Multiple consecutive 5 minute countdown timers - javascript

I want to make 3 countdown timers where the next one starts when the last one ends (the first timer will start counting down the time automatically, but the second timer will only start when the first one reaches 0:00 and the third one will only start when the second one reaches 0:00).
I found this code for a countdown timer:
function countDown() {
var seconds = 60;
var mins = 5;
function clickClock() {
var counter = document.getElementById("countdown1");
var currentMinutes = mins - 1;
counter.innerHTML = currentMinutes.toString() + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(seconds);
if(seconds > 0) {
setTimeout(clickClock, 1000);
} else {
if(mins > 1) {
On my HTML, I have 3 spans, each with a unique ID (#countdown1, #countdown2, #countdown3)
I have tried passing in an parameter to the clickClock() function called counter so that whenever I called the function I could enter the id of the element I wanted to affect, didn't work.
I could just make 2 other functions that would do exactly the same thing but would change the counter variable, but I'd like to avoid repeating unnecessary things in my code.
How could this be done?
Any help is appreciated :)

I'd do something like this:
/////////// USAGE
const timersDurationInMilliseconds = 1000 * 5; // for 5 minutes do: 1000 * 60 * 5
// Render initial timer content
RenderTimer('countdown1', timersDurationInMilliseconds);
RenderTimer('countdown2', timersDurationInMilliseconds);
RenderTimer('countdown3', timersDurationInMilliseconds);
// Start countdown, then start another ones
countDown(timersDurationInMilliseconds, 'countdown1')
.then(() => countDown(timersDurationInMilliseconds, 'countdown2'))
.then(() => countDown(timersDurationInMilliseconds, 'countdown3'))
.then(() => alert('All timers finished!'));
function countDown(durationInMilliseconds, elementId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const updateFrequencyInMilliseconds = 10;
const currentTimeInMilliseconds = new Date().getTime();
const endTime = new Date(currentTimeInMilliseconds + durationInMilliseconds);
function updateTimer(elementId) {
let timeLeft = endTime - new Date();
if (timeLeft > 0) {
// We're not done yet!
setTimeout(updateTimer, updateFrequencyInMilliseconds, elementId);
} else {
// Timer has finished!
// depending on update frequency, timer may lag behind and stop few milliseconds too late
// this will cause timeLeft to be less than 0
// let's reset it back to 0, so it renders nicely on the page
timeLeft = 0;
RenderTimer(elementId, timeLeft);
function padNumber(number, length) {
return new String(number).padStart(length || 2, '0'); // adds leading zero when needed
function RenderTimer(elementId, timeLeft) {
const hoursLeft = Math.floor(timeLeft / 1000 / 60 / 60 % 60);
const minutesLeft = Math.floor(timeLeft / 1000 / 60 % 60);
const secondsLeft = Math.floor(timeLeft / 1000 % 60);
const millisecondsLeft = timeLeft % 1000;
const counterElement = document.getElementById(elementId);
counterElement.innerHTML = `${padNumber(hoursLeft)}:${padNumber(minutesLeft)}:${padNumber(secondsLeft)}.${padNumber(millisecondsLeft, 3)}`;
<p>First countdown: <span id="countdown1"></span></p>
<p>Second countdown: <span id="countdown2"></span></p>
<p>Third countdown: <span id="countdown3"></span></p>
If you want to only display minutes and seconds, you can adjust that behavior in RenderTimer method.
If you don't plan on displaying milliseconds to the user, you may want to change how frequent the timer is updated and rendered on the page by adjusting the updateFrequencyInMilliseconds variable (e.g. from 10ms to 1000ms).


Set Interval() and ClearInterval() logic support

having difficulty stopping timer outside of loop. I don't really know why the setTimeout() has been helping the function work... and i know its not the most syntactically correct.. but wondering if someone can help point me as to how to be able to call it outside the function to stop the countdown, say if an action occurs before the timer, and want to call a stopCountdown() function?
function countdown(start){
setTimeout(setCountdown, 1000);
let startingMinutes = timerEl.innerHTML;
startingMinutes = start;
let time = startingMinutes * 60;
function setCountdown(){
const minutes = Math.floor(time/60);
let seconds = time % 60;
if(seconds < 10){
seconds = '0' + seconds
} else {
if(minutes <=0 && seconds <=0){
} else{
setTimeout(setCountdown, 1000);
timerEl.innerHTML = (minutes + ':'+seconds)
function stopCountdown(){
document.querySelector("#countdown").innerText = '0'
Welcome to coding, I am trying my best to explain it. First, let me point out some of my opinion on your code
function countdown(start){
setTimeout(setCountdown, 1000);
let startingMinutes = timerEl.innerHTML;
startingMinutes = start;
// I am not sure why you firstly initializing startMinutes
// to the value of timerEl.innerHTML
//and then reassign the value of startMinutes to variable start next line
let time = startingMinutes * 60;
function setCountdown(){
const minutes = Math.floor(time/60);
let seconds = time % 60;
if(seconds < 10){
seconds = '0' + seconds
} else {
if(minutes <=0 && seconds <=0){
clearInterval(start); // you are using setTimeout, not setInterval
} else{
setTimeout(setCountdown, 1000);
timerEl.innerHTML = (minutes + ':'+seconds)
function stopCountdown(){
document.querySelector("#countdown").innerText = '0'
// when calling stopCountdown(), what is the value of start?
// you can't access function setCountdown inside function stopCountdown
If my guess is correct, you want to make a timer and then you can make it stop when calling a stopCountdown function, right?
For a timer, it is simply asking javascript to - 1 seconds for every 1000 ms passed. So we can write a function which -1 seconds and ask JS to run it every 1000ms, right?
In this case, you should use setInterval but not setTimeout (setTimeout can also make a timer, I will also show you). The difference is that setTimeout calls a function ONCE after X milliseconds and setInterval will run a function EVERY X milliseconds.
Here is the code
let countdownIntervalId // get the countdownIntervalId outside by first declearing a variable to catch the id
function countdown(start) { // assume the unit of start is minute
console.log("countdown called, minutes =" + start)
// add code here to change the innerHTML of the timer if you want
let secondsToCount = start * 60; //Converting minutes to seconds
countdownIntervalId = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000); // starting to count down
function timer() { // run every seconds
const minutes = Math.floor(secondsToCount / 60);
let seconds = secondsToCount - minutes*60;
console.log("counter= " + minutes + ':' + `${seconds}`.padStart(2, '0'))
secondsToCount = secondsToCount-1;
if (minutes <= 0 && seconds <= 0) {
clearInterval(countdownIntervalId); // clearInterval
function stopCountdownOutside(){
countdown(2) //countdown 2 mins
You can stop the counter by calling stopCountdownOutside(), you can test on Chrome console. This is because we are passing the intervalId to the countdownIntervalId which is declare outside the function. so we can simply call clearInterval(countdownIntervalId) to stop it
For using the setTimeout
let countdownTimeoutId// get the countdownIntervalId outside by first declearing a variable to catch the id
function countdown(start) { // assume the unit of start is minute
console.log("countdown called, minutes =" + start)
// add code here to change the innerHTML of the timer if you want
let secondsToCount = start * 60; //Converting minutes to seconds
countdownTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000); // starting to count down
function timer() { // run every seconds
const minutes = Math.floor(secondsToCount / 60);
let seconds = secondsToCount - minutes*60;
console.log("counter= " + minutes + ':' + `${seconds}`.padStart(2, '0'))
secondsToCount = secondsToCount-1;
if (minutes <= 0 && seconds <= 0) {
clearTimeout(countdownTimeoutId); // clearTimeout
countdownTimeoutId = setTimeout(timer,1000)
function stopCountdownOutside(){
countdown(1) //countdown 2 mins
you can try to refactor my code to a more clean version, happy coding

reset timer back to 0 by using the timer setInterval/clearInterval for stopwatch

Im working on code for a simple stopwatch. Last obstacle for me is reset the time to zero. The function resetTimer is where i am trying to implement the code. So the webpage will display a page with a timer and three buttons; stop, start and reset. When a user clicks the reset button, the timer is supposed to reset back to zero. I have been having trouble trying to make it work. Any help/ideas would be clutch.
I hope i made myself clear. Again i am trying to make the timer reset to 00:00:00
window.onload = function () {
//grab possible elements needed
const timerEl = document.getElementById("timer-text")
const startBtn = document.getElementById("start")
const restartBtn = document.getElementById("restart");
const stopBtn = document.getElementById('stop');
//hold variables of time and set to 0
let hours = parseInt('0');
let minutes = parseInt('0');
let seconds = parseInt('0');
let time;
function makeTwoNumbers(num) {
if (num < 10) {
return "0" + num
return num
let timer = () => {
if (seconds == 60) {
seconds = 0;
hours = 0
if (minutes == 60) {
minutes = 0;
hours = 0;
timerEl.textContent = makeTwoNumbers(hours)+ ": " + makeTwoNumbers(minutes) + ": " + makeTwoNumbers(seconds);
let runTheClock;
//timer is running
function runTimer() {
runTheClock = setInterval(timer, 20);;
function stopTimer() {
//function will reset timer
function resetTimer() {
if (time === 0) {
time = 0
restartBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
//button will pause the timer
stopBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
//button will start the timer
startBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
Here's a fixed and slightly refactored version.
<div id="timer-text"></div>
<button id="start">start</button>
<button id="restart">restart</button>
<button id="stop">stop</button>
const timerEl = document.getElementById("timer-text")
const startBtn = document.getElementById("start")
const restartBtn = document.getElementById("restart");
const stopBtn = document.getElementById('stop');
let runTheClock;
let seconds = 0;
function makeTwoNumbers(num) {
return ((num < 10) ? "0" : "") + num;
function tick() {
function render(secs) {
const hours = Math.floor(secs / 3600);
const minutes = Math.floor(secs / 60) - (hours * 60);
const seconds = secs % 60;
const val = [hours, minutes, seconds].map(makeTwoNumbers).join(":");
timerEl.textContent = val;
function runTimer() {
runTheClock = setInterval(tick, 1000);
function stopTimer() {
function resetTimer() {
seconds = 0;
restartBtn.addEventListener("click", resetTimer);
stopBtn.addEventListener("click", stopTimer);
startBtn.addEventListener("click", runTimer);
In the reset function it just sets seconds back to 0 and sets the textContent value so it appears on the page. I separated out the calculating and drawing of the time into a render fucntion, so it can be reused whenever it needs to be re-rendered.
To explain the render function.
We only need to store the number of seconds as a persistent variable between the periodic function calls. We can derive hours and minutes from it. This makes it much less error prone than trying to increment hours and minutes as well.
To calculate hours we just divide seconds by 3600 (or 60 x 60 the number of seconds in an hour) and round down.
To calculate minutes we can calculate the number of total minutes (seconds / 60 and round down) then subtract the number of minutes in the hours value we calculated (hours * 60).
For seconds we use modulus or % which is just a fancy word for remainder. So seconds % 60 gives us the remainder value of seconds / 60. For example 61 % 60 = 1. This isn't the only way these values could be calculated.
To build the display string. I just put all of the hours, minutes and seconds in an array. Then used the map method, which applies the function makeTwoNumbers to all of the values. I then used the join method to join all the strings using the delimiter :. It just saves some typing and means you only reference makeTwoNumbers once, making it less work to use a different function later if you want to.
Hope that helps.
I realized that you could simply reset seconds, hours, and minutes to 0 and use a variable true. This would reset it entirely to 0. I couldnt believe how simple it was

javascript countdown echoing wrong time

i want this my javascript code to to be able to be reading 3 hours countdown and also redirect to a new page after the countdown is complete
<script type="text/javascript">
// properties
var count = 0;
var counter = null;
window.onload = function() {
function initCounter() {
// get count from localStorage, or set to initial value of 1000
count = getLocalStorage('count') || 1000;
counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will run it every 1 second
function setLocalStorage(key, val) {
if (window.localStorage) {
window.localStorage.setItem(key, val);
return val;
function getLocalStorage(key) {
return window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem(key) : '';
function timer() {
count = setLocalStorage('count', count - 1);
if (count == -1) {
var seconds = count % 60;
var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60);
var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
minutes %= 60;
hours %= 60;
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = hours + "hours " + minutes + "minutes and " + seconds + " seconds left to complete this transaction"; // watch for spelling
<div id="timer"></div>
please help me make it better by making it been able to countdown to three hour and also redirect to another page after the countdown is complete
You didn't properly set total time. You set it to 16 minutes instead of 3 hours. Here is the working code (try it on JSFiddle):
var time = 60 * 60 * 3;
var div = document.getElementById("timer");
var t =;
var loop = function(){
var dt = ( - t) * 1e-3;
if(dt > time){
dt = time - dt;
div.innerHTML = `Hours: ${dt / 3600 | 0}, Minutes: ${dt / 60 % 60 | 0}, Seconds: ${dt % 60 | 0}`;
Also, do not use setInterval and setTimeout for precise timing. These functions are volatile. Use instead.

Javascript timer not displaying?

I'm trying to build a simple timer using JS. So far, I have:
var ms = 1500000;
var refresh = setInterval(function(){
ms -= 1000;
var minutes = Math.floor((ms / 1000 / 60));
var seconds = Math.floor((ms / 1000) % 60);
return {
'minutes': minutes,
'seconds': seconds
$(document).ready(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="minutes"></div>
<div id="seconds"></div>
I can't figure out why the minutes and seconds aren't showing up when I preview the html file in Chrome. I suspect I'm calling the object wrong, but I'm not sure what I should change refresh.minutes and refresh.seconds to.
setInterval does not return the result of the function you pass to it. It returns an ID of the timer that can be used to stop it. You can
set HTML within the function you pass to setInterval (and start timer when document ready) or
store minutes and seconds in global variables
as examples how to make it work.
const start =;
const target = + 1*3600*1e3;
const timeLeft = () => {
const left = target -;
if (left < 0) return false;
return {
min: Math.floor(left/60e3),
sec: Math.floor((left/1e3)%60)
let i; // for setInterval handler
const update = () => {
let data = timeLeft();
if (!data) {
// stop the timer
// save setInterval result for ability to stop the timer
i = setInterval(update, 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<span id="minutes">0</span>:<span id="seconds">0</span>
setInterval Always returns an id. It is not a regular function which can return a value of user's choice.
The best way to achieve what you need is to directly update your html from inside your interval function.
var ms = 1500000;
$(document).ready(function() {
ms -= 1000;
var minutes = Math.floor((ms / 1000 / 60));
var seconds = Math.floor((ms / 1000) % 60);

Countdown Timer With Class

I have the following lines of code on my web page - example/demo.
<p class="countdown-timer">10:00</p>
<p class="countdown-timer">10:00</p>
function startTimer(duration, display) {
var start =,
function timer() {
// get the number of seconds that have elapsed since
// startTimer() was called
diff = duration - ((( - start) / 1000) | 0);
// does the same job as parseInt truncates the float
minutes = (diff / 60) | 0;
seconds = (diff % 60) | 0;
minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
display.textContent = minutes + ":" + seconds;
if (diff <= 0) {
// add one second so that the count down starts at the full duration
// example 05:00 not 04:59
start = + 1000;
// we don't want to wait a full second before the timer starts
setInterval(timer, 1000);
// set the time (60 seconds times the amount of minutes)
var tenMinutes = 60 * 10,
display = document.querySelector('.countdown-timer');
startTimer(tenMinutes, display);
As I'm relatively new to JavaScript/jQuery, how would I be able to make the timer stop on 0 and so that the second clock also works?
I have tried replacing document.querySelector('.countdown-timer'); with $('.countdown-timer');
I created a class to do that a while ago, for one of my projects. It allows you to have multiple counters, with different settings. It can also be configured to be paused or reset with a button, using the available functions. Have a look at how it's done, it might give you some hints:
function Stopwatch(config) {
// If no config is passed, create an empty set
config = config || {};
// Set the options (passed or default)
this.element = config.element || {};
this.previousTime = config.previousTime || new Date().getTime();
this.paused = config.paused && true;
this.elapsed = config.elapsed || 0;
this.countingUp = config.countingUp && true;
this.timeLimit = config.timeLimit || (this.countingUp ? 60 * 10 : 0);
this.updateRate = config.updateRate || 100;
this.onTimeUp = config.onTimeUp || function() {
this.onTimeUpdate = config.onTimeUpdate || function() {
if (!this.paused) {
Stopwatch.prototype.start = function() {
// Unlock the timer
this.paused = false;
// Update the current time
this.previousTime = new Date().getTime();
// Launch the counter
Stopwatch.prototype.keepCounting = function() {
// Lock the timer if paused
if (this.paused) {
return true;
// Get the current time
var now = new Date().getTime();
// Calculate the time difference from last check and add/substract it to 'elapsed'
var diff = (now - this.previousTime);
if (!this.countingUp) {
diff = -diff;
this.elapsed = this.elapsed + diff;
// Update the time
this.previousTime = now;
// Execute the callback for the update
// If we hit the time limit, stop and execute the callback for time up
if ((this.elapsed >= this.timeLimit && this.countingUp) || (this.elapsed <= this.timeLimit && !this.countingUp)) {
return true;
// Execute that again in 'updateRate' milliseconds
var that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, this.updateRate);
Stopwatch.prototype.stop = function() {
// Change the status
this.paused = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
* First example, producing 2 identical counters (countdowns)
$('.countdown-timer').each(function() {
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch({
'element': $(this), // DOM element
'paused': false, // Status
'elapsed': 1000 * 60 * 10, // Current time in milliseconds
'countingUp': false, // Counting up or down
'timeLimit': 0, // Time limit in milliseconds
'updateRate': 100, // Update rate, in milliseconds
'onTimeUp': function() { // onTimeUp callback
$(this.element).html('Go home, it\'s closing time.');
'onTimeUpdate': function() { // onTimeUpdate callback
var t = this.elapsed,
h = ('0' + Math.floor(t / 3600000)).slice(-2),
m = ('0' + Math.floor(t % 3600000 / 60000)).slice(-2),
s = ('0' + Math.floor(t % 60000 / 1000)).slice(-2);
var formattedTime = h + ':' + m + ':' + s;
* Second example, producing 1 counter (counting up to 6 seconds)
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch({
'element': $('.countdown-timer-up'),// DOM element
'paused': false, // Status
'elapsed': 0, // Current time in milliseconds
'countingUp': true, // Counting up or down
'timeLimit': 1000 * 6, // Time limit in milliseconds
'updateRate': 100, // Update rate, in milliseconds
'onTimeUp': function() { // onTimeUp callback
$(this.element).html('Countdown finished!');
'onTimeUpdate': function() { // onTimeUpdate callback
var t = this.elapsed,
h = ('0' + Math.floor(t / 3600000)).slice(-2),
m = ('0' + Math.floor(t % 3600000 / 60000)).slice(-2),
s = ('0' + Math.floor(t % 60000 / 1000)).slice(-2);
var formattedTime = h + ':' + m + ':' + s;
<script src=""></script>
These 2 timers should count down from 10 minutes to 0 seconds:
<p class="countdown-timer">00:10:00</p>
<p class="countdown-timer">00:10:00</p>
But this one will count from 0 to 6 seconds:
<p class="countdown-timer-up">00:00:00</p>
I think your problem is you are passing an array into the startTimer function so it is just doing it for the first item.
If you change the document ready so that you initiate a timer for each instance of .countdown-timer, it should work:
// set the time (60 seconds times the amount of minutes)
var tenMinutes = 60 * 10;
$('.countdown-timer').each(function () {
startTimer(tenMinutes, this);
document.querySelector('.class') will only find first element with .class. If you're already using jQuery I would recommend to do this:
var display = $('.countdown-timer');
for (var i = 0; i < display.length; i++) {
startTimer(tenMinutes, display[i]);
This way it will work for any number of countdown timers.
Here we go, jsfiddle
just changed the querySelector to getElementsByClassName to get all p elements with the same class. You can than start your timer on the different elements by using it's index.
No need for a queue :D
// set the time (60 seconds times the amount of minutes)
var tenMinutes = 60 * 10,
display = document.getElementsByClassName('countdown-timer');
startTimer(tenMinutes, display[0]);
startTimer(tenMinutes, display[1]);

