, objects, etc) along with the scope chain as far as is necessary. This is can also be considered a risk, because your apps can easily consume lots of memory if you are not careful.
I think the best phrase to sum up the purpose of closures would be:
Data Encapsulation
With a function closure you can store data in a separate scope, and share it only where necessary.
If you wanted to emulate private static variables, you could define a class inside a function, and define the private static vars within the closure:
(function () {
var foo;
foo = 0;
function MyClass() {
foo += 1;
MyClass.prototype = {
howMany: function () {
return foo;
window.MyClass = MyClass;
Closures are necessary in javascript due to the fact that most API's that require callback functions (for instance, an "onclick" function) do not provide other mechanisms to send parameters to those callback functions (or to explicitly set the "this" pointer). Instead, you need to use closures to allow the callback to access variables in the "parent" function.
I personally wish that they weren't necessary, since they can be hard to understand, make for hard to read code (it's not always clear what exactly is in scope), and make for weird bugs. Instead I wish there was a standard for callbacks that allowed you to send parameters, etc. But I accept that I am in the minority in this view.
As we know, the variables that are defined in functions, have local scope. We can't access them from outside of the function.
Problem 1:
local variables are created when the function is called and they will be destroyed when the function's task is finished. It means local variables have shorter life time than global variables. We may use global variables to overcome that issue.
Global variables are available when the program starts and are destroyed when it ends. They are also available throughout the program.
Problem 2:
Since global variables are accessible throughout the program, they are prone to change from everywhere.
What do we want?
We want to have data persistency + data encapsulation.
We can achieve them by using Closures. By using a closure we can have private variables that are available even after a function's task is finished.
function initCounter() {
let counter = 0;
return function () {
return ++counter;
// Each counter is persistent
const countJumps = initCounter();
alert("Jumps count is: " + countJumps());
const countClicks = initCounter();
alert("Clicks count is: " + countClicks());
// Each counter is isolated
alert(counter); // Error: counter is not defined

Why is this function wrapped in parentheses, followed by parentheses? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript?
(28 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I see this all the time in javascript sources but i've never really found out the real reason this construct is used. Why is this needed?
(function() {
Why is this written like this? Why not just use stuff by itself and not in a function?
EDIT: i know this is defining an anonymous function and then calling it, but why?
This defines a function closure
This is used to create a function closure with private functionality and variables that aren't globally visible.
Consider the following code:
var test = true;
variable test is not visible anywhere else but within the function closure where it's defined.
What is a closure anyway?
Function closures make it possible for various scripts not to interfere with each other even though they define similarly named variables or private functions. Those privates are visible and accessible only within closure itself and not outside of it.
Check this code and read comments along with it:
// public part
var publicVar = 111;
var publicFunc = function(value) { alert(value); };
var publicObject = {
// no functions whatsoever
// closure part
// private variables and functions
var closureVar = 222;
var closureFunc = function(value){
// call public func
// alert private variable
// add function to public object that accesses private functionality
pubObj.alertValues = closureFunc;
// mind the missing "var" which makes it a public variable
anotherPublic = 333;
// alert 111 & alert 222
// try to access varaibles
alert(publicVar); // alert 111
alert(anotherPublic); // alert 333
alert(typeof(closureVar)); // alert "undefined"
Here's a JSFiddle running code that displays data as indicated by comments in the upper code.
What it actually does?
As you already know this
creates a function:
function() { ... }
and immediately executes it:
this function may or may not accept additional parameters.
jQuery plugins are usually defined this way, by defining a function with one parameter that plugin manipulates within:
(function(paramName){ ... })(jQuery);
But the main idea is still the same: define a function closure with private definitions that can't directly be used outside of it.
That construct is known as a self-executing anonymous function, which is actually not a very good name for it, here is what happens (and why the name is not a good one). This:
function abc() {
Defines a function called abc, if we wanted an anonymous function (which is a very common pattern in javascript), it would be something along the lines of:
function() {
But, if you have this you either need to associate it with a variable so you can call it (which would make it not-so-anonymous) or you need to execute it straight away. We can try to execute it straight away by doing this:
function() {
But this won't work as it will give you a syntax error. The reason you get a syntax error is as follows. When you create a function with a name (such as abc above), that name becomes a reference to a function expression, you can then execute the expression by putting () after the name e.g.: abc(). The act of declaring a function does not create an expression, the function declaration is infact a statement rather than an expression. Essentially, expression are executable and statements are not (as you may have guessed). So in order to execute an anonymous function you need to tell the parser that it is an expression rather than a statement. One way of doing this (not the only way, but it has become convention), is to wrap your anonymous function in a set of () and so you get your construct:
(function() {
An anonymous function which is immediately executed (you can see how the name of the construct is a little off since it's not really an anonymous function that executes itself but is rather an anonymous function that is executed straight away).
Ok, so why is all this useful, one reason is the fact that it lets you stop your code from polluting the global namespace. Because functions in javascript have their own scope any variable inside a function is not visible globally, so if we could somehow write all our code inside a function the global scope would be safe, well our self-executing anonymous function allows us to do just that. Let me borrow an example from John Resig's old book:
// Create a new anonymous function, to use as a wrapper
// The variable that would, normally, be global
var msg = "Thanks for visiting!";
// Binding a new function to a global object
window.onunload = function(){
// Which uses the 'hidden' variable
alert( msg );
// Close off the anonymous function and execute it
All our variables and functions are written within our self-executing anonymous function, our code is executed in the first place because it is inside a self-executing anonymous function. And due to the fact that javascript allows closures, i.e. essentially allows functions to access variables that are defined in an outer function, we can pretty much write whatever code we like inside the self-executing anonymous function and everything will still work as expected.
But wait there is still more :). This construct allows us to solve a problem that sometimes occurs when using closures in javascript. I will once again let John Resig explain, I quote:
Remember that closures allow you to reference variables that exist
within the parent function. However, it does not provide the value of
the variable at the time it is created; it provides the last value of
the variable within the parent function. The most common issue under
which you’ll see this occur is during a for loop. There is one
variable being used as the iterator (e.g., i). Inside of the for loop,
new functions are being created that utilize the closure to reference
the iterator again. The problem is that by the time the new closured
functions are called, they will reference the last value of the
iterator (i.e., the last position in an array), not the value that you
would expect. Listing 2-16 shows an example of using anonymous
functions to induce scope, to create an instance where expected
closure is possible.
// An element with an ID of main
var obj = document.getElementById("main");
// An array of items to bind to
var items = [ "click", "keypress" ];
// Iterate through each of the items
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
// Use a self-executed anonymous function to induce scope
// Remember the value within this scope
var item = items[i];
// Bind a function to the element
obj[ "on" + item ] = function() {
// item refers to a parent variable that has been successfully
// scoped within the context of this for loop
alert( "Thanks for your " + item );
Essentially what all of that means is this, people often write naive javascript code like this (this is the naive version of the loop from above):
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
var item = items[i];
// Bind a function to the elment
obj[ "on" + item ] = function() {
alert( "Thanks for your " + items[i] );
The functions we create within the loop are closures, but unfortunately they will lock in the last value of i from the enclosing scope (in this case it will probably be 2 which is gonna cause trouble). What we likely want is for each function we create within the loop to lock in the value of i at the time we create it. This is where our self-executing anonymous function comes in, here is a similar but perhaps easier to understand way of rewriting that loop:
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
obj[ "on" + item ] = function() {
alert( "Thanks for your " + items[index] );
Because we invoke our anonymous function on every iteration, the parameter we pass in is locked in to the value it was at the time it was passed in, so all the functions we create within the loop will work as expected.
There you go, two good reasons to use the self-executing anonymous function construct and why it actually works in the first place.
It's used to define an anonymous function and then call it. I haven't tried but my best guess for why there are parens around the block is because JavaScript needs them to understand the function call.
It's useful if you want to define a one-off function in place and then immediately call it. The difference between using the anonymous function and just writing the code out is scope. All the variables in the anonymous function will go out of scope when the function's over with (unless the vars are told otherwise, of course). This can be used to keep the global or enclosing namespace clean, to use less memory long-term, or to get some "privacy".
It is an "anonymous self executing function" or "immediately-invoked-function-expression". Nice explanation from Ben Alman here.
I use the pattern when creating namespaces
var APP = {};
Such a construct is useful when you want to make a closure - a construct helps create a private "room" for variables inaccessible from outside. See more in this chapter of "JavaScript: the good parts" book:
In the example shown on top of page 38, you see that the variable "status" is hidden within a closure and cannot be accessed anyway else than calling the get_status() method.
I'm not sure if this question is answered already, so apologies if I'm just repeating stuff.
In JavaScript, only functions introduce new scope. By wrapping your code in an immediate function, all variables you define exist only in this or lower scope, but not in global scope.
So this is a good way to not pollute the global scope.
There should be only a few global variables. Remember that every global is a property of the window object, which already has a lot of properties by default. Introducing a new scope also avoids collisions with default properties of the window object.

