Getting error: Test webhook error: 400 when trying to send a test event to a webhook endpoint - javascript

I am attempting to send a test webhook as instructed in this tutorial.
But when I go to do it I get the error seen in the first link, and below:
Test webhook error: 400
Here is my index.ts code & functions I have deployed to firebase functions.
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
// const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const stripe = require('stripe')(functions.config().keys.webhooks);
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const endpointSecret = functions.config().keys.signing;
​ = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
let sig = request.headers["stripe-signature"];
try {
let event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(request.rawBody, sig, endpointSecret); // Validate the request
return admin.database().ref('/events').push(event) // Add the event to the database
.then((snapshot: { ref: { toString: () => any; }; }) => {
// Return a successful response to acknowledge the event was processed successfully
return response.json({ received: true, ref: snapshot.ref.toString() });
.catch((err: any) => {
console.error(err) // Catch any errors saving to the database
return response.status(500).end();
catch (err) {
return response.status(400).end(); // Signing signature failure, return an error 400
exports.exampleDatabaseTrigger = functions.database.ref('/events/{eventId}').onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
return console.log({
eventId: context.params.eventId,
data: snapshot.val()
How do I fix this and successfully run the test?
My current thinking is that the problem may have something to do with:
How I wrote this line: snapshot: { ref: { toString: () => any; };
From my testing, this does not appear to be the case.

I don't believe that the 'test webhook' properly signs them; you should use Stripe CLI for this instead.


TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object

I am using the source code from a security rules tutorial to attempt to do integration testing with Jest for my Javascript async function async_create_post, used for my firebase HTTP function create_post The files involved has a directory structure of the following:
Testing file: root/tests/handlers/posts.test.js
File to be tested: root/functions/handlers/posts.js
Helper code from the tutorial: root/tests/rules/helpers.js
And here is the source code that is involved:
const { setup, teardown} = require("../rules/helpers");
const {
} = require("../../functions/handlers/posts");
describe("Post Creation", () => {
afterEach(async () => {
await teardown();
test("should create a post", async () => {
const db = await setup();
const malloryUID = "non-existent uid";
const firstPost = {
body: "First post from Mallory",
author_id: malloryUID,
images: ["url1", "url2"]
const before_post_snapshot = await db.collection("posts").get();
await async_create_post(firstPost); //fails at this point, expected to create a new post, but instead threw an error
const after_post_snapshot = await db.collection("posts").get();
const {admin, db } = require('../util/admin');
//admin.initializeApp(config); //my credentials
//const db = admin.firestore();
const { uuid } = require("uuidv4");
const {
} = require("../util/validators");
exports.async_create_post = async (data, context) => {
try {
const images = [];
data.images.forEach((url) => {
uid: uuid(),
url: url
const postRecord = {
body: data.body,
images: images,
last_updated: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
like_count: 0,
comment_count: 0,
deleted: false,
author_id: data.author_id
const generatedToken = uuid();
await db
// return success_response();
return success_response(generatedToken);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error in creation of post", error);
return error_response(error);
When I run the test in Webstorm IDE, with 1 terminal running Firebase emulators:start , I get the following error message.
Error in creation of post TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object
at validateString (internal/validators.js:120:11)
at Object.basename (path.js:1156:5)
at GrpcClient.loadProto (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/google-gax/src/grpc.ts:166:23)
at new FirestoreClient (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/v1/firestore_client.js:118:38)
at ClientPool.clientFactory (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/index.js:330:26)
at ClientPool.acquire (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/pool.js:87:35)
at (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/pool.js:164:29)
at Firestore.request (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/index.js:961:33)
at WriteBatch.commit_ (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/write-batch.js:485:48)
at exports.async_create_post (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/handlers/posts.js:36:5) {
at exports.async_create_post (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/handlers/posts.js:44:13)
Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality
Expected: 1
Received: 0
<Click to see difference>
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/tests/handlers/posts.test.js:59:45)
Error in creation of post comes from the console.log("Error in creation of post", error); in posts.js, so the error is shown in the title of this post.
I want to know why calling the async_create_post from posts.test.js will cause this error and does not populate my database with an additional record as expected behaviour. Do inform me if more information is required to solve the problem.
Here are some code snippets that may give more context.
helpers.js [Copied from the repository]
const firebase = require("#firebase/testing");
const fs = require("fs");
module.exports.setup = async (auth, data) => {
const projectId = `rules-spec-${}`;
const app = firebase.initializeTestApp({
const db = app.firestore();
// Apply the test rules so we can write documents
await firebase.loadFirestoreRules({
rules: fs.readFileSync("firestore-test.rules", "utf8")
// write mock documents if any
if (data) {
for (const key in data) {
const ref = db.doc(key); // This means the key should point directly to a document
await ref.set(data[key]);
// Apply the actual rules for the project
await firebase.loadFirestoreRules({
rules: fs.readFileSync("firestore.rules", "utf8")
return db;
// return firebase;
module.exports.teardown = async () => {
// Delete all apps currently running in the firebase simulated environment
Promise.all(firebase.apps().map(app => app.delete()));
// Add extensions onto the expect method
async toAllow(testPromise) {
let pass = false;
try {
await firebase.assertSucceeds(testPromise);
pass = true;
} catch (error) {
// log error to see which rules caused the test to fail
return {
message: () =>
"Expected Firebase operation to be allowed, but it was denied"
async toDeny(testPromise) {
let pass = false;
try {
await firebase.assertFails(testPromise);
pass = true;
} catch (error) {
// log error to see which rules caused the test to fail
return {
message: () =>
"Expected Firebase operation to be denied, but it was allowed"
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {
} = require('./handlers/posts');
exports.create_post = functions.https.onCall(async_create_post);
The error message means that a method of the path module (like path.join) expects one of its arguments to be a string but got something else.
I found the offending line by binary search commenting the program until the error was gone.
Maybe one of your modules uses path and you supply the wrong arguments.

Firebase Callable Function context is undefined

I have written a firebase Http callable cloud function based on the tutorial here: from the firebase team. However, my function is unable to verify the custom claims on a user (me) as 'context.auth' is undefined
I've updated firebase, firebase tools, firebase-functions and admin SDK to the latest versions.
My functions/Index.ts file
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
export const addAdmin = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
if (context.auth.token.admin !== true) {
return {
error: 'Request not authorized'
const uid = data.uid
return grantAdminRole(uid).then(() => {
return {
result: `Request fulfilled!`
async function grantAdminRole(uid: string): Promise<void> {
const user = await admin.auth().getUser(uid);
if (user.customClaims && (user.customClaims as any).admin === true) {
console.log('already admin')
return admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(user.uid, {
admin: true,
}).then(() => {
console.log('made admin');
My app.component.ts code
makeAdmin() {
var addAdmin = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('addAdmin');
addAdmin({ uid: '[MY-USER-ID]' }).then(res => {
.catch(error => {
The function executes well if I don't try to access 'context' and I can add a custom claim to this user. However if I try to access context.auth I find the error:
Unhandled error TypeError: Cannot read property 'token' of undefined"
The error message is telling you that context.auth doesn't have a value. As you can see from the API documentation, auth will be null if there is no authenticated user making the request. This suggests to me that your client app does not have a signed-in user at the time of the request to the callable function, so make sure that is the case before invoking the function. If you allow the case where a callable function can be invoked without a signed in user, you will need to check for that case in your function code by checking context.auth before doing work on behalf of that user.
Turns out I wasn't properly integrating AngularFire Functions. I found the solution to my problem here:
I changed my client component code to the following:
import { AngularFireFunctions } from '#angular/fire/functions';
//other component code
makeAdmin() {
const callable = this.fns.httpsCallable('addAdmin');$ = callable({ uid: '[USERID]' })
.subscribe(resp => {
console.log({ resp });
}, err => {
console.error({ err });

Error: deadline-exceeded when working with firebase cloud functions

I have written a small contact form, that calls a firebase cloud function to store the request to cloud firestore. Everything works fine, except that after 60seconds the website throws the following error:
Error: deadline-exceeded
I used this reference:
This is my cloud function:
exports.newRequest = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
return admin
.then(ref => {
console.log(`New request written. ${ref}`)
.catch(err => {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError("unknown", error.message, error)
This is the function call:
const functions = firebase.functions()
const addMessage = functions.httpsCallable(`newRequest`)
name: name,
contact: contact,
message: message,
timestamp: new Date(,
.then(result => {
console.log(`Cloud function called successfully. Ref: ${}`)
.catch(error => {
// Getting the Error details.
var code = error.code
var message = error.message
var details = error.details
console.log(code, message, details)
Does anybody know how to fix this?
Here is the cloud function log:
7:19:33.751 PM newRequest Function execution started
7:19:33.751 PM newRequest Billing account not configured. External network is not accessible and quotas are severely limited. Configure billing account to remove these restrictions
7:19:33.755 PM newRequest Function execution took 5 ms, finished with status code: 204
7:19:33.896 PM newRequest Function execution started
7:19:33.896 PM newRequest Billing account not configured. External network is not accessible and quotas are severely limited. Configure billing account to remove these restrictions
7:19:34.744 PM newRequest New request written. [object Object]
7:19:34.746 PM newRequest Function execution took 851 ms, finished with status code: 200
My setup in detail:
I got a gatsby page, where I init firebase.
import * as firebase from "firebase/app"
const firebaseConfig = {}
useEffect(() => {
if (!firebase.apps.length) {
} else {
I got a contact form react component with the following handleSubmit method.
import * as firebase from "firebase/app"
import "firebase/functions"
const handleSubmit = evt => {
const addMessage = firebase.functions().httpsCallable(`newRequest`)
name: name,
contact: contact,
message: message,
timestamp: new Date(,
.then(result => {
console.log(`Cloud function called successfully. Ref: ${}`)
.catch(error => {
// Getting the Error details.
var code = error.code
var message = error.message
var details = error.details
console.log(code, message, details)
This is what the chrome dev tools say:
Exception: Error: deadline-exceeded at new HttpsErrorImpl (http://localhost:8000/commons.js:4409:28) at http://localhost:8000/commons.js:4715:20
code: "deadline-exceeded"
details: undefined
message: "deadline-exceeded"
stack: "Error: deadline-exceeded↵ at new HttpsErrorImpl (http://localhost:8000/commons.js:4409:28)↵ at http://localhost:8000/commons.js:4715:20"
__proto__: Error
And this is the promise creator:
* Returns a Promise that will be rejected after the given duration.
* The error will be of type HttpsErrorImpl.
* #param millis Number of milliseconds to wait before rejecting.
function failAfter(millis) {
return new Promise(function (_, reject) {
setTimeout(function () {
reject(new HttpsErrorImpl('deadline-exceeded', 'deadline-exceeded'));
}, millis);
I'm experiencing this problem since several days now and I don't know where it is comming from :(
3 years later! I got this error also on a long running (e.g. 2 mins) firebase function, also using HttpsCallable like the OP
FirebaseError functions/deadline-exceeded
I fixed it by making 2 changes:
(1) increase the firebase function timeout on the server as follows:
exports.myFunction = functions.runWith({
timeoutSeconds: 540
}).https.onCall(async (data: any) => {
return await myFunction(data)
alternatively you can manually set the firebase function timeout via the GCP console at
click the function name and click edit and you can increase the timeout there
(2) set the HttpsCallableOptions timeout option:
const functions: Functions = getFunctions()
const options: HttpsCallableOptions = { timeout: 530 * 1000 } // slightly less than the 540 seconds BE timeout
const callable: HttpsCallable = httpsCallable(functions, 'flowPlayerExists', options)
const promise: Promise<HttpsCallableResult> = callable({ id })
I had to make BOTH these changes to get it to work!
Is it "useEffect" from React Hooks ?
If yes, your firebase init (in useEffect) is done every render.
If you want that useEffect apply only once (like componentDidMount) you should pass an empty array in second param.
useEffect(() => {
if (!firebase.apps.length) {
} else {
}, []);

How do I test axios in Jest?

I have this action in React:
export function fetchPosts() {
const request = axios.get(`${WORDPRESS_URL}`);
return {
payload: request
How do I test Axios in this case?
Jest has this use case on their site for asynchronous code where they use a mock function, but can I do this with Axios?
Reference: An Async Example
I have done this so far to test that it is returning the correct type:
it('should dispatch actions with the correct type', () => {
let action = store.getActions();
How can I pass in mock data and test that it returns?
Without using any other libraries:
import * as axios from "axios";
// Mock out all top level functions, such as get, put, delete and post:
// ...
test("good response", () => {
axios.get.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: {...} }));
// ...
test("bad response", () => {
axios.get.mockImplementation(() => Promise.reject({ ... }));
// ...
It is possible to specify the response code:
axios.get.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ status: 200, data: {...} }));
It is possible to change the mock based on the parameters:
axios.get.mockImplementation((url) => {
if (url === '') {
return Promise.resolve({ data: {...} });
} else {
Jest v23 introduced some syntactic sugar for mocking Promises:
axios.get.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: {...} }));
It can be simplified to
axios.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: {...} });
There is also an equivalent for rejected promises: mockRejectedValue.
Further Reading:
Jest mocking documentation
A GitHub discussion that explains about the scope of the jest.mock("axios") line.
A related question which addresses applying the techniques above to Axios request interceptors.
Using jest functions like mockImplementation in TypeScript: Typescript and Jest: Avoiding type errors on mocked functions
I used axios-mock-adapter.
In this case the service is described in ./chatbot.
In the mock adapter you specify what to return when the API endpoint is consumed.
import axios from 'axios';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
import chatbot from './chatbot';
describe('Chatbot', () => {
it('returns data when sendMessage is called', done => {
var mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
const data = { response: true };
mock.onGet('').reply(200, data);
chatbot.sendMessage(0, 'any').then(response => {
You can see it the whole example here:
I could do that following the steps:
Create a folder __mocks__/ (as pointed by #Januartha comment)
Implement an axios.js mock file
Use my implemented module on test
The mock will happen automatically
Example of the mock module:
module.exports = {
get: jest.fn((url) => {
if (url === '/something') {
return Promise.resolve({
data: 'data'
post: jest.fn((url) => {
if (url === '/something') {
return Promise.resolve({
data: 'data'
if (url === '/something2') {
return Promise.resolve({
data: 'data2'
create: jest.fn(function () {
return this;
Look at this
The function to test album.js
const fetchAlbum = function () {
return axios
.then((response) => {
The test album.test.js
const axios = require("axios");
const { fetchAlbum } = require("../utils.js");
test("mock axios get function", async () => {
const album = {
userId: 1,
id: 2,
title: "sunt qui excepturi placeat culpa",
const payload = { data: album };
// Now mock axios get method
axios.get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(payload);
await expect(fetchAlbum()).resolves.toEqual(album);
I've done this with nock, like so:
import nock from 'nock'
import axios from 'axios'
import httpAdapter from 'axios/lib/adapters/http'
axios.defaults.adapter = httpAdapter
describe('foo', () => {
it('bar', () => {
.reply(200, 'some payload')
// test...
For those looking to use axios-mock-adapter in place of the mockfetch example in the Redux documentation for async testing, I successfully used the following:
File actions.test.js:
describe('SignInUser', () => {
var history = {
push: function(str) {
it('Dispatches authorization', () => {
let mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
mock.onPost(`${ROOT_URL}/auth/signin`, {
email: '',
password: 'test'
}).reply(200, {token: 'testToken' });
const expectedActions = [ { type: types.AUTH_USER } ];
const store = mockStore({ auth: [] });
return store.dispatch(actions.signInUser({
email: '',
password: 'test',
}, history)).then(() => {
In order to test a successful case for signInUser in file actions/index.js:
export const signInUser = ({ email, password }, history) => async dispatch => {
const res = await`${ROOT_URL}/auth/signin`, { email, password })
.catch(({ response: { data } }) => {
if (res) {
dispatch({ type: AUTH_USER }); // Test verified this
localStorage.setItem('token',; // Test mocked this
history.push('/feed'); // Test mocked this
Given that this is being done with jest, the localstorage call had to be mocked. This was in file src/setupTests.js:
const localStorageMock = {
removeItem: jest.fn(),
getItem: jest.fn(),
setItem: jest.fn(),
clear: jest.fn()
global.localStorage = localStorageMock;
New tools for testing have been introduced since the question was initially answered.
The problem with mocking is that you often test the mock and not the real context of your code, leaving some areas of this context untested.
An improvement over telling axios what promise to return is intercepting http requests via Service Workers.
Service worker is a client-side programmable proxy between your web app and the outside world. So instead of mocking promise resolution it is a more broader solution to mock the proxy server itself, intercepting requests to be tested. Since the interception happens on the network level, your application knows nothing about the mocking.
You can use msw (Mock Service Worker) library to do just that. Here is a short video explaining how it works.
The most basic setup I can think of is this:
1️⃣ set up handlers, which are similar to express.js routing methods;
2️⃣ set up mock server and pass handlers as it’s arguments;
3️⃣ configure tests to so that mock server will intercept our requests;
4️⃣ perform tests;
5️⃣ close mock server.
Say you want to test the following feature:
import axios from "axios";
export const fetchPosts = async () => {
const request = await axios.get("/some/endpoint/");
return {
payload: request,
Then test could look like this:
import { rest } from "msw";
import { setupServer } from "msw/node";
import fetchPosts from "./somewhere";
// handlers are usually saved in separate file(s) in one destined place of the app,
// so that you don't have to search for them when the endpoints have changed
const handlers = [ 1️⃣
rest.get("/some/endpoint/", (req, res, ctx) =>
res(ctx.json({ message: "success" }))
const server = setupServer(...handlers); 2️⃣
beforeAll(() => {
server.listen(); 3️⃣
describe("fetchPosts", () => {
it("should return 'success' message", async () => {
const resp = await fetchPosts();
expect(resp.payload?.data?.message).toEqual("success"); 4️⃣
afterAll(() => {
server.close(); 5️⃣
The configuration may be different depending on framework you are using. Some general examples for, among others, React (both REST and GraphQL) and Angular can be found on MSW’ repo. A Vue example is provided by VueMastery.
You can also find examples on MSW' recipes page.

Object defined outside fetch but not inside

I'm using tmi.js to get the data of a chat message on
This is my code:
const tmi = require('tmi.js');
const options = {
options: {
debug: true
identity: {
username: process.env.OAUTH_USERNAME,
password: process.env.OAUTH_PASSWORD
connection: {
reconnect: true
channels: [`instak`]
const client = new tmi.client(options);
client.on(`chat`, (channel, userstate, message/*, self */) => {
console.log(userstate.username); //This logs my userstate, I can see the username which is passed on correctly.
switch (message) {
case `!kluiten`:
fetch(`http://localhost:8000/api/users/${userstate.username}`) // fetch from Express.js server
.then(response => response.json())
.then(result => {
console.log(`USERSTATE IS`, userstate);
client.action(channel, `${userstate[`display-name`]}, you've got ${result.instakluiten} instakluiten.`);
// Connect the client to the server..
As I said in the commented part after the console.log(userstate), I get all the correct information I was expecting, so outside of the switch case and the fetch. However, when I log my userstate.username inside the fetch, userstate is undefined... I don't see why that happens, because when I did it in the front-end I had no problems... Now I'm doing it in node and it's undefined...
This looks like a common "you need to wait for your response"-problem, but I don't see a logical explanation for that being the problem because in the client.on(chat) userstate is defined... I'm troubled.

